Show THE YE S TELESCOPE to ro do bo to tho 2 tow now ohl cago UnI some interesting notes about a chicago street cow CM magnate ats devotion to axt art and selen nis ilia lafeat ditc itc at gift by his mun incent gift to the chicago university charles T yerkes has at a single bound attained a worldwide world wide reputation says the chicago evening post the great telescope which will le be built for the university at his expense and which will be known by his name will confer on him a lasting hasting renown greater than the construction of a hundred cable car systems could give already his generous act has begun to yield him fame throughout the civilized world scientific men and journals are talking writing and publishing facts about the monster telescope and about the man who has given it to science mr yerkes act is compared with t those hose of lick and of lord rosse who each in his time built in the interests of astronomical research the largest telescope then known mr yerkes has been the recipient of many letters and telegrams from scientific fe men in america and europe thanking him in the name of science for his splendid gift although the yerkes telescope will be in the possession of the chicago university it will be practically the property of and a benefit to the entire scientific world mr yerkes will personally supervise the construction of the mammoth heavens searcher with the assistance of the most expert and scientific opticians of the land special attention will be given to the proper building of tb the e foundation for the glass glas the substructure fur for a large telescope must be firmer than the earth itself so to speak because the least vibration destroys to a great extent the usefulness of the instrument mr yerkes will see that every detail of the construction st will be in keeping with his design to tad furnish the university with the largest and best befit telescope yet erected the accompanying cut is a truthful presentment in black and white of the doner of the big telescope mr air yerkes is now fifty ty five years old he is about its k IN f if acty r f CHAELES T VERSES medium height his hair and mustache are gray and are arc rapidly whitening ilis hiis features are arc regular and lie he is what might inight be termed a handsome man lie ile has wonderful force of character and no temporary rebuffs divert him from the accomplishment of a purpose upon which lie he has once entered his career in chicago reads like a fairy tale A few years agro ago he was in moderate circum circumstances n today to day he is worth millions he is a lover of good pictures and his private galleries c contain some of the best examples of tho the great painters of today to day together with choice specimens from tho the old masters mr yerkes has shown much public spirit he had previously Tiou sly made costly gifts to the public but the half million dollar telescope overtops over tops them all mr yerkes example may serve to open tho the too tightly closed purse strings of other wealthy men of this city who like mr yerkes owe their millions to chicago and who ought to imitate his generosity by giving a moiety of their money for the public good many good people have bave thought bitter things and said harsh words sometimes having boon impelled evento profane remarks concerning mr Yerk yerkes cs cable lines the pleasant things now now sail sai of him will bof soften ten it is hoped any reproachful temper on abe part of mr yerkes to the thousands who from f roul time to time have indulged in 64 cuss cues words rega regarding himself and his transportation systems it is but bat justice to mr yerkes too to state plato that liis his cable lines line are being steadily improved in every respect the roadbeds have been put in better condition and rolling stock begins to meet the heavy demands makle made upon it and so the cuss words tire are heard less frequently A good story is told by the way regarding the north side system as it used to be A certain north side doctor who was frequently called on by the defendant company as a witness in a blackmailing damage ault bu was placed on the stand in one of the these se case the plaintiffs lawyer discovered that the medical man was often employed by the company in litigation of this character this was meat for him ile he would show this to the jury and throw discredit on the doctors testimony have you not frequently the limb of the law asked sworn for yerkes quick as a flash the doctor replied not half as frequently as I 1 have sworn at himl the lawyer was da lazed sed judge and jury were tickled and the smart lawyer lost his Iii case ease |