Show IRA SET FOR GIANT FOE WITH WAITING AIRPLANE Dern Plays Plas Comeback Role Against Oregonian Al aIlI 1111 Leo Papiano Tangle One or of the bigger men in the noble fraternIty ot of grunt growlers George Kent of Oregon holds the headline spot at McCulloughs McCullough's arena Friday night in the bes tw two o out t o t ree fall fail fracas with Ira De Dern Kent is one of the brotherhoods bigger men from a physical standpoint stand stand- point although little is known of his prow prowess s as a wrestler He weighs I pounds and is a good deal over six feet tall Still Likes Airplane I I Ir Iry for the first time in many years ears will be playing the comeback role against Kent He has been defeated de de- twice by Al once Newman on ona a foul and last week on a questionable question question- able decision Iry believes that his airplane is still In good condition although he has not been flying it of late with the success and finesse with which it operated several years ago Al Leo Papiano In Ina a special event calling for lor the best two out of three falls taUs in an hour Newman sees ees red whenever it is said that his victories over Dern were Jukes flukes and he feels that if he can tame Papiano many will think he is city champion after all Rough Stuff Expected The scrap will probably be devoted to chasing each other around the ring and the usual tactics that prevail whenever the barefooted Grecian climbs into the ring This is Papiano's Papi- Papi anos ano's third time out in as many weeks Del Kunkel popular plumber tack tack- lei Ici Buzz Reynolds Reynolds' in one of t the preliminaries pre pre- and David Reynolds opposes op op- poses Turp Taylor Talor in the other Buzz Reynolds made a most favorable favor favor- able impressIon last week against Art Hedin |