Show letor leter come Bleche rites who have recently been on the outside report that from new castlo to denver the air is thick with rumors of railroad building all having 0 meeker as the objective point while we are not going to allow our hopes to become unduly inflated over the afore mentioned rumors which are of periodic occurrence we havo grounds for believing that there is something in it this timo time thero there seems to be au an undercurrent of feeling 0 existing both hore here and on the outside that next spring will witness tho the beginning of building operations by bv 1 either the tho midland or D it IL gr and that meeker will bo be connected connect od by rail with tho outer world before the waning days of 1893 after speaking of a number of feeders that the D it 11 gr is likely to build during the coming summer the the denver nomi says another railroad lino line which up t to 0 present exists on paper but may bloom out into a roal reality ityl ial i s tile the extension from diflo to meeker this lino line 0 I 1 I 1 a certain certainly y of the near future and will embrace embra 0 o lip about forty miles of road teaching reaching out through tho the much talked of white river country and aiming in in the direction of hahus hahns peak whore where valuable bodies of ore ore are awaiting the advent of tile the rial road builder the above clipping has the right kind hind of ring to it meeker herald YF YES s loter leter come but not stop at but come right over to vernal tile the metropolis of ashley valley ashley valley people need a railroad in their business and have the resources to make a railroad through uintah county a table investment |