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Show XJ I Fruit Season The fruit season The Best of Everything in Meats .. ii mi is now here and you should begin to fill up your jars and botttes with your We are amc Ifyitton, Deal, jfisb anfc .. ' cery line the mar- We are now better prepared than ever before to serve you. We make prompt deliveries and give you courteous treatment. Come to us when you want the BEST. ket affords. Phone us your orders and they will have our prompt and careful Jeffersons Grocery and Market in case lots. Phone us your orders. Nice, little pleasant, gentle, easy,; people and giving them the information they are entitled too. There are safe and sure pills, are Riuga Little Liver Pills. Hold by Milford Pharmacy many thinga done by the officials APER THE PEOPLES You can get a set of knives free, which should be made known to every of one bread, one cake and consisting la citizen and the only way to do tide one pearing knife, by paying a years Published every Friday afternoon by to advertise the records in the newsaiibacriptiou to the News. Do it now. BEAVER COUNTY NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY papers, at leant one In each end of We have just made arrangements at Milford, Heaver County, Utah. the county. Thia ia not alone a mat- whereby we can give the Beaver New and McCalls' Magazlue ter that ahould he taken up by the County for one fur $2.00. Subscribe now Thia pajier waa entered aa aerond elaaa matter June 1, 1908, at the poet county hoard but ahould also betaken and takeyear advantage of thia offer. office at Milford, Beaver County, Utah, uic t r the Act of March 3, 1S78. up by the town and school boards an Pinesalve, carbolized, soothes pain. well. Be fair to the people and they In , any emergency bruises, cuts, Commoneat Milford ia eituated in the rich nuniu district in the great e sores, burns, scratches, etc., wealth of Utah and ia the metropolis of 8o jthern Utah. She ia aurrounded will stand by you. ie Bold best. carbolized, by by valuable farm landa and ia adapted to utock raining, fruit growing, etc. Milford Pharmacy. Milford ia the gateway to the great Dixie fruit diatrict and the fainoua The boy stood on the backyard The proper way and method of Virgin oil ffelda. fence whence all but him had fled, a cough or cold is to first of treating the flames that lit hia fathers barn all This gently move the bowels. shone just above the shed. The bunch you can most SUBSCRIPTION RATES: conveniently do by 50c uf crackers in hie hand, two others taking a dose or two of Bees Laxative f2.00 Three Month One Year 1.00 Hample Copies aent free on request. in hie hat, with piteous accents loud Cough Hyrup. It is pleasant to take, Kix Montlia sots like it. Hold Children made on known quickly. Advertiaing ratea application. he cried, I never thought of that! Milford Pharmacy. by A bunch of crackers to the tail of L. ELSWICK, Editor and Manager one small Sunday aervicea at First Church ot dog hed tied ; the dog in Christ Scientist of Milford are held as anguish sought the barn and a mid its at 9:45 A. M. Dont get sore if the marshal kills for tho conatruction of tl.e new Jail, ruins died. The sparks flew wide and follows: Sunday school service at 11 oclock, evenmorning your dog (or not having the tax paid (thia waa to have bten done a week red and hot, that lit upon that brat; ing services at 8 oclock. W ednesday on him. That ia one of the thinga we ago but aome of the members of the they fired the crackers in hiand evening 'experience meeting at b and eke those in his hat. Then came oclock. pay the marahal to do and he ia only board were buay at aomethlng elae a burst of rattling sound the boy? For Bale A new residence, modern and could not a are the time to meet. ) Where was he performing hia duty. gone? Ask of the Then the matter of enforcing the winds that far around atrewed bits of in every way, lot 50x115 feet, beautifully located on Stoddard 8t. $1275. Bay, it muat be great to be In the ordinance relative to the health reg- flesh and bone, and halls and tops J. W. Ball, Frisco, Utah. awim at Halt Lake thia week. It ia ulations will perhaps be taken up aa and nails and hooks and yarn, the burned The Kidneys eliminate poisons by aaid that ataudiug room ia at a pre- well aa the panning on the ordinances relics of the dreadful boy that his father's barn. acting as Altera for the blood. When mium at all timea day or night and to ralae the varioue liceuaee. The rethey fail in this respect serious ailtill there are more going. vised ordinance! are now ready for ments must result. Piueules for the the approval of the board and thia Methods Used In Dry Farming kidneys are what you should take at the first wanting sign of kidney troucon(Continued from First page) Why not enforce that nidewalk will perhaps be taken up at the ble. 1 hey assist the kidneys in exordinance and have a tew aidewalka templated meeting. There ia one aml late aumiuer raiua followed the uric acid poisons. Held by pelling p it inT We need the walka and we thing that certainly should lie taken planting. The press drill gives the Milford Pharmacy. hive an ordinance requiring Uie up and acted uKin by the board, and beat results in planting. With thia instrument we can sow the exact building of them that ia hard to get tlit la the cleaning up of main street amount POST OFFICE HOURS: On week per acre that our moisture aa well aa other streets and alleys. , around. daya from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Money will take care of, that ia from one to orders and register business closes Until the board Rees to it that the three at 8 p. m. sharp. On Sundays office pecks per acre on dry farms, 8 until 10 a. m. All mail Dont worry about thoae ahepa be- atreete are placed in a sanitary con- and about four or five pecks per acre open from for the East and West must leaving g on too to If lands. much seed ia dition conaiatent it hardly Irrigated be in by 7 :20 d. m. and for Beaver, ing moved from Milford. We have ia sown on the lands the grain will to clean Newhouse ana Frisco, mail must be at the citizens up. Any for the only location along the line not mature owing to the scarcity ot in by 8:15 a. m. somea be will there way meeting the general ih.ps and if we keep a moisture, whereas half of the number stiff upjer lip and continue to boost time noon at which time these mat- of plants are likey to do well and to B. GREENWOOD ters will be taken up. yield a large crop. Up to a certain theyll come here yet. thiuner the the the limit, sowing LAW ATTORN EY-Aeach individual plant bestronger more BE than be FUR would no in It Busy all the time in Milford Licensed Abstracter comes. Wheat stools or litters just and Notary Public the elogan of the boosters club. We fair ami Just to the people of thia lielow the ground surface by sending Investments have those in thia great mining county who pay the taxes for the out extra roots and straws from a Law Real Eestate Fire Insurance who are booeting all the time maintenance of the county, fur the joint there. Where each plant stands AllSTHACT'S OF TITI.K either hi aunehine or raiu. Be one of conuniealonera to publish the proceed- alone, it sends out many more of extra route and stems than Qualified under rules of land depart these them and get on the bolsters wagon. ings of their regular monthly nieebhen it is close to other plants. In inent to certify abstracts lu patent inga. The cost for publishing these dry land where the ie not proceedings. Bank Building, Milford, Utah What ia the matter with the Mi- proceeding in both the Beaver and sufficient for all the plants sown this Tolton Block, Beaver, Utah lford fire department that it ie doing Milford papers would be small and at result la still more apparent it pcaaible that the hoye the same time would be a means of it sown in the fall the Boswell winnothing? ter yarie(y of oats may readily he C HUNTER, M. D. are all dead? (let in the hameaa boy a letting the people know what raised on dry farms. Ihis kind, the and do something, the town need commissioners are doing. The acts best known for tills purpose is one FHYSICIil AND SURGEON your services and the maintenance of of our county officials are certainly that is black in the heads and so reOffice at Tanner House matters of public interest. Of course sembles wild oats. This kind howthe organization. beard lacks and the fuzay Milford the Utah the laws uf Utah do not require the ever, kernel of the wild variety." lie a cinch that within the next publication of these matters, (and A dry farm fail barley, the Califoreixty daya there will be a noiae like here is where there is something d fr nia prolific, likewise promises increas- - HARRY FENNEMORE comddcrable activity in the mining cidedly wrong with the laws) but as a ed success. Thus far a spring barley Attomey-at-Ladialricle of Beaver county. The tariff matter of fairness to the taxpayers has been used w ilh fair bum ess. fur The best the dry farm is Will grass question ia now nettled and thoae and people generally it would be ad- the practice in all courts of the state Brume grass, the most valularge eastern capitaliata who have been visable for the counnissioneni to have able crop for western unirrigated Beaver, Utah It would place lands. It yields from two to three freezing onto their money fur the these published. pint several months are guiug to jar them iu a better light with the people' toue per acre of hay that seems equal loo-- . It would not he at all aurpria-in- in many instances and at the same to timothy in feeding qualities. There QHAS. are many kinds uf brume grass, none to aee a nmelter entabliahed at time show that they wanted the peoNotary Public of the Olliers of any special merit. Milford during the next few moutha ple to know what was done by the The fodder brome grass mentioned All kinds of legal blanks, location aa well aa many of our mine ojierat-lu- officials. Too often county and state above doe not thrive on irrigated ' proofs of labor, etc., always at fullest a acity. Keep your and city as well -- official publish ear clone to the ground and liaten for record of their official acts in the It tonus a sod and makes good Hire, requiring no transplanting. It nimi.lv because tl.e law the noiae hut in the mean time do Is sown in etrly spring ami lightly e one good IsKisliiig. quires them b do no ami m.t wilh ,.oveml after broadcasting. Thedrill the idea of giving the piil.lie au o.- - ,,uts lt loo deep into the ground, The town dad contem- purtiinity to gain information as to Very light harrowing with brush I KEETING laws issed, money exiided ami gives it a sufficient earth cover, one CEiNTEMPlilEQ plate holding a half inch being deep enough. III the i.ear future at which eullroted, improvement completed, lug early spring before lliesnow dissp- time there will lie considerable busi- etc. if they advertise simply H? iear it msv be scsttered on top of Utah ness of importance tu transact. There cause the law sa a they must, then the snow. Eighteen suuJs uf teed Milford w ith I he should be sowu per acre. fair will be hr .i.atlcr i.f opeuiug Ihe bidj they are dealing TLbc and most complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries in Southern Utah as well as, everything in the Green Gro- is $3ccf, fliorh, prepared to supply you with all kinds of berries and fresh fruits at right prices hv We cairy the best what you get when you deal with us. Our ice plant and pooling refrigerators enable us to furnish our customers with the best of everything in the line of That winters supply of preserves. GROCERIES S3eam Counts IKlews X X X 1 H w g much Life Insurance has done and is doing to pre-rve and perpetuate American Homes? Already it has paid more than three billion dollars to the beneficiaries of those who have died,' or. to those who have attained old age and enjoyed the fruits of their own financial foresight. X LAliCE FACTOR in this preservation of American homes. In solidity, earning power, and fairness of dealing this is a Model Life Insurance company and stands unexcelled. To hold a policy in the Union Central is to be a member of an association of more than one hundred thousand persons, organized for the protection of a much larger number, .who in case of calamity would otherwise- be helpless. No ' man is honest to himself or to his family who fails to carry a good safe insurance , policy. The Union Central offers you the' best at the most reasonable rates. A- - - UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. JOHN W. L. ELSWICK. Rrsioint Aoint MILFORD.. UTAH J. KIN NK Y. (Jen. At.. Scott Bills.. Sslt Lake (.It jr. Utah, 810-1- 1 I HARDWARE In addition to our large stock of staple and fancy groceries we nave one of the best lines of Shelf and Heavy Hardware in Southern Utah and can fill your orders for Anything From a Stave Bolt to a Gasoline Engine We also have a large stock of wire fencing and chicken wire, Stoves, Ranges, kitchen utensils, and everything in MINING AND FARM IMPLEMENTS No order too small nor' none too large for us to handle promptly and at lowest prices HICKMAN & SONS T j (Emtaiiimii LJOW IS GEa e 20 Iff Union (Enrtval ffitfi? ding-don- moi-dur- TJmt lEurr I iSjaitr I j PHONE X Pine-salv- - attention. j Milford, Utah MILLINERY lady wants to feel that she is wearing the most and popular design hat that the fashion creators can produce. A visit to my store will convince you'that 1 carry the most complete line of Ewy up-to-d- Popular Shapes and Designs To be obtained in any city. I alai have a first-cltrimmer in this department who can make your old hats look as good as new. Bee our splendid line of ginghams, dress patterns, trimmings, notions, ladies and childrensahoea i, . ai Mrs. G. 0. Forgie When you get through figuring with the other fellows go g j pas-paH- rs i C. im-ct- Mclnlire See llbattbewe and get the RIGHT PRICE oil your building work. J - j CONTRACTOR , I ut ( The News Tells it All |