Show FINAL PROOF notice for publication consolidated no 1563 LAND AT balt a ALT lare LAKE CITY UTAH oct notice is hereby i iv en thit tho the follon following in named settler has haa tiled filed notice of his intention to make final proof in 1 fj 11 yort 0 rt of his claim claici and that said laid proof will ill be mads 1 before 1 I fore the bounty clerk of uintah co at ashley aahl y utah on dee dec 1894 1803 viz 1 I ard star starie St jrie ie 11 II E md for the lots 3 4 and 8 13 3 N I 1 11 alsee 1 cc 5 tp 5 b it 22 E lie ile name camei the folio following ing ii itne reed epes to prove his residence upon tilon and cultivation of said aid aud and viz N illiam T dark clark alfred bov bonell ell john neilson neileon jo josepn e n ii I 1 emington all ail of naples county I 1 also notice is herthy gin given en that the folloN following ving named has had filed notice of ochia his intention to make final proof in t of his claim and that raid eald proof v ill III be made before the county clerk of county at athley utah on 15 18 als V ia ill hemni raw mantle 11 II I 1 E bisi for the na V 6 ll 11 l I l S W 11 14 1 4 1 Is W 14 1 4 bc 14 4 82 8 1 4 1 N E 14 1 4 locc 15 tp 5 h 11 ra 1 1 K R the follow follo ising in to prore his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land s viz iz jo joseph joeph eph mccarroll jessee mccarroll william beeler george bealer all of herual uintah Cou courty lity utan D amato S W darke att for claimant yap fp 1110 11 10 ip 1215 12 15 CURTIS CK GENERAL blacksmithing T AND wagon repairing pairing Ee I 1 ep aarin cr D 10 1 HOESE R S E esho tsi I 1 N IG an p eaf per span satisfaction guaranteed or money ref remanded refund etl gaea ts im EM at T 3 3 0 IMAM ua Y T sabat vacas sas daa r as just received by L JOHNSON co a full line of boots shoes drees goods gents Furni furnishing gning goods ready mode clothing haqq Hat caps ladies coats felts Rub rubbers hers prices to suit tile the times ammor ISSI B j ESs ggs kaaiai laai ai ON am ss evanss assy bia y byn ag yg V j J to L CU aj saas A complete fall line of dry goods ladies and misses cloaks 7 gents furnishing b goods G and boots shoes 0 abs we carry a very complete line of general merchandise ipe which we are selling polling ut at low prices for cali y tag aaa fassi yes i oft brai maw V i ii I 1 I 1 I 1 i i i Y FD as z 9 M M M lay in your stock of coal now the brush crook creek goal coal mine aline will have coal on the dump for sale at per ton G cairl at cascci a W B BOAN proprietor baled nd n d babs or sale D oil bi e ni 11 is at M NOTICE ADVERTISE inane IN THE EXPRESS we are prep ired to receive orders or make contract zi for all kinds of mohon vork rork also prepared to make the beta of brick in required LIU ft quality any quantity MR SW S H H TAYLOR ve gas and gasoline Ba solino 80 ACRES FARMING M il ha LA LAND AN TD FOR SALE M have fower parts and are therefore afore less leas likely to set get out of order than any other gas or gasoline eng engines tries now built just light the me burner turn tura the wheel and it HOUSE AN AND D LOT runs allds all day MAKES r an s NO SHELL OU OB ro no double or false eap exp explosions 0 0 alln so frequent with abi unel unreliable ables spark foy for simplicity it beata tho world for particular particulars a enquire at this office it OM OIL itself Automatic cully any SHOES yo no batteries or spark BOOTS tt mus with a chea cheaper r grade of mau ony 7 ether ozer eugee MADE and nd repaired giving all satisfaction ron pen s TO PALMER REY JOHN WILSON su san fraase PA al ld waa pate or 0 still till on deck at tho the old stand |