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Show Ml SChi Cedar City, Utah offers the following Courses The Branch Normal School li.l to the Young People of Southern Utah I 1. A Four Year Normal Course A General High School Course 3. An Engineering Course 4. 5. A Domestic Science Course A Literary Course The Library facilities are ample, the Laboratories are equipped with the most modem stock of lathes, forges, motors, fan exapparatus, the Shops are supplied with a new haust, shaper, milling machine and all the modern machinery for the modern shop., The Domestic Science is fitted with all modem conveniences. This is the School for the Youth of Southern Utah G. W. DECKER, Principal Registration of students Thursday and Friday, the 16th and 17 th of September. mences Monday, September 20th, at the Branch Normal school at Cedar City, Utah. him Mini in thia office liata of lands, selected br ty diya sftcr the notice by publicaI lie said mate, under section of the Act nf thu fail or if fuse to contribute Kress, approved July IS. UW. as Indemnity tion you such expenditure School lands, vis: your proportion interest iu the E. hslf HW. quarter N half KE quarter Bee. an a co-owyour LAND OFFICE UNITED STATUS SI. T, X7 8.. H. 10 W Serial WIU7. will b'vrnie the property claima said Salt Lake City, Utah, July 28, 1909. Copies of amid lists, so far aa they relate to said of the subscriber under said section Notice is hereby given, that Pea- tracts by dearriptive subdivisions, hare been 23S!4. Ben Thomson. cock Copper Consolidated Mining conspicuously isisted in this office fur iinqiecliony. hy auy istrson interested and by I be iwbUc gru-rrsll- First pub. May 14, 1909 its a company, corporation, through 13, 1909 authorized agent, CuraM. Holder man, lluriny the period of publication of this notice, Last pub. Aug. thereafter, and ketore flnai uppiovul whose uostollicfc address is Sait Lake or any tune and urn i Ileal ion, under deisirt mental mnil.t-lion- s Filnia develoed and pictures prints City, Utah, has made application for of April 2S, 1117, protmlsurconteHlaaKuiiist Huma United States patent (or ttie lire claim nf the male to any of the tracts cr ed and finished at home hv Elswick. hereinbefore described, on the bug Mine, Humbug No. 1, Sunbeam Ksubdivisions round that the same is more valuable for Mie No. 1 and Sunbeam Mine lode mineral for aKrieultural punswea, will be than The Cough Syrup mining claims consolidated, situate in received and noted for reisirt to I lie neutral the San Francisco mining district, land office at Washington, n. ('. Failure en to rids the system of cold to-w- it: or contest, williin the time Krifled. of Beaver, State of Utah, protest cathartic oa tb$ County mn-minehe will oonsiilered b sufficient evidence of 1 the y acting aa Commencing at corner No. of the being Survey No. 6922 and described of the tracts and the select ions character Billy Nig lode from which the north in the field notes ami plat on file in tlurenf, being otlu-rwris- e free from objection, will txnrela la be approved to tlie Stale. east comer of section 13, township 27 ibis office, with magnetic variation K. E. D. THOMPSON, Hegister, south, range 13 west Salt Lake Base at 17 deg. 53 miu. EasL as follows: mill. July XU. 19UB. and Merediau bears S. 22 deg. 30 min. Commencing al corner No. 1 of First IMS. Last 27, pub. Aug. from APPLICATION FOR PATENT Serial No. 04205 United States Land Office, Salt Lake City. Utah, July SO, 1900. Notice is hereby given that Thomas Kearns and David Keith of Salt Lake City, Utah, have made application tor a United Slates patent for the Billy Nig, Triumphant Nos. 2 and 3 lode mining claima, situate in the San Francisco mining district, Beaver county, Utah, being mineral survey No. 5556 and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey on file in this office with magnetic variation at 16 deg. east as follows, Ingols & Taylor ENGINEERS, ASSAYERS AND Class work com- CHEMISTS U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyors for Utah and Nevada NOTICE. Serial No. U 4243 APPLICATION FOR PATENT rf I a IF ITS THERE WELL FIND IT J Office antt Labratory opposite Opera House Milford. Utah Phone 46 i1 E. 4880.5 feet, thence running Mine lode claim, whence tlie said comer No. 1, N. 84 deg. 13 min. Humbug U. S. Mineral Monument No. 3 hears W. 1500 feet to comer No. 2, of the N. 13 deg. 31 min. V. 21)77.1 feet; Billy Nig lode, thence N. 26 deg. 17 Thence S. 60 deg. 33 mill. E. 1255.4 min. W. 585.5 feet to corner No. 1' of feet to corner No. 2 of said hide; the Triumphant No. 2 lode from which Thence S. 43 deg. 02 inin. W. 542.5 the aforesaid aection coruer bears 8. coruer jjo. 3 of said lisle; 35 deg. 31 nun. E. fc.41.8 feet, thence 'Whence N. 63 deg. 05 min. W. 1270.2 Mr to 1500 . 13 feet nun. N. 88 dog. 4 of said lisle, c.unK.r coruer No. 2 of tlie Tjiiimphant No. with corner No. 2 of lluin- lode which is identical with comer bug No 1 lisle; No. 1 of the Triumphant No. 3 lode, Thence N. 81 deg. 26 mill. V. 1500.0 from which the aforesaid section cor- feet to corner No. 3 of Humbug No. 1 ner bears 8. 44 deg. 59 mill. E. 7249.8 lisle, ideutical with corner Nifi 2 of W. feet, thence 8. 58 deg. 27 min. TriSunbeam Mine No. 1 lode; 2 the of No. corner 1500 feet to Thence 8. 70 deg. 19 min. V. 677.3 umphant No. 8 lode, thence N. 26 deg.3 feet to coruer No. 3 of said lode; 17 miu. W. 602.5 feet to corner No. Thence 8. 88 deg. 09 min. W. 650.C of the Triumphant No. 3 lode, thence feet to corner No. 4 of said lode; N. 58 deg. 27 min. E. 1500 feet to cor43 deg. 02 min. E. 600.0 N. Thence ner No. 4 ot the Triumphant No. 3 feet to corner No. 5 ol said lisle; lode, theuce S. 84 deg. 13 miu. K. Thence N. 84 deg. 09 min, E. 60 feet 1500 feet to corner No. 4 of Hie Tri- lo corner No. 2 of 8uubeaiii Mine umphant No. 2 lode, thence 8. 26 deg.3 lisle; 17 miu. E. 525.9 feet to corner No. Thence N. 14 deg. 38 min. W. S. hh ItsA.O of the Billy Nig lisle, feet to corner No. 3 of said deg. 13 min. E. 1500 feel to corner iNje No. 4 of the Billy Nig lisle, thence 8. Thence N. 88 deg. 09 min. E. 665.2 26 deg. 17 min. E. 662.1 feel, lo the fei I. to corner No. 4 of said lode; ol of e description pla ui beginning Thence 8. 19 deg. 61 min. E. 1496.4 consolisaid of exterior boundaries feet to corner No. 1 of said hale, dated claim. identical with corner No. 6 of Said claim Isdng located in Mine No. 1 lisle;iwrl of township 27 8. it. 13 Thence N. 70 deg. 19 min E. 677.S Y. 8. L. B. and M. and containing a feel to corner No. 7. of 8uubeani total area of 59.085 acr-- , excluding Mine No. 1 loile, identical with corhowever, therelrom the area in ner No. 4 of Humbug No. 1 lisle; with the Burlington Mining 26 miu. E. 1500.0 Theuce 8. 81 1 4 ami No and Cubit Biirlinglon feet to corner deg. No. 1 of Humbug No. 5391. No. 8 mine lodes, survey No. 1 lisle, identical with corner No. 1 of Net area applied for being 47.721 Humbug Mine lisle, the place of beacres. and located in unsurveyed Each of said lode embraced in said ginning of Township 27 8. Range 13 V, chuHolidbled claim being of record ill part 8. L. B. & M., containing an area of (lieotticeof the county recorder al 62.667 acres exclusive of conflict with Utah. Beaver Beaver City, county, Dil No. 67 lisle claim Niagara; adjoin-au- d or liieatiims The nearest known : cuiillictiiig claim as shown mining claima being U.e aforesaid ing of Hurvev is U. 8. Lot No. 67, ,puL eonfiieiing claims and Selma No s. 3, Niagara hale; 4, 5, 6, Wabash Mining Claim and 1 direct that this notice be publishWabash No. 4 Mining Claim survey er) in the Beaver Count v News at No 5.391 and Regulator No. 2, stir. No. Milford, Utah. 47u9. E. D. 11. Thompson, I direct that this notice lie publishRegister. at News ed in the heaver County of nine Fird publication July 30, 1909. Milford, Utah, for the bail Hihlii!Ut.ioii Sepl. 24, 190U. consecutive weeks. KliWI v W. SKN'IoR, E. 1). It. Thompson, Salt Lake City, Utuh, Register. Claimant's Attorney G. W, Pauks, Attorney for Applicant. First puli. Aug. 6. 19n9. Second pub. Del. 1, 1309. NOTIl'K. I SEE EARLE THE PAINTER FOR ALL KINDS OF House and Sign Painting of r up-to-da-te wall cou-lli- ) R. T. Green Bert Lockhart LOCKHART. & GREEN Have opened Bowmans shi p and are , now prepared to do all kinds of Ceneral Blacksmith, Wheeltighting and Horseshoeing Al Reasonable Prices The Best Work Guaranteed At rear of Bqnk Building Milford, Utah, May 11, 1909 To John Dailey, heirs or assfgus: You are hereby notifloJ that I have exsMidisl $200.00 in lalsir and upon the Valley View, and Valley View No. 2 mining claims consisting of sinking as appeared by the certificate filed with the county recorder for assessment for the year of 1904, in order to hold said premises under tlie provisions of section 2324 Revised Statutes of the United States, being the amount required to hold the same for tbe rear ending 1908, and If witniu ninety days tmin me service of tin notice, or within uine- - LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Bees is. the original laxative cough syrup, contains no opiate, gently moves tha bowel, carrying the cold off through the Guaranteed to giva natural channels, aathfactiort or money refunded. Milford Pharmacy, Milford. Ufah. Milfnrd, Utah Ideal Hardwall Plasters and Fiber Portland Cement Sun-Is-a- in iinsiir-veje- ' FULL line PAPER ALWAYS ON HAND of Forfeiture. llu-nc- i , Notice that Pinesalve Carbolized d - AC ELIhVF.S UMlfovb ct il.Il I'niti-i- l Jui 1C. Staff To NYiiriin ii I is I .mid My .NvUvc j JiciLD O.fici', Nall Luke r mrfrn: iw-i-i f if . Vfali, the Stale ut Vtkh Xuinbev Co. Whalnwle and Retail Drsler In Lumber, Mouldings, Mining Timbers Doors and Windows t and all kinds of Building Material Rock Springs and Castle Gate Coal Guilders' Hardware, Lath Blocks and Pickets PV" i 1 t |