Show SONG SERVICE AT ST MARKS Enlarged Choir of Thirty Sing Singers Singers Singers ers Renders Old Christ Christmas Chr Christmas st mas Anthems DEAN BREWSTER SPEAKS r CHILDRENS FESTIVAL FOR FRI FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY DAY EVENING St SI Marks cathedral celebrated Christ Christmas Chr Christmas st mas yesterday with song service The Tho program was commenced at 10 and long before that hour the church was filled with members and friends An en enlarged enlarged enlarged choir comprising thirty ty singers in itt full vestments sang old Christmas hymns h and anthems Beauty of the Common The Rev Re Benjamin Brewster took for his hi text tet This shall hall be a sign alga unto you OU Ye Yc shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling swaddling dung clothes and In a manger and his theme was The Value of Common Hu flu Humanity Humanity manity Inanity The dean In a brief sermon dwelt upon the Sublimity of simplicity He described the scene when the Christ child was born He pointed out the great lesson to be learned from the humble birth of the Savior Salor of men There was something human about such a birth ex ox explained explained Dean Brewster and Christs mis mission mission mission sion on earth was to spread humanity to elevate and redeem humanity human It Bringing his remarks to present hay day da subjects he tic pointed out the value of common human humanity humanity ity It which knows patient poverty kind kindness kindness kindness ness and all the better belter traits of real hu human hUman man beings Good comes quickest from the mortal who has felt hunger and suffered priva privation privation privation tion who vho has bat known what it II is iR to be thankful for the necessities of o life he lie said There is ig truly something beautiful in common humanity the humanity which knows il Ft f is better hietter to give gie than thun to receive the humanity which has learned the lessons taught tau ht by the life Ufe and suffer suffering sufferIng ing in of Christ who was born horn in iu Ina a manger The celebration of Innocents day wilt will willbe be held in the church parlors at 4 Friday Frida afternoon A regular Christmas with a big tree candy gifts and general merrymaking ha un been arranged for the children A Christmas cantata will be sung by the little folks |