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Show leaders More council needed members say advisory council. With a greater response than usual from the 4-- H we young people of the county, need leaders in many areas." according to Jean Poffenrolh, A need for leaders in sev- Extension Home Agent and aderal fields has been manifest at visor to the council. With Chairman Robert Day two recent meetings of the 4 It presiding, many phases of work were discussed at the council meetings. Information was The children of Mr. and Mrs. received that a grant of $100 for Clark S. Wood and their families repair of the building has met at the Levan Park on Saturbeen made by Chevron Oil Comday at a birthday party to honor pany. This project must be comMr. Wood. Those who were prespleted by August. ent were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Horse Day said that the Mr. Wood of Sterling. Idaho; has- - started and that program child-and Mrs. Earl Woodall and the first show of the program ren and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Will be May 10, sponsored by the Christiansen, all of Bountiful; Kiwanis Club of Nephi. Plans Mr. and Mrs. Dale Anderson and for the forward also are moving daughters of Granger; Mr. and ofand elections Council Teen Mrs. Fred Bennett of Holden; ficers night. training Mrs. Lola Lee and Mrs. Linda New members of the council Davis and sons, all of Tooele; Mr. and Mrs. David Carter are Wood Rulon and Mrs. and Mr. and family and Mr. and Mrs. of Levan and Mr. and Mrs. Brent Jackman of Nephi. Clark S. Wood, all of Levan. Nephi news, views Kenneth Nyman joined his wife at Salt Lake City on Saturday where she had been staying for the last 10 days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lewis and family. While there, they celebrated the fourth birthday anniversary of Mathew Lewis. On Sunday afternoon, they went on to Heber where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Berg and family. Tonya Berg had just been released from the Heber City Hospital, where she has been for the past two weeks following a lawn mower accident. Her leg was severely injured. Enroute home they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Nyman and children at Springville. ' Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stephenson and family visited at Elko, Nevada over the Easter holidays with Mike Stephenser.. 4-- 4-- Levan news Miss Kathleen Herratt of Brigham City was a dinner guest on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Gibson S. Cowan. Miss Herratt is a student at Brigham Young University. Scout-O-Ram- a Cub Scouts from Mona took Visitors over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Royce were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Neal of Fresno, California and Mr. and Mrs. Kent Christopher-so- n of Salt Lake City. 4-- 1 Mr. and Mrs. George W. Williams spent Sunday afternoon in West Jordan as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Peterson and family. ley and sons Kenneth, Ricky, . . Cub scouts from the Nephi Third ward took first place in their division, first ward cubs took second place, and the second ward took third place. Scouts from the Mona ward took first place in their division, fifth ward scouts took second place, and first ward scouts took third place. The Pine Wood Derby was held on Monday afternoon of this week at the Stake House. The winners in that event were Eric Trauntvein, first place; Rodney Lunt, second place; and Todd Trauntvein, third place. According to Scout Executive a Hamberlin, The gave each scout unit in the Nephi Utah Stake the opportunity to show what they are doing in scouting and at the same time participate in a fund raising event. In addition, they could a earn a patch, an American 76 patch, and many prizes. Scout-O-Ram- Scout-O-Ram- percent of the money raised at the Scout-O-Rawill come back to the district. The remainder of the funds raised will buy equipment and Supplies for the councils camps. Twenty-fiv- e are perennials and come up from roots that have remained alive in the soil over the winter. Others come from seeds in the soil. There may be millions of seeds in each cubic foot of soil, Jones says. Whether you aim for a beautiful landscape or profits from crops, you must cope with the weed pests. They can be controlled by a combination of methods: prevention, cutting or mowing, cultivation or tillage, vw and Steven of Delta. Wallace Tidwell of Salt Lake City was a visitor at the home of Mrs. Leth Tidwell over the weekend. B. An assortment of original stories, poems and thought by Gary B. Jonas. Includes a tribute to Theta B. Wintrier of Levan, Utah. Sand $2.00 cash, check or money order for each book deseed to: SAFARI Provo, Utah 84601 Nephi, Utah May 6, 1976 Pursuant to 10 CFR, 205.33(a), CUNIC FOR this is to notify you that Safari Car Wash has applied to the RATIONAL Federal Energy Administration HYPNOSIS for an order assigning to it a Applied kypnosk for base period volume of more RdacaHoa technique WeigM maM than 11,000 gallons of motor Smoking cessation Habit central Memory nd gasoline per month for a retail Fain central concentration station it intends to operate at KIM L AYERETT, 700 South Main, Nephi, Utah. Hypnotherapist OOUIH l IAST HUMOO. UTAH This retail station will be owned NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Two bedroom home for rent. Magic mill grinder and Bosch by Robert K. Anderson and opInsta-Turf Instant Lawn. Murri The hours of operation at the erated by Robert K. Anderson. Large living room and dining mixer. Fantastic deal on demo 19 set used several times! Free demo Farms, Benjamin. Phone You are invited to submit writroom. Call Nephi Landfill site, effective Ap23 ril in 1, 1976 thru September 30, ten comments to TEA in support by appointment. apartment for Callmy home Orem. 1976 will be from 10:00 a.m. to of or in opposition to the appli19 or at Anderrent. Call Lasco artificial sweetener for cation. If oppose the appliFirst 1 146 West No. son Trailer Court, headers, lifetime guaran- diabetics, dieters, and anyone 7:00 p.m. daily except Wednes- cation on you the ground that apand the order of By day Sunday. 19 tee, $59.95. Valvoline oil filters, North. down on to cut sugar wanting 19 proval of it would adversely afNephi City Council. $2.10. Air filters to fit most use. Excellent for canning fect your business, you should all types of Convenient locations at Peachcars and trucks, $2.98. Now in CALL FOR APPLICATIONS fruit. One gallon equals set forth in detail the following tree Village for your mobile stock, Indian Blazer Blanket 704 lbs. of FOR LIFE CUARD sugar. $10 per gallon. minimum information: home. Nice surroundings. Call seat covers to fit copies will Ram Mickelson's North 793 Nephi City Cafe, accept appli1 . Your name and address. or Paul Chargers, etc. Ask Jeeps, tf cations for life guard at the City about our Main. 2. The person or persons who 1 for at Han-son Pool until 5:00 p.m. price. Custom Printing and; Chapman have an ownership interest in Will pay cash for used pianos. Swimming tf special introductory 19 Auto, 296 South Main. Monday, May 17, 1976. Applicathe business which you allege Nephi School of Music. Phone tions are to be filed with the x 10 50 Pinedale home mobile with two at Mobile home would be adversely affect, and 22 spaces Enlargements city recorder. All applicants are and bedrooms for sale. $1,500. Call Park. City convenience the extent of each such person's expected to be qualified as ador Black and White' or Color Cary ownership interest. country style. Reasonable rates. life of savers. order vanced Wanted By 20 19 Help Call Howard, Levan. The location of your business Processing done locally! 19 the Nephi City Council. in relation to the retail station LeVoy's Sale. Temple dresses, RN position open for communfor which the application for asPortraits at Reasonable NOTICE OF FINAL TAX SALE Notices pant suits, blouses, and lingerity health nurse for Juab County. ie. Save 10 to 50 Prices Notice is hereby given that on signment was made. on stock Preferably degree nurse or dip4. The person or company Nurse aid course will start on items. Call DeAnn Burton, loma nurse with public health Wednesday, the 26th day of consultant. May 17. The classes will be 19 experience. Write: Juab County May, 1976, at ten o'clock a.m. from whom you presently purMonday and Thursday from 1 Case 1150 Windrower for sale. Health Nurse, Juab County at the front door of the County chase motor gasoline, and in p.m. to 4 p.m. Those people Good condition. See at Steele Courthouse, Nephi, Utah 84648 Courthouse Nephi, Juab whether your business operates under the trademark of your I will offer for sale interested call Mrs. Nola Brink-ma- n Ranch or Utah, 19 or call County, 19 phone l. 5. The volume in galat the )uab County and sell to the supplier. auction at public Wanted: Waitresses and 19 Practically new Whirlpool Eleclons, of motor gasoline sold by for bidder cash, pursuant highest cook needed immediatetric range for sale. 30 inch. Large your business in each month to the provisions of Section Juab County Daughters of Pio- oven. Mrs. Dick Ingram, phone ly. Apply in person at Flaming Utah Code Annotated from January 1, 1972 until the Rock South neers still have plenty of Juab Restaurant, 720 19 the following described present. 20 1953, Main, Nephi. County Pioneer History books One metal 6. Whether or not there is a real estate situate in said county for door sale. garage available. Call Lillian Ostler at Make demand for motor gasoline in under it held and now Call 19 offer. an preby 6 or at 46 South First Experienced beauticians needed No bid for less the trading area in which your sale. tax liminary Good home for Are to 19 plant your gar- immediately for "The New Lady" than the total amount of you ready West, Nephi. taxes, business is located which cannot den. Sears catalog sale has gar- Salon in Provo. Excellent earnfine Grand costs be met by existing retail staBaby and .interest,penalties den seed for only 84 a package. ings. Write 247 West Center, ProI which are a charge upon such tions. Wanted Piano. Must have 2 19 vo or call or Sears, Nephi. 7. The adverse effect whiefi will be accepted. real estate 19 All laundry detergent in stock good credit or able to Karin you believe approval of the apTax Sale No Limit: 4 to a cus- The Juab School District Board reduced All of Lots plication would have on your Elizabeth cash for best Sonntag. pay tomer while supply lasts! Sears of Education will accept applica- 10 and 11 of Sec. 2, T. 15 S., R. business. price. May be seen in 8. Detailed factual data and Catalog Sales. Nephi. 6234)093. 19 tions for the position of cus1 W S. L. M. Cont. 61.77 Ac. todian. Applications may be subLevi C. information which support your Tax Sale No. We have reduced several disyour area. Want to Rent: Three or play items to make room for mitted at the District Office prior Scofield. All of Lots 10 and 11, claim that approval of the apWrite; St. Merits house in Nephi. Family new stock. Come in today and to May 12. Starting salary will be Blk. 3, Plat A, Eureka City Sur- plication will have an adverse Please seet it to believe it. Sears Cata-lo- g in accordance with the District Musk Center, BS1 effect on your business. Such with 5 children ages vey. 4843 Popwrite Kielkowski, Joe Arnold data and information should inTax Sale No. 19 salary schedule for custodians, East 3900 South, Soft Sales, Nephi. insurance and fringe benefits as Carlson. The S. 25 ft. of the N. clude, at a minimum, audited or lar St., Murray, Utah 84107 or Lake Uteh 19 Must sell, 1970 Maverick. Econ19 73 ft. of Lot 4, Blk. 2, Plat B Eurunaudited balance sheets and District policy. Chy, call collect, per omical to operate. 59,000 miles. profit and loss statements for a 84107. eka Survey. City Make reasonable offer. Phone Addressers wanted immediately! Cilbert recent, representative time perTax Sale No. Services 19 Work at home no experience iod. L. Sanderson and Sarah Sandernecessary excellent pay. Write son. FEA can consider alleged adWill do baby sitting in my home. 1969 Ford VS ton pickup with ft. W. 48 from 63 48 Beg. and overdrive. Two gas American Service, 1401, Wilson 19 Call Pat Howard at SE. Cor. of Lot 20, Blk. 5, Plat verse effects on your business Blvd., Suite 101, Arlington, Va. n tanks. Low mileage. Phone only if such allegations are supB, Eureka City Survey. Th. S. 63 19 19 22209. Keep us in mind as you think of Howard at W. 167.07 ft., N. 20 14' W. ported by the best available 48' shampooing your carpets. We e 85 ft., N. 62 48' W. 65 ft., N. data. Brr ad and unsubstantiatREFRIGERATION building lot near have machiens for rent at $1, Quarter-acrhouse. Legal Notices 20 14' W. 47.71 ft. N. 64 33' E. ed alle; .ions of adverse imWard Mona meeting larger ones for $2, and an espe239.45 ft. to a pt. S. 64 33' W. pact wil; e disregarded. Phone or contact Vir-gSPANISH FORK FEA will consider your writcially nice one for shags that NOTICE TO BIDDERS ft. from NE. Cor. of Sd. Lot 20, 48 19 Swasey. rents for $3 per day. We have a Nephi City Corporation will Th. S. 26 36' E. 136.35 ft. to beg. ten comments along with those house with plentiful supply of Blue Lustre cab submitted by the applicant and Now servicing commer-i- al KenTax Sale No. accept bids on a new n and also carry Pro shampoo, lot in Levan. Gary Ander-sothe other interested persons. If you for on chassis use and Blk. City L. Lot neth D, 23, Maurey. refrigeration and air used commercially for years 19 Water Department. Specificasubmit phone written comments, you SurMammoth City Middletown, and now available for home use Great business will be notified of FEA's deIeondifoning in East Juab in tions are on file and can be obopportunity vey. Plumbing and Builders SupAllied cision. FEA may, at its discretion, Manti. 3500 sq. ft. industrial tained at the City Recorder's OfTax Sale No. ply building located on 1 acres; good fice. Bids will be received until 011 & Minerals Company. West hold a public hearirig to consid5:00 p.m.. May 7, 1976. Nephi All wired for Tintic Mining District. Part of er the application, in which Call 798-706- 8 Well clean your rugs or rent frontage. set-ureserves the right to accept 220 City volt Lead King No. 1, Survey No. event you will be notified. A $14,900 Asking or Blue our Lustre, Host, you all bids. By and or on with contract 29 any reject down, Cont. 18 Acres, described copy of that portion of FEA's 6928, easy to Rug Doctor machine for you Council. 19 of the City Will Nephi terms. reasonconsider The conflict between procedural regulations applicService! follows: as 1 any to do your own. Call able to these proceedings will reserve your machine or to able offer. For more details call No. Lead USERS WATER NOTICE TO 1, with Oregon & be furnished King upon request for United conmake an appointment for us to Jim Duncan, 5 War Eagle No. Lode, said The following applications information. 24 oun per day your Realty, clean your carpets at your con- Exchange have been filed with the State flict described as: Beg. at corner Your written comments or Clark, venience. Chapman Furniture Monte, seven days a week service Engineer to appropriate water in No. 2 of Lead King No. 1, Sur- should be hand delivered or re' 21 tf 27 14 S. South Th. Main. 26 enNo. Co., deg. 6928, vey Juab County throughout the ceived by mail not later than Min. W. approximately 643.4 ft. tire year unless otherwise des27, 1976 to the following May 1 to intersectin of S. side line of address: SALE ignated. Locations in SLB&M. of Lead 21 line with Lode R. GarV Blake 1 46142 home with Oregon Federal Energy AdministraI baths and lot with gar- rett and R. Roscoe Carrett, co King N. 1 Lode; th. N. 87 deg. tion, Region VIII den spot. Total electric. Air con- R. Blake Carrett, 304 W. 1st N., 54 min. W. approximately 218.3 P. O. Box 26247, Belmar U-FILL ditioned. Furnished or unfurnish- Nephi, Utah 84648. 6.0 sec. ft. ft. to intersection E. side line of Branch S. Lode 22 5 No. is War to deg., ed. See at 440 South Fourth East andor 600 ac. ft. of water Eagle 1075 South Yukon 12 min. W. approximately 820.7 205 SOUTH MAIN well, 21 or call 623-00- 1 2. be diverted from a h Lakewood, Colorado 80226 100-50- 0 ft. deep at a point N. ft. to intersection line 4 Lead Unless you claim confidential Lode with 2 SV4 Amended No. from All your musical needs: pianos, 1287 ft. and W. 50 ft. King of Ephraim, now serving treatment for your submission, Open 7 a.m. - 9 p.m 1 4 Lead Vi No. line Lode; a mi. King this area of your comments should guitars, music, etc. Nephi Cor. Sec. 31, T12S, R1E, (1 N. 87 deg. 54 min. W. 445 ft. to becopy NW Nephi); and used for the School of Music, phone delivered to the applicant. If daily except Sunlay corner No. 4 Lead King No. 1 22 domestic purposes of two famiyou want the FEA to treat as secN. 30 min. 27 Lode 25 deg. lies, stockwatering of 200 cattle MILK confidential the information EGGS BREAD Day-ol- d Leghorn chicks, cornish and 10 horses; and used from onds E. 1478.6 ft. to corner No. which submit to it, it will do COLD DRINKS you cross meat chicks, fertile eggs. 3 Lead King No. 1 Lode S. 87 so if Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigayou so request and if the CANDY SNACKS E. corft. 622.3 to Min. 54 Rigtrup Hatchery, Spanish Fork, tion of 240 acs. in SEViSWVi, Deg. information is of a type entitled CANNED AND DRY 20 N W Vi SW , WjNWVi Sec. 31 , ner No. 2 Lead King No. 1 Lode 798.2575. Professional and to such confidential treatment to the place of beginning. Con- under the Freedom of InforGOODS T12S, R1E; SViNEVi, NEViSEV Dependable Service Home to restore. Reasonable Rates Sec. 36, T12S, R1 W. taining 18 acres. mation Act, 5 U. S. C., 552, as 63 lot at brick home on large Phone Jack-so- n 1 Tax Sale No. R. Blake Car46143 amended, 18 U. S. C. 1905, 10 East Second North. Call Shirley ' & Call CHAPMAN C. McChrystal Walker CFR rett, 304 W. 1st N Nephi, Utah 205.9, or under other Fed-er0 Nebo at or Agency, 9 REGULAR FURNITURE at sec. ft. of water is Bank & T rust Company, T rustee. 1 I regulations or 21. 84648. 0.015 Uncle Sam Millsite, Lot No. 321-- rules. statutes, or call collcet to be diverted from a 0 Trade secrets and certain Acres. 4.99 ft. deep at a point well, 100-50commercial and financial inforlAda Tax Sale No. N. 990 ft. and W. 50 ft. from mation are entitled to confidenConsolidated Mining Company, tial treatment if SVi Cor. Sec. 31, T12S, R1E, you so request. & Bank Trust Walker Co., and used co mi. NW Nephi); (1 If you request confidential treatDisFish Springs Mining for the domestic purposes of Trustee. ment, you should designate on Buy, trade, sell Individualized one family, stockwatering of trict. Ada, Laura, Oregon and the original version of your writNo. Sur. Lots No. and 3344, Slide, 60, 10 rent and horses; 100 cattle lease, or ten comments the information used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for 3345, 3346, 66.194 Ac. which unwanted items! you wish to be kept conT IN your WITNESS WHEREOF, the irrigation of 0.25 ac. in SE Vi fidential and submit to FEA and have hereunto set my hand and SWVi Sec. 31.T12S, R1E. with a the applicant another version of official seal this 16th of the Apday Protests resisting granting the document with such confiby KIMO CORAY with ril, 1976. of these applications dential information deleted. Inreasons therefor must be filed Earl L. Warner formation which is not designatReasonable Rates! in duplicate with the State EnQualify Work luab County Clerk ed as confidential or is not enTimes-NewSalt 442 State Capitol. All property here offered for gineer, titled by law or regulation to Lake City, Utah 84114, on sale and which has not been confidential treatment will be June 5, 1976. stricken off to a private purdisclosed to the applicant and Call 6230106 for information Dee C. Hansen chaser is hereby stricken off and perhaps to other interested perSTATE ENCINEER sold to the County of fuab, and sons. ad!! classified Published in Nephi Times-New- s I hereby declare the fee simple and appointment! Dudley E. Faver April 22, 29, and May 6, title of said property to be vestRegional Administrator 21 1976 ed in said county 20 FEA. Region VIII 798-385- GENEALOGY PICTURES Mr. and Mrs. Bert Powell and Two-bedroo- 225-899- 623-188- 1 low-calor- Mrs. Robert B. Powell and family. The occasion was the sixth birthday anniversary of Kristy Powell. 623-140- 623-047- 623-015- infor-matio- n. 623-019- 623-185- Mrs. Albert Haney and children George, Richard, and Cheryl spent Saturday in Salt Lake City, where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haney and family and Mr. and Mrs. Terry Haney and family. They also visited at Sandy with Mrs. Ruth Beck. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Arnold of Spanish Fork were visitors on Wednesday of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Haney. Golden Age . 623-066- 1 623-148- 623-114- JESS ALLEII) 623-103- 623-069- 623-029- Hos-pita- 623-124- 4, WANTED 623-032- 623-181- 6. 623-155- Members of the Golden Age Club will meet at their center on May 12 at 2 p.m. for films and refreshments. 623-009- WANTE FAST IS A TORNADO? THE HIGHEST RECORDED SPEED IS MILES PER HOUR, RECORDED AT WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS IN 1958 280 375-741- 373-607- 9. 1. 50. four-bedroo- 10-1- 268-342- 623-139- 1 -- 623-003- TALKING ABOUT THE -SAYEP AUTOMAT! YOU WHEN YOU TOR Y SAVINGS j the PAYROLL N WHERE YOU WORK i MONEY IS USED TO ! 'EY PAY I I I I . Two-bedroo- 2VS-ac- re 14-to- 126-197- or-d- hr 623-047- 489-658- 489-568- in a simple HOSTESS GOWN MADE OF SHATOOSH? vours if you CAN AFFORD TO PAY $5,000 FOR ONE. SHATOOSH IS A WOOL MADE FROM INDIAN GOATS it s 489-514- HOME FOR STEINER'S ji IF i i i i SPECIAL PIES FOR MOTHER'S DAY Banana and Coconut . Cream available at the 146-197- 489-696- Interested 11.75 Fourth-Fift- h Ward Chapel Saturday 10 a.m. until iroon. Please order by Friday night if sible. FRESH STRAWBERRY PIES- -- pos- i i i i i i - Phone i and your pies will be deliv- i ered before noon Saturday A Project of tf Rftfi Ward Boy Scout D D D D 3 Three-bedroo- VESTLUND 1 (53-56- TV SERVICE 16-inc- 3-- 623-185- EVERY MONDAY Two-bedroo- 623-994- (53-56- 148-197- 465-715- 623-047- - 465-924- GAS-- - - 283-459- i "1I I I WEDDING 13.50 Available on your order only L il 4-- GOT ANYTHING CHEAPER? 6 623-079- 0 623-029- jp'ir... it's there! 623-130- 623-048- n, t u.S. SAVINGS BONOS 1 YOUR NEST S&G 7WS WITH EMERY CK &O...WHEN YOU By-ro- i i i i t'U NEVER SEE I-TIT1. STIL YOU NEEP MOTE 250 South University Avenue Times-New- s 7 by NIW HORIZONS 623-103- 0 0. Ray Powell spent Saturday in Taylorsvile where they were guests at the home of Mr. and How - and patriotiq thoughts as compiled Jonas. Inspirational Gary Legal Notices HOME 8G WO- The A unique anthology of old and contemporary poem; NOTICE a scout executive. lawn. He said some of these weeds crop or plant competition, burning, and use of chemical herbicides. Chemicals add a new dimension in weed control. Weed science has developed effective herbicides for nearly every situation. Ask for more information on these from your local extension agent or from a farm or garden store. The 1976 Chemical Weed Control Guide for Utah will help you choose the chemicals most suited to your weed problem. It is available at county extension offices and provides information on the use of 87 different herbicides AMONG MY PEOPLE Services the Sweepstakes award at the Guests at the home of Mr. and held at the Nephi Claude Tolley on Sunday Mrs. on Park accordCity Saturday, ing to Lewis Hamberlin, district were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth TolScout-O-Ram- Though it may spoil your Spring growing plans a little to think about weeds, Blaine Jones, County Extension Agent, reminds you that they likely will be a problem to you in field crops, in your garden, or on your 4-- Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Aston of Orem were visitors during the Sunday visitors at the home of past week at the home of Mr. Mrs. Zella Cazier were Mr. and and Mrs. Arthur Scott. Mrs. Kenneth Painter, Norma Hartvigsen, and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mikkelson Richard Hartvigsen and child- and daughter Mary Ann of Salt ren, all of Spanish Fork; and Lake' City were recent visitors Mrs. Painter of Santaquin. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Winn. Mona cubs take sweepstakes at Weed control essential for garden , farmland success 4-- H PHOTOGRAPHY at I I s 0 150-197- |