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Show I (Our jOnty Jtcvc THE BEAVER COUNTY NEWS TVhul V. L. Klswlck, Editor A nur ilmy I t k(hm Manager. To laiid liKtir-thii- H Grnitful !i tiriiik ui to tnHn hriitl MILFORD riunurriiiirtiiK to oor lint of IttiwcrH ttiHi rouiiil uh Mow, To pliii k I . rii iiiti rniK iu:r fragrant hh Some day one of these French duels will hurt somebody. .Awl mi to It la impossible to keep a good when Ita naue U Kuw. iuwa Hi, tliMt. lirn tho huh of our lNfrrire vlnkw in ii!kM. klfinnriMlH KWiil of rnrvini flow In irtvimny Mmv hIii ini' our imiri'M liver 111)1 EARLY BEGINNING INSURES SUCCESS IN SWINE V Many Different Points In ths Care, Feeding and Health of Market and Breeding Stock By A. J. Lovejoy. i ; M'r'tU w moiiirittl liluorn In tlun to t:uuie. - Kir John Kiimi'mik Anti tin WHICH IS HOTTEST Yuma, Arlz., and Needles, PLACE? Cal. Where Thermometer Dally Reachaa Mark, Givan Honor. 120 New York. With the advent of hot weather the old controversy between Yuma and Needles, the first In Arix-ona- , and the other In California, aa to whieh la the hottest place In the United States has been revived. Neither la clamoring for the distinction oh, no, each la striving to thrust It upon the other! Aa a matter of fact, the difference la so alight that It Isn't worth quarreling about From now on until late In September the mercury will climb up In the Tbe following notes are taken from age, and have a well balanced ration. Tbe summer treatment of young the address of A. J. Lovejoy, a swine breeder, delivered re- piga should be about the same aa for the lake. cently before the Live Stock Breed- the market pigs. For lata summer and ers' convention at Urbana, 111.: fall, I have made It a practice to have Business will now take a fresh start Tbe pig that Is to be sold for meat a field of Evergreen sweet corn to and keep up without a break. has but a few months to live, and feer In the roasting ear. 1 begin by Summer la beginning to get Into in feeding adding one stalk and ear for each pig there should be no let-u- p Ita regular stride. from birth. It will begin to eat In addition to his other feed; In a few shelled corn at three or four weeks days two stalks and two eara, and It la pleasant to know that the Britof age; snd a little sweet skim milk gradually increase this amount to a ish royal family Is fond of Ambasor s thick mush of the same material full feed, while diminishing the other sador Reid's tea and immc'lade. as that given the mother,' Is a great ration. By In winter the brood sows should help to hasten growth. College students again are working Well bred or even god grade pigs have something to take the place of their passages across the ocean on (Oipyricht, by J. U. Uppincott Co.) should weigh 60 to 80 pounds when tbe green pasture. 1 know of nothrattle ships in the sterrsge, so to speak. "What's that got to do with us?" I wiatied at three months of age, and ing that will equal alfalfa, bright and darkness was gloomily reckoning of lime we had spent in cried. "See hero, llellsteln. If you should then go on alfalfa, clover or green, run through a cutting machine. Flirtations are highly approved also (he length t)Mi-- r fresh green pasture, and have Two-thirchafed alfalfa and one-thir-d In our unsuccessful don't loose me-- " Coyote canyon by aiiiiiUier-resor- t Bhelled cor ninlxed together and mosquitoes, for it search for gold. Our slay had been deilsieiu turned his pages again. corn twice a day. Lute in the sum-m- i keeps the subjects out arter dark. r there should be ready for them ground In a steel bur grinder, make so long that we had reused to nuiu-lic- r And the gutes were twelve pearls,' " Every several gate It by days or even weeks. To be proceeded. Heat la the latest excuse for Hotel at Needles, Cal. the leit or our little camp, Beilstcln, was one pearl, and the streets of the s How would the moon-fareour were was Crriiuui partner, pure gold.' Xow, can you tube until it reaches the 120 mark city enjoy tlie water cure? gelling (he usual supper of fried salt not so plainly see?'' nearly every day In both places; and A paper has been printed in a bal- pork we can't! Iet ".No," we chorused, unl there aro weeks at a stretch when it llupjacks. muttering dreamloon, but roiuiiiiinicatlon with Mara ily to himself as he pottered around us up, and go preach your confounded never falls below 100 even at night. Is not yet claimed by its editor. the lire. to the wildcats!" One can cook eggs hard by simply I more llarkni-Htniu-a vicious snore "Then I'resciitly carefully make burying them in the hot sand. The Virginia still has its duels, and, un- until. it clear," sriitl Bcllsteln, firmly. "For Mojave Indians of the lower valley of fortunately, they are not of the Fr neh "V.'c may as a ell glvj I' up,'' he many weary mouths have vie here the Colorado river alwayB go barefoot, kind. One of the fighters. If not both, aid lu a hard voice. "Ami a Hire tolled, l.lit tiie resources of this and the hot sands and stones have calgenerally gets killed. !i we'll lie cent none and We pinner are exhausted. loused their feet until they are as We have now Indoor lawn parties rio chiiiicc to mine a roiicr! liell-In- . hate only m:- - chance vie Khali to thn hard and as insensible to pain as the and indoor hasehall. Yet doctors rnlil licit frau you next Kplicic ascend. To yourself hoofs of a horse; they can walk us not long ago that indoors was t.ilk mi liiiiili !!hoiiL will lifter n-liiniy." he added, with a fatuous ex coals through fire and trample red-ho- t about tu lie abolished of your n.oiiry." i hat toiil the whole slcken-ii.'.- ; without flinching. Ilell.-lei- n laic, "how easy in Jerusalem to limited, heedless of tile The extreme heat Is due to the low seThirteen .New York teuiliera fuel lint it iih uur dcks a tew ounces of h:ul take the lie imii frying just combined with the proximity altitude, cured marring-- - licenses on Hu flret ti.ki-l- i I'niiii the coals nus . Mug lit- gold I rein the streets. of the Colorado and Mojave deserts. of vacation. day they fell Ye were In the hands of a mad For 1,000 miles on the east, and 500 that they in net have .sonieliody to boss. tle I .purts of grease all over him. know tt here to liml gold.'' lie said, man; exposure, want and hope do on the north and west, stretches a red had it mu. glit too hardly on poor There is a wild rumor nllout (o the slowly. ''gold for Xiiiu ami for ull waste of sand and cacti. With every j effect that A lnl til llaiuiil may euiip.ruie of UK, - lull I tus tvllliiig to wall." ilia! llurkniss also mile traversed by the winds they gathto the 1'niteil flutes. Wouldn't lie lie our imsiiiiui. "Flint up!" retorted lliiikness. un- uiiiicr-iiioer heat, so that a cooling breeze in vuiu v. e I:. r,;! oil, threatened and k winner on the CliaiiiuiKiua lireull? civilly. 'vo heard that rot from any direction is an impossibility. out. a large man that traverses tho deserts wo rolled ourselves ill cajoled, luii.-ieiThe over, Slipper To deplore I lie decline of college of i.ottils-r- . ami I turned sick our lilanlieis, too tired to talk, and doesn't wonder that Yuiia and Needles fln-cIs to talk Creek In most of tin it Ii horror m I s'iw him deliberately went promptly to sleep. Xot oven the are hot. lie only wonders that they students who have not yet bernme of Idlti-- coffee, which wo swal- lay a time to It. He looked meditaare not white hot. cups convinced" of (ho value of hard study. lowed Persons who can stand the excesnightly, had any effect on us. tively at us. You have both my violin so enunsive heat find Xeedlce and Yuma It used tu he (hat a man was judged To night 1 fancied my lips wt-rjoyed I iisit 1 shall one last sonata play Profitable Type of Swine. health resort ndmiably adapted to by thn company he kept. Xow ho Is usually heavy. I I slept hard, und when I felt a hand tor us before tie together ascend. the cure of consumption, bronchitis Judged rather by the company Id which he liapsns tu ho a stockholder. on my shoulder I deeply resented tho will the fuse light, nud when It ends a pasture of rape, field peas or soy an almost ideal ration which can be and rheumatism. However, most peo- If their fed dry or mixed thickly with scaldso shall the sonata end. beaus, besides the corn. pie would consider the disease more become sore, change to ing water; a little salt adds relish. It tolerable than the cure. Wealth and luxury too often weakHigher aud higher flarod the bon- teeth helled corn, soaked 24 hours in wa- la a cheap ration and has just bulk en the moral fiber. Sometimes they fire, Its rays dancing on the gray A year ago a pretentious hotel was are the test of manhood a tost, by men ter, slightly salted. enough to take the place of grass. If built at Needles for the purpose of canyon wulls, on two white-face.It will pay to have a cool, shady one cannot have alfalfa, bright, well exploiting the place as a winter rethe way, to which many would like to lying bound, and on the German, who, with uplifted eyes, was playing with place where it la rather dark, If pos- cured clover la good. Sorghum caue sort. It Is all be subjected. right In Winter time, more than a musters touch. How sible, for the pigs to lie In during the la a good fall feed until heavy freez-ln- but In the summer months New Yorks Is It small wonder that the King the weird minor strain of the sonata heat of the day, with free access to Manglea or sugar beets are of tenement districts are cool and deof Servla had a nt. With the stale of .mixture of salt, copperas, lime and course very good. sobbed and wailed, goblin voices from in comparison. Electric fans affulrs there It wouldn't be surprising It la very necessary that the brood lightful each rocky crevice seeming to repent shea The feeder should watch closeare installed in the hotel in every to have the whole kingdom throwing It, while at our feet the fuse hissed ly to see that every pig la eating with owe have exercise, that they may room and corridor, and wide balconies them. falnily and crept like a snake to- a relish. If the plge cough It Is prob- bring strong litters of pigs, full of vi- protect every apartment from ever Worms tality. It la best to keep the same ably due to. a dusty abed. wards the walling powder. receiving the direct raya of the sun. Chicago experts have discovered a I had grown so paralyzed with ter- will also cause a cough, and If the sows for several years If they have At disease called inythomnnla." In othnights guests pull their beds out hair becomes In dead and apror that I was utterly Incapable of dostarring on the corridors; but neither science er quarters it la called plain lying, but ing more than watch the tiny flame ss pearance, It la well to give a worm nor ingenuity has devised a way of that does not sound half as InterestLice can be gotten rid of It moved on; but finally I became powder. making lire tolerable in Needles in ing or aclentlflc. aware that we had yet a chance for by nipping, and all of tbe market dips summer time. can be Improved by adding crude oil our lives, though a desperate one. Every time Abdul Humid felt his or The will be petroleum. piga Never more clear-headeready than In throne totter lie would send out a few NEW POST FOR LIEUT. GRANT. moments of great danger. Darkness for market at any age after six to millions to be placed on deposit In had walled until Reilsteln was com- eight months. some foreign bank. It Is Interesting In raising lioga to be used as breedGrandson of Famous War General la to note that ho selected banks In counpletely absorbed in his music, and was er the object la very different. They now rolling, with the cunning and Superintendent of State, War and tries where the people rule. stealth of an Indian, towards the edge are not to go to market at aix to eight Navy Buildings at Capital, of the tent. 1 comprehended the prize months of age, but to grow up to maHumanitarians now in London show how to slaughter animals painlessly. before him a loaded revolver had turity. They should be pushed for Washington. First Lieut. Ulysses 8. Will they also kindly demonstrate a dropiied from its nolster snd lay on rapid growth, but must be fed for a Grant, HI., corps of engineers, United growth of frame and bone; not fatthe ground near a tent-pegood method of making tough beefsteak susceptible of 'mastication by Sweeter, clearer and wilder grew tened on corn, but expanded by a the Jaws of the plain people? the strains of the violin. A flame of feed of rich protein. At six, eight or ten months of age, they should show ecstasy burned on Bellstelns face. more After his wife had died of lockjaw, length of body and more Beale Farther and farther along the fuse than the market hogs, and be emouth following a Fourth of July crawled th fire. wound, a Kansas City man Btiid: It wns scant, six inches away when and well covered, but not so fat as for Good Friends. I shall devote the rest of my life tbe liars of the sonata were broken market to fighting the criminal greed which can This be done very easily by proven good breeders and careful by a report that was magnified by the Ilea at the bottom of tbls traffic In For an instant Beiisteln feeding a mixed grain ration, with mothers; they will raise more and canyon. , ten per cent, of tankage or ten per better pigs than the murder. And there are many young gilts. only drew himself more erect; the of oil meal. Use corn, barley cent, Mature sows can be kept breeding, strong chords leuped headlong from and oata ground together, mixed thick- raising two litters annually, and can A boy In Ie troll filled his mouth "Go Preach Your Confounded Ser- the quivering strings. with water, and fed at once while be carried from year to ly 1 I bound Darkness hands year after bought with kerosene and then let It fall in mon to the Wildcat!! " hnd tailed him; then Bellsleln sprang sweet. It fa much better to mix three weaning their litters, quite cheaply, dropa on a lighted match to see whnt to one of of milk pounds pound grain. with little or no grain after the spring would happen. Tills boy was really fact that It uiUBt be morning, but up, staggered and fell full length If one has no milk the next best feed is litter la weaned until the fall litter an altruist. Tbe majority of small llellsteln gave nn such a shake that across the fuse. Ills warm body killed ten per cent, tankage. If one has comes, If they can have fresh the little fire had so that meant lids grass my nt last flew wide open. boys enjoy such experiments at some the corn and does not want to buy or other succulent feed. We should "Mein Gott!" said the German, "but frightful a deulli! other one's expense. Incidentally, per learn to produce as much of the feed It wns a slight matter for us to tbe mill feeds, he20 can use 80 what did happen satisfied his curios- you vas hard to arouse! I would not of tank- - as possible ourselves. of corn and cent, rent, per hav extricate and the ourselves, next day you sleep through It. ity fur all time. innmuiui "Sleep through what?" I naked. we hurled him under the shadow of Literature is the most exacting and "Tho devil!" for I beeaine suddenly the Rockies. He sleeps there peaceinside of the foot because of the habit YOUR the most ungrateful or tyrants. Dick- aware that I was bound, and that fully enough, hut somewhere a yellow-haireof fitting the shoes closer to the cenens gave it energy and talent that Darkness, tied hand and foot, waa fruit waits In vuiu for Bcllsteln ter or the frog than the outside, thus States army, grandson of President otherwise employed would hnve pro- snarling and scratching like a cat in und his gold. throwing the work on the Inside heel. Grant, the famous war general, has vided some competence for his de- his efforts to get loose. , Another error is making shoes been appointed superintendent of the Vienna right Judge Unduly Severe. I van obliged to do It." fendants. Xow it becomes necessary and left. war and navy building at Washstate, should explained Why this he done The decision of the for grandchildren to accept a bounty Bcllsteln, calmly. "I feared you in the Vienna children'spresiding Judge Shoer Should Thoroughly Under when there Is no distinction in the ington. court in tunil Anatomy of tho Foot. the of $2.50 per week from the British would nelder understand. und my anatomy? The foot has as many points Capt. John H. Poole, corps of engi"Twelve Cigarettes Case" has. acgovernment. of observation as a marine plan Is so gout a sure plan. For one neers, held the office of superintendto the Wiener compass cording creTugebhitt. time I think I put too much laudanum It Is absolutely essential for the and each point must be rigidly ob- ent for about four years. He succeedA Hi year-olEmeperor William's new schooner In your coffee; but sec Darkness can ated much comment. to thoroughly understand served If we wleh to be successful In ed Rear Admiral George W. Baird of horseshoer servant girl took from a dresser drawyacht of German construction Is per- still so beautifully swear!" and physical laws as manipulating the ailments of the foot the navy. the anatomy er of her mistress' in boudoir a a box forming way (hat reveals a dividA brilliant fire flamed The shoe must be an equal distance near the rules of the mechanical Capt. Poole made many reforms and well as the 12 ed advance by naval architects of his tent containing cigarettes. Regretting and from the center of the frog In order Improvements in what la known aa the lighted for up canyon for most ailments to all horse's foot, In the she hastened pilfering, back to outempire yacht designing and hundreds of feet. to balance the foot Bcllsteln must the hxim and threw "the biggest office building in the the little box on which horses' feet are subject come fitting. 8he lost one race to the Ger- have spent half the If this cannot be and reduced expenses considnight hla collecting done direct world,, under supervision. by nature her mistress' bed, where It was round, mania, a remarkably fleet German the wood. It was now mechanical rules must be followed. one and no He la relieved from thia duty erably. perhaps to called treat foot was is He often made. which upon complaint Some yacht represented the best o'rlock. to enable him to take a r course should achievement of that country before equip himself Ths Open-To- p "Will you explain this tomfoolery?" weeks later, however, the girl was dis- disorders and Tree. of Instruction at the School of the for a trifling cause and the with sufficient knowledge of the subthe new Meteor appeared, but the yelled Ilarkness. charged It Is not necessary to You certainly cant over the Line at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Meteor has since defeated the Ger propose to rob cigarette incident came to the knowl- ject before attempting to remedy such tree trying to cut off everygolittle this flea A Officers of the army corps of encamp! mania In a breeze that tested the couldn't find edge of the police. The girl was ar- ailments. The leaders are the ones that twig. money enough In it to raigned. and are eligible to detail to the need gineer be of one to most the seem Corns of both to she the utmost' insisted ability yachts attention. When heading in support him a week. Now what" In that she neveralthough smoked, and had no obstinate cases that come under the leaders It Is best to cut them these uperintendency since the naval corpe six double blunks "are you after?" off to of engineers was merged Into the frleuda for whom she might have observation of the horseshoer. a aide branch, rather than to "Do you think I would rob?" said line of the navy several years taken the cigarettes, that the act was The report that the head hunters of ago. Some authorities claim that these mant bud. Frequently when an dor tellsteln, Is in"Rather I It proudly. Lieut Grant, the new superintendthe Philippines are yielding to the In- who will prompted by a sudden Impulse and coma resemble the corns on the experienced man give! practices heading-ient, since hla graduation near the fluences of civilization will be reasDe dived into the box where we immediately regretted, she was con- human foot, hut they are misled on he la tempted to shear the tree all head of hla class at West victed snd sentenced to 24 hours con- account of the cause and location be- over and leave it a in suring to those who hnve been making topt our few effects and smooth, oval form June, 1903, has served a tourpoint, produced his finement In prison. Investments In the archiielngo. llut of duty same. the It will be seen that this Is very differ at the ing generally Bible, seating himself near engineer school at Washingthe native warriors will have to be il It la a misapplied term when con- ent front the method described above, ton helpless partners. Necessity for Soil Cultivation. and also aa one of the barracks, watched Just the same, for many foot of horse. with the the where only the leaders are cut back "Listen," he said, triumphantly. Cultivation or the soil is not merely nected aids of military President Roosevelt. as will doubtless years, break they And a river wont out of Eden (we done to kill weeds, but It Is a mols-lur- e The discoloration which appears be- and the side shoots thinned, so aa to For several months past he has been sway from restraint occasionally and know that In Heaven lies) to water an la wall leave and a bar of deposit open top. The amount of stationed at Boston on conservator; it makes the soil tween the duty In connecIndulge in orgies of crime. The Xortb he to be done should vary tion with the garden: and from thence It was more porous, so that the plant roots blood after a rupture of the blood ves- headlng-lriver and horbor works American Indian did this, and In Innrlcd . . . Into four bends. The more easily penetrate in search of sels which form such a complex net- from year to year, according aa the and fortifications In that vicinity. telligence he must be classed a numwork around the foot This part of crop promises to be large or email. Last year he ante of the first Is IMson. . . . plant food. In time of protracted married Miss Edith ber of grades higher than the natives to do more than Its share As the tree gets older less headlng-lhas foot here there Is gold; snd the gold of drought the cultivator should the Root, daughter of Senator Root, oi be kept of the Oriental archipelago. are chiefly found on the la usually necessary. aat land In good." He looked up. New York. going whether there are weeds or not of work. Corns A It la nut a deadly insult Jnat at present to Invite a man to Jump Into liufiilrtMl-f'ilt- J well-know- n THE LAST SONATA Clinton I)ancrfielil wife-beatin- wife-beater- d t s in!--ev- ery c e I s f'-- t Beil.-ii-in- . d k r e d g. d blank-cart-rldg- e otta-era- d WATCH HORSE'S FEET two-yea- n well-wor- n n n |