Show NOTICE TO CO CONTRACTORS TRACTORS Scaled proposals will wi be received re rc by the thc Utah Uth State Build Build- log ing Commission Room State Capitol Salt Lake City Utah for forthe forthe the construction of an educational building at the Utah Uth State Industrial Idu Indus Indus- trial School Ogden Utah Ut u until ti p. p m. m April Apri 27 1934 and at that time publicly opened and read ead It I i Intended to let one contract con con- tract trac IncludIng plumbing and heating and md electrical work work Plans specifications and ad pro pro pO l blanks blank may be obtained at atthe atthe the office ofie of the Architect Eber F. F Piers Piers Room Rom 1014 First National Na Na- Bank building Ogden De Dc posit of 1500 will wi be required which sum will wi be refunded the bidder after returning retuning the plans plan end specifications in good goo order to t the Architect not later than April Apri and provided further that he has ha submitted a proposal for the work vork herein Plans Plan and specifications may be examined at the office of the te Buldin Building lon but cannot cannot be taken Wages for skilled skied labor shan shall be benot not les than per hour and for unskilled labor not less les than per hour Proposals shall be made in strIct accordance with all al of the plans and and must be made on blank blan forms form provided pro pro- pro vided by the Architect Certified check In n the te amount amou t of 5 per cent of the basic baic bid plus plu nU all alternates to DC be added must mu accompany proposal The right Is i reserved to accept acceptor or reject any or aU all proposals proposal Of 01 alternates any UTAH STATE BUILDING I COMMISSION W. W J. J President R. R K BROWN Superintendent of Construction I First publication April Apri 2 2 1934 Last publication April Apri 12 1934 |