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Show 12 THE PIPE OF PEACE. hash. "We have settled Dubois He will not bo seen any more. I put A Has a Ilather Hard Ex- tree3 and climbing plants cf p'1'" detH-iiveout found a on who of private delight America. The bark of the tree She was a phantom With a Bad Indian. perience a in been had Dubois that .kept nrs-hlmy sight; cleansed, after which When first she gleamed upon ' wha a as TOLD BY A SOCIETY G RL. some Schneider, In Peter 1S92, French for 7'ears July, sent asylum A lovely apparition, through the bark and letorthe qitw w; homicidal maniac. The Cincinnati.mefc now a in hypnotic ornament. Into J'policeman into clay troughs To be a moment's to soon vcnool of not will professed is an he The physicians which then sap adventure of drle. Her exes as stars twilight fair; pumpkins. had realr I him think and cured have cavSomething About Morphine," Solpbnr, Like States United hair, her The Second dusky twilight, too, Molasses and Other Thing. ly done so for a time, but he was get forget.to which lie then belonged, were three hours. It is finally givea cS dawn her , else about all But ' alry, fctr ting strange in his manner, and when In camp at the From the Evening News, Newark?. J- and the cheerful dawn; of Milk river. ical treatment vulcanized. bend From Maytime big aboutthe the asked East leadersin though asylum, Among the popular society carA dancing shape,' an image gay, question was put in the most delicate Schneider had been detailed mall Orange, N J., Emma Lu Stoll.a charming To haunt, to startle and waylay., e. He who thinks himself good, tot ?Tt7 Assini-bonway, ho flew at Grosvenor like a tiger, rier between the camp and Fort Is often good' for nothing. young maiden, stands in the foremost rank. thing: and attempted to strangle him. Help On the way coming he met an She is of a lovable disposition and tie light I saw her upon nearer view, was fortunately at hand, and he was Indian Market reports say that Iron la ni.t . the social set In which .she mores, j For at Clear Creek. They zors toor a woman, A inalso continue dull. yet under lock and. key. We cannot spirit, two years she has been a sick girl fpm put the day, courtesies of, the and exchanged free, motions household Her light account havdream for and to your by any theory. ternal troubles peculiar women, Dubois had never even seen Culling- and the redskin, with treachery in his fT:.n ing recently recovered, has ' given our And steps of virgin liberty; meet offered the soldier the pipe of was ajccount: A countenance in which did ham." the I can heart, it that interesting jreporter following suppose only ' ''Instead of improving; under the care of Sweet records, promises as sweet; meant as a warning, and, in fact, it peace. They smoked in silence on the bay physician I became worse. For five A creature not" too bright or good has been the means of avoiding what roadway for a short time. The Indian Built on the solid foundation nt weeks I was unable to get out ; of bed and For human nature's food; daily might have been an awful tragedy, asked "for a chew of tobacco. Schneider ViAolf.hv Hnnd Is rpa.l sn1 loo!..!' fcbout six o'clock each morning I buffered wnug; j and 'of bringing about I hope, what always carried a half pound plug, and long as' wiles, sorrows, simple For transient have rich red blood your My lips were sorecand lacerated lorribly. marks you ana of will tears be efforts in the r f of my 'rem the my greatest happiness my teeth, blame, love, kisses, ' pulled It out of his pocket. The Indian have no sickness. teeth Praise, life." Good Company. smiles. keep from screaming I sunk my rolled '. When you allow your blood to beeo, took his knife and cut off a small piece such times fleep into my lips. At Schneito find tossed until the bed shook like an aspen And now I see with eye serene MAKING THE 3IOST OP ICE from the corner, returning thin, depleted, robbed of the little C and it finally got so serious that the leaf small the corpuscles'; which: indicate it3 quP der, not the large plug; but ; lloctor I won't tell you his name gave me The very; pulse of the, machine; soldier How to Cut It Economically and. to piece wihlch he had taken. The you will become tired, worn out l ome morphine pills to take. The very A being breathing thoughtful breath, ' makes me shiver. com' Last. Make It now of and them life and A betwix traveler have wouldn't death; your appetite ana strength and that way, it thought these morphine pills simply put me to sleep The reason firm the temperate will, I amount of before "The ice wasted will soon have you in its grasp. They to make the exchange. pelled him I became Jcnscious Endurance, foresight, strength and ifor awhile- - and .when was to care of learned how it take Purify,- vitalize and enrich your lw were still on apparently friendly ' fcgain iny agony was renewed. occawas skill; and keep It pure by taking "The pain In my stomach and back something astounding," said a young terms, however, and there was no ' blood , is A perfect woman, nobly planned, 'Your could stand. I tnore than rsn n housekeeper. "I started in with the sion for any exchange of hostilities. mo to To and tooor.'said the doctor, 'take sulphur andwoncomfort command; warn, nearer a for notion that ice had to melt about so Schneider asked the Indian lasses,' and I did until it was a great a spirit still and bright, And fler that I was not a' molasses cake. It was With yet fast, anyhow, and that whatever I trail to the fort than the one he had something of an angel light. not time wasted in taking it because I was con-William Wordsworth. saw fit to do with it would make no" been traveling, and the Indian witi ! benefited in the least;1 my suffering being in tinued, but by a mighty effort after let whom he had smoked the pipe of peace I difference; therefore, particular a was sad I but so bed long. Igot up. Oh, him the way. They separated, The One True Blood Purifier prominent;, it go to waste", and paid ice bills that showed then. From 112 pounds I had fallen sight Schneider had gone about In the public eye. - $1. All druggista. 'i when and sometimes took my breath away. to ninety ; my cheeks were pale and sunken DREAM A CUKOUS One day an old fellow, who was, I fifty yards something impelled him to nnd I limped; yes. actually hobbled from I side. read Theri in S "rift! extreme my the pain Imagine, a supply on the ice wagon; look, about him. He saw the Indian in Hood's1 of Dr. Williams' Pink Fills for Paid People for I never saw hi ra before or since, the act of drawing a bead on vaim., and the testimonials In the News inspired gave me some points. He showed me Schneider protected himself by dodging took and me with hope. I got the pills Mr. Grosvenor had asked Howard, that the ice has grain, and that if I behind the horse, slung his weapon them. Before many days I began to im- worked with the grain I could split and before I had finished one box I who was the son of an old friend, and the frove if I could go out and walk for miles. off: pieces of almost any size or shape from his shoulder and returned, to a at for but myself, fled, and the of The Cullingham stay .fire latter the Nil soon stopped limping through savage. I wanted. I was comparatively handy Pink Pills I soon bid goodbye to my head--! few weeks and pursue our ' literary my tongue. to fire. twice turned to me with how tools, and he showed aches while the pain in my stomach and avocation, in which we collaborated. our I Of except saw Schneider also stay say nothing, shot at him; and suda then into way. to the .1, back cake, part large no He too made it. slowly but surely succumbed favor of "Only in feel Howard love with with a deeply and any pointed in- denly the Indian and ihls horse disapinfluence of these pills that seem to be able glad to see you," he said. "We are that our host's daughter, but! feared to strumenthammer to leave one's body. off all crack the piece the size peared from sight as though the earth in your Back, your Muspain tojiersuade very lonely, and there is little to do; speak. - Jtfow I am as I used to be ; well and strong, no I required; I discovered long ago that had swallowed them. Schneider folcles, your Joints, your birds in the covers, for I can't afV and merry but never without lighthearted a a unless have I Headand all diseases of very, large family brink i' the; pills.1 See I have got some bf them ford a game keeper, but if you, want to Two years! later I came home on large refrigerator is simply a useless lowed, and stood horrified at the Impure Blood, are caused, " work the place is quiet enough. I shall leave from India, in which of a precipice over 200 feet In depth. now," and from a nearby desk aha handed I so " ' to country i down I extravagance, brought one of boxes.; by sick kidneys. can be 1 the out not be at home for a day or two, as had obtained an important post, and the kitchen a little parlor icebox that At the bottom lay. the Indian and his Sick' kidneys . Dr: Williams' Pink Pills contain, Jin a con-- ) am to going town.and shall pick up my remained for a few days in town to I had when I boarded, and for a family pony, both dead; The treacherous savdeji&ed form, all the elements necessary to cured, strengthened; refrom a friend's house on my replenish my wardrobe before paying of four had in his hurried rrive new life and richness to the blood and daughter answers vitalized by forgotten age, it attack, every purpose. "the a few rounds of visits. restore shattered nerves, They are also a way back, canbut William knows Is to went iceman "The In of the about his and, cliff, flight: fifty pounds show you to j As I was walking down Piccadilly Ice twice a week.brings all there place and specific for troubles peculiar to 'females. "" put it into a large destruction. Schneider took his saddle such as suppressions, irregularities, and all see." one morning I felt a slap on my shoul- -' cloth; around whichI are wrapped some forms of weakness. They build up the Howard conducted m 'to my bed- der, and turning found myself face to reported the matter to his of felt and a blanket. The por-- . and gun and pieces "blood, and restore the glow of health to pale room the first night. He has the saddle officers. face with Howaid. ; a celain tank In the icebox is about ten superiorone and sallow cheeks. In men they effect 1 I he a curious "there is of , his sosaid, say," of the with "How. said I men go things you?" tal trophies "radical cure in all eases arising from Inches twelve Into in this and by size, room of course you after mutual greetisgs had been ex- I or excesses of . whatever point about . your dogs on worry, put a piece of Ice every morning, journ among "the oneryest ' nature. Pink Pills are" sold in boxes(never don't know this rambling old place changed. "Have you married Miss taking care to keep the rest well cov- God's green footstool." loose bulk) at 50 cents a box or six boxes yet you can walk round your bed- Grosvenor yet?" tf rf2.60, I find this all that is necessary and may be had of all druggists, room." be replied, "I have had no ered. "No," am and saved the trouble of looking Medi Dr. Williams o direct by mail from "Of course I can, you crock," I re- luck whatever in that quarter. She Is This Man Never Wears Hats. a after al sie Company, Schenectady, !N. Jxl pains, large icebox, than which I. imThey relieve thecure turned, "I can walk round any room." now "engaged to a French Johnny. of Bradford, Pai, a Clinton Millerr more little the The blood, agine nothing taxing. purify of which sick kid-all "Ati, but I mean on the outside. You Her father is pretty well off now. box has a an and florist intelligent faua quite with tank diseases gardener TH BANK OF; ENO 'JAN D porcelain see, this room is in the middle of the The 'railway was extended through cet from a has Buffalo At all as water the which is the drawn man, says Express, neys are the cause. four intersecting corri- iiis land and he made shekels over It melts. I find, Orithe? 2Ttb "of last July 'the Bank of housedsobetween 50c. will not does and for per box, by the way; that this strange hobby. He druggists, that you can walk around the the transaction. They are staying Ssi water, reached Its 200th birthday. It dors, on a or mailed strained England a has a . since wear Not postpaid carefully 'not; hat. i, through walls." four boy town at present; You had better call."' thick cloth, is the most luxurious ar1 MS tne of greatest Dans in xue wonu. t price. other , There was nothing else remarkable Miller worn any "Will you come with me?" In Its eany aays tne Dans empioyea about for. my toilet. It is Simon pure, ticle thick-growroom. 1 of a natural It my; as thanks. than well Jook don't "No, was, comfortably fifty-fou- r Write for pamphleU clerks and the yearly salary soft and all the year round I hair. short, y opposite the rejected suitor. But here IS their use itwater, .list amounted to but little ore $20,000, furnished. Against the wall ;.i in preference to any other. bed, and nearly under "the skylight, address and mine." HOBB'S MEDICINE CO., In the summer, with the hot sun the chief accountant receiving $1,225 a my sort in my this is of Utilizing thing a stood V an called which seemed Grosvenor I in due sofa, large upon number ;' year. At the present time the , CHICAGO. SAN FRANCISCO. of the fine points of pouring down upon his uncovered head, unusual piece of furniture for a bed- course and was introduced to his mind oneand v of employes is 1,500. z seen be the around Miller more wonder often I that may walking No note of the 50,000 or so Issued room. It was too big to go through daughter's fiance, cne Mr. Dubois. His women do not or ifs with the utmost at his town the little and work, study the toi I was to and seemed face inclined familiar door, think me, and after ands of every-da- y daily Is ever used again. Eaci note as that it to and learn of life, manner, as if he never been lowered into some moments' thought it burst upon turn to account serenity it is paid In is cancelled and an account the roomjaust ahave Stnce 1861 I havi been a comes that everything minded it a little bit. In the winter by derrick before the roof me that he was the dream murderer In their of its! filing. Onel of the curiosities of was miff erer from catarrh. way." of two 'years before. There was not a put on. it is the same. The mercury may de- -; great. the bank is a 25 note which was paid tried jEly' Cream Balm, I doubt about it, and I could have In after being out 111 years. In the . I turnedto into bed, and found it im- sworn scend clear ' to the bulb in the ther-- , and to all appearances am PytUon Story. to In alhim the witness box. He sleep. A strange bed bank album for large notes and other possible the winds may blow and the .cured Terrible fieadaehes pythons, the following is mometer, curiosities Is a 1,000,000 i bank note ways means several wakeful hours to was a man of wealth, had lived many snow may fly, but Miller never minds from which 1 had long are gone. - W.J. Hitch-coc- k. which, was once issued for convenience me, and I lay with my eyes closed," lis- years In England and was thought to a true story. A young lady in this it and stalks about bare-headand to old an no was savmatch. excellent He clock the as stable Late Major United a large tening it jbe by in a transaction, involving country for a long time resisted, her r agely clanged out its quarters and means young, but had a polished and lover's entreaties to go to India with without an overcoat.. The rain doesn't States Volunteers and A. A. amount of money. r Whether lost or stolen, the bank's practiced every effort of mechanical agreeable manner, with a very rapid him as his wife. She had a horror of feaze him, either. Nothing bothers this General, Buffalo, N. V. notes will always be paid. Once a repetition that seemed likely to soothe and sharp mode of speaking, which the wild animals she believed she man with the hobby, as far as the ele: was not, I thought, wholly due to his y ments are concerned. derk ,ran away with about $100,000 my restless Dram. might encounter there, especially ser7 At length I gave up the attempt at French nationality. and cleanwju. New state worth of notes.'. For six months the York the attended Miller ELY'S CREAM BALM opens At length, however, after he andInflmmtrt1en,H ta.in Nasal Allays Passages, Though I attempted to dismiss my pents. theft and number of notes wre adver sleep in despair and lay on my" back was an of object had Issued a sort of ultimatum, she fair last year, and the Sores,' protects the Membrane fiwJUKUt": Tue Bftla prejudice, he gave me the impression consented tised and at the end of that time a Jew wideawake. stores the Senses of Taste and SmelL was hot It interest. I to very once. him. did She during great relief accompany at was absorbed aad I there to that gives underhand to quickly demanded something that mostbegan picture myself the appeared with them and was on which the fair U leave behind her fears not, the held, however, and Bostrfl days ipn A horrible phantoms I could imag- about him. He also seemed to think is applied into each they be paid. On being refused he went t Price 60 cen ts at Druggists or by mall. her, and lived in constant terror of and the sweltering crowds tried to keep able.particle to the exchange and raised suh an out- ine, to see if I could make myself ner- himself suspected, fur I caught him some KewM 56 "Warren St., day meeting what she so intense- eool with broad-brimmhats, para-sol- a, ELT BEpTHERS. cry, saying that as the bank Refused to vous pri; frightened. I thought of fig- watchingto me furtively as I was ly feared. Her did his husband best ures Grosvenor. Mr; with rolling eyes and gibbering talking umbrellas, etc., and Miller, with pay its own notes it must be insolvent, I walked home in great perplexity. to laugh her fears away, but without his bare head, seemed to be the only that the bank called him backj and paid Uptf, phantoms that carried their heads avail. Then he resolved to try more aim the full amount of the stolen notes. under their arms,; shadowy, formless Her was my dream exactly repro- drastic ! J I mmmme means. A huge python was person on the grounds who did not Ii and I had no possible doubt Anotner time one or tne directors tte- - objects of mist, but all to no purpose. duced, He as from the heat. suffer his gives killed in a the of his neighborhood ' ghosts were feeble frauds. I could as to the identity of the persons conposited $150,000 and took a single note. My Without I GrosMr. Yet not bungalow. cerned. could I not telling his wife reason for not wearing a hat that naInvest tell; with biary lJLOOI POISON peraweE; them the on nameless of mantle-He put the piece paper tbe I I J a us with about he ture ordered the Jcuredlnl6to35day.Yoacanbetretei! provided venor it, rephis the without anything and I story at them. incurring fell dread, and laughed Shome for same price under same fM asleep. Waking .he found jiece to be s brought into the drawing, and he says that it is foolish for a perjj I must have fallen asleep as I was ridicule if not his anger, and probably tile the note gone. He thought it. had fallen tract to pay railroad f areand hotelbuu up as if asleep on the son to wear a hat or any' other artiInto the fire and got anothertnote, giv- thus T meditating, for when I next getting into bad odor with his future room, andcoiled , call-Then he went out and !: ficial though for that contingency hearthrug. and still baveacneifc a guaranty that if the .first; note awoke the moon was high in the heavIodide potash, cury,i. Mucous ing; to his her into in mouth, SoreTM0. the Vatch.es wife, cared I go ens telling patn shone little, and very ver turned up he would be responsible "You say you don't see how I can PJn brightly through the - At Colored Spots, JJJ.' plea, Copper length I resolved to Impart the drawing room, and that he would join stand it? Look at the North Ameri-ica- n any part for It; Thirty years later, the man hav-- i skylight into my room. My eyes at or Eyebrow Hair of theTody, a in her minutes. Soon few whole matter to Howard. He had BLOOD FJW after he it I this Secondary Ing died In the meantime, the first note once fell on the face of a beautiful found How does he stand It, or out to cure. We solicit the mow ow ve gruarantee permanent employment in Lon heard a dreadful scream. "That will how Indian. was presented for payment at the bank young woman who was arranging her ih cases and cualleng-- the world did he stand it before the entrance nate ha don, and could remain on the watch, cure her of her fear of serpents," he case we cannot cure. Tbis disease j And the bank stood the lossl The man's hair at a mirror that stood on a table pW, In some baffled the skill of the most eminent estate" had been divided and nothing which seemed to me to have not been whereas I was obliged to return to In smiled to himself, and purposely de- of civilization, which resulted behind our nn clans. S500.000 capital ? See the naIn the room when I retired. I was dia in a few weeks. The marriage layed his entry. When at last he went of them adopting hats could be recovered. tionai gnaranty. ADgomieprooisw t far-o- ff room far-o- ff was into the to not saw he take his six at for Africa least wife J of and to Bppllcationi Address COOK, REMEDl other tives drawing Of a ebout utter an place Clerks exclamation, whpn standing and character 'are look Masonic Temple, CHICAGO, on the floor, and colled around countries, who do not wear hats. Why, iQlCut of terror came into her face, a months,, which would give him time lying selected, to remain at the bank every out and send' this advertisement , to was her examine Dubois' antecedents. another huge python, .the lyoii can even see the foolishness of night tof the year and on Sundays and terror sountense as to freeze me into Howard .was much surprised at my mate of the one that lay dead on the bank holidays. A guard of soldiers Is an unspeakable silence. She seemed wearing a big, heavy, cumbersome hat on duty every night and thfey are as--: to be listning to a noise without; In story, and declared that he thought hearthrug. London Realm. iby looking at women on the streets with Kisted by , a body of watchmen consist-- i the next strained moment the figure! Dubois to be a scoundrel .from the reThe Thirteenth Was Twin. jbonnots as big as a silver ;half-dimfirst. This was likely enough in. a :. ing of porters and workmen fully train- vanished. The ominous number thirteen, which .They don't' need any hat. Another As I was turning over to sleep again jected suitor, but at the same time ed how to act in case of an emergency. his instincts corresponded with mine, Is still the case of so much anxious reasoa I do not wear a hat Is that it l neara a light footstep In the corridor and his earnest request I determin- perturbation from end to end of Christ produces baldness. If the people of the at the head of my bed. It passed ed toattell That Joyful Feeling; j the whole to M r. Gras venor. endom, has been disenchanted ."With; the exhilarating: sense of renewed along the wall aid was followed by a by a civilized world never wore hats there also Howard undertook to keeep strict happy providence, says the "Frie 'health and strength and Internal clean- heavier though yet a stealthy tread. watch would never be such a thing as a bald upon Dubois' movements, and Rhatier," in a village of the Hinterr-heintha- l. liness which fallows the use! of Syrup By this time my faculties were fully to let me nead, unless brought on by disease. I new developof hear any in-- i ana Is I arousea, The famlistened a mother brave of up unknown to the few sitting pf Figs wouldn't wear a hat, and should be ments the case might present. . not progressed beyond tie old who have of children twelve found herself time tently. ily The next day I called upon Mr. Gros about to become a mother of a thir- glad to see every' other man abandon taediclnes and the cheap substitutes Suddenly the first footsteps broke In-- 1 venor, and requesting a private Inter- teenth. The new baby, whether its use., It might be hard at first, but Sometimes offered but never accepted by to a rapid pattering, as though in boy whole the matter before the well informed. view, put or girl, was destined beyond all doubt they would get used to it soon, and flight, and the pursuer's heavier tread, him. . ' , v!y-""-to a life of accelerated.' The parents eag- would be pleased with the result. correspondingly It ais the man who has a sea of troubles that was is he "This very extraordinary' Twice YOU Dllt around VJILL they sped my chamber,! said, when I had finished. "Curiously erly consulted all the wise persons in has notion of sorrow. UEEP and as theypassed along the corridor BETTER THOUGHTS. neighborhood as to the possibility to live the are the young 3 enough, couple to nearest I bed I of that of my "thirdisasters the of a of State Lucas thought Ohio, averting Toledo, City and at that very occupy ' Cullingham, could hear their panting breaths. child" from the expected new h It in a man's nature to hate those pwehts County ss. .;vwhen the honeymoon is. over.-Bu- t teenth T"rank J. Cheney makes oath thathe At the third round my bedroom roomwhat citizen They found mis- whom he has offended. Tacitus. can I do? His "antecedents erable of the world. ART Is the senior partner of the! firm of F. door flew open and the young lady I In comforters all friends. Catalogue. Geo. R. t'u Her, is a medium between khowl-- ; FreeBox Opinion J. Cheney &, Co., doJng business In the had seen before dashed in and dropped seem unquestionable. He Is the son so they were driven to thetheir 2U6, Rochester, N. T. forlorn hope edge and ignorance. Plato. and State afore- exhausted upon the sofa. She was fol- -' of a French count, his parents are City .of Toledo, Countyfirm RforlocatinepoUiorsilvwJ that the child might be stillborn, and will pay the said, and that said and he has dropped his title. I thus or hidden treasures. Forprt'j devoid of grace, is a mere ni'Tpniil Beauty, by a man dressed in black, who dead, M. this D. address and Box s3?, SouthinS?w-sum 'of One Hundred Dollars for each lowed escape go world, Fowler, straight statements verified all the has have he without a hook the bait. carried murderous case knife Into in Talleyrand. of cannot limbo the Catarrh when that and every looking the Infantum, and, though I do not profess to mother be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh his hand. She looked at him implor- made; Romance has been elegantly denned to birth twins; gave suddenly I like the have man,; nothing The really FRANK J. CHENEY, Cure. ingly as he stood over her for an ln-of the in the as possesthe offspring of -- fiction and love. parents against him, and ray daughter is de- sion joy Sworn to before me and subscribed In stant, but never spoke a word. " absorbs tutors. A ViT'M euro. Circular log, of fourteen children instead of Disraeli. voted to him." 60c. CruggUu or buOI.positive Fhi1 presence this 6th day of? December, SR. tny In that moment was of the dreaded time thirteen see could I exuberant; A. W. GLEASON JL. T4 1886.' . "Well," I returned, "perhaps it Is no and the Just as you are pleased at findjilg their faces with great clearness in the affair Public. happy father invited all the of mine. I thought I ousrht to Notary (Seal.) Is takfn internalmoonlight and have never forgotten tell you what I saw1, before I returned neighbors to a generous christening faults, you are displeased at finding per- PATEJTSJRADE Hall's Catarrh Cure on them. blood and The girl was fair, with long to India. At the same time, I hope feast, where the family and the com- fections. Lavater. the' , and acts directly ly uiraiBUion and Adrfee as; to mucous surfaces of fthe system. Send hair streaming down her shoulders! mune .1 on were both congratulated I leave world motives shall the Bend for "Inrentors' Guide, oi'Ho; that you understand that my without regret, Patent. and her tor testimonials, free. face was lovely PAT&ICK O'FARRELL, WsMnW.i their deliverance from the misfortune for it hardly contains a sin&le good liscontracted ' are disinterested."-.by wholly CO., Toledo, O. p. J. CHENEY &75c. mortal terror. The man tvn a rf maI. "I owe youi rnany thanks for per- of possessing "Ein Dreizehntes." Sold by druggists tener. Fontenelle. ium a with low height, a forehead, PARKER'S,. what might be thought a Hall's Family Fills. 25c. forming dark an mustache and Women cherish fashion because ft reA Sample Query, BALSAfV unthat expnssion HAIR an and A Harlem man calls his wife misery beduty, purely imaginary bewtif reminded t me' Clesnwt Sub and, a Here is "Anxious from grotesquely letter of at least renews enough, one as well. Have you told cause she loves company. i, them, or' juvenates Promote a laxuruint g 6; pleasant the trademark the "Demon" tenupon Subscriber." J V l . in Dnivfr. them. Mme. de Preizeux. ' any one else?" Ktto nis rackets. Chief to does want he know? What "No one from but 10 Howard." My journey Denver, Sept. x was summoning up courage to Who partakes in another's, joys Is a Sub He wants to know how long I will make fresh inquiries. 1 Chicago was over the Chicago,' Bur- spring out of bed when the man rais- do"Then more humane character than he who a man no were would if live there not anticipate any result, but, it Is lington & Quincy railroad, one of the ed the hand that grasped the knife. I as well such as Moments. death. to be sure." thing Spare partakes In his griefs. Lavater. Lest managed systems in the country, saw the weapon above his uplifted His modaughter came In at that I should say, judging by thfe civility of head, I saw the girl tnrow up her ment and It is easier to believe in someone No Moonshine for Her. ' it was distressing to see the tlie employes, the comfort I experiencHe There is the new moon look at than in something, because the heart I hands In despair, and then a thick Avistful look in his eyes as ho lifted in time. Sold br dragglta. ed, the excellence of its roadbed, and cloud more than the mind. Eunece.' reasons moon over over and the placshoulder. It left her hand a your for passed moi iont into and the punctuality of arrival, I actually ed gazed She I can't. her face. my chamber In total darkness. Love in France is a comedy, in Enreached Denver ahead of time, i The folHe Why? in next The Six my memory months later, when I was staypoint Burlington route i.s also the best to St. gland a tragedy, in Italy an opera, and W. N. U. Denver. VolvXII- And she pointed mutely to her bal- In Taulv Minneapolis; St. Paul and iKan-.cz- s lowing that awful scene was a loud ing at Simla, I received a letter from "' Bless-inittoa melodrama. Germany Lady" Whin writing to adTertisers, VfE pr. loon sleeves. Chicago Record. i fr'eiraering upon my door, and Wil Howard. He wrote: City. advertisement in tn V" rERFECT 'Woman's Wit -- 1 Howard's cheerful voic-- demanding to know' f 1 meant to sle?p all day. It was line o'clock upon a clear. Octr.ber morning, and my bedroom looked as c:oir lt onplace in the daylight as though i had been situaied in a liOiidon hotel. I must confess that I examined the scfa, but found no traces of .disturbance, and I dressed, feeling ashamed of myself for being frightened at an, ..ordinary nightmare. A trashy ghost story of Howard's a walk around the corner by candle light and an uncomfortable bed to furnish were materials enough and similar dreams I, went twenty down to breakfast 'resolved to say nothing of my experience. During the morning we attempted to work at our novel, but Howard was fidgety and restless, with the result that we accomplished very little. After lunch' we ordered a trap from the village inn to fetch Mr. Grosve-nor'- s luggage from the station, arid walked thither to meet the train. ;Mr. Grosvenor was too poor to keep a carriage, ' his income being limited one or two farms to the revenue from ' The and his garden. station, however, was but' half a mile distant, and the day being fine, we .should have to walk even had we been t able to ride. The train came In, and Mr. Grosvenor shook hands with us, and Introduced me to his daughter. Upon looking In her face I was astonished to see the exact counterpart of the dream girl who tad rushed int., my bedroom. Miss Grosvenor, who was very pretty and vivacious, rallied iae during the evening upon my low spirits, I was wondering if there had been anything more than coincidences in my vision, to which her appearance had given a strong air of reality! At all events, the murderer did not seem to have a place in this little drama and I determined for the present at least to hold lis .m V03IA3r. . i , " , : I i ' j i Mall-Carri- v . . ' . j -- ! ' - - .'-.;- . ; ' ! -r- ;"" -.n. . . .',. - . ;H';a:par.illal I - . Pills j i - t- run pre-ferrr- ed i er , 1 - ' r i, j -- ; paragus , to-da- over-wor- y, k, i , ' . Vs- -' - i 5 re-cei- head-coveri- "; pt ng th , I i Jbouse-keepin- g, " " -- i I ; j su-fer- ed ed j j CATARRH , : : . ' ed , poisoi: 7mm cnrniAl TYWf , r . head-coverin- g, ; son-in-la- w . head-coverin- g. i '. ( 1 e . ; j j . ; j ; ! i ; . . e. -- j ! i ; j FISH " j ( i ; . ill-luc- k. j s as'ffX''j mm , : - i RAtiD SEJCKEJtS . - . " j I FIC I i v . SURE CURE fokPM 1 ' , . . , - f . i j i , j iri-l- L rSrf ? I - , i n; i , . you saw the |