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Show We have just received a NT M OF H Call and Inspect Them Compaimy DeWolfeliclKay RETAIL WHOLESALE LOCAL AND PERSONAL HAPPENINGS Are you Interested Mrs. Anna Glenn and her sister Mrs. Allen McCredy will leave tomorrow evening tor Guernsey, Iowa, where they will viait with the lattera daughter, Mr. Alex Bell, fora couple of months. Marshal Hedges and Tom Martin went to Zion Tuesday night to take in the sights of the great city. They have not yet returned and their frienda are beginning to fear that they have followed off the circus. Jesse Knight and David Evans, principle owners of the King David company, came down from Salt Lake yesterday morning and went to Frisco to visit the property. They will spend several days in the district. Miss Tobler came over from Beavei Friday to take charge of the bank during the absence of Cashier Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Barton left Saturday for the Beaver canyon where they will spend ten daya on a fishing tour. Banking Business W'NT I vy U Have more or less of it. Possibly it is with us. Such being the case you know something of our But if not a patron wouldn't it be well for you to T service. become one. OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT is calculated to serve all classes; the old and the young, the poor and rhe rich. It receives deposits from $1 up to $5000 and allows four per cent, interest, compounded semi-annuall- State Bank f y. Beaver County Emerson, Proprietor everything in liquid refreshments ..Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars... We try to please our patrons by giving courteous treatment. Main Frisco, Utah Street 4444444444444444444444444444444444 BAR COSMOPOLITAN Reynolds, U. D. Pproprietor Exclusive Agents for HUMBOLT EL PAYO Cigars, and we also handle the Choicest of Wines and Liquors Our bar room is fitted up with good pool and billiard tables and also iiave in connection HAHBF.H SHOP AND 1JAT1I ROOM R. G . SIKWERT House, Carriage Sip Painting PIPER HANGING, CALCIM1NIN6 Estimates on CALL OR AND Work FIRST-CLAS- S GRAINING Cheerfully Gven Louis P. Brandt COSY CORNER CLUB Kizer A Brauilt, Mill Mission two-aeat- ed one-ha- lf $ t'onimiidious ami Buchanan Building If there is anything you want, we have it, and can supply you at right prices. Beaeat- FRISCO, UTAH ing sweet apples and entertaining mosquitoes for a few days. 4444444444444444444444 44444444444444 44444444 444 Mrs. John Ellison returned from Milford Thursday morning accompanIf you want the Best Rooms, Best Meals and ied by her aunt Mrs. Griffiths, who 44 Best Service when in Frisco, stop at the will visit here for a short time. Rumors are afloat that we are to be served in the near future with Milford water, the which sounds good ' D. W. JAMES, Proprietor to the inhabitance of this locality. 44-44-- lf 4 JAMES HOUSE We are prepared to give the public the best accommodations at reasonable rates FEED STABLE IN CONNECTION Frisco, Utah 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 For a sociable game of pool or billiards drop in at THE OXFORD Large and commodious accommodations for the convenience of tourists and traveling men. All the latest magazines and papers are in our reading room. th t ... i 1 I iuiet at all times Milford, Utsli Seim, Fotheringiiam & Co. one-ha- lf one-four- I SEGARS. TOBACCOS AND CANDIES X CURED MEATS three-fourt- 11x111!. Billiard and Pool Tables "The Monarch Cnshiona, tlie Bent in the World. We have the liest grade of St. Barnard ver Tuesday, where he enjoyed and All Kinds of FRESH and J. D. McAulay returned from Long Beach, Calif., Sunday night where he has been for the past several months visiting with his family, lie left the family in good health and enjoying themselvea in the sunny southern clime. Mr. McAulay saya the sumThe Infant child of B. Stewart was mer has been an exceeding warm one subjected to the ordeal of an operain California and that he ia glad to week, after having suffered get back to Milford when we are tionathis for time with an abcesa. Dr. Hunter blessed with ideal weather. the attending physician, reports the child recovering rapidly. , NOTICE OF CHATTEL M0RT6A6E SUE. Notice is hemby given that a cer Many of Friscos prominent veteran tain Chattel Mortgage, dated, Febru- will well represent this camp at the ary 1st, 1908, recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Beaver G. A.. K. at Salt Lake this week. The County, Utah, in Book B of Chat- exit was so large that those who were tel Mortgages, Page 423, and duly unfortunately left behind will cerrenewed according to law by affidavit, j filed in the same office, which said tainly be lonely for awhile. mortgage was executed by Joa. W. Jesse Knight and David Evans, two McCarrell and Thomas Moore, mortmost prominent mining men gagors in favor of Kimball Brothers, of Utahs a partnership, consisting of Lawrence and who are heavily interested in the Knnball ana Robert T. Kimball of mining industry in this district, came Park City, Utah, mortgagees to aecure down from Salt Lake yesterday and the total sum of 1000.00 and interest few the mines. will at a dayB spend as stated in said chattel mortgage will be foreclosed for the amount, due Word waa received Wednesday from thereon which said amount with interest figured to August 13th, 1909, is Oakley, Utah announcing the death the sum of 91239.91, and the chattels of the youngest son of F. English. hereinafter described being the pro- Mr. English is well known in this viperty described in said mortgage will cinity having lived here for many be sold at public auction u the highest bidder for cash at the eorrall of years and the sympathy of the entire Thomas Bradfleld on the corner of community ia extended to him in his Stoddard Street and Sixth Avenue in bereavement. Milford, Reaver County, l'kah, comMiss Zetta Griffiths and Mr. Ivan mencing at 2 oclock in the afternoon of Monday the 30th day of August, Jensen went to Salt Lake yesterday 1909; said property to be so sold is where .they will be united in marriage as follows: the Temple on the 18th inst. They One racing spring at wagon; one Spaulding buggy; one will return to Frisco fur a few days after which they canopy top buggy; one after the canvas top Stuaebaker buggy; one will returnwedding to their future hqme in rubber tired surrey y one side spring runabout buggy; one aingle phaeton; the north end of the state. one Michigan buggy ; one Studebaker mountain spring wagon; one three-inc- h Editor Eiswick of the Beaver Couny Schutler wagon; one three and News was in town yesterday and a inch Schutler wagon; one made a business visit to the Beaver three and inch Studebaker Carbonate mine. He became so 4 wagon; one three and inch in interested the workings at deeply one old . axle ; iron Cooper wagon missed the! he the that Carbonate wagon; one three aud inch ore wagon; one three and train, having returned to town just inch Michrll wagon, with low as the train was leaving the depot. wheels; three mens saddles; one side saddle; four aet of driving har- Being necessary for him to be in Milness; four sets of heavy work harness; ford last night he engaged a saddle eight livery horses; eight work horse with which to return home miscellaneous kit of baru but oh, what a difference in the 4 horses; also fixtures and wagon and harness parte. one-ha- (has. C. Kizer returned from 9 Groceries , Dry Goods, Miners Supplies two-seat- ed MILFORD, UTAH WRITE ManZan the great Pile remedy, prevents Piles by preventing constipation. It is conveniently applied dito the trouble by means of a rectly small nozzle attached to the tube in which ManZan is put up. Sold by Milford Pharmacy. I The right place to get the best of Carries the beat and moat complete stock of everything in for a short time. The well known station agent, W. H. White of Newhouae, waa taking in the sights of Frisco Sunday. Owen Grover left Saturday for San Francisco in response to a telegram announcing the serious illness of his father. Lloyd Griffiths ManZan la good for any kind of Piles. It atopa inflammation, creates a normal circulation, thus reducing the Piles, and heals the parts affected. ManZan may be conveniently and easily applied as the tube in which it is put up has a small, patent nosel attached. Sold by Milford Pharmacy. L GRIFFITHS J. Mrs. Kiff has her sisters the Misses Hopkins of Richfield visiting with her - HOTEL BAR Wm. Mr. Spencer the hustling life insurance man from Balt Lake, waa in town yesterday. . MILFORD, UTAH in California Arizona and Old Mexico, if not so, it would be wise to write for full ii fo J. W. Ball went to Balt Lake Tues- relation about the shortest line and the best service from your point to day to take in the big encampment. those section via the SALT LAKE Mrs. C. G. Woodbury ia visiting with ROUTE, Utah most popular route. friends and relatives in Milford this week. FRISCO NOTES j 444 l.AWHKNCK morning. KlHRAIJ.. Attorney for Mortgagees. RINGS DYSPEPSIA TABLETS! i Hint InS.gMtMNi and Stomach Meats, Groceries, Vegetables, Hay and Grain COURTEOUS TREATMENT TO ALL OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Kohrht T. Kuibali., Gen. H. Greenwood, Milford, Vtali WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TravSiaa i |