Show GREAT FUTURE IS PROMISED NEW COMPANY COMPAN The of lit Boston Bost n says sa I Share Shareholders Shareholders Shareholders holders of tha Greene Consolidated Cop Copper Copper Copper per company and of or the Cananea Central Copper company have hare been een wondering what their new status will be under the thc reorganization and there has been some nimble work dorein dore figuring but out the price at which the shares will sell in the th future based on what they are selling fox for forat at the present time and what they will willbe willbe willbe be worth under the consolidation Unquestionably the proper thing to dc do was to sell seJi the shares on the rise that thai preceded the announcement of ot the deal but this Is clearer clea er seen afterwards than thas before but the interests that have nb come into Greene Consolidated have be become become beCome come known for their ability to take taka their own medicine m and they have given all shares in which they were interested their very best support but put within reasonable limits Unquestionably the very first thing that the ColeR an Interests will do WIllbe willbe will willbe be to provide provia Greene Consolidated with a smelting plant that will be able to treat the ores of the company in the most eco ceo economical economical fashion Other money must also be spent In get gel getting getting ting various other parts of the Greene equipment brought entirely up to date the ultimate object being to enable Greene to produce copper at less than 10 cents a pound Jound possibly as low as 9 cents flat How this will be financed remains yet yetto yetto t tto to be seen Both the Greene Consolidated and the Cananea Central have assets that can be converted into cash One is the shares of the Cananea Central which yet et remains In that concerns treas treasury treasUr ury Ur UI and in the matter of the Greene Con Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated the shares of the Cananea Cen Ceu Central to the number of ot still remain in the Greene treasury and which are ex ox exchangeable cC changeable into the shares of ot the new concern at the rate of one and tw for one of the new Issue The other is that the companies which form the combine will build a Joint smelt smell smelter smeller er against which bonds may be issued which will be redeemable by the com coin companies companies panics in question Dividends will be changed to a different basis and possibly be omitted for a time This latter latto would be the wisest course but it would unquestionably work a hard hardship hardship hardship ship on some of ot the stockholders of ot the Greene Consolidated who have bought th shares as a investment Greene Consolidated Is worth more money speculatively With the tha sums that are arc now being disbursed to the shareholders or of the company turned to te development work It would be a very ver lit little little littie tle tie time until Greene Consolidated would be on a sound and practical working basis that would Insure shareholders far beyond anything they have hac received under tAnder the Greene Greeno management With the new smelting plant that is planned for the Greene Consolidated it would be easily casU possible for the company to produce pounds of copper monthly The output of ot the Cananea Central Cen Central Central It Is expected will reach pounds within the time that It will be pos possible possible sible to erect a concentrator which will make an ultimate production of 1 pounds of copper r monthly easily possible for the Greene Cananea Consolidated Copper company compan The shares of the concern should not sink to very vcr low levels level but if they should get as low as say sa 20 it would be a most excellent purchase for a along along along long turn The of the Greene de dt deposits d posits of ore will make the company the premier lew grade proposition of the th American continent and possibly of or the world This has been brought about by bythe b bythe the addition of skilful management to cx ex exceptional natural advantages |