Show A PRISON ROMANCE Diso discovery ove of ft a among amon jail Inn intes rm go going ing to join the army and will wil 1 na be gone three years thus wrote a y young oung man to his dear old mother and 11 at home the boa bo says the ilem balem statesman was under sentence V to state p prison rison when lie wrote the letter that he be supposed would quiet all inquiry as to his whereabouts he had been found guilty of forgery and the j judge in pronouncing sen sentence tenee upon hini him gave him three years at hard labor this was several months ago and the young man is by this thin time well acquainted quainter quain 1 ted with the monotonous routine of ff life in the oregon state penitentiary on a recent sunday after afternoon noona a couple of young ladies Hi bisters new arrivals in salem visited the prison they arrived too late to be admitted to the services servi oca oes but were given wats beats in the waiting room at the first sound from the choir they were interested but as the music of tho the song filled the chal chapel vel and re sounded throughout the corridors they recognized a familiar sound bound in the swoot conod voice that carried the air they advanced nearer to the chapel impe impelled llod by they know not what and glancing through the 1 doore recognized amon among 9 the singers sing ers wearing the stripes tho the absent brother whom they supposed to be fervin fc arving rvin his country in the army the recognition was anva 5 mutual and it was pitiful the shock was more than the dt licate delicate nerves of the young women could bear but it is ia only one incident oi of the many the arlon arhon is full of sad romances and expectations that are never realized |