Show I TRACKS ARE ARENOW NOW CLEARED Official Statement Shows Three Killed in Wreck Near Price Frice At the Denver Rio RI Grange offices It was officially stated yesterday that three were killed hilled d and one in injured injured injured in the collision near Mounds 17 Ii miles east of or Price Utah early Tues Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday day morning Engineer Thomas McGrath Fireman Mike Conroy and Fireman J H II D Car Carter ter were killed McGrath and Conroy Conro were pre from Grand Junction Fireman W V B Vaughn was seriously injured Rio Hio Grande passenger train No 3 j doubleheader was running at a good goodspeed goodspeed goodspeed speed when it crashed into the engine of a freight train which had taken the siding but through some error of the engineer had moved forward again till the engine rested partly on the main track teach All the engines were badly smashed sma hed and the cars ears jumped the track but none of ot the passengers was hurt The track was cleared yesterday morning and trains were running on schedule time over the scene of the ac accident acI accident I I |