Show at EXCHANGE CHANGE ox always has on hand a large stock of c B nosy suo anda n cs cs 5 s S M BROWN proprietor THE aar ANTLER LER ALOO IV I V 0 0 a 0 complete stock of Q fa C ze v aigars the public can always expect fair treatment and clear clean goods S J HENRIOD proprietor T LITTLE juittle CHICAGO COLTON WILSON WlL SO always has on hand a fine stock of WINES WINE S LIQUORS AND OI GrAEL when you yon want any thing in the shape of wet hoods give then them a call BUZZI BUZZ BUZZI BUZZ BUZZI BUZZ nowhere does better work than at the A T T A T V Y JD jr J JL I JL A IN x where the finest flavored honey it is con continually tin u ally on hand those who alio love the product of the hive hie hi ve should give it a tr trial al JAMES HACKING proprietor THE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY HERALD B H roberts ed ORGAN OF THE WESTERN DEMOCRACY TERMS teams one year 3 six months R C CAMP local agent COAL ON HAND at W K R mine at per ton delivered graci taken at market price ADVERTISE ix TOE EXPRESS coaz bome ad see 30 37 44 CrOOn ar c 0 DS sy ftc you cannot do better anywhere for price and assortment irs d s 0 of 1 qi on at lizs at A WORKMAN g la 16 Zon PORTRAIT HUIT N V S 1 sa instantaneous process VERNAL UTAH AND POPE manufacturers of A harness arloss ar noss ato our 8 saddle a d do 19 TREES ARE C vu H ac tsa TT T 0 we have just received a full stock of NEW GOODS and can furnish anything you want to fit up a horse isider VT P biml W P REYNOLDS fe SONS proprietors situated fuated si on central canal no need to enquire the road you will be tolled when you get there W G REYNOLDS miller foed per ton at the mine or delivered and take grain at one cent per pound grain received at john glines and orders given for coal JOHN OLIVES GLINES W GILLMAN THE VERNAL heam 9 alt in our line of the freshest aud beet mcnaughton BROS I 1 IVERY AND SALE aw j t CHARLES anouse FO it S A LE farm in ashley valley acres good water inter right enquire of R veuman asaley utah |