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Show THE BLADE. TTm DIRECTORY. uUC9m Auodif . Attorney-- ,. Prowcntln ltri? Land Office- -. Sffiofer of Offlc.-.-...BryoiGro- ; ; g. W. Smith. ;W. Judd. . Frank IlarrU. .Scho-.- B. Lewis. T. UTAH! COMUISION. J4n. e uuy. Thatcher. rVorrel-..-.a- H g9 WTatlock- -. .v ; i em. , , v. i Sheriff. J1iJs,U11,vn W.OazLer ....D. ;Usseeaor ana uouecpor ana 01enr . a.Rnrtan Tfvmij (,Whm Attorney. . . . jr.-- u. liantord , "tJE" Yft!npeJr .John . x-- gherlff .:..-....-..- - Surveyor. : Treasurer.. - Callister. O. J no. M. Hanson. Wlllard ' Rogers, a CaUister ...P. Annabel had many, friends among men. "What cant it is to sav friend man and woman is imship between 1"! she would cry, with flash possible "What ing eyes. degrading cant! with a flushing cheek. She liked the society of men. They gave her a, new outlook on life. She would enjoy it if they .confided their love affairs to her. ; So, she said. Somehow .they had not as yet given her that enjoyment. She was 22, with a piquant face and figure and a man of ' the world style of conversation that half veiled an unv fathomable innocence, .It. was. a hot evening, early Jin. June,; and Qnei of, Annabel's friends had; drop-- 1 ped rln. ,They were" sitting together in tne miniature veninda, .discussing a subject jthey. had often discussed be-- ! ! the Russian minister1 at Washington to Gernany is explained by his desire to complete hlB daughter's education in music Sweet are :the uses ' The transfer of of s . It is calculated that the present po- -; litical fight In Kentucky is provoking jnore ,cuss words to the squ&r inh than any since the memorable cxm-- - s ! After a. few days of Newport r life the ,4ake. ot Marlborough io go home and write -- will be expected a learned rolume Qn the;economic, social, religious and . political life of the American people. ' xore. , n "One comfort about my : of It is a remarkable fact i that i in all style "friendship,' "said Annabel, .these boundary ; disputes with Great not be eternally bxithering.about one'a Britain .the TUnited" States has lqoks,ard that sort of .thing, whenione Jclihned anything, has always? been on' wants to 'have a rational conversation. :, the , defensive, and usually; has been . don't know anything, more aggrayat-- : I ! worsted." Ing than! to talk one's best talk to a man, as I did out at dinner the other The new woman - must not be dian day, and 'to1 find liim obviously Specucouraged by , the assignment iof Mrs lating as 'to whether one's ' hair's all betrurn, the Texas feminine lawyer and one's own. Now, I don't think you or real estate owner. Misfortune may bar any: other of imy speciaLchuins would I wore a sack wt en you a determined lady attorney for a time even, notice-icame to me. see That's so tt fresfcing." but not for 'long. "It - isL'l said the friend. VFor in stance some girls would . be dreadfully W. P. Hayes, a St. Paul baseball um- put out if their shoe had a little hole pire, has sued the Minneapolis Times in it, just at xne up, wnen a man was for saying he stole a game he umpired. there, put you" From the general tone of remarks adtWhere," and Annabel jumped off dressed to the umpire the impression her lounge chair with one bound and has gone abroad that only professional passed her pretty feet under agonized criminals were employed for that posit- Inspection. For one with whom ap"no object" she was ion. So light an aspersion as being pearance was shod. called a thief was supposed to amount wonderfully "I'm so sorry," said her friend. "I almost to a compliment. didn't mean to imply that you had a hole in ypur shoe. Only that if you Thomas R. Howard of St. Louis, a hall it wouldn't trouble you. in the descendant of the famous English least." if vimiili " c?o f Annohal tutIVi family of .Howards and a broker, of many years' standing; is under arrest dignity "I never said one would care to exhibit slovenliness to one's friends. .charged with poisoning a negress And a hole would be slovenly.' named Nancy Leathe. It is said that smoked in silence. They jEoward was jalso attempting to, pdisqn "JHow do you define a man's friend.Priscilla Henry, In order to secure her ship for a woman?" he inquired, after :s;talneat4100,000''-:MrHowthe pause had lasted for a ,long while. b knocking some of the ..luster off a fAnnabel took her time before answering.! distinguished name. "1 think," she .replied at last, rather A sharp upward movement of thje slowly J "It means having her interests that they could nevearth was noted at Tehuacan, in the at heart1 so much bore- you so that her pain or happier ,tat8 of Puebla, Mexico, recently; ness would always be to you almost Acong students of seismic .phenomena. more than your own. You would ;ney-e- r it is .the general opinion a volcano hear her "slightly spoken of. You one save ,hisr all you could. Y"ou of in the mountains would forming lofty oear Tehuacan. , Subterranean rum-.tllnwould Jet nothing, of hers be injured. more or lss prolonged have been Wherei you could you ,would rput ;vel- tsard and the natives are panic vet between her nd the rough, things itrlcken. Ris probably a .Qhicago real of the world, as Carlyle said.' "YesJ but he spoke of his .wife." estate man booming a Annabel did not seem to hear the words. She was looking over , the Oklahoma has harvested nearly all roofs, the appallingly uniform roofs tar desperadoes. The crop was pretty of West Kensington, to where a goldwsll saved when Zip Wyatt was mowed en haze: hung In the sky and wonder4own with Winchesters last week. Bill ful dream music was being played and ' Cook, Jim French, "Skeeter." Cherokee then: blown into the balcony on ia lit The gold sky . soft June breeze. U1, the "Verdigris Kid" and Wyatt all' tle thie of the was great dusty exhilight Dal-tocs. eprung from the seed sown by the .revro Whitsuntide jfull of wdy The penitentiary and repeating bition, from music and ,was the blaring rife have got all except Cherokee Bill, elers, a brass band. But distance and tne is waiting for the noose. From the. summer and the , quiet hour caught it present outlook1 the .new stand of rob- -' all up and left nothing qt it but what tsrs, cutthroats and murdergrs is not was beautiful. It made Annabel feel fsod and promises a puny crop. restless. I am rgolng in," s.he said suddenly, feet. "Here goes for EDrinffInsito:her A ticycle with the epeed of even she whisked the lighting i lamp." And room I cilea per hour has a momentum of ; her little drawing ,with a Into pounds. LThis iaenouib. to upset5 movement anything but dreamy. ,tas pedestrian, but is not pleasant for Her friend followed .resignedly, alra Lit ti..bicycile.wbe!n jmpinges. eainst though he had been .very comfortable .Coa loaded with cordwood cr brick. where he was. He was quite used to wisest thing for a bicycle rider ia Annabel's frequent changes of mood, himself to.tlwaya look ahead. and take no un- -, and by indulging in !ho such out to and her tire iable :.: he was often "y.. ctrtiia" chances. : ,'''' t -- f .., - , i; -- -- . -- get down ito athe forlorn .little entity behind the many poses. t, Thft lamD was a high concern on bamboo poles and quite beyond the wnph f Annabel s nve reex ei ..eigui. She got a low chair and ureparedr to climb upon it. "One moment," said ,her companion is gravely. "We have decided thattoJtour right to protect all that belongs friendi Now, ?thi3 chair belongs to less injured mine and will be more or even by her. by being stood upon, her lifted he up. Therefore" and and furious unavailing After one to the situatwitch Annabel settled tion with surprising ease. She lit the the lamp and adjusted its ted shade and said "Thank you" with cm oat when he set her down. into two They got themselves to find cenver-tatio- n seemed but she something of an effort. "Friendship has many advants-e- s ? r ' arm-efisair- St. Louis, DrZU2T. - PORK t Ticket kgm lVlo. Mill Work a Specialty. GRACE BROTHERS' Yard XiurrrbHsr VEAL ill Butter, Lard, Sausago Manufacturers of and, Deal en in . . -- OSTLER&";OOKEY, '" Poors!:.-hi'-'- s! . W&IB:'-' 'Mixed Paints, Pickets, Vl;-- . Mouldinss, . Hardware, ; . ; , Brotih ers, t NEPHI GITY, rs, '.: . -- .; Ml : ; - - - ; Horse TJnisliirig Goods anii Cowboys' Outfits. Sheep Men's T , de-cauren- ess nccr Greensburg, Ind., has i - tcmato that 'weighs seventeen ounces, Kansas .will ti tbrceherself t5 tu'-j- n if ehe want3 to - & General Passenger jho.'deysiiup, r.ion. Ess) Main Street, H. C. TOWHSEMD, : . has been .much', writ- !n ont, but the bicycle glare is also erosting. The bicycle glare Is beat tsn the bicycler, with his mud- d "wheel, runs against a man who is Messing the road on foot. Unless the Uslisan i3 firmly seated the glare of 3 rata on foot will very nearly throw i ' 1 1,-:t- 30 t level a iteAa . spot cash. OR Goal, , . electrical." The contents rim thus: . iCoQns, 'Caskets, "It has long be supposed that the Wire etc Uombimtion stroke given by the torpedo was the lence, NEPHI CITY, UTAH. effect of sudden violentmuscular moand the Southern Trade. Speeial attention giyen, to nail orders frei-- ht tion. It is now suspected to be an ef- Free delivery to any part of ..he citj. from Salt Lake City to tib save from the fus you ;By,orderihg fect of the electric or some similar, subpoint. tle fluid when that fish has the power of acting upon and agitating at' pleasR. E. L. C0LL1EE,.0-Eure. To discover whether t be the muscua or subtil of of effect fiuid, Branehes. lar motion, let the fish be touched Engineering in all with the usual conductors of "electri city, viz: Iron, or other metals; and TJT witn tne Known ary1 Land and lrrigation Work a Specialty etc. the stroke If wood, glass, wax, Land and Irrlgatioi be communicated thro' ' the first .'arid 'Ecglneer fcr Centrtl ' Lund and Clour Co., Irrigation Co., IVr not the latter, there Is o far a similar Co. and Whit Loi. nl Irrlfatlon FlUmQTe ity with thea electric fluids,' and at the .Mountain Lei o Mid Ivrlpntion Co. same 'time proof that the' stroke is mot an effect of mere muscular mo-- Office: Court House, Fillmore, Utah. Instructions ar given to "let a .numDealers in and Manufacturers of ber, of persons stand on the ground, Join hands, and one touch the fish, so THE DESERET DAIRY GO, as to receive, the stroke. If all.'feel it. then .let him be laid with his belly on HAS FOR SALE HAKUESS, SADDLES the plate of the metal; let one of the ; persons so joining hands touch that FULL LHEAU CHEESE. the while farthest the vfrom plate, .with a rod of metal .touch the ,plate DeseTet is noted f ar the fine quality 'back of the fish; and then observe 'whether the force of the stroke r seems of its 31ilk, Butter and. Cheese. Girt HOPPLES, NOSE SACKS, ETC. to be the same tov all in the circuit as o ur products a tnal. , !; it was before, or stronger." 'The let-- : "We also carry a fallline cf ter concludes with further .tests for N. S. BISHOP, determining whether the back and belly of ;the fish are at the time of the Stroke in different states "of electricity. The remarkably; prompt and vicious muscular twist which the electric eel has the power to impart to those ';who come5 in contact with it must have been convincing to the heroic experi menters, even lr tne results had not Ifully satisfied "Franklin asto the na ture of the snOck. D'Arsonval haa now determined exactly what the ' oi me gurrem irom me eiec jstreugiu trie eel is. He took a torpedo about, a ,f"7 fend county Ncwspapew from .H sssti foot in diameter and provoked it by nn. was snock its 'me given pressing Cz Ct ept2aea from DairclS found to be 8 amperes, with an elec force of twelve volts. The 1 current illuminated some incandescent RE3F20TABL33. Enry ttlcj lamps, and excited an induction coil, K irjAwtas Well cf making it yield; several inches long. There were ten discharges.: which suc THE POTvCST WATER ON EARTH. win qniciuy cure you of airii.r-vou- s tfon ot a famous Frencn such r Lest Manhorx' or diseases of the generative ceeded each other every Jbmisaitms, Nervonn Dbilitv' Ca tls Fremisea. This Water la a Insomniajl'ainsintbeBaCk.Seminal of a second, the whole shock lasting to llarry, ExhanstiD- - Drains, Varicocele aiTJ ANTECD OURS far a2l losses bv day or night Prevents stops aJl of a second. New York It Constipation. 11 chwkedleads not to which Bess of discbarg-eSpermatorrhwU and Times. -aver. Lhv, a trrtrn uiuuriu ri.tI1V. nrrnor Diseases of the Kidneys and Bkddc restores and 55 trenffthen3 CUPIDEXE Tlie It ii in or Was Correct. mafeJf sunerers The reason satljaealaU on Application. :med to known UhOuu,, operaUon! WtestinlonS . is the a i only CUl'l rumor DEN,. I rro ta heard Hite that n iron n m iitour vfu. uirm iiijl cur permanent circular and S"d or f 1 out a testimonial of fell MRS;: J. IV GIBBS,: Prop: window and 1 00 Featherby li.xfor$w:W O. Box P. 2070, San Francisco, broke his head, Addiess DIVOt ME&ICIX E CO., UTAH. DCOERET, TGI GAJDD BY IIcNALLY & LUNT, DUGGIsSs, NIIPIIL White There was nothing in it non-conaucto- ' rg ALSO- Czr ' Utah. - Salt Lake City, Complete Line of Builders' Supplies. Bute tiers, -- at bottom pricea 5 . ; re-t'al- OSTLER & OCKEY, Oobds FREIGHT-AN- D vPASSENGER Rooia'2I iMorUn BlocV WO. D ESERKT CASH -- , decreed .that Frakeii i DARflAil, COMMERCIAL AT THD ; : cort - . . . the M ? i ""3 Cead. Thej question now l3, by to life without an order of c:-t Isn't Fraker 'guilty?: of contempt? forgiven." The business manager r.of Thrift wishes that his advertisers would "check" ' their "ads." In advance instead ' of "ticking" i them. Some newspapers seem tojbe of the opinion that It is better for a. merchant to.'have advertised and lost than to1 have never advertised at all. t ;8. JERAMCIIMIDISE l ; m Call on or address : . n. acinst the. Insurance com-'l- of regular train tickets. . . la Ceciolng ; ing Franklin's second mission to;Eng-lan- d as the agent of the House of Kepresentatives of Massachusetts Bay. On ther:back of the letter was inscribed: "Franklin's instructions, to try if : the stroke , of the torpedo be - sub-divisio- the seats are free to helico In vrhich " : . lUlJjXl . gs Ghair Gar Eleclining . ma-lapterur- us, : - To the Great Rivers and Atlantis Ocean. Elegant and thoroushly : mod em Equipment-an- . j Wholesale and Retail , Dr. Franklin Idea. Carried. Out toy a Scientist. French The experiments just completed in France by d'Arsonal on the electrical discharge of the electric eel, the OTjriR.E33 and several other fishes, letserve to recall a most Interesting 1 ' BEEF elecof now in the ter the possession trical department of Armour Institute SIDTTON written August 12, 1772, by Benjamin Franklin to an English scientist, dur- , Froni Utgit) shoes-mad- e POWER OF THE ELECTRIC EE1 ; t rests And positively the quickest nt. Repairer of - j . &nd . " AND SHOES. ; . im No tiresome lay oYers. Close connections in union depots, C. OSTLER, Manufacturer tit rii3 f or a'ticisS 850,000 .u.Jylj 337,600 RAILWAY. W. W. Aemstkoko, Cashier. J. M. fcsk i UTAH. PRINTERS' INK. BOOTS i The oublisher of' a "longf felt twant" . ', ; f ,: should not expect to ' secure advertiseto order. All kinds of ments before readers. Workmanship second to none, First door south .of Tabernasla, LAdTertisements are like men 'in .that .those .which .accomplish the ,most fre- - MAINSTREET, NEPHI. most tne .faults. chava quently An, advertiser who confines his adver tising to one medium cannot reach or section. everybody in' ah entire state One'little "ad." which ; is 'seldom in serted by any one lot of the weaker sex reads: "Come back and all ,'will be PRODUCE ,;ftvV'',:'" ' . CAPITAL SURPLUS . ' lv , It was a sad day for Minister Ran som when he was declared unconstitu tional, but it is sorrow's crown of Bor CITY, VIA National Bank 1 NEPHI, beer war, but Chicago will manage to stagger along with the five thousand other places. ! mah-to-ma- : par-ticular- , The Two thousand saloons, will probably b9 closed in Chicago with the end of the , : 1 The Atlanta bull fight has been de clared off; but the exposition's board ot lady managers continue to Kayo thlr set-to- s unmolested. tsra aad ' ST. LOfflS, OB UTAH. Vice-Preside- 1 -- ? - - ., , . -- jaign in Flanders. I LUNT, BANKING Corbett doesn't drink. John Barley QENERAL corn is credited with knocking out John In All Its Branches. Sullivan, and Corbett took warning.Whereupon Mr. Alimony steps in and Geo. C. Whitmoeb, J. II. Erickson, swats him. President. : t diplomacy. ' ii - NEPHI, sal- going to m!SAS jUa rows to find that he can draw no ary. she shall grieve' business." He hummed the words with a ludicrous exaggeration. . Annabel shrank a ' little. She ridiculed sentiment in and cherished it as deeply in public her ' heart as every other clever little feminine fool in the world. "Now, with one's sweetheart," he said, watching her, "one can tell she is ' sad while she is still smiling ; her welcome. One knows every little trick of the expression and almost every 'thought I behind the curls. There's no going off then without comforting. Qut1 it must all come, ''and she. must be again. Doesn!t , petted into happiness it sound puerile ?" ' ,'No; answer frprn' Annabel. The band .at the Redhibition was playing a Rriilear comic": sons. ,lIt .came in at the window softened to 'a mel ody straight 'from' paradise. ! sHe thought he f heard 'a kittle slgb.. 'He came 'and leaned over the back of her chair. v'The Mutual society, help and com-- . fort .the one ought to 'have ;pf thtf other, both in prosperity 'and adversity,' he said, speaking low. "How, does that sound, Annabel?" No answei. He knelt down by Tier chair and sot hold of both her hot small, hands. f'How does that pound, my dear?" "It sounds sweet," she said In ,a; voice that was only a breath. 'But he r heard. "Is it as sweet as it sounds ?" he asked. That was long after, however. Now Budget. " gupt Schools. cooing ; 't i Joseph D. Smith Sidney Teepleu . Coroner. she-doesn- i HoHjrook. hos. If you are SOLICITED. TRADE M'NALLY j , Alma1 Green wood. A. A. Hlnckley ...-.. . , -- Assessor Collector .........-..-.- . Clerk and Recorder Attorney. ...-- some , Tour patronage solicited. GHICiGO, d. though there may be among them. and Bologna. Carefully compounded. or illaH express orders promptly attsaed to, 1jMX9 Stack At Salt Lake prices. There is probably no truth in the re port that bicyclers become pigeon-toe: Mutton, Veal, Chipped Beef . ; MILLABt) OOUNTT DIXtEOTOBY. Probate Jadre. mh. JIoshna Greenwood. Andreas Peterson, I John - Styler. . i selectmen. . JJames Gardner, -- C. f w'T Choice: Fresh Meats, MoNALLY & LUNT, SOUTHERN t. , . mm DRUBGISTS, The man who kens ud with the latsst books and magazines isn't going to have time to earn the money to'buy . JUAB COUNTS DnpaWRY. Treasnror . ,. . .oIone . . 8npt Schools. A perfect fit guaranteed. Repairing: in all ta Its branches. Special attention called mahis new atyle. Universal feed sewinff chine does all Its work inside of the ehoe. Two doors north of Union, Main St., NephL little Marion Cleveland a poodle. Most of the editors have been giving her father pointers. '. cltT' Bait v Give General Campoa "the heads of A Maine editor has sent . .Lake City. - Boot anil Shoe Holier. The Dallas physical culture society continues to express confidence in its ability to hold its October meetlni . a, and eleven births the insurgent leaders," and he doesn't care what becomes of their bodies. v'-'- ..Oaleb r last census shows that fifteen deaths each hour. i TBRBITOMAI OFFICERS. W. West. Governor. . J7 . . . .0. O. Blchardt. Nrr Chief :Jace r Oe0i artch. -- London's there are elm-bough- " ' - UTAH. - the other thing," he said at last. over" " "Yes?" 4' X leave the "Yes. It has far less obligation city behind me, about it. Now, one takes an interest Shaking its dust from my feet; Leaving its thunder and roar of trad, In one's friend's work. How's it getI haste, to the covert sweet, ting on, by the way?" Where from dusk of the s' "Oh, much as usual," said Annabel. ' ; "But one doesn't feel "it weighing arching,--; : on one's mind that she should have to As in long, cathedrals dim Through the hush of the lingering twi- work at all. Now with one's sweet- keart how different! She should sit light; all The a day in silk attire and cross her litthijishes sing hymn. tle hands in her lap if she liked. The wind should not be allowed to blow In the town were hurry and bustle, too. And squalor and sin were , there, roughly on heri Ridiculous, would And theltrail of the worship of Mam- - it'not be?" ''Degrading," said Annabel .stoutly. mon,! ; j "Just so. Degrading. Then there's And the wearisome burden of care. absurd notion that women want that In 'the' fields are silence and perfume, ,taking care of. With ones friend the .And one mights kneel and pray fiction doesn't have to.be kept up. She ;In the calm and cloistered forest goes alone to theaters, and meets one At the, tender fall of, day. at the door, and jthere's no nonsense The birds go flying homeward about having to see her home. I She To thej nest in the tree-top- s dim, takes her own. bus and off she. goes. And the j vespers die" into stillness; one's friend she Now, if she. were-noThe thrush has finished his hymn.. shouldn't go one step by herself. There, would always be a tedious male creat- O! beautiful lanes'I love you side elbowing off, the, vpass-ersb- y As you skirt the ibabbling brooks, :s jure at .her. and' t.takingi.v every unnecessary As)you.seek.tto the foot of the 'moun- care of her. Sounds oppressive, does ' tain, , it not?" ' As you find the hidden snooks. "Yes," said Annabel. A little wist-- ? ,Wiere the ferns in great green-masse- s fulness ;had crept iinto her rvoice ; and The edge, of the "swamp land, rim, some of the sturdiness had, faded. Where IUinger till stars awake above, "Then there's not that terrible deAnd the thrushes sing their ,' hymn. mand for sympathy. ; One expects one's friends to fit in with one's own Harper's Bazar. particular mood, just as onetpicks up a book that chimes in with it. It happen to suit one day, off one goes. It isn't necessarily on one's FRIENDLY. mind that she I may be in trouble of her own, or, if shej is, she can't say so., There's no need for the 'I will die ere at Published J3hfery;Satnrday .nTTT .VESPERS, .:Faderewski.ls .losms ms. grip on tni piano, that is to say, he is getting bald. j I DESERET HOUSE. E BUARANTEM - : . tro-moti- ve :':, cl Perfect plij-Biclan- one-hundred- org-aus- Pimples,-Unfitnes- one-tent- , th h , s quk-k- i , i A to-da- 1S y Ei i ; ;- wrr-.t- t-- |