Show n SOCIETY j jA A most moss unique entertainment was the th toy dance lance given last evening for the members of o the tile younger younger set at which larence Bamberger and Harold Lamb were the hosts The hall hail was transformed trans formed into a scene scene from fairyland fairland the decorations been devised de to represent ent Tolan An Mi nse Christ Christmas Chr st mas tree filled U d the central part p rt of ot tile the room and on this were hung gifts for forU all U the lie guests s each of them hem capable I le of making the most deafening noise nol e Red Reel bells and amI Christmas greens were used on all 11 sides and confetti in great quan quantities tite was for many man sham battles battlesOn battlesOn On the lower floor flOr the smoking and supper supper rooms ro ms were arranged and an these too showed the holiday decorations of or red and green great grent branches of pep pepper tIer per trees giving the colors cOlor Supper was wa served at small sm l tables the guests num numbering numbering bering about Thee The Th affair was chap chaperoned chaperoned chaperoned by b Mrs Irs J y r E Bamberger and aid Mrs Jay ray T Harris Harmis All An of the guests were dressed dreJ sed In fancy dol doll costumes es end many of them impersonated Imp me mechanical dolls and toys v Innumerable family dinners Inners of more or less l elaborateness filled fined the day yes yesterday yesterday tt among the largest being that given at the W Montague Ferry Ferr home homei i and ind that at the F A Druehl home on onEa East Ea t First South street Both lJ h of them were HO strictly family affairs and yet et they were large enough to be preten pretentious pretentious to s At the Ferry home an allday party was held a tree ee In the morning for the little mite folks being followed by a dinner at M which the tha guests were Dr J 3 JO JO O Edy Ed of Grand Rapids E A Tru Truman pulp man the fathers of Mrs E S and Mrs W Iv V M Ferry Fer and nd Mr lr and Mrs E S Serl Ferry erl and their children The guests at the Druehl home were Mr and Mrs Walter Druehl D Mr and Mrs M L Oglesby Mr and Mrs Irs Frank Shrader and the Druehl and Oglesby children 4 Miss Mis Eloise Sadler Miss Geddes Miss Pearl Van Colt Cott and Miss Florence Kimball will be the thc hostesses at t a dance to be given this evening at atthe atthe the tho Sadler home on Eleventh East street s Governor and Mrs M John C Cutler will vill keep open house during the after afternoon afternoon afternoon noon of New Years day da next Tuesday Mr and Mrs Irs W G Lamb mb entertained at a dinner last evening een ng at their apart apartments apartments ments in the time Canning fiats Mrs N X F Putnam leaves today for Montrose Colo Cob 10 to visit vi it Rev Re and Mrs J Knox Bodel Mrs Bodel was for formerly merly Miss Eleanor leanor Putnam I c Mr and Mrs Mr J H Brown entertained a large party of friends last night at a dinner at the Commercial al club m Mr tr Ir and Mrs Irs Ravenal McBeth who have been in the east for some time are expected p back today and will be at home at Whitehall Mr lr and Mrs M a Alexander Russell of Minneapolis are re visiting in the city cit J Mrs Lyndon H Wheeler is In Idaho spending a few fe weeks with her parents Mr lr and Mrs Irs A C Blunck I w 9 Mr and and Mrs Irs F C Richmond entertained a small smal party at a dinner hinner at the Commercial club last evening Mr and Mrs Robert Glendinning and andi i Mr lr and Mrs Mr E W Packard each had ha small dinners at the Alta AHa club yester yesterday yesterday day dl w Mrs William Wiiliam McCaskell returned yesterday from Crom Omaha where she has spent some weeks and is at homo home at Whitehall I tell aU 4 Mr Ir and Mrs I C were the host hast and hostess last la t evening at a din dinner dinner ner ncr at the Commercial club Miss Ida Hanauer will ill entertain at a abridge abridge abridge bridge tea tomorrow afternoon in honor honorof of ot Mrs J H Young of Denver Demer Dr and Mrs Irs G B Pfoutz will en entertain n at a 11 childrens dancing party part tomorrow evering Mrs S Q 0 Lambourne entertained yesterday at a dinner in honor of Mrs Irs J r A Gibson The decorations were Christmas greens and American Beau Beauties Beauties ties Covers were laid for twelve |