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Show Beaver County News Supplement No. Ariil'ST MI I. I'Oll I), UTAH. Vol. 2. Tin- - bar fixtures and 15 f iiiiiii-iit Beaver County Mining Properties, iliiint saloon wrre the White partially continued e and up shipped to Sail Luke President Newhouso, tiiat tin Nrw-thUral of I In- - m ek, iliev licing house Miners & hnn lt ers to. is dirk-reuiiring with the owners Ilf tin I'ninel taken in by Zaug a:and Blackbird properties in Heaver battel mortgage. county w illi a view to their idisorb- . att4ntiuii Mix Marie ('nrlett, formerly of this lion, reeeivex It I be largest il The a Blackbird, city and now deputy s.st mistress at acreage in Beaier county, Cedar Cii-y- eame in Monday and left on the evening train tor Kid: I. g(. jix lsiuud hand and fool by the iudis-- I crvtioiix of its early management and anl Seattle. Minx f'orlett will nothing less Ilian a radical rcoiani-zaiio- n alxuit a month. for gone will Ih- - put in a position to acDon't la- afraid to bring your printcomplish tilings. It In Ids 115 claims The News. We are prepared ing niirtli, esst and west of the Cactus, to do it promptly and in first rlaxx and can hardly fail t develop a conxhaH at priees. We use tinuation of tin- great only i lit- best stationery and eau save that in the Ncwlinuxc property. you money on your printing. The Blackbird company has about Mrs. Lasxwell, moilier of Mrx. K. I'. lnh.OiK) shares or stock in il treasury, Baxter, a cut lo Salt bake Saturday lull no easli Httd the stock is rendered by the incubus of a $1IK),-Utnight after a couple of days visit here iiiisaii-ahlliiiudi-She was accomdebt. Th- - authorized with her daughter. r M iss capital is two million shares, nonpanied by her Stella Baxter alio will spend a few assessable. par luiuc $1. An Idaho weeks visiting in tic city . estate of some 10 claims is almost Are you interest id in California, owned hy tile Blackbird company. Arizona ami Old Mexico, if so, il Tlie Comet property is oiih of the old of tin Frisco district. Its would lie wise to write for full iiifur-- " prislm-crmatioii aU-u- l tlie shortest line aml,r,,' "Pdicd the first smelting fur- tiie best service from your point tujare ever put up in that part of the those sections via tlie SALT LAKM country. Tiiat Lite acquisition of the BlackROUTE, Utahs most, jH)iiuar road bird on favorable terms will Hlreiigtii- A. II. Blainey came in from Salt New house company , cannot he th n Lake. Tuesday with a partv of eo-jIt will eall, however. Mr on loft the and automobile for gineers ' a large quantity of new capital for Beaver. Just what the engineers are t purs mi s. dcveli iptneii on the ground for wo were unable to hill the Over east from New house learu but imagine tiiat an extension Co. is cnnl'iiu-in- g Leaver the Carbonate of the owcr companys line is conits researehex on the 700 level. J , Price l:i, 1!hhi Cupric Mines Co., and frequent oc- currencies of rieli cops-sulphides nl the mail-'wit- h sustain Uic coulidt-neof ageinent tiiat it is lint oil the trail a large body ol pay ore. i he I , oilar- Talisman in tin- - Star district, Beaver will make a shipment from the ledge on its UN. level the A cud of I lie month. regular output r j , ' $2 lT Vrr will not ho attempted, however, until roucliod the shoot sliull liave the 500 level. Mining Outlook. I"' m California, Are you interested Arizona and Old Mexico, if so, it would be wise lo write Tor full inlnr-coiiut'nation alsmt tlie shortest line and Is-c- fn.m I'"' M'll U. those sections via tlie SALT LAKE itoUTK, Utahs m.w; popular road. ,- -1 , - - BEAVER - COUNTY DIRECTORY FRATERNAL SOCIETIES. r Ri graud-daughtc- s HM-U- templated. lix engineers have measuring tlie resources on tliis level, and are now arranging their data. Tlicir deductions will show the quantity and value of the ore available for concentration, and will carry weight in the of the size and characlie put up ut tlie ter of tlie mill farlionale. The need of a milling plant was lirxl recognized by the management- when iho crosscut from tlie northeast drift on the 700, d tlie gnat width of thenre lubors having IsHly. Kulisequeiit made it reasonably certain tiiat tlie shoot rises 850 feet to the old workto eonsidi-rubiings, and ilepth, (lie logic of a concentrator is tlie more apparent. A medium sized mill of modi-rutcost should make available immediately for development nr other iiirNmes tin- large amount of moiii-looked up in the tine concent rating material tapped hy he Carls male's new workings. Then too, 700 tect is a shallow depth in beFrisco district. .Many exs-rtlieve tiiat. tlie next three or Tour hundred feet will give tlie mini- tlie largest and richest ore Isidii-- in its history. The right sort of mill, it can Ihshown, will pay for the explorations necessary to try nut. this theory. The Horn Silver is shipping 1,500 tons of crude (ire to the Tint ie smelter every month. Tlie depth of 325 feet haaiieen attained hv the Hiatt of (tie Ih-i-- Bev. ami Mrs. Nnreross of Izn'ds-vllCalif., Ln their way home from they attendHarrisburg, Ya., win-red the annual eonferenei- - of tlie Brethren church stopjied ofT in Mil-lor- d a couple oi days this week and Nor-cros- s visited with their son F.ngim-t-and lainily. e, r We overlooked .in item Iasi week which is of considerable interest to many of our citizens. It was tin- fact that Mrs. Mumford bad returned from Beaver where site had been for the purpose of undergoing an operation, and tiiat she hud recovered from and is again enjoying tlie best of health. - tin-ordo- it Bi Our Guest the Theater. In this issue of Die News will be found two coupons, one of wliieli will admit any child under 15 years i the iHirfnnnauce at the Bex Theuli-r- , Saturday night and lie oilier one will admit any child under tin age of 15 years to tlie Kund-- y afternoon matiout and go to the nee. Cut r theater as a guest of the program will County News. A lie jititon for this eeasion and you'll miss a treat if you do not take advantage of this tier. In tlie meantime a subscriber of tin- Beaver County News u ltd gel in on the ground floor iln these offers. There will lie more to lollow so keep jxsted on the coming events by having the New come to your home each week. 1 llu-s- lti-a- ss-cin- l - e sN-eiu- l ileiuon-si-rale- e e - I s - x - District Judge-- -. Joshua itrci-nwnis- I. l II. Ityan District. Attorney Clerk of (Nil r- t- Dennis White A. White Jr. County Trcux--If- . Flixaiietli .Wilson County Sheriff W. J. Uohinsnu Assessor J. S. M unlock Attorney li. .'(. F. Milford Isslge No. 12, I. I). O. F. meets ill Odd Fellow hall every Saturday evening at eight o'eloek. Sojourning brothers invited. enr-diali- J. W. Ham., N. (1. W. L. y Sccy. M. Kneampineiit.- - Saunders Kucuni-Hu-l- it No. N, 1. (). O. F. meets tlir Samuel Hootcii.Hcavi-r- , W- - J. second and fuurtli Monday evenBurns, Milford. ings of each month in Odd Fellow Juvenile flllleer- - J. II. Baron hall at 8 o'clock. Visiting Patriarchs welcome. MILFORD 'TOWN OFFICIALS , Fiikd K. Wiu.akd. C. 1. Tlie Boanl of Trustees meet every C. Baxtkk, Serilie. E. 8 a oclock. ThurMiay evening President Ed Bardsley D. of U. Mispah RelM-kaTrustees W. J. Burns, V. li. lKlge No. in F. O. I. Fellow meets Odd 18, (). Barton, tleorge Cliesley hall. Visiting Rein-kali- s welcome. Kdelinau. t'AKKIR (iKIIIKS, N. (1. Clerk K. II. of Schisils IL II. Barton Coininixxioiierx Henry Hall, Miiu-rs-vill- De-Wol- Piu-lifort- Aua J. 11. Hedges v Engineer J. A. Ingols Marshal Justice of tlie Peace Bert Nichols Boanl of Health F. J. Burton, health olticer, J. C. Bowman and H. H. IiU-lifort- Boanl Jos. Hickman, W. J. Burns, Wm. Armstrong School THE MILFORD Baxti-:k- F. O. R. , Kec'y. Utah Aerie No. 12115, Fra- ternal Order of Eagles meets in Odd Fellow hall every Wednesday even- ing at H oclock. always welcome. Fhank Visiting Eagles 11. (JltlUKK, W. P. llAKltv D. ToKIihkn, CHURCHES. Seey. First Church of Christ Scientist Reg- F. and A. M. Albert pike Aslge No. 14, F. and A. M. meets in Odd Fel-ular Hcrviemt lield every Sunday at hall the sceord and fourth Tues-a- y H It a. in. and p. hi. month at h 8 evening of meeting Wednesday evening at welbrothers 'clock. School o'clock. Sojimniing Sunday every come. S. E. Potts, W. M. Sunday at 8:45 a. hi. M. Catherine w ExjH-rienc- e Sniithsiui, First Reader. A services Oku. Jkkkkhson, Seey. are held ill the Christian Science U). E. S. Ruth t'hapler No. 8 Order Beading Room at corner of First the first and All McKeon avenue and are4 of Eastern Star street. third of each Tuesday evening invited. conlially Odd in Fellow mouth hall at 8 Methodist F.pixcnpal Cltun-l- i Sunday o'clock. welcome. Stars Visiting 1U a. in. Preaching serSchool at Flokknck P. iNiiot, W. M. vice every Suinlay evening at 7 ::0 M. DkWolkk, Secy. Mvka Juuinr n'elnek. every .1 Wednesday afternoon at oclock. B. R. (!. A. Meets in Odd Fellow Prayer Meeting every hall the first and third Monday evening at 7 ;Itti oelnek. Ladies Aid evening of each month at H oclock. society meets Thursday afternoons brothers conlially invited. at 2 o'eloek. Chus-at comer of Visiting Main street and Second avenue. Fire l)eartiiicnt The Milford Volun.at ter Day Saints Sunday School teer Fire Deiartment meets 2nd every mulay at 2 . m. Mutual and 4th Friday evening at the tqiera liouxeat N o'clock. Regular practice t associations meet Monday 5 evenings at 7 oclock. o'clock. every Sunday evening at R. H. Pitch kiiut ii, Pres. Belief society meets every ThursH. E. (iKKKNWiMin, day at 2 p. in. All services are held in tin- - L. D. S. Meeting hnuse. The public is invited lo attend all Have The News do your priuting services. and it will Is- - done right. 11 rni-ct- s la-ag- y I j I liupn-vemen- Si-e- |