Show W t THE COURT CAFE Newly opened Will serve the 3 X V Y best of everything Private din dining dining c cing ing room for ladies Cor C r th t tg g x South and nd S State ate opposite city 4 4 and aid county building u BANKERS 1 CAPITAL 00 SURPLUS Absorbed the Salt Lake City Braica f t Wells Well Fargo Far o Co Coa Bank Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent Travelers Letters of or Credit issued Is avail ann annable available able in all parts Jat of ot the World Wo We Invite your pour account ESTABLISHED 1 UTAH UTAI COMMERCIAL SAVINGS BANK Win Wun f F Armstrong president Byron Groo Ores COMMERCIAL BANKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Four Pour per cent Interest on savings ravings da di posits Accounts solicited Satisfactory tory service guaranteed L f s 8 HILLS lULLS President P MOSES THATCHER H 8 S YOUNG Cashier E H Hills Hilla Assistant Cashier U S DEPOSITORY Deseret National Bank SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Capital Surplus Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent Bent NATIONAl BANK OF U s a DEPOSITORY FRANK KNOX President lent JAMES lAMES A MURRAY W P F ADAMS Cashier CAPITAL PAID IN A thoroughly modern ravings depart department department ment meat conducted In i connection with tal bank Deposit boxes for tor rent THE DESERET DrS R T SAVINGS BANK DIRECTORS DIRECTOR W W RIter RI r President Moses Hoses Thatcher Ellas A Smith Cashier L S Hills John R It Barnes Barnel John jo J C Cutler Cutter David Eccles A W Carlson Carison George Romney John R H Winder Reed Smoot E R B Eldredge W F James Four per cent Interest paid on savins deposits THE TUf STATE STAT BANK OF op UTAH SALT LAKE TAKE CITY UTAH Established 1899 1890 accounts of ot Banks Thin Firms SOLICITS S and Individuals and extends extend to cus customers customers every reasonable courtesy and facility Joseph F Smith President lent Wm Win B Preston Charles S Burton Cashier Cashler Henry Hu T McEwin Assistant Cashier 3 l E Eo COSGRIFF H R P CLARK President Cashier Open an Account With WI h Commercial National Bank An Exponent of Conservatism Combined with Enterprise A H E PEABODY Cashier McCORNICK CO BANKERS SALT LAKE CITY UTAH 1873 Established 1541 Offices The Tho Oldest and Largest Larg t tR R G DUN CO GEORGE RUST General G Manager Utah Idaho Wyoming and Nevada Offices In Progress Building Salt Lake City t t JR J During the past ten days we have received cases G H Cham Champagne Champagne Champagne forty cases White Whit Seal Cham Champagne Champagne Champagne cases Cliquot Champagne 4 i fifteen cases Champagne 4 When this arrived we had about cases Champagne on hand Send in your orders wo we can fill them promptly RIEGER LINDLEY i I 1 The Whiskey Merchants i I I It t J DRS SHORES SHORES SHORE S WILL TREAT ALL OA CA CATARRHAL DISEASES INCLUDING DEAFNESS 4 ASTHMA HAY HAT FEVER AND ltD LUNG TROUBLES DURING DURINO DECEMBER FOR FOB PO THE TH LOW FEE PEE OP OF ONE DOLLAR PER TREATMENT OR 15 FOR A ACURE CURE CUBE MEDICINES FREE FlUtE By meant mean easI o of Dr Dra Shores wonderful New Treatment they are r enabled to cure car many mild or recent eases eu cas es in a very few treatment yen ren the eld old and chronie eases caes may ma be for US 15 DR A J 3 BROIlER r Why infer Ider from Catarrh Catanh wh When n you yen can be CUBED for 1 a treatment Dig Die Shores also treat and cur all aU curable Chronic and Private Db sales hi of Men Women and Children of ot sTory name flame and nature Dr Dra Shore Shores Eye Bye Department for the quick cure cur of aU all Eye ETe and for the proper fitting of I Is ia unexcelled being bein In char charge j of a Specialist on the tha Eye Eyo of 27 years Jeara y ar Consultation and ana axT Advice Adrice ivice Free Fre and Confidential Oo for any disease Call Can or write tee teeA A Special Department for Men Mene Dr Dra Shores Shore hare han e a Special Department exclusively for the treatment and cur cure of ot all Private Diseases of 01 Men whether caused by ignorance excesses xee or contagion conta ou You Yon may mar consult Dr Shores ores about the most molt delIcate or embarrassing aass private troubles trouble with the assurance that von Ton will be o given honest t advice et and d skillful treatment and every everything everything thing will be STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Young Yount run en who have been be n led astray by bad mea me who have haTe EO gone to excesses old men who find n their sexual vigor Yi or gone unfortunate who hay have contracted diseases the victims of Blood Poison and aU all others other who wiio j Jlee need ed 4 th the counsel and aid of experienced and nf are cordially Invited to this dep and b be advised FREE IBBE OY 0 So Bo sure la Is th the euro cure ure under BBS DRS SHORES mORES MODERN METHODS In all Private Dis Diseases eases ease s that you may mILT arrange to pay the tie lee fee r for tOl a cero COTO la in small U weakly we kly or monthly In b Installments installments as the euro cure progresses or you tou ou may mar pAY PAT AY WHEN WIEN CURED cuREl No matter what JoUr youir trouble Is Ii or Who hu has tailed failed to our cure you i the a Master Malter Specialists fr free tre of chaite and learn tow bow you OU can aa yet be cured CALL OR mt WRITE HOME CURES BY MAIL OFFICE HOURS IF YOU TOIl LIVE OUT OF O TOWN Drs Shores Shore A Shores Short Dally Daily Dan 7 9 D a m to 5 s U 11 10 for their the ir new symptom P m Evening vIng 7 1 to W rite I 8 II Sundays Sunday e and ana boll holi Iff 1 r list lIet and nd gt iet their ad advie day Jy 10 io a to 12 vice vie fJ r el Drs Shores Sheres Stores Expert Specialists HOUSTON BLOCK aga 29 SOOTH MAIN KAIN m SALT SALl LAKE LA CITY OTTY UTAH mAIL DK o W SHORES S OUR TEE i F MY ONLY 10 We will cure any single uncomplicated case except Blood Poison Faison during the month of December for lor 1000 We want vant every sick man manto manto manto to be made well and strong Come now nov now and be cured Dont delay Avail yourself of this Special Offer while it lasts This is no misleading proposition We mean what we say S Come to Me and be Cured of BLOOD POISON I V S VITAL DEBILITY i STRICTURE Piles iles Fistula and ALL 4 Blood Diseases of MEN INVESTIGATE my ability and modern modem rea rca reasonable reasonable charges before placing pla case elsewhere I S DR COOKS coos SCIENTIFIC CERTAIN AND COMPLETE CURE CORE FOR Melancholia Weak Restless at Night Trembles T rr bl ii i and Weak Aching A hIng rem es V arico a co Back Diseased Kid Kidneys cele cete Excessive Inflamed Pros Prostate drinking Exposure tate Despondent M Overwork and Wor Worry Lack of ot Energy N ry I Producing Brain Ambition and a a d Fag Lost Vigor Strength Poor Manly Decline and Memory Memol Hollow Male weakness Lost Eyed Face Pimples Manhood and Dark Circles Weak Nervous Under Eyes IMPORTANT I will cure you for Cor less money than you can be treated for by any other specialist In Salt Lake You may have to come to me mo sooner or later In order to be properly cured why not before you have lest your money uney in doctoring with cheap unskilled specialists CURE OR NO CHARGE ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE UNLESS SAT IS GIVEN GWEN Every patient Is given a written guarantee arant to re fund every dollar paid for services If they do not receive a Ii complete comple lire lite long leong cure cura and entire satisfaction CONSULTATION FREE CONFIDENTIAL AND INVITED A personal thorough and searching examination is required though if not to call caU write wrIt me a full description of ot your trouble Office hours 9 a m to 9 I p m in except Sundays Sunday from 10 to 1230 We Make No Extra Charge for Medicine COOK MEDICAL CO 1 So MaIn py r J The Greatest Treatment in the Wor l I ICal Cal Offices at Our and WHAT IS We Will Tell WHAT IT WILL DO DOTHE You in a Few Words r THE TUr REASONS WHY The science of ot as practiced at the Salt In Institute Institute is attracting widespread attention throughout tho tim west iest especially throughout the tho Intermountain districts There is scarcely a 3 town of any consequence in the th states of Utah Wyoming Nevada Montana Idaho or Colorado but has has one or more patients who can testify to the tho marvelous cures ures brought about by science These encouraging results from our ceaseless efforts to reach the afflicted 1 oC ot tho the west are alone responsible for f r the rapid development and growth or We came to Utah more than sixteen years ago and later settled in Salt Lake City knowing It to be a good field Held to practice our chosen profession To show the people THAT WE WERE NOT FAKERS and meant busi bus business busIness busness ness we purchased our homes here and became taxpayers and citizens of the city Until February 1306 SOG when we Introduced y the science was practically unknown In this part of the country Wo We resorted to advertising in the local papers telling the people what this wonderful science was and people commenced commence coming to us who had bad h been b n ailing aIn tor years yer and were unable to get any ay relief from any mode moe of or treatment and ad ad were cured in a a few f w short weeks through this wonderful science of curing disease dieG without drugs drug or knives Such marvelous cures cres as a these teo arc a what has ha built buit up such a a reputation for in this ti vicinity After ter twelve mouths months advertising we can refer nearly you to hundreds hundres of ot cases ces which have been bee cured by It I Is human huan nature for tr people to be skeptical of anything new BUT BU ONE O MUST BELIEVE BELI DELi v HIS OWN EYES ES If I you could coul spend one hour any afternoon In our offices you YOT would woula OW be convinced of the marvelous malIous cures we are making We can c do the same se for you If Ii you yot have tried everything under the sun and have bave been bea un unable u unable able to get relief rel do not despair for there is I still hope Throw Tr away those drugs that have killed more people than the largest larest wars and ad do not nt submit to an operation a useless operation because have you hav money moey AND CAND oND THE SURGEON NEEDS IT but let natura nature have chanco chance TH IT a a at you Na Nature Na Nature ture is the grandest of all doctors and if given chance will al docor nd I a n bring you out all al right AND WHAT W WE CLAIM CLr FOR yn IS THIS It I will wl allow alow nature to perform her natural functions Study well wel this one on point and ad you will wU admit that our claim lalm Is 19 worthy of at careful In Investigation If I you try you will be astonished at the quick results Some people have been cured with wih one treatment others in n week and again a n tome come fome require more treatments but no nO matter mater whet h chronic trouble or vr how long Yong standing stUng It must finally finaly yield to t this nr m elous science of We will wUI be pleased at all al times to haVa Te you call cl and and let us explain the principles of to you you We charge nothing for rr diagnosing your trouble nor for tor an examination and ad we wo will show you the cause of your trouble so s that you will Trill wi be bo convinced c beyond a doubt doubt Weare We are located at South Main aln St St between the te Tribune TrIune and ad Her Herald HerS S aId ald buildings Office hours 9 a a m in I to 5 p m in and evenings evens 7 to Sundays 9 a a m in m to 12 noon For the accommodations S of the tho ladies ladles we have a lady attendant Salt Lake Medical Institute So Main M St St Salt lake City Utah Ut I S DANIELS S THE TAILOR beats em all In quality style and price Some Bome suits sits and overcoats overcoat to be disposed of at your own ow price 57 67 West Second South South SALT ST Turf Tan Exchange r 1 8 MAIN M ST California and Eastern Eat m Races RC Direct I Wires on All An Sporting Events Event IF IT HAPPENS H A ITS IN THE HERALD H E RAL D 1 I |