Show I Additional Financial News II ENGINEERS URGE MINE i EXEMPTION EXEMPTIONs t I s I r i Ask Commission Commissi n to Soften Provisions of 1933 Securities Se Se- Law C Utah's and andin in ill those interested in the mining in try were urged to do all in their power to induce the federal trade don to exempt mining securities ties from the provisions of the 1933 securities ac act In a resolution passed by y the Utah section American Institute lute tute of Mining and Me Metallurgical En at the Newhouse hotel Thurs day night Jam James H H. Ball one ODe of the speakers Pointed out that the provisions of the securities act are arc extremely burden iome and that compliance with lith registration reg statement requirements is almost impossible ex except ept by large in- in w The resolution points out that the mining industry and its development are arc of great importance to the wel arc and advancement of the west and it is doubtful that at the time of enactment ot of this legislation le the bad in mind those so en en- raged The sought relief under provisions of the act which give the federal trade commission power to I add any class of at securities to the exempt ex ex- empt list if it finds enforcement of provisions is not necessary ry to the pub le Interest where the aggregate amount of the securities offered does not ot exceed G. G E. E Crandall and Paul C. C Woolley discUSSed both the 1933 securities act and nd the 1934 stock exchange bilL |