Show Naughty Ditties and Girls Abound in Capitol Show By CANDID ItA KAY Y YIt's Its It's not stupendous gigantic or colossal but Its It's darned amusing lIght entertainment Speaking or of George Scandals now playing at atthe atthe the Capitol theater Dont Don't go I if you OU want ant something In ma dr plot characterization and the like There arent aren't any ot of those specIfications In Inthe Scandals the blueprint But I you want to do a lot ot of laughing hear some memory teasing memory teasing tunes tunes' and some lifting eyebrow naughtiness and feast your eyes on some gorgeous gals in general and one eyeful ot of beauty In particular r that Faye winner George Whites White's Scandals Is your dish And believe you me Its It's served cd plenty hot hott The Scandals doesn't even pretend pre pre- tend to Have a It is just n a typical cal cOll White Broadway revue l lifted bodily to the screen and dressed up with a lot of tricks which mechanical limitations make impossible on a stage And what tricks they are arel The human fan md and the thc lily pond spectacle spec spec- to mention but 1 0 This time Rudy Vallee doesn't attempt at at- tempt to be an actor he learned that lesson once and for all or even the worlds world's ireat t lover vocal or other other- wise Hes He's just a pleasant mannered lad who sings a few too songs few few- and as ao such he is okeh Because e whatever else you OU sa say about Rudy youve you've got to admit hes he's got what it takes when it comes to crooning and So-and this amounts to extravagant pra praise e from a personal angle dont let lct the Vallee name dismay you OU when picking your show for the evening ROWDY COMEDY IEDY The rowdy comedy and lord theres there's plenty ot of it is dished I up by old cha ha-cha ha Du rante eyed banjo Cliff Edwards Edwar and an attractive little minx Dixie Dunbar Alice Alicc Faye as I noted above brings the show girl beauty and In addition can shake that thing and does in the Oh I You Nasty Man number And does that one sizzle Adrienne Ames appears now and then as asa a 1 society gal gitl with a yen for celeb rUles Mr White himself was so busy producing directing and concocting concoct concoct- j ing 1 the show he hc probably couldn't get around to doing much in it his is a straight role that doesn't call for much of anything But that he gave until it his particular talent creating the numbers numbers-is clearly evident Not only because it was the last big number in the revue but because I be cause it had originality and humor and was unusually well done Every EveryDay EveryDay Day Is Fathers Father's Day stands out louL Keep your ou ears cars up and dont don't miss a 1 line linc ot of that song Lastly vh what t ta a glorious ribbing Busby Berkeley and his human pattern dance routines rou rou- tines takes in that baby buggy sequence se- se quence If you ou enjoy Hollywood kidding kid kid- ding Hollywood you'll- you'll love it Scandals isn't the the greatest greatest screen muSical comedy e ever er made but it is isa isa a sure cure for those mid April earl early spring doldrums NEW BAD WOLF The Big Bh Bad Wolf the new Silly Symphony sequel to The Three Little brings us lU the whistle pi pigs and Mr Wolf himself again and and in addition Red Riding Hood and Grandma Its nS up up to par and yo 1 0 know what Disney par is There is also aLcoa a mm man special showing the navies ot of the world in action and a newsreel with some wrestlers who will either make you ou howl with laughter or eyes They Said They are the grand ot of chills ana anil screams and lurid ghostly ghastly tremors Car arl Laemmle Sr Merely l this and more Edgar Alien AUen Poe what he chickens No matter matler part tokes takes Slim never drops that mournful mourn mourn- ful expression and this thi Is no tion As SUm Slim has his facial tricks ks so Miss Mis PlUs has her famous hand movements and demonstrates that she can express more In one anI moment with her han than mo most women accomplish In a lifetime ZaSu plays a school chool teacher who worries over her little nephew played by Mickey Rooney ot of Our Gang comedy fame No mistake was made in casting him in the tho part of the sL who made good Between the three of them the action moves move at a tact pace The story is centered around Slim and ZaSu bitter enemies who buy the same ranch through a swindlIng real estate te agent When Slim loses his gold tooth filling mUng and it is found by a pros who believes he has ha discovered dis dis- covered gold plenty i. i Is bound to happen and does JUNGLE STORY The second attraction Picture Brides brings brines to the screen two film personalities who have not made madean an appearance for some time Dorothy Doro Doro- thy Mackaill and Regis Toomey Miss Mackaill as usual has been cast as the dame who knows the he ways was and wiles of bad men while Regis Toomey and it seemed good to see his personality smile again is isa a fugitive from the law The picture by no means boasts theIr best pert per but the two keep the action ac ac- tion moving fast tast enough in this jun jun- gle romance Added features are a newsreel and Prince Samara in person who endeavors endeavors en- en deavors to solve your most difficult and personal Carl Reyn- Reyn olds Do You Care A 2000 automobile of for tor manufacture was Stephen Ames Ames' engagement present to Raque Torres MexIcan actress actress ac- ac tress whom he be will wUl wed In the near neaz future HIRE A HALL Sally Eilers didn't know what a family she baa ha until she visited her folks in Cleveland Ohio recently On her way back to Hollywood from New York she stopped slopped a visit the first she has made since was a little mUe girL The family arranged a together get dinner in her honor and 54 all all' relatives relatives-at- ten tended ed SUCH IS FAME is full tull ot of stories which show the slender thread upon which success hangs There is the case casc of Sc Scott tt Bell Beal for Sn- Sn stance Scott was named by the Academy ot of Moti Motion n PiCture Arts and Sciences as the best assistant director of the year n It was the only mention Universal Uni- Uni versal got during the entire evening evening eve eve- ning ot of the bestowing of honors and acclaim and ct Beal has been on the layoff list for the thelast thelast last four or five months with the studio humming with ityl READY FOR MORE Now Nov that their adopted daughter Patricia Louise has reached the ripe rip old ag age of years Neil Hamilton and his wile wife are making plans to adopt two more youngsters The only thing that's bothering them is whether they should get two boys or a boy and a gIrland whether they should get youngsters about Patricia's age or take infants With problems like that to worry him its it's no wonder you never hear of Neil in connection with scandal candal or gossip |