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Show CREPT IN BRAKEMAN'8 FIREBOX 250.000 Importance of American Steel Highways Shown in Their Relation to Nation's Commsrca. good story of his NARROW MILES OF RAILROAD. ESCAPE. AN EASY WAY. 0 Charles R. Crane Educated We have 80,000.000 of people, occupying 8,000.000 square miles of Without Aid of College. to-da- y How to Curs Kidney Troubles Easily Frtnchman Partai to Properly Cooked and Quickly. Chopf But H Djd Not All0. 9th,r FoPflet Hta W,f It 1. needles, to suffer tho torture. ' 1 !,.ack-A Frenchman hesitates to pay two fAn.alDlblCk j mlrjr 0f dJsorpMns, urinatT of ready-mad- e for a dollar, d r trousers, but It Ispair to spend a?et, his delight cure Is easy. Brights disease. on flvpr Treat the cause-t-he lddne.M-w- ith The SIK.aker Walter, imlled, Doans Kidney Plllb. brother, Gustav of Dux, he ?: ! a renowned gourmet They 8t'' talk all over Dax of Gustav's way of Weak kid grilling a lamb cutlet Is it a good says: neys made my back way, but expensive? Oh, la, la!" tiff and lame. The la? The guest frowned. What urine waa cloudy and do La, mean you by la, la?' be Inquired. Irregular and I had to It just means 'gosh,' 'jingo,' my times get up many anything like that" said at night. I lost en- goodness,' the waiter, liuputiently. About my ergy, became weak brother Gustav. He grills his always could work. not sad Doana Kidney own trust He won't the work chops. Pills removed all the trouble and reto any one else. He does it like this: stored my health and strength. Remember the name Doan's. Sold He lays three chops, one on top of the other, on the grill. Seated before the 50 centa a box. by all dealers. fire, he turns the chops over and over Co.. Buffalo. N. T. till the two outer ones Brc done to a very dry brown. The middle one only Like an Earthquake. Is the one he eats. Ah, but It must be C. Chesterfield .Former High Sheriff delicious. It has received, you see. Mlddlebrot.ks, whose bungalow at all ihe rich, delicate juices of the oth- over lake the stands Highland partly lake on stone and cement foundations, or,wo The guest sneered. And does he was awakened at four o'clock the throw two away?" he which noises loud other morning by he says shook his bungalow like an asked. "Oil, no, the waiter answered. "He earth tremor. tin-ito his wife." Buffalo Exgives household lie says iLat after the press. had been shuken oi.t of n sound sleep, he, not waiting to dri ss, went outside THE LAWS DELAY. to ascertain il.e cause of the noise. He foui'd, lie says. Hint a monster frog lmd its tu-- directly under the fully bungalow. The frog v.eieln-i- t time it six pounds. l:e says, and and croaked tin bungalow cr.icl-.i'shook. Mr. Mlddlcbrooks bought an anchor, strong ro.c nnd enough red llunncl to bait H'0 hooks, and will try to life property by ce.pt tiring the bullfrog. Wir.stnl tCoini.) tin l.tlch to New York World. Only Thing That Tended to Spoil territory and they own fl20.000.000,-00- 0 of wealth. On farms valued at Really Interesting Narrative Wae 125,000,000,000 we produce annually Has Visited Avowed of the the Skepticism Nearly Every Country on agricultural products valued at Yard Foreman. the Globs and Is Master of SevIt Is nothing that we eral Languages Well Acbush"A i 1 was sayln, that was the nar- produce annually 2,500,000,000 quainted with Orient. els of corn and 11,000,000 balea of rowest escape I ever want to have," cotton. If there Is no demand for the the brakeman said Chicago. Charles R. Crane, newly and eotton and if the demand as the visitor corn la not at a fair return, llut we have appointed minister from the United came along. The citi-ae- n the market. Our 85,500.000 of people States to China, Is a rare type of in that he wae born to wealth and visitor sat down who produce 15,000.000,000 of manuon the sunny side e yet may be classed In the roll of of the switch factured products annually and remen. He wae reared with the ceive in wages 1230.000.000, make the Idea that a college education la not shanty to hear all maiket. These figures apply only to essential to the about 1l life success of a man finished product. We get the prodwho has a brain of his own and uses Everybody else, ucts to the consumer by 250,000 miles apparently, was of railroad, which Is three times the It. Ills schooling ended when he had talking, through railroad mileage of Great Iiritain, done with the public school. What he and the switch- France and has gathered of learning since then combined. When man was allowed side tracks Germany are taken into account, has been from books and from the world and Its people as they have apto proceed. we have more mileage than to him Jn extensive travel "That was way all the rest of railroad the world. On these peared Richard T. Crane, Sr., father of along In 96, when railroads we have 100,000 engines, 1 was R. Prune, is vigorously opworking, or millions of cars and hauling Charles to modern methods of education rather just after carrying posed 2.01)0.000.000 tons of freight. This 1 liad as carried on In the great universities been fired l the practically equals all tonnage end many of the public schools. He from the Midland. by all the railroads and all the I'd been working lu the yard up at ships of all the rest of the world. does not believe these Institutions fit i. ivide, and a man properly Tor the battle of life, just for allowing two old Tills monstrous task is pcrtoruK-by and Jl.tts to split a switch and plow up 5,r.ii0,00ii of says they are .too theoretical and employes who arc yearly tome of the gravel the old niiiii' reck- paid f2.300.000.000, nnd this vast, busi- not sutlicicntly practical, lie went so oned I'd better lope back to tbe ness is conducted liy yiriU.O'JO.'l'tO.noO far ns to declare It would he a good for one of the states If Its state Springs and accept a por.it ion as on of It. ink clearances. I)o we pamper? thing h.- iieer on t laundry wagon or souie- - Only two decades ucn we were secuniversity buildings were blown up. Whether Charles U. Crane shared i.- :in' like that. ond to Great Britain In the output of Well, I'd kind of decided I'd take iron and steel. y our output the educational views of his father, t: run down to the spring:, anyway. equals the rest of the world. We live it is a fact that, Instead of spending four years in college and winning 'i he extra engine crow was going well and have happy homes, filled oown that night with a pusher ml a with comfo',ts and luxuries. Yet we degree, lie jumped at once from his ld go ate a saving people. We have in sav- boyhood schooling Into the workshop (tippled engine and 1 vith em. We hud to wait i ill the ings burl's J'i.r 00.000, u in nakimml nnd startl'd the business career which vest-boun- d mall wenL by, along about bunks, ?4. 10 000,000. and In state Ight o'clock, and then we started. I banks $Y9 M.friVi'u) in all, flTCOO.-OOi)- , 000. The per capita of n.oney in l.'.'t up in the eab of the cripple and, it 1 ing warm summer ami me with an fie country is larger than In any overcoat on, I proceeded to fix up to other save one. France, and amounts sleep some. First 1 look a smoke and lo "3 for each of our tO.OuO.O'lO pro then I dotted off. We'd pioily near got pie. The business of the country tu Piute pitas by that. time. ittioiiul s to over tS.OOii.fi'iO.f'OO anmsni-iy- . lik I'd hardly How do we do such a monstrous Well, air, it which is alo profit pipe? It got to sleep wIku I woke up vv t; h a humm-sstart. It seemed to me like we was is been pee we have conudem-In awful fast. It must have been selves mid the other nations of the the tooling up in front that woke me, globe have confidence In us. because Ed. Morris, who was the eagle Weekly, eye up there, was let ling her shriek Miraculous Escape from Death, loud enough to wake the dead down in A g experience recentEl Paso. We were jolting around a signalman named Lines at befell ly pretty lively, and I pushed the window Folium station, on the Great Eastern open to take a look. My new Stetson railroad. lie had just signaled Line off so I went whizzing nearly quick went with It. It was dark as pitch, clear" for the Ipswich express, when, towards the down line along but the electric headlight on the glancing which the would pass in a few pusher was lighting up the canyon, moments, express d he saw a little and when we went by the falls so fast named Doris the girl Pryke, daughter that I'd thought it was day before of the village butcher, crossing the yesterday I'd seen 'em, I began to get line. It was too late for him to stop scared. I thought of jumping and then he not reach the has made him a man of practical the could express, I saw it was no use. I was wonderin' child In time to save her, and he rea- mind and alert powers of observation. what had happened up In front. I lized that if he shouted to her she When the opportunity came he inknew something else was going to would be certain to(stand still and augurated a program of travel which happen pretty soon, because when we look In his direction. Slowly the little ent him to many of the out of the we were goDiablo at hit that safety four-foo- t entered the girl way, uncon- way places of the world and gave him ing to skee clear over the peak. scious of the approaching train. The an Intimate knowledge of affairs pos"I couldnt see a thing up In front, was within 100 yards of her sessed by few men even In these days but It seemed like we were putting engine when she put one leg over tbe outer of globe trotting. on steam all the time, and we didnt rail. She raised and the other Mr. Crane has set foot in nearly need any at all going down that came down within inches ofleg, safety. every country on the globe, has peneI knew there was Then the train flashed past, and Lines trated to nooks and corfor couldn't I something wrong, but covered his face with his hands to ners, has occasionally fitted out carathe life of me figure it out. While I shut out the sight. When he rushed vans of his own to explore unfrewas doing some tall wondering, the to the be found the little one quented lands, and la as much at spot firebox door swung open und bit me lying by tbe side of the line, uncon home in Russia or China as he is on on the leg. That saved my life. sefous, but alive. The front wheel his home street in Chicago, lie is a cleaned I knew the firebox had been guard had caught her uplifted leg, linguist of considerable attainments. out, and I'd begun to figure out that and she had been hurled a dozen Is a connoisseur In paintings, a collecunless I got some armor plate around yards, alighting on a mound of refuse. tor of old and rare books nnd, what me I'd be cleaned out, too. I knew we She suffered a few bruises and Is more, a reader of the same. He is must be getting might close to Diablo scratches, but otherwise was unhurt a as nnd civic enthusiast prominent and the safety switch. That firebox been a for has factor years powerful Democratic Railroad Men. door was a tip. No matter what hapIn movements for the advancement of Rig railroad men the men who run pened, I figured, nothing imu-- was Chicago commercially, physically and going to happen to an inch steel fire- the roada, not tbe Wall street game morally. I demoare could them with I as as squeezed nearly always quick box, and During his travels Mr. Crane spent myself Into that door, not being as cratic. All the men who work for the much time In China, his business inLackawanna, from first stout then as I am now. terests taking him into every provWell, sir, I hadn't more than got down to engine wiper, speak of Presi ince. He came into close contact with in there when things happened. I dent William H. Truesdale as "Bill." all classes of Mongolians. In his didn't know for about four hours that Every baggage car on the Morris and home is a largo collection of curios of anything happened, because they didn't Essex division, which hauls most of his many visits to China. commuthe north wreckers up till the out got me company's Jersey dig In all his knocking about the globe, g of there and found me with a broken arm ters, contains a Mr. Crane was absorbing languages. and black as a nigger down In that Truesdale pasted up by admiring In his library in his Michigan avenue In left a a much If trainmen. country home are firebox. And there wasn't stranger books written in a dozen of either one of them old coffee pots town saw Truesdale with the rest of different languages. They are not was a in in a of Morris the Ed. front natives group but the fireboxes. to catalogues as a sorted according dead as a door nail. In pieces. The grocery store he'd pick out the Lacka- less scholarly owner would sort them, pusher bad struck the boulder at the- wanna man to ask where the best fish but instead are grouped ur.der subtop end of tbe safety and ray old crip- ! ing was thereabouts and feel sure he'd ject heads. Friends of Mr. Crane say pie had rammed through her tender i get a satisfactory answer. If a track that when he wants to look up a refhand saw Truefedale In a crowded and smashed him. erence on a topic he goes to his 11111 doesn't al shelves and takes Up near the west end of the pass smoking car and down books in sevthey found Jack Hyde, the fireman, ways ride in a private palace on eral different languages and reads him first if be them without the aid of a lexicon. lie lying beside the track unconscious, wheels he'd go to with a whack over the head. When he wanted a light. Truesdale is about six is said to read 12 languagea and to got right at the hospital he said Mor- feet one, built like an athlete, has an speak with ease and fluency six or ris had gone nutty about his girl easy swing when he walks and no eight throwing him over and hit him with surplus fat. Five years ago Mr. Crane added the wrench. of his personal fortune to "The 810,000 Test and Moose Engine Strength. The yard foreman got up and walked season Young huntIt is for Empress Fund" for Russian close Though into the shanty. When he came back soldiers and sailors. Tills gift was was 11:15 not the respon ing, express he handed tbe brakeman a round sible for breaking the laws. About made through Count Rostofstoff, chanpiece of leather with a ribbon tied one mile out of McAdam a fine cow cellor of the empire, and for It the to It. donor waa the of grateful I've moose contested its strength with the thanks from the recipient It's yours, Jack, he said; enfpress. Long and noble the in beast's resulting engine, knowed you since you was a kid and death. close contact with official and civilian you aint never been west of the soap did not fall from the fender life of Rusala has given him a fydendly As it plant in your life." the train was stopped and the beauti- feeling toward that nation, but at the ful but much damaged carcass was same time he has a warm spot in Ills Push African Railroad. off the line to be claimed later heart for China and the Chinese. The lifted the of The work Cape constructing on by the game warden. It is sup- feeling Is said to be reciprocated. The to Cairo railroad is to be started that the flies drive the animals Chinese have been drawn to other Sciposed the near in says the future, again members of the family. Profeasor out the open. St. John Sun. Into of end entific American. The present Williams, uncle of Mr. Crane, was prothe line is ST0 miles north of Victoria Railroad Owns Chicken Ranch. fessor of Chinese at Yale and he is to the Is carry expected Falls, and (t Northern Pacific has a The the author of a book on China. line Into tbe Congo copier district Mrs. Crane was Miss Cornelia W. poultry farm 17 miles east of Seattle newseason. The during the present with a brood, nf 11,000 white Smith, whose girlhood home was Pat route. A Wash., line will not be an all-rachickens which provide ar erson, N. J., where she became the leghorn considerable part of tbe distance will of 150 dozen per day bride of Mr. Crane 28 years ago. Like average on the steamers be covered by great The road bIbo operates three large her husband, her interests are In the interior lakes of Africa. bakery ovens, and the butter usei. more substantial things of life. Her on its dining cars comes from the fa- name does not appear In the memberDeath Records Lowered. The death records of tne railroads mous Yakima valley, encased in four ship lists of any Chicago club. Tbe have been lessened materially recent- wrappings nf oiled paper, and all the family has a beautiful summer home In bottles and served at Lake Genera, Win and another at ly as a result of tne compulsory adop- milk is rut np Gazette. Woods Hole, Mass. Pittsburg Individually. and tion of safety devices systems. self-mad- car-rli'i- To-da- i s our-goin- j nerve-wreckin- four-year-ol- 'shoot-the-shool- photo-engravin- - e il GENEROSITY OF THE GOURMET dafr . rel Ti ,en, Food Products Libby's Cooked Corned Beef Theres a marked distinc tion Boat thats I jy 1 Ubbya and even 'the sold in bulk. beat Evenly and mldly cured nnd acientiiically cooked in Lllya Kitchen , Great White natural all the flavor of the fresh, prime beef is retained. It is pure and wholesome, delicious meal at serve to time, ready Saves work and worry in ummer. Other Libby Healthful all ready Meal-Time-Hin- ts, to serve, are: Peorfsss OeM Boot Vienna Saueagm Voal Loaf Evaporated KBk Baked Stuns Chovt Ohow Mixed PSokloa Purity goes hand in hand with Products of the Libby brand. s:e Valuable Knowledge Spreading. Every day set s hundreds of now re cruits in the war ag.iinst. tuberculosis, and every day bring j new methods for the fighting of the plague. The National ussm-kiilopredicts that if the present degree of interest is main tained, within live years everybody In the United Slates will have been Informed on the way to prevent and cure tuberculosis, and concerning the Infections nature of tho disease. Two things in particular arc needed, and for these the National association Is phe doctor nodded working In every way. They are, a hu "It means a root 1 more complete registration of tuber-- for new house I am building." culosls cases, and the further isola- Cleveland Plain Dealer. tion of dangerous advanced cases of The Worm Turned. consumption. The clerk In the shoe store was Pleasant for Mr. Bennett. tired. The day was Insufferably hot. William S. Bennett, a representa- The customer who was trying to catch tive from New York city, went to ad a train was clamorous. Goaded to dress a .political meeting In his dis-- desperation the hard-driveclerk one night, when he was much postulated. younger than he Is now. o, we don't have a salesman for Tbe chairman," said Bennett, was each customer. This ain't no Chinese a very literal person. He looked at Sunday school." the gallery, w here oue woman waa sitImportant to Mother. ting, nnd said: Lady and- gentlemen, Examine carefully every bottla of this is a most momentous campaign. CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for There are grave issues to be die--! Infanta and children, and see that It our from cussed. Later we will hear Bears the best speakers, but, for the present, we Signature of will listen to Mr. Bennett. In Use For Over 30 Years. Died In Good Company, The Kind You Have Always Bought A clergyman, who was not averse If a girl can puss her thirtieth birthto an occasional glass, hired an Irish man to clean out his cellar. The irish- day without detection she begins to He brought think the dates in the family record man began his work. forth a lot of empty whisky bottles, may have been slightly mixed. . and as he lifted each one looked , F.re tlir-M- t is no trilling ailment. It through It at the sun. The preacher, w;il sometime earnr infection to the o was walking on tho lawn, saw tire syrii-thmnph't lie fund that is eaten. him and said: They are all dead Ihnulms Wizard Oil is s sure, quick cure, oik's. Pat. They are?" said Pat. Cliickcii-heurtepeople are always Well, there Is one good thing about excuse. hatch to an ready up It they all had the minister with them when they were dying." Tid I'K.RKV DAVIS IAIMKII.I.KK li tiM Ihni. Mtfi'si Mia Min"l lY'miiiy lor muni. Bits. nilii und illnrrlHti. An liiiiuicnt for woiunummI between Oookod OoFiiod Write for free Booklet, How to make Good Eat. Things to Insist on Ubbya at your grocers. Ubby, KeNeill k Ubby fftfsafS CAMPBELL SU8 SURFACE PACKERS Wn sin tlw Mis maniiliiciun-r- s (it I Ilia (unions a the only oue VjyrWMr M 1nckor, LI n km This is tha on (list yon hnve beurd everyone talk-anui- us about. ex-tri- ct n - Send lor our Special Pimphlet on Sab- - I Surface Fucking, the bust known system I for dry farming," n method of absolutely I iruuring bum per crop with a minimum ra.nf.'ilL lint ulntion oi regions. This packer in m.uie in two lire., with 10 In heavy and strong, and nnd 16 wln-etithe frame in made to carry all the evtra weight needed. Ank for Catalog No. 07 Pariin & Orendorff Co., ILL. Synfcun, Wnk Hub twplewmt.Vbld Cd.. Silt Lika City, IHik. Bwiei Imptcwnt Cm, Ofdtn, Uuk. Riddleli ladMNit Cm, glcMMd, Utah. Kirnr Iwnirwrat Cm, Bnrlny. Idnbm Portland, Ora, CARTON, RLD WEARS I d KpntiDk ON FOOD The Right Foundation it U unequalled. acftis Sbc and &oc. Occasionally women try to reform a man by rousting him. of Health. Proper food la the foundation of Mrs. Window'. Hnnthlnc Syrup. health. People can eat improer food Fnrrblldrna tavtblnir, lofu-ii- . III. cutXi. Kl,n, maum Sbcnbuttln. Binuii.ihui, dimiwln. cure. wind for a time until there Is a sudden colAn of tbe digestive organs, then all ensy beginning doesn't always lapse kinds of trouble follows. justify the finish. The proper way out of the difficulty Is to shift to the pure, scientific food, Grape-N'uta- , for it rebuilds from the foundation up. New Hampshire woman soys: "Last summer I was suddenly taken with indigestion and severe stomach trouble and could not eat food without great pain, my stomach was so sore 1 could hardly move about This kept up until I was so miserable life was nut worth living. Thf-a friend finally, after much argument. Induced me to quit my former diet and try Grape-Nut"Although I had but litttle faith I commenced to use it, and great was my surprise to find that I could eat tt without the usual pain and distress In my stomach. So I kept on using Grape-Nut- s and soon a marked Improvement was shown, for my stomach was performPositively cored by ing its regular work in a normal way these Little Pills. without pain or distress. Very soon the yellow coating disapThey aim relievo from Dynpepida, Inpeared (Tom my tongue, the dull, nnd Too Hearty digestion in heavy feeling my head disappeared, Eating. A perfect remand my mind felt light and clear; the edy for Dlui nenn. Knur nee, Droweineas, Bad languid, tired feeling left, and altoTnetn in the Mouth, Coatgether I felt as if I bad been rebuilt ed Tongue, Palo In the Strength and weight came back rapidSide, TOltriU UVEH. I Uowelm and the went back to my work With They regulate Purely Vegetable. ly renewed ambition. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. y I am s new woman in mind as well as body, and I owe It all to Genuine Must Bear CARTERS Grape-Nuts.- " this natural food, Signature vJlTTLE "There's a Reason." Look in pkgs. for the famous little 5 P,LLS- 'jook, "The Road to Wcllville." REFUSE SUSSTITUTES. Kver read the above letteef A new I jftEsdJ ne npnenra from time to time. They ire scenulne, true, nnd fall of human W. N. U Salt Lake City, No. .aterrat. s. SICK HEADACHE Die-trei- u - To-da- Fac-Simi- le I Tiver 33-19-09. OO SHOES $35 W. L. D0UGT.AS SHOES an Bettor Value for tho Price Than Ever Befarm Tli qimltty, wnrtrmnnnblp end ntylnnumet be rm-llrd- . A trifil In nil Hint I. needed to ronvliw-anyone that W. I. Danntu nbora hold th-- lr nnetie, SI Mler and vm kxww Ih.nndier nnkra. W, 1. 1 xwrlm refetnHwi for tbe brat lb wi t bet ran l for tlie prloe K wertd-wlrilie minde berk nf every pair lad 10 Ilia wearer. mine lull guaranim CAVnoS. SMtlMt (to yll (Wing f oNlNIftM Ml fH hrvffriwt, TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. .. Shorn for Kvery Member of tho Family, Men, Ilnya, Women, M leone amt Children. W. 1. iNuwlee nluiee are wubra W mu-li- . lull Utdan yna live, n n. ranmit fit yon, write fat i s. M- - If ynur Catalog. iwn-- Constipation "For over nine year I suffered with chrouio constipation and during this time I had to take sn injection of warm water once every as hoars before I could have an action on my bowelm Happily I tried Cascarets, and today I am a well msn. During the nine year before I need Cascarets I suffered untold misery with internal piles. Thanks to yon, I am free from all that this morning. Von can one this In behalf of suffering humanity. B. F. Fisher, Roanoke, XU. Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good. Do Good. Never 8icken, Weaken or Griurn 10c, 25c, 50c. Never sold la balk. The genome tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. n of this paper Readers de- - died in its columns should insift upon haring what they aA (at, refusing all subakidr or imitation. kUi ASSAYS RELIAHI-- PMUMPJ iW: IWS, gTrr., Hllref NOasd and Stiver snfl Corner. It AS. (Md ami bought. KMWrite for five mslllng A AY Itsstwtnw, SwwmM tl.. TrxtsotTor. rnrr riiLLiNriiift, WUttT. bKTC whs Me- Oenersnsmg. pdnrm mm'hp. rokulratlio imo. Hnjr igto - eunuul nations. Uvaaian It nl4i,l |