Show FUTURE GREAT VOCALIST Miss Ellen Thomas of Ogden on High HighRoad HighRoad HighRoad Road to Success Miss 1153 Ellen Thomas of oC Ogden who has been in New York City for the past two years rears receiving ree vocal Instruction is re reported reported reported ported to b meeting with success in the musical circles of or the metropolis and it itIs itIs itIs Is expected that she will bo he favorably l heard from in the future Her studies in invoice olce voice culture have been under the dirc direction tion of Mme Frida do de Gabele Ashforth Mme Ashforth ranks foremost In the ranks cf of American vocal instructors and enjoys the distinction of being the tue only teacher In this country whose pupils have stepped from her studio onto the boards of oC foreign opera houses of Importance That Miss Thomas has lias met with success and has a bright future before her herbest S best demonstrated In the lefter r received from Mme Ashforth by Miss l ss Thomas parents In this city I 1 an ari happy to tell you that your our daughter Miss Ellen Is doing very fine work this winter She has worked most faithfully since I have taken her under my care and has Improved the beautiful voice olee which God has her with tier Her voice is capable of fine things hew hav having hewIng haIng ing the th purity of a Melba and the dra dramatic dramatiC matic matle quality of a Nordica combined 01 Ot course there is a great deal for her to learn In the future to become a fine sing singer er and do full justice to the material she possesses However she has gone a goodway good goodway Wa way on en n the road of oC accomplishment and can learn and sing to give pleasure to the public She is most eager to make m kc the best of her voice and consequently has improved greatly since she began to study with me mI I write you this as hap hall happy happy py N Christmas Christ mas news am with you a happy New ew Year |