Show Produce Market SALT LAKE BUTTER To retailer First crade 8 21 Second 2055 Sweet 22 Parchment SIc less CREAM First grade cream Salt Lake 15 Second cream Salt Lake 14 TOGS New laid doz 19 Mediums new laid doz 17 Full cream triplets Full cream longhorns if 1251 Full cream sandwich loaf lb 13 Jack cheese 6 pounds each cheese domestic Swie pound 23 blocks pound 1 bricks lb 23 Cream brick pound b-pound brick Roquefort S pounds each nil F-nil cream daisies cured lb 21 Full cream longhorns L I cured lb 22 Full cream triplets Wis cured lb 17 Full cream longhorns western cured pound 18 CHICAGO April 13 AP alive 1 car 19 hens others steady lens 1 over S pounds 5 pounds and Un- Un der hens Rock ryers colored Rock springs colored Rock broilers colored Leghorn lOc roosters turkeys old uck spring ducks geese Sc Butter firm Creamer speciaLs 93 score extras 92 score extra 91 90 score 89 88 score 20 seconds 87 86 score standards 90 score centralized carlots Eggs 38 urns Extra firsts 1647 Sc fresh graded firsts current cur cur- rent receIpts lISle Potatoes 96 on track total U. U S. S shipments old stock about supplies sup sup- plies liberal demand and slow idaho russets U. U S No 1 com com- grade U 8 No 2 russets combination grade 1150 U. U S No 1 dark medium size 1 50 Colorado U. U S. S No I Minnesota North Dakota fled River section early U S. S No 1 Nebraska triumphs pew stock steady supplies moderate no sales re- re ported Idaho Mai 1 75 NEW YORK April 13 API firm firsts 91 87 score 2254 00 score other unchanged Cheese slow prices unchanged Lite poultry firm Broilers express 12 turkeys express ducks freight iDe other and express unchanged un- un changed dressed poultry firm chickens frozen fowls fresh and frozen 14 other grades unchanged Eras firm Mixed firsts mediums 40 pounds dirties dir dir- ties No 1 42 average checks packed firsts oth- oth Cr mixed colors white selection and premium marks o nearby and midwestern exchange stand stand- other whites and all browns |