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Show I II T r semi-tropic- STOHYfUi Highest of all in Leavening Power. ers of the great estates, and no on can travel without permission, inasmuch as there are no public roads. and The climate is HER RANCH IS THE LARGEST; IN watermelons are grown as readily in THE WORLD. i January "as in July. The soil is rich very' black,' unlike that of the rest Her Home Ilke a Illiln Castle- - Thir and of Texas, but resembling the soil oi teen Miles from Front Door to Front the bottom lands of the South in proGate and She Employ an Army of ductiveness. Crops grow almost with' out water. Loyal Dependents. A TEXAS LAND QUEEN. lv" Latest U. S Gov't Xveport al, LU))(Q 'f"f ".'""":;;'! - W1- Mi , WETTING A LEAD PENCIL.- NE representative in the next Con- A tittle Story About the Habit of Put-tin- ? gress; will be nomiThings In the Month. nated and elected London Tid-Bit- s: The act, of putby a woman. She ting a lead pencil to the tongue to wet is , the widow of it, just before writing, which we notice Richard Capt is one of the oddities in so many King', and she owns of habit for people, which it is hard to give any a principality in unless it began In the days Southern Texas. reason, when lead pencils were poorer than Her. Handed: estates now, and was continued by example inconsist of about to the next generation. 1,250,000 acres that is; to say; nearly A lead pencil should never be wet. 2,000 square miles, which is bigger than the; lead and ruins the penRhode Island and almost as big as It hardens This fact! cil. is known to newspaper Delaware. For taking care of this vast arid But nearly domain a small army of men is re- men one stenographers before wet a does else every pencil quired. Their votes are controlled by it. been has This fact definitely the mistress, who is to all intents and using settled by a clerk in a newspaper office. purposes a queen. The records of the Land Office at Being of a mathematical turn of mind, ascertained by actual count that oi Washington reveal some extraordinary he persons who came into the office facts with relation to! that part of fifty to write an advertisement or notice, Southern Texas which! seems on the forty-nine wet a pencil in their mouths map to intrude into Mexico, terminabefore always using ting in a point at the mouth of the Rio uses the bestIt. Now, this clerk can be prothat pencils Grande. This region, nearly as big as a New England, comprises four great cured in fact, is connoisseur in lead counties, and is ownedf by four fami- pencils, cherishing a good , one with of the pride a soldier feela liesthe Kings, the Kennedys, the something his gun or sword; and it hurts his Collinses and the Armstrongs. Much in the largest of the four shares belongs feelings to have his pencil spoiled. But in fee simple to Mrs. King. politeness and business considerations Few men in this World have ever require him to lend hiS pencil scores oi been so hated and feared as was Capt. imes every day. And often, after it King. He was a character typical of had been wet, until it was hard and brittle, and refused to mark, his feelt Texas life twenty years ago. Employ ngs would overpower him. Finally,; he ing the labor of large numbers of ignor;ant Mexicans, he induced them to ac got some cheap pencils, sharpened quire homesteads under the laws of the them and kept them to lend. The first United States. They were always In person who took up the stock pencil debt to him, and eventually their lands was a drayman. He held the point in came to him. In this manner the gi- his mouth and soaked it for several gantic estate was largely built up. Oth- minutes, while he was torturing .himer white men who took up holdings in self to write an advertisement for a the region were shut in with barbed-wir- e missing bull dog. Then a sweet-loo- k fences by the great proprietor. ing young woman cam into the office, They foiind themselves enclosed as in with kid gloves that bixttoned half the mousetraps; they could not drive out length of her arm. She picked up the their cattle, and so sold their property same old pencil and pressed it to her to Capt. King. The region is at present dainty lips, preparatory to writing an the most shut-u- p portion of the United advertisement for a lost bracelet. The States a veritable terra incognita, clerk would have stayed her hand, without railways and In the earliest even at the risk of a box of the best stage of development. pencils ever made, but he was too late, The ancient road from San Antonio And thus that pencil passed from mouth to Brownsville has been closed by Mrs. to mouth for a week. It was sucked by King's fences, and there are no gates. people of all ranks and stations, and There is no road lav! in that country. all degrees of cleanliness and unclean-liness- ; The only way to get Ifrom Brownsville but we forbear. Surely no one to Alice is by a stage route of forty who reads this will ever again wet hia hours. The stage carries mail for a lead pencil. A. COWAN results of his villainy. He shrieked out a curse, and pulling1 somethlr.e- out of the breast of his coat a loaded stick, I tninic he struck me j with it. and I re membered nothing more." "The blackguard!'! cried the Doctor, but the police must be hot unon his t track." fancy not," Mrs. Westmacott an swered calmly. "As my 'brother is a particularly tall, thin man,, and as the police are looking for a short, fat one, I do not think that It is vary probable that they wir catch him. It Is best. I think, that these little family matters should be adjusted In nrivate." "My dear ma'am." said the Admiral, "if It is indeed this; man's money that has brought Jback my pension, then I can have no scruples about it. You i have brought sunshine taking upon us, ma'am, when the clouds were at their darkest, for here is my boy who insists upon returning the money which ! got. lie can keep It now to pay his debts. For what you have done I can only ask God to bless you, ma'am, and as to thanking ypu I can't even --" Then pray don't try," said the wid ow. "Now run away, Admiral, and make your peace with Mrs. Denver. I am sure if I werel she it would be a long time before I should forgive you. As for me, I am gbing to America when Charles goes. You'll take me so far, won't you, Ida? ' There is a college being built in Denver which is to equip the woman of the future for the struggle of life, and especially for her battle against man. Some months ago the - ; Mills' 1 " J rllAPTER XVII. (Contisxjkd.) "ffeJl. ma'am, since you know t so also , know that I mocn, v am How I to nfln,inn. have 60ia t if Ir qo nut tciii ivestmacott produced i a large Jlct'Jred envelope from beneath the Il-- t. and tossed it over to, the old y . -- Vr-- -1 There are That excuse won't do. see if they Just papers. pension your seal, and out tumbled ffee the which he had made over, very papers H McAdam two days before. these "But what am I to do with bewilderment in cried hp new? or "Toil will put them in a safe place OO nnn. en VOU ir T t a menu , tn vftiir wife and lie her pardon for having even for an Ltad thought of leaving her.", . Admiral passed his hand over his rtUedi forehead. "This is very good of ; U e- o-- nia'am." said he, "very good and tin! ahS I know that you are a staunch friend! but for all that these papers i - ? . I dryly, "it I j 1 i : " j "- i ; j I ! .. . " v.-"- mooth-spok- en se i g, j rice-throwi- ng "; ; ; 5 : . ; I o , -- ; - j out-of-the-w- ay ! i fi-o- I s ful ; f ,' - I I . ; I j I son-m-ia- w, ; , m A. l " X ; - v - . .... . 1 , d : . 1 a ... fifr ' nwn ! j ; I ms-uca- vt - u I l . 1. 1 . . .. . 1415-1- ASSAY OFFICE V E R Y G I R L WANTS A FELLOW A Silent Appeal for Help. to look nice and clean. We use nothing but purl When your kidneys and bladder are Inand water ; gives a finer finish, more pliaactive they are making a silent appeal for soap to holds better and Stays Cleaa ble, help. Don't disregard it, but with Hostet-ter- s Much Longer shape we wash them. vVhatl thi when Stomach Bitters safely impel them to fellow? Oh! No His shirts, cults and collars. are in immediate activity. They and Young Fellows, club together; send us (5.0Q to it is foolhardiness to shut one's danger, the worth of laundry at one time and we pay express eyes fact. Be wise in time, too, if you experience charges both ways, if within 1,009 miles, ana manifestations of dyspepsia, malaria, rheum- eharge you only Denver prices. Agents wanted atism, constipation or nerve trouble. The in all outside towns. Write for price lists an4 Bitters before a meal adds zest to it particulars. Queen City Laundry, 1248-5- 0 Curtis St. 1 : Never spread an evil report about your , THE COMPANY PAYS THE FREIGHT neighbor until you know positively that it On common-sens- e new steel horse whim. Will is true, and don't do it then if he Is a good hoisttheir 26 tons of rock 300 feet each shift. Is just as safs deal bigger than you are. and reliable as an engine. It can be packed auywhert clutches to oreak. 90 per cent, if Mrs. Evans Gordon is winning great praise will bene wrought iron and steel and850 In India as a tiger slayer. When it comes In as, before breaking. Over to a question of the lady or the tiger, the 6 some running years without on ma norse. we ice aouars loses expense, every time. tiger 0 hoists at prices, $25, 50, U 100 $121 "Hanson's Magic Corn Salve." Warranted to cur or refunded. Ask money druggist for it. Price 15 cents. I M I V '"" ...t:i:r:igrf" :tiiiniit!t:!!:::Kt your ' ''S i It is said to be hard sometimes to distinJtilikiiiiiii" ii'i'iSa' the effects of dyspepsia and guish between religion,-- sometimes it is equally hard to tell and oh up. Send for an illustrated circular to THE whether a young man is suffering from Indi- WHIM CO.. 1222 Curtis St Denvecs Colo. gestion or from disappointment in love. FITS All Fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great DR. GUNN'S Restorer. NoFitsaftertbetirstday'suse. Ierve Marvelous cures. Treatise and 2 trial bottle free t IMPROVED i ll cases, bead to Dr. Kline,931 Arch St., Phila., Pa. "Please excuse Alfred for being late." wrote a mother to her boy's teacher, adding in an explanatory way, "he had shad for ' dinner." A Mild Physic. One Pill far a Tlnao. oi toe bowels each day is necessary for .oeucn. We Want to liuv. ,"?'e"i inese puis supply what the system lacks it regular. They cure Headache, brighten tbt State, County, City and School District make a clear the Complexion better than coamatios. ir??08' BONDS and WARRANTS. Correspondence soUdted. MORRIS & WHITEHEAD. will mail samr Where. UK. Cooper Building, Denver, Colorado. Branch: Chamber of Com. Bldg, Portland, Or JONES HE PAYS THE PKEIOIXT." How can a woman be expected to keep a secret when she knows that people will not believe she has one if she. keeps it? ; Just a War Tarn. : , Denver Directory. JNOCJC : j ar , ! i ; 12, . 1 i Huntington, Ind., Nov. little left" is as natural to delicate natures While traveling In the western coun asPoliteness is to flowers. perfume try he learned to shave without the aid We have several Excellent newspapers for of a mirror. Long afterward, while at- sale at reasonable Western NewsColorado. tending some gathering of ministers, he paper Union, Denver,prices. got up early and was discovered by his It is an aggravation for a hungry tramp to friend standing face to a blank wall to find only a fork in the road. perf om the act of shaving, altho ugh there was a good mirror In the room. In answer to his friend's surprised question he said he had not used a; looking-glas- s for thirty years. HOUSE SSgPSiBBS "The; last time I looked in one," he AMERICAN Denver's Jseiiaole old said, with a curious drawing in of the corners of his mouth that always accom MACHINIST Repairs of MINING, PRINTING f I Aiacmnery, etc iripe mreaamg ana cuxung. panied a joke, "I got so little encourage Ixeight 7 & ttarslde, 18th st. elevators. ment I thought I wouldn't try It again." au AVI Female Fruit Pills He did not generally enjoy having a fiositively restore 11. from price irregularities, on sometimes turned but joke himself, Call or Address GAVI MEDIO AI, CO.. 717 Platte he fully appreciated it. One day a st,, Denver Colo. Xady Attendant. shiftless neighbor called and asked If E. E. BUR LIN GAME'S he had a wheelbarrow. 'Yes," replied the clergyman, "but I don't lend it" And Chemical Laboratory. "WelL" said the neighbor, promptly. LEttabliihed 1863. JEWELERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS, This pleased the old minister so much end your sweeps and waste containing gold silver for treatment. Prompt return that the neighbor presently departed and cash price paid for gold and siltrundling: the cherished wheelbarrow and ver highest bullion. Address 1739 and 173a LawWith the old man's full consent. rence Street. Denver. Colorado. j money, and though we may have we are not been in broken water lately, to signal committee offered me a responsible poas have to fluiteinsuch straits sition upon jthe staff, and I have devv wc nen ""i cided to our fnenas. to accept it, for Charles' marriage sooner there's no one we would look to removes the last tie which binds me to .Von t1 VOU. the" widow. England. Ypu will write to me some"Don't be ridiculous!" said about It, times, my friends, and you will address Tou know nothing whatever down your letters to Professor Westmacott, and yet you stand there laying mat In this Emancipation College, Denver. From law. I'll have my way there I shall watch how the glorious It for the papers, ter, anfi you shall take 1 T am goes on in conservative old but you, struggle doing t vi tiat la uv and if I am needed you will of stolen England, property limply ja restoration find me herej again; fighting in the fore"Hew that, ma'am?" e but not fl am Just going to explain, though front of the fray. Good-bya have still word I "wish to you, girls; ij von intent take a lady's word for It Now, say to you. thotrt askine any! questions. between is to "Give me what ij am going say hand, Ida, and yours, just I Clara," said! your vm fdur. and must go no farther. she when they were alone. have tny own reasons for wishing it "Oh, you naughty little pusses, aren't ieptfrom the police. iWho do you think you ashamed to look me in the face? It waa! who struck me last night. Ad Did you thirik did you really think that miral?? I was so very blind, and could not see SnniA villain, ma'am. I don't know your little lot? You did it very well, his. name." t I must say that, and really I think that "But I do. It was the same man who I like you better as you are. But you minort or tried to ruin your son. It was had a.11 youij pains for nothing, you little large part of Mexico. Hi the entire my only brother, Jeremiah." for I give you my word distance there is conspirator?, nojt a single settle"Ah!" that I had quite made up my mind not ment, the because territory traversed "I Will tell you about him or a little to have him." belongs to Mrs. King. The region is aboulihlm. for he has done much which . And so within a few weeks our little I would not care to talk of, nor you to ladies from their' wild, being used "'for cattle:' "graz observatory saw a wholly ;" utTi n. TTa wn a IjilwAVS a Villain, ; in the Wilderness, when ing. bustle mighty dana and plausible, but In "The West from a Car Window" two-horcarriages came, and coachremno snhtiA villain all the same, it x twos Mrs. to the men with favors, bear away King Is referred to by Richard have some hard thoughts aDOUi mau one. come to back destined were who Harding Davis, who (remarks that it is tod can trace them back to the chlld- - And they themselves in their crackling difficult to imagine a solitary family hood which I spent with my brother. silk dresses went jacross, as invited, to occupying an area larger than some of He 14 my only living relative, for my bier double wedding breakfast which the Eastern States ;an area that would the other! brother.Charles' father, was KUiea was held inkhe house of Doctor Walker.! in the East- - support a State In the Indian capital, mutiny. and Then there was health-drinkinnuand and Governor with "Otir father was rich, and .when he Legislature and of dresses, and changing laughter, ke both for died made a good provision when the carriages drove merous small towns, with competing " Jeremiah and for me. He knew Jere up again, and two more couples started railway systems and rival baseball miah' and he mistrusted him; however; ends only with nines. on that journey1 which ' so instead of that he life .: giving him! all me ,) The owner of this principality is a j Itself, over meant him to have he handed a now flourish Charles Westmacott is generous ana liDerai minaea woman, a part of It, telling me, with what was of western In the about sixty years jof age. She does part almost his dying breath, to hold it In ing ranchman sweet little much good and takes care of her peo and his trust for my brother, and to use it in Texas, where he most persons are the two; popular wife his behalf when he should have squan ple. To each laborer on her estates in all that; county. Of their aunt they she gives a cow. Her ranch of Santa dere or lost all that he had. This arrsee! little, but from time to time they is the largest in the world. angement was meant to be a secret- see notices! in the! papers that there Is a Gertrudis between my father and myself, but unbounded is It by Corpus Christl Bay of light In Denver, where mighty fortunately, his words were overheard focus of forty miles and by a distance for which thunderbolts are being forged I ty he nurse, and; she repeated' them will barbed-wire sex fences dominant for 300 miles more. ; one day bring the afterwards to .my brother, so that he his Admiral and The From her front doolto her front gate I came to know that! I held sorne money upon their knees.; while one, number at live still wife Is thirteen miles, arid she can drive in In trust for him. I suppose tobacco will number taken have miles In a not harm my head. Doctor? her carriage sixty-nv- e Thank Harold and Clara w .v uuuuum-wnere ciici xoclui two, without line going off her own then I shall trouble you for the a to the business. It had been straight re and matches, Ida," She lit a cigarette, !, structed. and the energy and abil premises. j leaned hack on the the' pillow, with the a looks like castle house upon Her partner had soon made i Wua wreaths ity of the junior from her lips. mansion. curling baronial It a typical by- Rhine "I cannot tell you how. often he has m for allithe ill that! had been done resur on sweet a and his Is situated Yet with slight eminence, t atte mpted to get that money from me. his senior to re rounded by the modest dwellings of her able is he home atmosphere flnpd I He has bullied, cajoled, threatened, alize his wish, and to keep himself free dependents and by fields of waving coaled, done all that a man could do. the tsordidi aims and base iambi- corn. Beyond on every side Is a wilder I still held it that fmm which the presentiment with a need of it drag down the man whose and cactus. would, come.- - When I heard tions too exclusively in tne ness of mesquite vmsrtness lies of ljhis villainous Texas chateau is his flight, This business, of the vast Babylon. As market &nd! his money the to face furnished and as hand leaving his partner: irom ine as completely hA every back evening f. storm, above all that had friend old my to the somely equipped as any mansion on beei driven to surrender; his income in crowds of Throgmorton Street of avenues Norwood, Fifth avenue. No luxury that money ordr to make up for my brother's de-- J aiso in can buy anywhere is lacking to the possiDie has found.it spirit falcations," I felt that now indeed I had of duties-amids- t babel the anied for it.- I sent in Charles yester-- I to do onej's widow, Oho is the daughter of the first to live Deyona n. and yet the 3ayi to Mr. City, missionary to the Rio Presbyterian McAdam, and his client, THE END. upoja hearing the facts of the case, very Grande. Corpus Christ! is the termigraciously consented to give back the nus of a railway, and from that point Dentist. Papers, andlo take the money which he the With Account An a continuous stream of wagons carries hai advanced. Not a word of thanks to of . being ice and other necessaries to the ranch Brown had the, reputation meAdmiraL I tell you that It was very wnsf miserable of men. Mrs. King lives for several months of cheap benevolence, for it was all done sense inexorable on his each year in a palace at Corpus Christ! with his own money, and how could I ninmes himself nrteen ue uwu use it better? xvouert j jvieperg, is Her years of lustice. For , ; ,r;f . , A XI & ll in "I thought that I should dentist $15 for ninng a iront wuw general manager 01 we rancn, on probably hr from, him soon, and I did. Last nrHh ffold refusing to pay it oecauso vnicn are iuu.uuu came 01 improvea evening there was handed in a note of ho Mid the bill was exorbitant. ) The breeds. Long trains of freight cars are .. t made up at uorpus unrisu He nfh0r rinv the filling came out. .. ie wej usual whining, cringing tone. to carry to ajtlacome back from abroad attthe risk tonv thP the xEast. to a jewelry store and thad Mrs. King's cattle life and liberty, V Jf i in order, thataenjust we vast run to tne cosis aDOUi wrote eswie to J might say good-by- e to the only sis- It valued. Then he For a the for year. every $100,000 m twenty, rthat he ever had, and to entreat my t,cfv nnri' inclosed' a check . It 11 1 mere. is leuce miles OI Darutfu-wn-J o forgiveness for any pain which he had amount: "Actual vaiue . 01 we to make repairs and see that no sel me. He would never trouble me 3 50; amount of labor (which I deem man SMn, and he break occurs. In the old days, to cut IS!S: for use of the tooth fifteen begged only that I would over to him! the sum which I held c. ntni S13.S0. " I return the a fence was an offense likely to result trust for him.: he what with That, check for in the death of the perpetrator of the zf? already, would be enough to start gom on 'account and inclose orf Three hundred cowbova arA rpei- an honest man in the-ne$10. balance,! world, en he larly employed, 100 ponies being set would ever remember and for their use. Every spring all aside for the dear sister who had been j;y No Hope of Kellef. calves are rounded up for brand of the That was the style of the "TTnw much will you take for that ley are driven into a pen demanded the red- - ing. They accordion?" the Infernal window-latca h open, and to be Hnf through wooden chute; and as they f ront room at three in the morn-'a- ft faced citizen who naa tnrusi leave the chute, each one is caught by hen he woulci come to receive my out of the second story window. and thrown upon its side. Then the do you any good to one leg ji&S3 and to bid me farewell. t dozen irons that are kept red- of a as he was, I could not, when he the answered dejected rL, mister," an it in open fire is pressed upon the him. I said nothing, miv "I've six hot sidewalk. IiTt 1 me' betray the animal's nose. All brands are regis as there at thd hour: He en-- k tebU home. em at nf r,r and tered, and sometimes each member of thrugh the window, implored y,a wont, on Playing the "Honey- - a rire him the money. He was ter-family has one. y March." and wolfish moon Davis tells of agirl who came Mr. Ranged; spoke gaunt, "'I.- a madman. I told him that I had out in society In New York three win "I the money. He gnashed his teeth lady) young (to Youns barrister and who is known In Texas Mother ters ago, swore it was his money. I ad the piano?" owner of the triangle as "the that I had spent it on him. He (aside, to her daughter) "letter say only ;"3 me brand." Nobody can get water In that how. I said in trying to make Blaetter. "4 s 'No.' of the owc- "r4 Fllegene honest man, and in repairing the country save by good-wi- ll Lean "Ile has left a void that cannot hi tslly filled," as the, bank director touchlnfcsy remarked of the absconding cashier. Ho-It loes I. I a Not the nation. brated for his wit. Many of his sayings ItJust Is enough to know that Hinder cornsQutakes out have been preserved and handed down the corns, and a very pleasing relief it is. 13o p$ druggists. from father to son. one a Who can prove that a- boy isn't happier Vn In a meeting of ministers day sermon was read and, according to cus his first new boots than Columbus; was when tom, criticised. It had been read in the he discovered America? O ngrer Tonlo and "I ilajvei Trie!! sing-son- g tone. One beUeve old, well-know- n in " says al'afkr'i mother, and so will you say minister objected to the tone of the ser when with familiar its revitalizing prope rUes. mon and another found fault with someWoman is the pearl of creation, hence she thing else, f The old doctor sat quiet- expects to be mounted hv gold,. like other ly in his corner until his turn to speak pearls. came. Piso's Cure cured me of a throat and lung "If you take away the tone,' he said, trouble of three years' standing. E. Cady, seems , to me there would be 1804. An Old Clergyman. Years ago there lived in Connecticut an old minister wno was quite cele Here is a reminiscence of war time from the Seattle Intelligencer: A strange story in Which Seattle has an Interest has come to light in connec tion with the battle of the Wilderness, through the desire of a small boy to get hold of a bird's nest. Henry F. Low penny, a corporal in the Thirty-secon- d Indiana Volunteers, lost his right arm at the elbow during the battle by the explosion of a shell. Since then Low penny has died, but his widow resides in this city with a married daughter. Bradley Johnson, a cousin of Low and Wagon Chancellor o penny and also now on resides the scene ol Missouri, the Baby is Cutting Teeth. the battle, and a few weeks ago his Be sure If and use tnat old and remedy, Mrs. United States Standard. All Alzes and All Kinds. little son, while. bird's nesting, discov WlSTSLOWs SOOTHIN9 SYF5P for Children Teethlnar- made by a trust or controlled by a combination. Not ered a nest built in a skeleton hand in For Free Book and Price List, address The man who thinks he could make a betthe fork of a large maple tree. On one ter world than the Almighty, had better TON JONES OP 11 IN GUAM lMnshamton, N. "IT., TJ. S. A. of the bony fingers was found a sea! begin by trying to improve himself. ring which was recognized by Mr Jamison as having belonged to Low- n penny. A sore spot, green, FASHION'S FANCIES. black, or blue, is a THE Forget-me-nblue wll be worn. Old watch the color fade,. lAnnilC fill ttc on mohair samples for fall. red is seen soreness UIU the JMUUUti i Uli disappear. U So elaborately are capes trimmed OUT. IT IS mAGICAL. v that even Astrakhan and "baby" lamb models have motifs of jet applied Cloth designs have a close fitting back and loose, double-breaste- d front having a single or double row of buttons. Manufacturers have prepared many ThQ great success of the chocolate preparations of dressy short, coats, so evidently capea are not to have their own way without the house of Walter Dakar & Co. (established . Farm rnuM-suisi- ex-Sta- te well-trie- SCALES. d ; n y y lflT ot Timely Warning. a rival. v has led to the placing on the market many misleading and unscrupulous imitations of their name, labels, and wrappers. Walter Baker &. Co. are the oldest and largest manue Cocoas and facturers of pure and Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are Used in their manufactures. Consumers should ask for, and be sure that they get, the genuine Walter Baker & Co.'s goods. in 1780) Light greenish tints and those of a grayish cast are thought well of. Pigeon gray is handsome for mohair. Light olive green is spoken of. Triple shoulder capes are put on In many unique styles, no one idea prevailing. Short capes are frequently buttoned across the top. Some hoods have ends forming a collar in front Greenish' brown finds favor; musty brown is a new shade; light and daric leather shades are good and all reddish browns, but this color has not been worn here as much as has been expected. A cloth blouse, not coming under the head of either a coat or a cape, has three box plaits at the back and four in front It hangs loosely over the belt and has a square covered with braiding or of Astrakhan fur. Brocade and velvet long coats have tight-fittin- g fronts, and small capes or colars very much trimmed., Full large bishop sleeves are novel on these garments, and godet capes or collars of velvet completely covered with rich pkssementerie. j Long coats are talked of among some of the best houses. These are in light beige shades for fall, but later on Will be worn in black, brown, navy, dark green, etc. Fur. stands first for the trimming, and the cloths will be smooth arid rough. high-grad- WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, , health. borrowing from If you have borrowed from Bar-nard- health to satisfy the demands of business, if your blood is not getting that constant supply of fat from your fopd it should have, you must pay back from somewhere, and the somewhere will be from the fat stored up- in ' x A street collection was recently taken up in London in aid of Dr. T. J. DORCHESTER, MASS. o's Homes for Street Waifs. The amount given was $8,000. A large part of lt was in pennies, showing that the; givers were of the poorer, class who know the value of the institutions. - the body. The sign of this borrowing is thinness; the result, You heed fat to keep the blood in health unless you want to live with no reserve force live from hand to mouth. Oil is more than a medicine. r Scott's Emulsion of It is a food. The Hypophosphites make it a nerve food, too. It comes as near perfection as good things ever come in this nerve-wast- e. Cod-live- world. ' want B sure you g,t Scott's Envision wktnyou Scott & Bovvne, New York. it and not a cheat Mulstitute AH Druggists. . 50c. land Si. |