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Show A LESSON FOE Our Stcckralsers'; Coumn. Tin Btai will continue In each nnabtt to publish brand under jearlj $ontrcU at nominal price. : i . you Move along, I say!" The advantage to the tockralner of xa.mil larlxlngr the publio with bis brand and mark are to well known to need attention. It la u is to the merchant. to. F. . - THERE, lazy brute! ON O ; tie stockman as yaluable TOM. Tom was driving the cows from the to be pasture milked in the barnyard of the farm. He liked to do it, for he lived in the city, and things in the country had as an adyertliemcm " em RANGE Lower Serler and w the charm of novelty to him. Blnk of Beaver. AddreM : Utah. Oaala, It was in the early morning,' and of everything breathed the freshness new day. The grass and daisies along the road were bright with the drops of dew. the birds sane in the trees and the air was cool and sweet. Pleasant things were all about Tom as he drove his cows. A good breakfast awaited him, he knew, and many things of interest would make the day pass agree- Camp was enjoying the morning sun- , shine. "An' is it yerzself, sur, '11 be keepin' this bit of a, torment this coward out " o' the sthable yard , "You'd better call me a coward!" exclaimed jTom, doubling up his fists las Mike at length let go his hold of him. "It's cowardly, ye are," went on Mike, In great excitement, "It's every, dumb beast about the farrum, sur, that he's wearyin'i the heart out of wid his h 7 shaking his fist at Tom "did ye think it's mesilf wasn't seein' ye from the barn window tormentin' the horse an' shootin' the poor hin? They all know the weight of his ugly hand, sur. . It's la i . per-secuti- "But the bread is made with-- milk, I think?" said grandfather, as Barbara brought a plate of hot rolls. "Yes," said Barbara, "I always mix my bread with, milk." "What of it, poor boy," said grandmother, who had heard that Tom was trying. "Don't mind it, dear it's all nonsense. Do help the child to a good dinner." "No, thank you, grandmother," said Tom, stoutly. "I s'pose I may eat some crackers." "The beans are dressed with milk and butter, suggested grandfather, in spite of the shakes of the head from grandmother. The crackers, with which Tom longed for a glass of milk instead of water, and the baked potatoes with salt, made a poor dinner, he thought. But he comforted himself with anticipations of the juicy bprfy pie which was to follow. Grandmother was a person who believed in two pieces of pie and, for a boy, had even been known to Insist on three. We ought to have told Barbara to make a pie for you without butter in the crust,", remarked grandfather, as the pie was placed before grand- n'. Ah-h-- G. SAMUEL A. KING, - ulcl Office, First National Rooms 4 and 5 Eagle Block SALT LAKE CITY, UlAlj ti FRANK WHITEHEAD bank Blg., UTAB PEOYO, PARIIS, LAND and MIHll; Attorney at - Law. '- GollecDoss Prenmtly Alt "XV Profe sir is of coward tin times he Is." Will glre lessons on PJano, Orati, and teach JBaiids at lowest prl,csyio, Ho "Grandfather,'? said Tom, shaking tc, reasonable terms. with rage, "will you make thatf-Pad- dy JnoDewsnuj -For further particular, addi-febeg my pardon, and turn him Hill Gold names?" How me call he dare away? FRANK WHITEHEAD Tjpper slit in "Well! said grandfather, quietly, under tilt right, In left ear. "if by coward Mike means a person . HINCKLEY, of and to smaller guilty things cruelty Range :Crioket The Oasis and Pish Springs stage leave Mountains and weaker than himself j or In any way tn Oasis and Ibapah at 8 a. m., each Monday Lower 8evier. ably to him. his power, I am afraid he has jchosen and Thursday, and arrlres at terminal polnti You would suppose Tom might be in the right name for you." Deseret, Utah. 'j Address, 52 hours. within a good humor with himself and all the There was a grave, even rather se-Oasis to Detroit, 53.00 11 Jos Dewsnnp world? Perhaps he was, but that did vere look; on his face. Tom quieted Fish 6.00 Spr'ngs, not prevent him picking up a stone down and began to feel a little ashamed mother." GAVEAI 5, KMJt " Hill 7.5C Gold and MARlSy Ipabah, at oil force cruel and with it of himself. hurling Under silt la ,:l "Now, "I'm :. of ashamed COPYRIGHTS. return and out Tare for obi grandfather, transportation ' "There's no usemaking a fuss about you!" exclaimed one-haright, under silt Brindle, who led the small herd. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENTt Fy. fares. 'Address, and "Such grandmother. answer and an honest opinion, wntt ear. in left a little fun." "Hurry up you old slowfoot!" a little bit! It needn't count at all." Srotnpt CO., who have had nearly ftftV F. DAVIS, a Proprietor, in the patent business. With whacks and blows from heavy ommn,i? "I am sorry, my boy, that you can experience Range: Crieket "Never mind, grandmother," said tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of ax switch he hurried all the gentle ani- find fun! in the suffering of dumb Mountains formation concerning Patents and how to i?" Tom, trying to look indifferent. "I Lower Sexier. tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of meeh.r al mals into avtrot.. C limit can leal and scientlfio books sent free. eat some mtZ ''"tird as well." berries just Patents taken through Murm & Co. lowing' it to subside before, they came Deseret, Utah said Address, Tom, He Suffering!" impatiently. hunted for berries In the garden, notice in the ScicntilicAinei ipnT.lt special within sight of the farmyard. PiiblieifnT thus are brought widely before GL and annoy Yes, suffering. Fright some with finishing apcost to the inventor. This the early ripening on a back ance and put d!t pptrndid the house Carlo, lay dog, Issued are suffering. I don t ples. weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by fartt' pain John Y Slit!) circulation of largest any eciontific wck in th : porch at some distance from the yard. think you will do for a farmer, Tom. world. 5S3 a year, baniple copies sent He WATCHMAKER, tre mont Edition Before letting down the bars Tom took Farmers are constantly in contact with the spent a part of the afternoon in hly, 9tso a year. Building . cents. Kvery number UTAH. then wandered hammock, copies, containc about, NEPHI, Horse Grower a shooter from his pocket. He was tne creatures the Lord has made. Lie tiful plates, in colors, and photovrrapbo ofTrl' to and Deaie as longing men the ancl jewelry promptly enabl insr builders to Phow th! houses, with Watches join one they bird More than proud of his aim. made them for our. use and our pleas- worked, to be and secure contracts. A rtdrpM latest desifmsplans, to solicited. Mail horses orders drive RANGE: paired. permitted had felt the sting of it. ure. Thejmost of them are gentle and at the machine or in the A howl from Carlo showed that submissive Housa Mountain-anto us. They love us, and harvest threshing . fields. Lower 8vler. of it are glad of the sound of our voice and "Grandfather Tom's skill Justified his opinion 'd a the touch of wuth laugh," he asThe and, up, poor sprang dog our hand." Oasis, Utah Address, sured: himself. "Why, even the lines auiek elancA ahout him. ran around "There a on isn't the are place made of leather and the whip." crayther the house out of sight. of that or won't at the rin sight shy t go to supper," said Tom shan l urerson Broi It was too good not to be repeated. him," put in Mike, who, very fond hima more discouraged and ncue Breeders a.ni On the ridge pole of a shed near where self of the creatures under his care, at outs with all the world than he was dealers in Short half a dozen fine white brahmas, trim was greatly enjoying the rebuke to willing to admit. "Bread and butter bom Dnrbams. j Horses s a a ming their feathers, with quiet cackles, Tom- r .b and milk, and cottage cheese and cold MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF , 'X brand 3 left as if expressing to each other their ap Cattle-Upper "You finish ' your meat. And of course there would be thigh. may go and of the day's outlook. slope is proval Saddlery, Buggy Whips, Nose Bags; Colt said . a Mike," milking, grandfather. erun. Rnaf flMin went the With each ear.' Hang something in the gingerbread." Sevier river sauawk one of the hens fell over, "You see, Tom," he continued, "if it He was tired and hungry as evening and mountain kindPads, Hardware, Leather, etc. f were a not of Christian closed in. His feet burned and smarted question the others dispersed, with cack ness to while between, Wilis' etatioii on the U. P. Ky and Learn the helpless, it becomes one of with the unusual contact with gravel hafton. Address, Leamington,, Millard Co., UtaA les now disturbed and excited. Fine Buggy Harness a; Specialty. Wholesale and Rettii we fair in ana everything dealing, being were stubbles. cows In the he drew All this while the leisurely so Parley Allrtfl near as grandfather, ontwilight dependent upon them." the side porch, coming un to the bars. Tom let them Our goods have been extensively used in Deseret and vicinity- - and hti played on a violin. Tom always liked diwn. and imnatientlv waited while Horses same given the best satisfaction. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. said Tom.i shortly, having been again to bear it. brand on left passed through. they Cattle-cl-ose thigh. "Hellow. old Sawdust!; Want a bite angered by Mike's remarks. "At least t "Hair," said grandfather, holding-- im crop in left and slit in rigat I won't be. I needn't be if I don't the bow, "and catgut," he added, with HEATED BY STEAM. of grass?" ELEOTRIO CALL BELLI ear. Range, want a to." to smile, drawing it over the strings. His grandfather's horse was tied Lower Sevier. "You think so?" said grandfather, Address, Des10m ran up to his room and in five the fence waiting for the old gentle eret, Utah, minutes was in bed. man to take his usual leisurely morn with a smile. J"Yes, sir, I do. I know there's lots wen, I've made out my day," he ing ride about the farm. of we but from to himself. animals, said a get things L on left thigk Quick as a flash Tom had gathered . lotk I'm we don't of there's to things jtjut there was a step at the door. A same brand on left handful of grass which he held out we to to don't the and grandfather opened it. jstick of cattle. in things tap, willing at Range sniffed him. Sawdust hip it, then, of; for sake the the argument. Hows this for a boy who declares just the dainty manner of his kind, opened IK IV Address. sounded "I'll Tom This finely. thought independence of all animals? A hair his lips for a taste. a for bed and a feather pillow." day, anyway." But all relish for the morsel was lost try Flak SDrtnea. went "I he see, sir," on, smiling Tom sat up in bed. in the prick of the thistle hidden in back at Juab County. think hi$ Ufcak. "you're grandfather, drew "Grandfather," he said, "when are the deceptive treat. Sawdust off these you going to let up on me?" I'd be better ing taking and back breaking reared, O Ton left thigh, violently that Grandfather sat beside him on the double swallow his hitching strap not by any means clothes, seeing that it was a sheepwarm them! can. me. a to I It's bed. The quizzical smile was gone from gave fork in left ear. a new one, but considered & Mining'' his face. Range, Lower for a horse of his always staid de- day. I wis just going "to put on i Address duck suit.'! meanor. "My dear boy," he said, "I've kpt ; 3 ten the on minutes ' at you .all day, haven't I? Well, Accordingly, later, There was a sudden disturbance Oaala, Millard Oa. TJTAJ3L to was small who the I've done now. A boy of your good boy going spend I among the cows as Sawdust careered t"C UUk. be sense must by this time see how the about the barnyard as if possessed with day without animal help appeared cotton m fore his his to the back grandfather had good Lord meant us to depend on the gone Mark, alit In the idea that he two and creatures which,, one way or another, clothing. slits days of his colthood. right in ear. Baas "Shoes?' asked are among His best earthly gifts to us. grandfather. brand on left V Mike, the hired man, ran out of the sure made Leather's Oh, shoulder on of fcorsee enough. broken bit the seized and Likewise, a boy of your good heart stable ' P. N. Petersen, of skina. learned to that ago, will see how they depend on us for time neck in long to his jl strap hanging Oasis Address, Utah, Range, Low prevent any mischief being5 done. As though I never could! imagine how kind and gentle treatment." er Serler. , I can go barefoot. "I see, grandfather," said Tom, earni.can Well, Mike, while leading the horse to the they-diin the It's funhere looked boy Any another for barn keenly strap, estly. VI'm going to make friends with Same left on Horses. thlgs about as if in search of a cause for the country.'' them after this, instead of tormenting and Upper AWARDS. Tom wandered about, keeping him them." one underslope slit in disturbance, Tom quickly reappeared left ear, and two and .made his way In to breakfast. self clear of the animals, for which Support "Yes," remarked grandfather. "Then under slits in right j walked he an reason to hour later I Half think had on again better ear. RAKGB :Oa congratulate you'd they surely your slip Creek. toward the farmyard, passing the themselves!. Tom was not a bad boy clothes the woolen ones and eo Sims Walker chickenhouse, where Susan,' the maid. not even ai cruel one, as boys go. He down to the dining-rooHome You'll find State Fair fowls was the was rather pretty gathered feeding a selfish, thoughtless your supper there, with simply Address, Oak dtjt Utah. pitcher of 1894, Gold and there. and, had not been the evening's milk, which Mike Medal. I can't guess what's come to this taught to consider whether his fun brought as a token of forgiveness, Industrie! hen," pointing to one which lay on the was a source of pain to other things or ground. persons. 'Sure, it's b'ys will be b'ys all the on set a Three Cream It but its some and SDent She in He feet, time over.' " wurruld stooped working SALT LAKE, and rt garden bed which had been placed in it fell over again. " But b'ys may be decent b'ys," said Baking i "Looks as if its leg was broke, poor his care. Tiring of this, he cast about Tom to himself as he drank the milk. Powder Gold Medals. 'General Commission Hurclianl thing I" said Susan, with a sorrowful for other means of amusement. Outlook. shake of her head, Keep "I'll go fishing." v Dealer in as tackle he made Tom at once recognized it for the his Sort the Sewing. One sensible wo ready, "But," of tai-g- et "Grandfather would say that had man, wno realizes tnat her eyes are the which had hen part played FRUITS, j. VEGETABLES, BUTTER, l. (JKhH CROWW ifor one of his fine shots. He something to do with animals. I'm injured by sewing on dark goods in an Superior Qualitv CROV OteH Your was to on the yard' where Mike artificial light, and yet is compelled Flavoring passed going to stick by what I said." 2gga, Poultry, Game, Veal Pork ant Smoked and Fresh Pish, now milking the cows. Going to the well for a drink of cool to mend and make for her large fam .Extracts Gold Bf,Flour, Grain. and Hay They became restless at his approacli, water, he heard Barbara calling him ily by sunlight and lamplight, says she Medal. Money It will pay you to ship your goods to no. I quietly moving out of his way as be from the spring house. has learned to sort each week's sew 10 eent. ' as for and remit charge per drew near them. "Don't you want a drink of butter ing, setting aside for evening work that soon as goods are sold.handling s Can give to It's! cool and good." believe I'd like don't he "I milk? milk," which requires the least strain of eye country raferences 11 desired. obwerved to Mike, standing near f o 1 at "Yes, I do. You know what, I like, sight. Thus black stockings are darnedi Best watch him. Barbara." and while Quality stitches in white by daylight, "Wouldn't ye?" said Mike, a little But, as he held the glass in his hand, goods are taken after dark. This is one Display of Soda Water. of the ways in which the busy housesourly. he remembered. Home. O. "No. , I'm, going to be a farme:, , "Pshaw! It's those old cows gave it. keeper may, by a little planning and though. I like it on a farm. I'm goinfcf No, thank you, Barbara, I won't drink forethought, economize her strength. to have a farm of. my own, with all any now." ' kinds of fine stock." He even denied himself the pleasure Fruit Soups.- - Fruit soups are more 'em be "God the Innv poor" pityin' of hunting eggs in the great barn. - , 63 W. 2nd, South, SALT LAKE CITY jcent common abroad than here. are MANUFACTUBED BY craythers!" said Mike. "Who's going to the postoffice this served cold of course and areThey a pleasTom laughed. As he talked he had morning?" asked grandfather, coming P; 0. BOX ant and easily prepared novelty for the been on the side away from Mike team- Into the back yard. "This is mail company's summer luacheon. Mrs. and &xEipl8S switch the day." 'I-..it ..01.(K) ing with a sharp-pointe- d for Rorer's calls for CALT LAKE CITY, UTAH recipe Iron Assay cherry soup LOO cow he was milking. BOJf: fAt will go, grandfather," said Tom, one "I sour of one cherries and quart "Look thin! out, quart Brindle! Copper Ass&y Aisy, l.oo "I'll get out the pony." cold water over the fire; hen boil3ottIe Sanaplei.. Spices Pare and Ground Daily. ....-.- ! 8.00 cried Mike, as Tom gave a hardei briskly. It was one of his most highly prized of add a of half, and ing cup sugar press poke. treats to ride the mile and a half to a colander and return to the But Brindle had quickly raised her small village. He turned toward the through the fire. Moisten one hind foot, and as the words left Mike's stable to ask Mike to catch the pony tablespoonful of ar to milk-pa- il add mouth his well-fille- d rowroot, it the went boiling mixture, for him, then stopped. "'"'" cook a one L'.. S. U. over." add moment, Land tablespoonful RegUter Office.) (Late "I won't ask him. anyway; that lemon Has a full line of-to With an angry howl Mike sprang up, counts in wnat I'm And, turn out and cool. Swve juice, not going to do., Land; and Mining Attorney. cold In glasses with5 a little cracked Ice. rushed toward Tom and seized him" by I'll walk. I'm not dependent uponja the collar. as I said." j pony just CorreBpondence solicited. Twentj-thre-e Beef OlivesTwo pounds of round "Will ye be lettin the craythers a found the walk He hot long, one, years' experience. of limb evil? Coom this way cLii.il wcio steak cut very thin, the edges removed. alone, ye uuu umuer iu on &iau reaay wid ' UTAH. it's nlver LAKE No, ye! .4 SALT Season with pepper and salt.- - Cut into CITY, gettin' away his return. ; 'And ii Belling dovrn at Panic Prices fnr be." T)nwn. you'll Pv about four Inches long and three strips forEither Cash "Mutton vvny, mutton's or shee let me!" Produce go "Mike, you at cost. roared Tom, a dressing of three ' isn't It?" asked Tom, who had caught! inches wide. Make him'L; . striving with all his might to free vj tablespoonfuls of cracker dust, on of self from the angry grasp. ; quizzical iook rrom His grandfather butter, TraTelera one teaspoonful of sage, oha and Sheepmen will find me l! as his uncle passed him a well-fllle- a with long pent-u- p But Mike, strong supplied with ' of salt. Spread on mat; saltspoonful Indignation, only tightened his hold plate. er roll and tie. Brown cl a STABLING- How good that roast mutton smelle on Tom's arm, and, with more rapid of salt Rea in I ind pooid skillet. pork movements than had ever before been How tempting to a hungry bov! n Hishest cash price paid for Hides and Pelu. Don't .. A mrt'Tt Ttllf moot Irt Ttt? f V. rmn n Attorneys, seen Agents forget in the .hired man, dragged him T!?,T?e!10lfcf haif ded back the Pte- - haif pints of boiling water, cover closely stable the from the yard, through eating meat tndav HinTr 0,, i , kitchen garden and over a grassy plat you, he said. "Potatoes and KiWii i : . twin, tinv CALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. t5 ti side porch on which Gr.fjadfatbwr and beans are good enough for mei ', over the meat. OAH CITY, MILLARD COUNTY, . " . . . UTAE as j t for Detroit, Fish Springs, and Ibapahl . -- 1 1 ' -- I . lf ; - . wiselv-however- " : ; - :.' A, Gardner, ; i i Harness and Saddlery GEO. W. WILLIAMS, . if ' Harness, h fi T r f , . L. HOLBROOK, IS 5?r Headquarters for Sheep, Cattle lK.OVO. - all-suffici- ent Bo-Tie- r. ;T : Cliris.-Tlioiiipsc- Prop. 3k TfllE i--eft BAKU PfllE Leads All the Rest- d " i m. fun-lovin- g, O. S. MAKTIN, ; i ; ' j j . . : : ; . I first-clas- 1 , ; W. M STEWARD, I I -d-- AQ. HEWLETT .BROS 1 ................... i Frank D. Hobbs. w " ? ; ; JOS EPH A. LYMAN General Merchandise, -- - i BIRD & LOWE, ! i. - ; one-quart- & it ' HAY, - GRAIN - AND - JOSEPH A. LYMAN, j |