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Show stato Ticket. Qoiiiocratio A WORD OF ADVISE. j Governor, JOHN T, CAINE. -Congressman,; . ; ' B. H. ROBERTS. V alau Advice to all voters into, whose hands til is paper may go before that day. Tbe I3lade has ever been a consistent advocate- of free thought, free Speech and of the absolute freedom of the individual within those limits in '' J Secretary of State, Fisusr. s. the great battle of ballots will have tiesrun and The Blade has a word of ;.- U j ;i HARRIS. - " Treasurer, before Only two days will ir,tervene ' f gbeisnwood. I ; hich are also involved the equal, Auditor, fights of all other men and women. UDY C, WILSON. proven thstt (The past two yeass ahasfearless Attorney-GenerexponThe, Bl,ad?: has been, free of A. J.. WEBER. doctrine speech, and ent of the the practice of thit liberty has been Superintendent of Public Instruction, continued and built up The Blade KARL, Q. MAE3EK, ighi in the face of the protests of Judges of Supreme Court, friends whose judgment we respect, SAMUEL RTHURM AN, and their repeated assertions that the . THOMAS MALONEY. ' 'policy of telling the plain truth would IlICHARD ;V. YOUNG, prove disasterous. United States vSenators, , r HariDg unflinchingly pursued the JOSEPH Jj. RAWLIN3, path of frankness, we feel that we MOSES THATCHER. have the right at this time to be heard on the question at issue. . Judge Fifth Judicial District, Beaver. CHRISTIAN, The people of this Territory are con-- i JOHN; WARD fronted by a danger beside of which all 'Senator. Seventh District, other questions are dwarfed inio insig-- i HENRY F. aicCUJIE, Nephi, niQcance; a question that rises higher ? Member Lower House, than all principles of party politics beEureka. JUDWARD cause it is a question of patriotism of Schools, V County Superintendent pure and simple have EZRA CHRISTIANSEN, Levan. of Utah For years the people been knocking at the door of the UnMunicipal. ion for admission as a free and inde- Mayor, pendent common wealth.. The oppor;T. II. G.iPARKS, tunity for declaring that you have all those years been honest ana sincere Councilmen, , will be given you next Tuesday, and NEPHI JACKSON, there should be a hearty response to A. T, MoCANNE, Uncle Sam's invitation, in the form t5f JAMES JENKINS, A. G. PYPER, a united yes. Let no parsimonioufe JOSEPH YICKERS, thought as to increased taxation, be " x. 'i come a factor in influencing your vote. Recorder. The increase will be merely nominal. G. W.' McCUNE. As an ofset to that slight increase will Marshal, be the almost immediate possession of PYPER ROBERT v several million ticrea of State lands. ' Treasurer," In, the Indian reservation, the State ISAAC GADD. will have "a magnificent tract of land about 50 miles' wijie and nearly 100 Justice of the Peace. miles in length, nearly all of which will JOHN KIRGANbecome the ' property of the State. Tljat magnificent gift of land to Utah Ticket. State Republican by the geueral Government, if wisely handled will become a fund that the interest thereon will be. ample to pay . Governor, all, or nearly all of the State expences, j JiEBER. M WELLS. ; thus releaving the people of" nearly all f. Congressman, of the burdens of taxation. CLARENCE E. ALLEN. The voters of Utah are confronted by ' the; gravest questions that has 'ever Secretary of 'State, JAMES" T. HAMMOND. arisen in the history of our beloved Territory, and unless almost superhu' x Treasurer, man wisdom and patriotism are exJAMES CHIPMAN, ercised, and that questi on wisely solved, it may defeat the boon of state"-hoo- d ' ' Auditor, even in the face of an united MORGAN RICHARDS. ' ypB!? on the part of the voters. ;p With the disbanduient of the old parAttorney-Generaj( ties and the division on party lines, A. C. BISHOP. there went out to the nation a solemn declaration that the people of Utah guperintendent of Public Instructian, were free from any ecclesiastical influ JOHN R. PARIS. ence whatever in their political affairs. Involved in that declaration was an imJudges of Supreme Court, plied contract with the people of the CHARLES 8.' ANE, . United btates that the people of Utah G. W. BARTCH, would vote according to the dictates of JAMES A, MINER,, hy Every unbias yyr; edtheirmanownandconsciences. women Will concede that the events of the last three year3 have Judge Fifth Judicial District,; E. V. 1I1GGINS, Iron. proven the willingnessa of some of the politicians to 'steal the. livery of heavSenator, Seventh District, en in which to serve the devil," or in ' JAMES P. DRISCOLXi.-Earefeaother . words to place the people of Utah in a false position before the Member Lower House, world as regards to church and state ADELBERT CAZIER, H?lCU or the interference of the former with the latter. In viewing this you have County Superititetident of Sohools, only to keep in mind pne great truth; JOHN Kpbi. a truth which will eventually dawn on the Nation, that the leaders of a. party do not wake the' party, nor do a few MUNICIPAL. high church pen comprise the church. In order to achieve the best results and" to ' convince the people of the U. K- - noorii. United States that, the promises made Con ncilmen,' will be faithfully kept, it. will be necesJOS. F. WRIGHT, sary to keep in view the best means o ' JOHN SID WELL. furnishing such evidence, and bear in hiinti "that a greater j)rinciple than MARTIN LARSON, party fealty is at stake. Bear in mind U JOHN ELLISON, that the weal or woe for Utah durmc '! ALFRED LUN T. ihe next generation rests in each hand will cast a ballot on November that . Ilecoidor, 5th. Let no party ties bind you to a OSCAR GOLDSBROUGIIi that'' will be disastrous to statepolicy ' hood and that w:ll fasten upon the Marsh.il. necks of another generation the yoke JAMES ECHOFIELD." of territorial vassalage. Let independ. ence and manhood guide you and all Treasurer, will be well. ABRAHAM ORME. - ' i : ' al , f ed by Alma Greenisceod, and, as I believe he knew, it would be seconded by James A. Melville. Mr. Kay also knew that JacobChristianseu who roae from Deseret to Fillmore with him, knew that Mr. Ray would be nominated and it is inferred that Air. Ray knew that Mr. Christiansen would vote for him.: As to the implication of Mr. Ray that hia nomination whs a spontaneous outburst of enthusiasm on the part of tbe delegates, fve refer to all those tbat attended the convention and who will say that enthusiasm was con. by its absence. spicuous Now with regard to Mr. Ray's Ftate meat that he was 'reliably informed' ': that my 'missiouto Fillmoi'e was to defeat his np.mina.tion." I was in Fillmore ' on business solely for The Bladb. Mr. into type in Ray's suspicion, crystalized tho Progress that 1 went over, to defeat him involves the idea, that I, along with Mr. Ray, knew he was gajngrto be nominated, hence the 'Mission." Mr. Melville told me Mr. Bay would; ba nominated. I told Mr, Melville if he were nominated I would oppose him.i Mr. Jacob Christiansen, I believe, also told me he would be nominated. I made no effort to infiQence Mr. Christiansen? in any manner waatever nor did I try to influence any; one against Mr. R..iy '3 noml . . ; nation. Relative tQ my havinsr"as usual failed' I will say this; ;if my succesa in this, life, financially nor otherwise, depends upon the acquirment of greed to the extent that I will ever descend to chargingja poor man 0 per oent. for the first month on a. loan of live dollars, and three per cent, per month thereafter until paid, I will certainly be a financial failure'. jNow, a few words, to my democratic brethren ioj Millard 'county i and what I aay is not the utterances o the editor of The Blad but personally and as a Democrat. The Democracy of tjtah is confronted with the most serious question that has ever arisen, or that is lifcely to again arise? if the'; peolpe of Utah will act wi3ely and in the majesty of their honor and manhood resent: the reproach tbat the Republican party leaders are State, seeking to fasten upon this by the introduction into campaign of the element known "as ecclesiasticism. Let there be no faltering aa to the plain duty that confronts every man who loves bis.libertyiof conscience and his honor. Whatever Inimical influence The BLApis may have nad relative to the candidacy of W, A. Ray, should be dispelled ia this our hjur of greatest need. Let every democrat and every citiren of Millard that loves Utah and her people; let every one who hope and prays for tho f ul I fruition of promised blessings, vote for W. A. Ray for representative to the State legislature because his defeat might alsrj mean the defeat of others who are eminently deserving of success. And I hereby afirm my determination, even in the face of Mr. Ray's card in the Proon ' Noy. gress, to cjisp my vote for him am alive 5th at abotit p. mi provided I the Milford express doesn't break ad down between Juab and Oasis. Respectfully andt democratically yours, J. if. UIBB3. , j ; ; , i . . j : - . ; : ; ; - the-comint- - ; i ' i j - t . i : ' - ; "' ;.-.- I . . j ; i ; " j i , ' ! . " ; ; i i : .: , ; : : l, ; j ! . . j ! ; . . . ? j , . ; . , : i I - i j Justica of the Peace, i . WILLIAM STOUT. r Notice to Creditors. n ii 'ii r win m , UJ1 ii. JtLM. Estate of John Fleming, deceased, Notice is hereby given by the nmhi.-,,,,,executor of the laat Will and Tcstamt rt to the credito-v. John Iteming, deceased, . ; i ami an perssons tiiuviuk r.i.iu.iw atrauist lhs.;r deceased, t exhibit them, with i.io ii"es-'t"vouchers, within four months after th - ,,'v" tmblicatiou of this notice, to iJenin lvinU- Pro of S.ilt rial Block, Suit Lake city,:ctjunty ' Dkath KiKi.r Territory. E.xecutor of the 'Last Will and Tciim..;'t v, JoJm I'lemihg, geceased. . Dated October 21, mf. J, J. Rogers, Atty. lor Executor.-'. 1 Will soon be moving HELD FORTH HERE. The "313 Three' Visit this City and Speak to a Large, Audience at Eqotc's Opera Hause. The Bjg Three" were in Nephi Wednesday. .Enthusiasm awas high. Bonfires streets and procession in the lit up thewas a principle feature. The eveningLadies' Marching Club was much Young admired. At the opere house a crowded audience greeted the sneakers, Hons. Heber M. Wells, C. E. Aien and Frank J. Cannon. The party had held previous meetings throughout Millard county, and ware somewhat fatigued and tired through travel, bqt a good meeting was had. A t 7:30 the building1 was so cro wcled that standing room was at a premium. Each of the three speakers received round after round of applause, and it would be useless for us to go on and repeat similar uttered by them. words v Mr. Wells was introduced as "Utah's lis addressed the peonet governor.' ple, upon the importance of the coming election saying he had unbounded confidence in the people.of Utah. He did not believe that any4man or set of men could work up a feeling tbat would defeat the will of the people" in securing to themselves the boon of Statehood. , : The Provo Republican Quartette rend- ered several comic songs, and among them was Who killed Roberts?" which brought down the house. Mr. Cannon spoka at length on falling of wages to prices. IIe showed the loss tho American workmen inGe March 4th. 93, showed the difference between exports and imports under Democratic and Republican rule. It , was an earnest address listened to by an intelligent audience and made a good impressiqn, ' their Flocks to tho Winter range in the .Western part of Millard County. '; ' ADd "1 . . ,'! ' v anaaro V Sheep Men's "''VsDLi "1 s 20-23 Supply of GENERAL taEiP ,. Luk-Uta- h WALTER JAMES, oi Black Koci Has just Laid in a Large MERCHANDISE ... Innffn BAILVAYl ftm p !L THE, For the Coming Season. Pelts will ba Bought and Meals Parnislied as Usual. Chaico of Threo Distinct Routes, WALTJR JAMES AND TUB Black Itock, Miilard Co., TJtah.7 RAILROAD :iQST.KA8KlF!CEiiT NonC But Ayer's SGEKERV at the world's Fair. Averts Sarsaparilla enjoys the exttra ordinary distinction of having been the only ulood purifier allowed an exhibit at Two Fast Express Trains Daily the World's fair, Chicago; Manufacturers of other sarsaparillas sought by every , EACH WAT BETYTEH2I means to obtain a showing of their eroods, but they; were all turned away under the SALT LAKE AND DENVER. ot the rule forbidding the enapplication of try patent medicines and nostrnms. The dicision of the World's fair authorir ties in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilia was 5LE6AHT REGUHIBB GHAIR CAP.Sf in effect as follows: 'Ayer's Sareanaril-l- a is not a patent medicine. It does not to the list of nostrums. It is here belong mad"! in Union Depots. s on its merits. ' ' i;,r;c . i i vv'r-Iion- Money; to Loan. In amount from one hundred to any Different Candidates. ten thousand dollars. On improved, farm: S. II. BABCOCK, D.q;DQIqS, ' The Blade has always voiced the sen property or an water ptoefc. General Mangaer, Trafiic Manager. T. C. Wixk, County Recorder, timent of putting in office good men F.A.. yADLEIGH, Geu'l, Pass. Agent.whether they belong tq one party or the other. Uon't let party om'iations or ec clesiastical influence interfere with a free ballot. If you. believe Roberts a better man to represent us in Washington, I don't vote for the; man whom The Blade has always said has been and would conG2Z3 tinue to be, an enemv to Utah. B. H. Roberts should by all means go to congress. T. H. Q. Parkes is elated over the outlook ot being Nephi's next mayor. Mr. Parkes, we believe, will make n effici ent officer.; We believe he will keen our town among the progressive kind. We be lieve he has forsight enough to tell of the needs. He is a gentleman of influcity's and " h ' - ' '... .'V. ".:'i courteous to a fault this has ence, holds be him in in the the placed position : estimation of the people. If yru believe the Republican candidate a better man, A DOUBLE MEETING-vote for him, if on the other hand you believe Mr. Parkes to be a- better man vote for him. Don't let party ties bind Democrats Capture HephI In tte After- you to a choice. So far as we know of the' Democratic noon! and Divide With the Re-- : ' candidate for city recorder, he is a good .publicans at Nlflht. man for the position well qualified and Not because he is a DemoLast Wednesday: was Democracy' day experienced-we do crat say this, but because we think in Nephi, that is up to the time Repubrecord has proven more than this his past a shared them with licans with parade and a meeting in another part of the mere assertion. democrats town. The distinguished A t. T .mxra n In cf ra ma r f Jnm 0j tha FILLMOSE FUMES, evening Jqhu T. 11.Caine addressed a big : .. ' and Roberts remained B, in meeting, filled Editor Blade; Also line of complete adas the appointment Nephi and .Politics have been much revived here Flannels. Albetross, ITrimmings, Silks, Velvets &c, vertised. It was a nice crowd, " and- we of late.- Judge Wm. H. King visited this , Mens, Youths and Boys Clothing, believe all voters, too, .that listened 'to place, last Friday in tha interest of Dehim at Forte's Opera House in the after mocracy. A rousing reception was giv which is, beinpr sold 'With the. profit entirely for you.- - '. noon. The building was packed to the en him. The people down here are proud We also have just received a beautiful assortment of !1 4oors, and the aisles ware lined by people of "our own Willie'' a? we call him. and is which not Crockery Queensware, surpassed a very His eloquent and logical address ii the standing. Mr. Caine delivered this side the City. able talk qn the political issues of the evening to a was listened by large and apIf you 'want to get you call and see us. worth moneys and bis remarks were received with priciating audience, rilling the ' dy, :X':XX'Xx X :;iX X., X ::;'; Xz' Xy. ' :' much applause and delight by his hear house to its utmost capacity,, andmeeting many ers. At tne court .House in tne evening were on the outside unable to get stand Roberts propounded V pure and simple ing room inside. Hon. Sam. Thurmam Its needless to state a was a visitor'here last Sunday and Mon democracy." greeted him as those who day, but he declined to speak on politics, large auditeace were there can easily testily. as he is a candidate fof supreme judgeRoberts was escorted to the front, when ship, and holds that offices of that kind a multitude of cheera greeted him. Geo. should bairkept out of the whirlpool of in a neat little C Whitmpre arose and politics. There, is a man that T. H. G. PARKES, Supsrintendent; address introduced as chairman of the partisan will pull a large vote on JNov. oth. And C. immediA. W. who A man a with prac Bryan, Why should not he? meeting, tical understanding of nearly all the pur ately took (upon him such. responsibilities. Mr. .Bryan's speech would De too lengthy suits in which toe people are engaged. to even enumerate a part in this 1 eporc. A man who has assisted in the making of Orson Cazier sag "just before the nearly all the laws upon our statute Battle Mother." books. A, man that is in every respect " j The sMver tongued orator, B. II. Rob qualified both by nature and acquire erts, thenoccupied the remainder of the ment 101 the responsioie position lor of clean, which he has been nominated. A thorevening w,ith a speech full facts and state ough Utah man , whose record has placed and ments. They were issues confronting him above suspicion, ana entitles him to the people! at the present time; be dis an majority votes regardcussed them from a democratic stand-- lessoverwhelming of party afiliations. On Monday evening Mr. C. E. Allen point. Hie called particular attention to the issue 6f bonds by the democrats, and discussed the political questions from house. Compared (same with that of the enemy! a republican stand point to a fall He bit Alien a ,4dig" on the Florida In the begiaing of bis address - he comTook up menced to answ.er some things reported Con stitution" "propositions. ' 8 I I I 1 a I ILr V' the silverjquestion and allied the demon to have been said by Judge He King. etization n '73 to the Republican party? had hardly got the name or Wm. H. " Why have not restored the white metal King out of his mouth when the applaudin 21 years, if they think so much of us?" ing commenced and continued loud and He concluded his lengthy remarks by long. Mr. Alien was pleased to learn that neither he nor his party that the Judge had so many friends here. stating 1! seek?d victory by or through church Mr. Allen is a good speaker and he 2 influence,! and aavlsed women to talk poured out a steady stream of republican DOlltlCS. .1 a two and half hours. .'. policy for about of -- V. ..7 9 FiHmore have made The Democrats yu? : r i es Mayor,-Jamas follows;up their City Ticket A. Ira N. Councillers, Melville; was in hands Judd Judge shaking Jackson John John Jr. . Hinckley Jr.,Ileber J. Mitchell, James Nephi yesterday. T..Ashman, Democratic rally next Monday night. Day;. Recorder, O. Anderson;, ..Treas- Also our line of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, in all the latest styles and leweatf Juatice.-JS. Your last chance to hear good principles urer, Richard Ashley; Wm. fall. this espoused Giles; Marshal, Speakman. prices. Having bought our line of CLOAKS and WBAPS Yours Truly Z. Whitaker has shipped this season ;' C ' A. early, we had the pleasure of selecting from a full three carload of lucerne seed and two . 1895. 30th Oct. Utah, Fillmore, soon follow. more will Dine of 1895 stylep, which are now Andrews C. snipped this week from . displayed at our. store. If Corbett and. Fitzsimmons, really of wool and one of lucerri Nephi five cars cars of wool 6;f from decidand seed three Ephraim. want to fight for the purpose caa ran Price-Th- at The Saqpete Valley R'y special to ing the question of their relative Nephi Wednesday evening, returning pacity as pugilists, let them go quietly Thursday morning with the distinguish- to some place and pumed democratic speakers, Roherts and Caine.;:";;.! mel each other as long, as they please, Dsmscratic rally next Monday night. ISobody wilL object to that. H is only Come out and hear the last talk of 'the necessary for them to avoid publicity, present campaign. Judge Tfaurman and and they can fight to their hearts' conJudge Wm. H. King will address: the , - 1. - i i i ! ": OFOun success - ' i )' : :' .; ;:; I :. ;i We have the largest line of' -- . . La(lies,MissesIaiidChildreii.s Shoes; ever exhibited in Mephi, at unusu al low prices. An elegant assort ment of Dress Goods, - 1 . : . . . - - - , : ; : . i : : l - V rX: '.;.. X - - 'x:-:- 'x-i:-- ; clear,-audabl- well-found- ed ? ill rata I ' t . ; -- A CAI1D TO MILLARD COUNTY V .. DEMOCIITS. . ; Provo, dpt. 30lh 1S95: I have this day had my attention.drawn by Harvey Mei-vilof Fillmore, to the following card that appeared in the Progress of Oct 24th III bs la l .5U : Is iM LEADINg HOTEL of KHPHi A Hflck Meets Ail Trains Free to Patrons. Two Sample Rooms. 'Nearer to Business Centre. Lane?, Final Proof j Pub-Ifcatio- . n.. j ' ) United Stutes Land OtTico, Salt Like City, Utah. Oct.. 7, im. f Notice is hereby griv-that Ann Nortmi,. vidow au'l ov.i- - f the heirs of Charles- P. Nor-?n- , bus iijed notice of intention t.TOf on lii.s 1;sert land claim Kb. SG28, Tor Uiv? SV ficc. 25 and NE M SE i See. 2r, T',i. l'ib. II. 1 V, before the comity clerk of Juab county at Neilii, Utah ou the 3Clh day of l :.'",. S';;i- - i.ames.the to prove following irrij.'at.io-and reeJ;wmation of . r.c-o. Kendull. Clirl-- ! tid land:-' TVilson. ;1 .V'J V1'7 :Lnl Alexander Wilson, all of D. Uolvb. at!,)rjll.v. n von-j)U-- Bear Sic In reply to the malieious,falae and misleading inference of the Nepht Blade that I had tsectired the nomination by a bargain of soine kind, I wish to state for the information -i '. ' ' bcuui ea ine by tha members' of the convention withv,vu anams ot tins statexorprooi ment I refer to lunu Mr. James. A.. Melville, who made the nomination, and any and all dele-p-atot the convention. Not one will say that 1 asked hini. tor his vote or approached him on the subject, and I defy the BUde man to prove to tue contrary. I w;ts reliably informed hia mission to 1 lllmore was for the sole that pose of defeating- my nomination. He hadpur-it aa nis own way, and as usual, failed. ' Kespeetfully, ...A- , W - Rat-- ; Deserst, Oct. 13, 1895. I have juet a few words to say relative ' Hi WM ' i 1 people. tent. Died In Nephi, on Friday,, Oct. 26tb 1895, Charlea Robert Sells, of typhoid 2724.. ; fever. The deceased was a son. of Charles Notice for Publication.. Sells, and at the time of his death was 25 years of age. He was a good boy, Land Office at Salt Lake CityvUtah i October 25th, 18U5 f and many friends will mourn his loss. Notice is hereby, given that the following-name- d A most successful surprise-partsettler has filed notleeof his - intention was final eommtitation proof in support make to gotten up Thursday evening by Miss of his claim, and that said proof will be made Lell Worth iDgton on, her father, Thps. before the clerk of the County Court- - of Juab who i0 at at County; Utah, Nephi city. Utah, onHv DecemWorthingfcon, Juab, ber 21,. 1895, viz: Frank living Ei No. L. Copeninjr d it being his birthday. 11123, for the SW U Sec. 3 Tp. 15 S. R. 1 W. About 20 couples went from Nephi lie names the 'following witnesses to prove and a most enjoyable time was had his continuous residence upon and mltivation of, said land, viz: Nephi M. Taylor,. T. T. singing, glancing and feasting. Taylor, Melton Jennings, and Alexander Sullivan all of Juab, Utah. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the of the Interior Department, why To haul 10,000 tons Rock Salt'tu Eu- regulations such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time reka, Utah. Will pay $2.50 per ton and the witnesses of place to CASH. said claimant, and to oner evidence in rebut7 tal of that submitted by claimant. NErin & ALT M. tco M. Co. IifitON GitoO, W.. A, CBryan.AU'y for claimant, 2128 a. Ti.:;Gi:iv Mgr.,' : . to the first sentence of the above. I did not say in Thel Blade, even "oy impSication (not "inference") that W. A. Ray bad 'asked" for the nomination ot representative to The inference Mr. Ray drew frcm what was said relative to the qualifications of bis opponent, Orville L. Tb on'tpson, furnished no foundation for the charge ajrainst me of being malicious,, false and misleading. 2Ir. Hiy will not denj that.be. bitew ha woaM.be rraminat.- - the Lowest to alt & WfflTMOR ay ' .. - 1 Notice for out-of-the-w- ' v One : es Proprietor. No. 2706-- ; : -- -- RS. C. It. FOOTE, desert THE BLADE MAN" LIED. Editor PnooREsa - , fifty-secon- the-legislatur- TEAMS WANTED j f .la .... '!' ' ;t-- ix.'. I '.:,- " ' IT you - .p .' ' ': ''" are going to OP p Ci if " lj '1. ? Sheep-men- s' n j ijJI.ZJ - your sheep to the .Write immediately range HINCKLEY CO For prices on grain 'LL..rr - ! ' ; ' west of Desere't Bottom Figures Supplies a Specialty...fEcai rngspan 'xr : - ".7 urn e cross-examin- . mtmimsMiBmj' ms&ssa ' . . - -- ,le-ist- er. Koiw miles from. Oasis Station. Supenntenar ; |