Show 1 l Salt Lake Briefs I CHARGING German nazis have ha helped further the silver shIrt move move- meat in the United States Rabbi Samuel H. H Gordon discussed Adolph Hitler's Hillers autobIography wednesday night a at the First Unitarian church WEST hIGh school students will vill present of Astrakhan two act n operetta FrId Friday Y and Saturday Sat Sat- urda at p. p m. m in the school auditorIum The cost ColSt will Include Dean Jn Hobson Irene BerteLson Leola Booth Maido l Seal VIolet Crowther Dorothy Baker Howard Wilson George Bishop Ruth Blunden Blundell Reed Christensen Wesley Emery Dean S Shelby Joe Greenwood and a 1 chorus of slue stu dints deals CHIROPRACTIC Results Result With I Diseases Peculiar to Women was by Dr David Dovid Jen Jensen cn at the bimonthly meeting of Salt Loke chiropractors Thursday night at his home East Ninth Sou South h street et as A DISTRICT court jury Frida Friday h had d acquitted George Vincent 18 and Dan 10 ch charged with wilh crl cr ninal ulL upon a year old Salt Loke girl nc- nc near ncr r the municipal airport March 15 The youths were tried Thursday PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S crop control plan was termed the cl crime lUe of the century by J. J Will Dobson in a talk Thurs Thurs- diy dy night t persons in the Chapman branch library in inthe inthe the west side forum lorum A MUSICAL program was pre pre- seated Friday by Jordan hIgh school students in the school auditorium Under un Un- der the direction ot of Mrs E. E G. G Ep- Ep person in the presentation were the schools school's pie 70 c symphony orchestra girls girls' glee club and solo solo- IEl i MEMBERS ERS of the Traffic club of Salt Lake will hold a stig dinner Friday a at 7 p. p rn m. in the Newhouse e hotel Enter Entertainment will iii be provided pro pro- vided by Miss Ruth La Mar Richard O. O Burkhart and H. H W. W Hansen WESTERN BUS nus ESS conditions ar improving said W. W G. G Julier of Beverl Beverly Hills Cal assist assist- assistant ant secretary of the Gilmore Oil corn com p pany n Friday in Salt Lake He and Mrs JulIer are arc en route loue home from a business trip to Denver BLOSSOM TIME act three oper etta will wiH be presented by East high school music students in the school auditorium April 20 and 21 The cast will include Hulbert Keddington ton William Worley Beverly erly Sla Sla- baugh Louise Mired Allred and George Hansen Lisle Bradford will direct the presentation TT T NATIONAL petroleum code of fair competition will b be discussed by Maurice Daly or of Washington D. D C. C at a meeting of oC local unIon No Oil Field Gas and Oil Refinery Workers of America Fda at 11 8 p. p m. m in the Lobor I temple Martin Cab Cah ol of Cheyenne W Wyo o president or of the Wyoming Sta State Federation or of Labor also will sp speak k r P W V. A FuNDS totaling wr- wr requested FrIday by R. R A. A Hart pUblic works engineer The funds would be used to Install a generating plant in the Murray mu power and light station and to construct a municipal wa va- system at Charleston BURNED Ja late Thursday afternoon when laming flaming gasoline spilled on his rj right ht leg Leon Gladstone 9 son of Mr and Mrs William Gladstone Fifth East street was recovering at athis athis his home Friday The bo boy suffered second degree burns when a playmate play play- mate hurled a burning match malch into a acan acan can of gasoline which spilled on the Gladstone bo boy POLICE Friday Frida ere seeking a typewriter rit r from th the American Mill company at South Fifth West street PAUL rAUL ARMSTRONG district director of oC the United States at San Francisco and former Salt Laker Friday was wasen wasen en route to his home alter after a brier brief vIsit with friends here upon hIs return re re- turn from a conference or of lion tion officials in Washington D. D C C. Mr Ar trong is a brother ot of the late Burl Armstrong former former m managing manag- manag ing editor of The Telegram STELLA STELIA 23 East Seventh South street FrIday was recovering from a sprained ankle suffered late Thursday afternoon when the automobile she he was driving drive ing collided with a car driven cn by P. P F. F Crowton 63 West Second North street on Seventh South street between Main and State streets Miss told police her westbound machine collided with Crowton's truck as it began to make a U OU tUrn THEFT of four electric tans fans from the federal reemployment office at South West Temple street was reported to police Friday by H. H L. L Dykes manager FORCING the door lock Jock auto prowlers stole two and a box ot of chocolates from the automobile automo automo- bile of Harry 1127 Yale aye ave nue while it was parked at South State Stale street night he Informed In In- formed police ER ERT T instructor of mechanical arts at West high school Friday was recovering from an op- op he underwent Wednesday Wednes Wednes- day at t the L. L D. D S. S hospital MISS i MILDRED HAGEN Friday had been appointed S. S chairman of the annual Veterans Veter- Veter Ins ans or of Foreign Wars Wars' poppy sale tobe conducted May 26 by bythe bythe the women's auxiliary of the organ S EXPERIENCES CES or of 14 who vho attended the Utah Idaho good goodwill goodwill will tour to Boul Boulder cl dam recently were recounted at atthe the weekly lunch lunch- con of the club Thursday in the Hotel Utah Speakers were Charles Chorles N. N Fehr Franklin S. S Cundiff Cundif and Ra Raymond Ray Ray- mond C. C Wilson CONTACT with ith L L. L D. D S. S church members in the French mission is maintained through an elaborate correspondence cor system recently adopted b by Daniel J. J Lang m misson SlOn president according to Ivan C. C Jones or of Ogden who returned Friday from serving in inthe inthe the mission Shortage of mission mission- cries aries made necessary the corre sp system I PACifIC C COAST educators corn com mended the physical education pro grams in Salt Lake schools according accord ing to Miss Charlotte Stewart super visor of physical education Uon for girls in the Sale Sal Lake schools who returned re re- turned Friday from a regional school recreation conference In Santa Barbara Barbara Bar Bar- bara Cat CaL |