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Show II f Absolutely Independent rn all Questions whether Q i The advertisements in the Country Papers, and 3 The BLADE has the Largest Circulation ol any Paper in Central and Southern Utah, i It offers the best possible 'medium for , it a it a i .. f ' pr year, in advance,. bix month3, $1.00. h 'S j "The Truth Without Fear or Favor."j 2.03 A FT Country People Read A ; Political, Social or Religious, '. ;' Is the Ula.dk. ou Matto: "S. 1 V ! (. 1 ,: -- ,;.'.. Advertisements. IIIIIHI Wl.ll I IIMIl - Wn'.ilMi F 1 F V Conference today and tomorrow. Do you know that your taxes are t '. v Who will be ttiel Lupky Person? J5veryono lias a Chasiee. It will Xe fclx5.sk Wise: sior. They'sell it very cheap -- j ' i We have a very large line of New, Nice, Nob- oy uioiniDg.T it was bought at prices as low as Sp CasK could by it ,tid will be sold at figures that defy competition. The Goods and Prices will be guaranteed to you and as a Special Induce- ment for all to buy their! Clothing ol us. each peiv son buying a suit (whether childs, boys' or mens' ) or a pair of mens' pants will be given one. chance for Fit tyJD pilars in" U. S. Gold Coin to be presented j'. to the lucky person on Christmas" eve. Do you want to be tiia possessor of such a rich gift? You may be if you buy your clothing of us. ' Thi3 offer, .'will begin on September 27th and . I continue until! Christ mas.; A If you want a nice Tailor-Mad- - l: v ; Suit cut to fit e in every particular we can please you, having taken' the agency of the Royal Tailors of Chicago. Gall and s4e samples. - 1 4 - . . ... - i- - ;. i Remember the $5o.oo Prize To be Given! Away; And buy your Clothing of , 1 ; : del- lowest prices at Charles Foote's tf. Arthur Moore of Salt Lake was visitor in our city the first of the week. '; Foi the hands ancl face use Gilead Balm of McNally & Lunt, Druggists,' Nephi. d men can obtain sure relief by purchasing McNally & Lunt's hair Fra-gran- ' . Bald-heade- C. W. Aldrach, of the Swan Lake Irrigation Co., was onithe train Thursday, A going South. If in doabt let your ballot read. "For Representative to the Lower House, . Edward Pike.' V. E. Candiand made a' flyinff trip to Utah Co. in the interests of C. Andrews & Co. this week, Co-o- p made an improve-buildin- g t The Nephi ment on the north side of the by plastering the wall. Mrs. Harriet Darton a former resident of Nephi, but later jof Provo, is in Nephi A this week visiting friends; Although it has oeen very cool of late,, it has beed predicted by some that the weather will change ou Tuesday-Edwi- n Booth, one of our city fathers, returned home from an extended business trip to Salt Lake, last, Monday. The Nebo Salt Company shipped a car of salt to Ogden Wednesday. The company are doing a large business now. Sheep-meare all preparing to leave for the winter range, the only thfng; that is keeping them back is the election. A Miss Emma Coombs of Fountain" Green , who has been living1 in Nephi for some time past, returned home Wednesday. vigo. j iNephi. Ladies' Wraps at lessinfigures Salt than, . I - inquent? The cheapest stock underwear ever exhibited in Nephi at Excelsior. tf. Nsxt Tuesday and the battle of the bal, lots vill be fought to a finish. Tlae largest variety of dress goods at at Excel- (jet; your Wall Paper OF OUR EXCHANGES NEPHI Lake City, CO-O- P. ' males. v, : LOAD OF COOK STOYKB AND RANGES. A CAR CALL A110 J A16-monthso- ld -- en-rou- . JEWELER; not only warrant vour watch to ran, but will guarantee it to kerp tltao, or a full suDnlv of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry will rftmri irMr-mn'oat Close Fiur'es. Orders from the country solicited. . ; yi, typhoid-pneumon- ia - ": j . Main Street,: Nephi Pianos Tuned and Repaired. is.'-West- ern . - . let-tbi- e. - ex-Fresid- - DescrCf IT.i'i, o Is the ij mill 3 ;v on . iui-i,:t,-;.u- i , - class Hotel be- First only Tn tween j- f sum 'i T J? : o blood-purifie- r, - nt - j- Ratss in harmony with the 'times. - . - f ir Ou the premistd iff a flowing well of the purest water on earth, y. "Disease The water is a guaranteed Specific for Bright water has WTalyzed and found to be absolutely pure It find eoDtain not a trace or. jiuie. a positive cure fur Stone in the Bladder, It is isalso for Coustipaaand a certain remedy foot i mrifi ial j ct n m TH'Tml tted to' refer to W. V lilacir, G. Hunt awl Mrs. Amanda Kelly of Deseret, many other Virgil Kelly of Ilurbank, Utah, and in Salt Dake City and elsewhere whose names will be furnished on application. , m mind the Dsuket Houp.K.is first class in every particular. i 1 , .AVER'S PBElS"' Highest Honors at World's Fair Ayer's Sarsaparilla Strengthens the Systetn. COAL. i proprietor - - ; - i i - ; no4 d 1 n . ' v.-er- '!! te hs - . s. iiine-tentof my troubles were' caused by constipation, I began vthe use of Ayer's Pills, with; the mo.t satisfacj tory fesults, never having ti single ' attack'that did not readily yield to this1 remedy. My wife, .wUd- had been an invalid for years, also began to usd ' Ayer's Pills, and her health .was quickly ' restored. With. my children I had no ticed that. nearly all their ailments preceded by constipatiorf, ;ftnd I sooii had the pleasure of knowing that with children as with parents, Ayer's Tills if taken in season,, avert ail danger of sickness." II, Wettstkin, Byron, 111. that ' g. itucZ 'I ( ' Mark Twain's Yell. Mark Twain, who started on a recently an intertour around the world, told viewer at Winnipeg how heY often felt a desire to "cut loose'.' from civilization and to get away by t himself tvhere he could run and yell to; his heart, s content In this connection thre isa story about the humorist and' Canon Kingpley Walking along' the streets one day, Mark felt the impulse to yell "coming! on him with irresistible force1," and fid to Kines-le"I want to yell, I must Veil." The canon said "Ail right, yell away; I don't mindT" r4Au$ with that," fcaid Mark. "I stepped ;back a few steps, and my annsiiibove my head, let throwing out a war h op that; could toe heard for miles, and. in less time than you could count Canon Kingsley and myself were surrounded by a multitude of anxious citizens who wanted to know what was the matter. 1 told tbem nothing was the matter. I just wanted to yell, and had 1 yt yelled. a Election Notice, , In acdordanca with the provisions of ; Law and by direction .of "The Board of " notice is Registration and Election, is hereby "given.,, that an election will be ' held at Nephi Precinct, in Juab County , Territory of Utah, on Tuesday, Novem ber 5th, 1S93, for the purpose of choosio g persons to fill the following offioes : A COtfNTV. ": One Superintendent of District Schools, ' MUNICIPAL. One Mayor. One Recorder. One Treasurer, h t , One Marshal, One City Justice. I Five Members City Council. : i 1 'm - - . ( " state, - will "gans and :rWJllAi ,:;!!' O s. . EXPERT IVATCIIm tl KER v - - re-open- ed e p AA - ca-ef- ul J ) lot-jumpi- d - SHSPEGT OUR STQGKi .ArW n - PYBEE ;& GO'S: -- x - I "Ayer's Cathartic FilFs for over thirty" years have kept mo in good health,' never having' had a sick day in all that time. Before I was twenty I suffered almost continually as a result of constipation from, dyspepsia, headaches, neuralgia, --or boils and other eruptivti" diseases.' When I became convinced' " ' AT COOPEH, AVER'S PELLS past ten days. The output of both 'gold and silver in increase during Utah will show a healthy the present year.; ' A postoffice has been established at UYlilburn, Sanpete county, Utah, with Richard Graham a3 postmaster. Mrs. James Young, of Mt Pleasant, sustained a dislocated jaw Wednesday while yawning. She is getting morning as as could Dee ted. well along Patrick Coughlin was , convicted of murder in the first degree at1 Ogden on Saturday. The jury, however, recom mended him to the mercy of the court. ' :.' The building boom is on in Eureka in full blast. About thirty. new houses are t east half- of town, and going up in the is said to be a daily occurr ance.-Tin- tic be-e- 1XS1XG t tour Leaders' in Loy i Prices. EESTLT OF Something likft 250 cars of sheep have been shipped east from Utah during the j ; For Over Thirty Years! ... Gents suits from f3. 50 up. Youths' Miner. suit from $3.0Q up. Boys' suits with knee.- panes from 75cts. to 83.50 at The Castle Valley News will! change Charles Foote's. tf. .Lhands next week, a company having been xi you nave ever aone anything wrong jurmeu ior vub purpuae ut vuuuuuiuk hjo in our life or left anything undone business. Mr. Paradice, formerly of the that you should have done don't become Price Telegraph,! being the principal man a candidate for a public office. In case in the enterprise. some one be sure will to find out youido Dan Lindsay, who is alleged to have " wrong-doingyoaj attacked bis wife and killed her was The way'to make your local paper the bound over to the grand jury: Fridey best in the land is to keep your sub- morning, by Justice Bagley of Ogden fixed at f500, .in default of scription paid up and give in' any item with bondswas of news coming under your observation. which he lodged in jail. A healthy subscription list does more to child of Wm. Meyers, Kee j an editor in good spirits than any "of Huntsville, died from the effects ot elso on earth. tbiiig water" in which arsenic had drinking S bbath Oct. 27th Rev. O. S. Wilson been placed. The entire family was too.t as his subject 'Prepare to meet poisoned., The child was s the only one thy God." There were some things said of the family that died from the effects. that should be rung into the ears and It has not been discovered who put the the heart of every Christian.. One way poison in the water bucket. Deseret Christians should prenare to meet ..their News, God is to bo faithful to their vows, and Judge II. W. Smith returned to Ogden to e faithful in their attendance at the afternoon from his old home Wednesday services of God's house. Why are some in Kentucky: where he bas been for about Christians so careless about this? weeks past, for the purpose of imla the evening Kev. O. S. Wilson six Alfred Haycock,! one of Nephi's pin-ternow at his proving his health.and He isbeen was a south-bounpreached at the Methodist church owing home passenger Wed- to has this in city ?he absence of Bro. Smith. He took as indoors since his return. Ue confined for Milford, where he nesday is very his subject "Church Unity,' and showgoes to do some painting. ed bow blessed it is for Christians to weak and thin how, but it is said that he is gaining strength daily and will be The quarterly conference of Juab Stake dwell and to work together in able to be on the streets within a few of Zion commences this moraing at 10 unity. together f days Ogden Standard. o'clock, in the Nephi Tabernacle, and lasts today, and tomorrow. from the district for the Shipments as are from the Bullion-Bec- k follows: week home returned Charley Worthington 30 carloads from the Bulmine ore, from Sanpete, Monday, and say3 he went $4 25 per ton de- lion Beck mill 5 carloads concentrates, SteringCoal, over on business, but the boys he has say tire. Gemini 4 carloads ore, from the livered. For sale, by C- - Andrews from something else on jthe 'string.' A Centennial-Eurek- a an .average of 2 carDon't the peoplej of SouthernUtah know &Coa a-loads ore daily, from the Eureka Hill mill 4 carloads concentrates, from the they can save money and time by sending Mammoth mine 2 carloads ore, from the their inatl orders tb 'McNAlitv: & LUnt? Laid to Rest. 6 carloads ore, from the Carisa 1 Nephi. Druggists, Ajax " It is with a feeling of sorrow that we carload . ore, from the South Swanpea 1 are called upon to record the death of carload ore, Call at tliel Nephi Co-o- p for from the Dragon Iron mine Bale Jr. , one of Nephi's young 1 carload Tiutic Miner. JPahts. Cthe? have just re- - Richard daily. He was taken citizens. ard respected cetved tne best fiver seen tn Nejyht abQut two weeks ago with that JohnHobert.a farmer of Provo, was ' ' 'i dfeiiUe over, th'e Union Pacific tracks olsaasoA $3,00. for $'l3$djl worth drivicg ' was not bedfast until a few days be- - west of Provo Monday evening, . when A but AA ; whiskers is a Backingham'sDye for the nis death when he became worse a Union Pacific freight train came along in one bottle, and lore and died Saturday morning at 11:30. and struck the outfit. Both horses were popular preparation colors evenly a brown or black. Any were The funeral services held at the killed outright and were carried a disNorth Ward Relief- - hall at 3oae o'clock tance of 300 feet before the train was person can easily apply it at home ' 'Put it in the paper,: but don't tell Tuesday afternoon,; and well attended. brought to a standstill, but Mr. Hobert some The remains were interred in the Nephi and his wife and three children who were anyone who told you,'' is the way , and were followed to their last in the wagon escaped without injury. people talk who think it will nbt hurt cemeteryplace by a large concourse of Mr. Hobert stated after the accident that an editor any to be cursed and abused. resting relatives and friends. Tnn deceased was no whistle was blown, or other signal Will Hyde who! has been visiting in 1,24 years of aga and single. He leaves given announcing the approach of the for the past two i weeks, was a three brothers and a host of friends to train. Salt Lake Tribune Nephi south-boun- d passenger Wednesday. He mourn his loss. The Blade extends its On Thursday October 21th Jesse Bradleaves for tho Nvada Sheep Co. ranch. sympathy to the berieved family. Fork ley was working in Black-smit- h a a down An apology is necessary. and while log Through snaking Canyon Pleasures of Prospecting. the mountain an immense boulder be4arg'e amount of jbb work! and too, much in politics, thi9 issue of The and commenced to roll. The dissipation In conversation with- one of the best came loose BliADE is riot up to the average, in local known the young man old time prospectors who has noise of tbe log prevented of news. the the rpek which approacha spent years in the Rocky mountains, a hearing thousand about would pouods; weigh followWorld the elicited Before buying your winter clothing representative at first lightly on the hip, call at Charles Foote's and save from ing in regard to mining and prospecting: It struckhishim overalls, then struck him on tearing "It's thef prettiest Work I everof did," he the to forty- per cent. twenty-fiv- e Everyfoot mashing it in a terrible manner. the ffacination it: when 'It's body- is invited to call and examine our said. who said it - was A physician rich and have struck it you the worst was called pretty tf. you stock and prices. he had seen Mr. frfot mangled see your gold right i a front of you; when 24 of and one of the is age years returned F. Bradley of are hour the it Monday you Joseph Wright every up piling as as well most young men from a trip to Kansas City and Chicago, day, with a nugget now and then as big. steady where he has bean with a train load of as a bullet to cheer you, and then When in Hyrum. Logan Journal muttons. lie reports the market as being evening comes you count it up, and you When will boys stop fooling with find it worth hundreds of dollars, just gnns? On Sunday another instance of very low at present. up out of the earth in one day- - almost criminal carelessness resulteu. in the picked Montej Whitmore has I tell well, you there is nothing like it. an accident which might easily have has been shut down Then livery fetable which when you don't strike it, you. can terminated fatally. Two boys at Swan for some time, llw has got- everything think you are going to the very iake, Idaho, were fooling with a revolalways in good shaoe. Now. is the ' time . to take next and j day men it is just as exciting hear ver which , not being loaded, as they A.AAAA".V your girl buggy-ridintell in the evening what thought, .went off accidentally. The ball other ing son a Mark. Twain was ' once asked by' a they pulled out during the day as in struck one ot the oh the ribs just tifver friend what be thought of the existence counting your own' Why, I have gone of Mr. O. Hadle,boys, of a heaven or hell,' to which he replied: for a month at a time without making a the heart, narrowly escaping! the chest "I don't want to express an opinion it is dollar, and without a cent in my pocket,' cavity. It reflscte several inches and policy for me to kaep quiet; I have friends bnt the excitement of the work don t lodged in one of his ribs. The boy was in both places. " Ex. give a man time to realize how hard up brought to Logan next day, where the Mining World. surgeon removed the ball and dressed the Cazier and Wm. he J. A. Hyde, Adlbert wound. Logan Journal.to went to "meet Juab Wednesday Bailey WORK. LITERARY HARRISON'S GEN. E." While David Stark was out last week C. M. Allen and Frank Heber Wells, the rear seat of his vehicle came tD From there went driving J. Cannon;held a they and. loose occupants off the seat, 'meeting and came to To Write Articles for Levan'and on ''This Women, and Nellie; and Carrfe little his daughter in the evening Nephi fell- out on the ground. Little Williams, of Ours." Country T. B. Foote, who recently moved hia struck on her head and was rendy Ben Nellie Is ered green grocery store over to Eureka, has announced that It unconscious, in which condition she moved back to Nephi and has opened up jamin Harrison is engaged' in writing a remained for about thirty minutes. The his store at the old stand where he will child was picked up and taken to Mr. be glad to wait on bis old customers. Home Journal, in which periodical they Stark's home, Where she was revived to The BliADls wishes him success. will begin in the December number. The? consciousness and afterward taken ;to her will be called 'This Country of home. She was able to be up and about series That soft, rich,iglossy sheen, so' much' consist of ten articles the next morning. One of the wheels of Ours," and Will admired in hair, can be secured by the and The papers are be- tbe wagon ran Over Carrie's finger and more. probably use ot Ayer's Hair Vigor. AH the assistmashed off the end of it. Mr. Stark's General ance that nature; requires to make the ing written by to meet aHarrison especwidelittle girl escaped without any in jury. for women, growirig hair strong, beautiful, 'and abundant is ially desire on their to intelligentPayson part spread supplied by this excellent preparation. v ly understand the workings of our Gov- AL. C. Globe, Kamasj-whwas in the Larsen, Tne numerous cures of rheumatism by ernment and the great National quest- -' Park yesterday, a strange' story tells the use of the old standard ions. It will be the aim of the articles to the finding of a dead man and a shows conclusively explain in the clear and concise style for about Ayer's isSaraaparilla, mine. A man named Jones was prospectis famous, just ing up near the head of the Provo that it an effective remedy,- if not in- which the river deed specilic, for this most painful and what the United States Government Saturday last and along towards evening of the stumbled into an excavation. Thinking persistent of maladies. What has cured means the origin and meaning and there might be a wild animal therein, he others will cure' you. Constitution; how laws are enactedPresi; what the powers of the; enforced A man doing business without adver- dent and other officials are what the' took a pole and poked- around. He felt soft, but it did not move, so like a pretty girl meeting a tising is how our foreign something means; to examine the inferior. system concluded' he judiciary man colored wearing large, young spec - relations are brought about and their He did so and found a dead man ifl tacles. Ue may pe looking at and adSenate bottom, together with a nice streak the and the' how Congress of meaning; sne no Dut has knowledge of mirmgier in fact, a complete explana- ore that the deceased had uncovered. the fact. If you want to loan or borrow legislate tion of the Government told in a popular Jones located the ground and sent sampmoney,- buy or sell a farm, dispose of way '. General Harrison writes the arti- les ot the ore to be assayed,- - but did nbt you cannot make it cles from your merchandise, the standpoint of a citizen who say anything about the dead man: for known so quickly or Cheaply in any understands his subject. They haveino1 fear that his discovery would get out other way as by inseiting an ad in' The While and he lose the on politics whatever. that he wanted. bearing Blade. intended for women, the articles Mr. Larsen says ground matter the directly The Democratic candidate for the Leg- Will naturally have a much broader scope investigated. Park Record; is now being. islature from Juab County,- Edward and likewise interest men, and especially Pike of Eureka, made a pleasant call young men. There is a little town not far frorri here at The Blade office on Tuesday morning. man where lives the most absent-minde- d Asked as to his chances ot election, Sfteep-Mer- i. to Notice advertises. if he We wonder in state. tle Pike smiled and replied merely Attorney other day when on his way up town that he could give its a more accurate jeVSheep men will find it very conveni The had to catch the "train he thought hewatch on in that question about a week. til and profitable to take with them to opinion from the. and watch his pulled To judge eppearances; however, Jolt- winter range copies of the law of 1891 forgotten have out of his pocket to see if he would afterand street talk, our county attorney has He and to diseases of it. to back and the dut time go get sheep a spienaia cnance to noia a seat in theAUipive a card on his door which read: next Legislature, and of his ab ility tcreaiar3 Inspectors. To meet that want a wards put fifteen minin a capable man1" IjnAber of copied of the law have1' been "Gone toU dinner; be backheinsaw County represent Juab the cara. utes." onpen returning ner, should ne De elected, there is n; waited and soxa oe ou door at steps ottice at U'k the win sat and down this if doubt- Dy either democrats or republf Lx. return. to himself three noursfor .can siHvents each.- Call early.- 1 ; EIOELSIM HOT A SICK DAV Territorial News, Culled and Condensed for Blade Readers. The insano asylum at Provo now contains 220 inmates ; 114 females and 100 . pid your taxes if not they are now. delinquent? ' Tvro more days from today and then comes the fireworks. Chlldrens knee suits selling: at cost at tf. Excelsior &ercanUle Co. The latest styles in dress goods just received at Chas. Foota's tf. Dick Whitacker Of Mt. Fleas in t was seen on our streets Tuesday. The Co-o- p has laid a new fl oor in their store. An improvement worthy of note. ; 21. And General Have you - ' CREAM j , thankful for Jhat. ;vA--.;v:A- NUMBER 2, 1S95. Oaions for 50c per bushel. Inquire of ' A. Qadds. Save money and buy clothing at Exceltf . sior, Chas, H. Sperry is again around and. ' W A I 11.11 Ml HIM IIIIIIMIIl NEPHI CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY. MORNING, NOV. VOLUME III. u 1 i ... a;., Oae Representative to the 5ith Con' gress of the United States. One Governor. , One Secretary of States One State Auditor. A':-'" ; One State Treasurer!. One Attorney General. One Superintendentoi Public Instrtttf ''' ""'A 'A ,i5 . tion. Three Supreme Judges. One District Judge for Fifth Districf; consisting of J uab, Beaver, Millard Iron and Washington Counties. One memoer of Senate for Eighth1 District, consisting o tho counties Juab ' and Millard. One member of the. House of Repre- - , sentatives tor this district consisting ot the County of Juab. A And also on the question of the adop- tion or rejection of the Constitution for' tho proposed State of Utah, ' Said election will commence at one hour after; sunrise, and continue until, ori the 5th day of November, 1S35. sunsetj Sun rises at 7 and sets ' at 4:30, un; time. Standard time is 27 minutes ter than sun time. Dated at Nephi Precinct, Juab County, Utah Territory, this 17th day of October, l ; ' ; .'. i , L , . 1895. L . , V. E. Candiand, Nephi Precinct, Juab' Registrar for County. ''.'; A brother editor truthfully recdarkar "Editing a paper is likef' umpiring he game of ball. Everybody think more knows about itJ than the man in charge; and the nun' who knows the least is the man who talks th8 most." ' An exchange says a Kansas man barf discovered that brandy can be made from A wet elm sawdust, and a discouraged asks what 'chance the good cause will have when a niaa can go fort h and getdrunk on afenc with a rip-sarail? The editor can always write" more A cheerfully of the business interest3 of a1 town when his columns are liberally' fill. ;,'' : I, pro-hibition- ist .' ' w -' ne83 houses. No editor can advocate the doctrine of buying from home merchants unless; tbe home merchants : will ohnw .,hpv flTA intflroafofl i the home trade by advertising ia t"f polumns of the local newspaper:0' . t |