Show CITY PARKS chig chicago togo well provided with free antimi grounds an american gentleman writing to garden and forest from england notes two things in particular which help the people there to get more for their money in the way of recreation than we do here one of these is the enormous amount of c common land so easily accessible from the great cities and the other the fine roads for bicycling a form of recreation in universal vogue in his native city cincinnati this gentleman acm remembers that it was almost impossible for the boys to have a gume game 0 of f baseball and the few places then available are now covered with buildings lie says none of cincinnati public parks are arc ever used for games and I 1 dont think many of our western cities allow such w use se of their parks alere nearly all the parks parka have immense spaces reserved for cricket tennis and the like and the london 1 vestries are continually acquiring new land for recreation purposes while cincinnati is exceptionally backward among large western cities in providing proper park facilities the charge of not permitting a sufficient use of the parks for games would certainly not hold against chicago where the people enjoy i oy the parks to a remarkable extent |