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Show Nephi social notes Mr. and Mrs. Ernest I. Wilson attended a family party in Salt Lake City on Sunday honoring Bruce Wilson on his birthday anniversary. Others of the family attending were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Wison and daughter Sheila, Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Butcher and Kristi and Keri Wilson, all of Granger; Mr. and Mrs. David Witt and children of Holiday; and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wilson and sons Danny, David, and Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Kendall, Mrs. Ernest I. Wilson, and Mrs. William Peterson were in Salt Lake City on Thursday to attend funeral services for Ada Burton Sparks. Mrs. Leonard Belliston has returned home after spending the winter months with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Taylor of Spring-vill- e and Mr. and Mrs. Glade Van Nosdol of Payson. Pal McCaffery and Kerry Lynn the Junior High Achievement practice their Abbott and Cos- night program to be presented ' Jf IS Photo tello routine in preparation for on Friday. achievement night set Friday at auditorium Jr. high In the one-hoprogram, students will demonstrate skills and concepts learned in class this year. There will be an art , exhibit, projects, and information boards on display. In addition, short skits, musical numi bers, and fashion shows will be Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Gardner presented. were hosts at a family After the program, parents at their home on Sun- -' and junior high students are inday. The occasion was the birth- vited to attend a dance from day anniversary of Mr. Gardner p.m. Sunday Best Dress and also the blessing and nambeen set as the standard for has ing of the daughter of Mr. and to the Mrs. Douglas Smith at sacra- the affair. Admission will 75 cents dance be perper ment meeting in the Levan ward. Those attending were Mr. son. and Mrs. Allen Howell and children Greg, Janet, Sandy, Stacy, Bill Howard honored and Kristen of West Jordan; for sales record by Mrs. Karen Kendall and daughters Kay and Jackie of Magna; Metropolitan Life William D. (Bill) Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Van Gardner and daughter Sharissa of Sandy; local agent for the Metropolitan Mrs. Molly Taylor and daugh- Life Insurance Company, was ter Sarah of Orem; Mr. and Mrs. recently honored for the sixteenJoseph Smith and daughter Lin-et- th consecutive year in the of Nephi; and Mr. and Mrs. Leaders Conference. Douglas Smith and daughters Mr. and Mrs. Howard were Andrea and Carson Leigh and guests of the company at the Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Gardner, conference held recently at Palm of Levan.., Springs, California. During the past year, Howard Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Worwood were in Llano, Texas last week sold $3,465,000 in life insurance to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin to the resident of Jaub County and the surrounding area. JatTett. The annual Junior High Achievement Night program will be held this Friday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the high school auditorium. Levan news er 8-- 10 te Give Mother pres-tigeo- Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Black were Mr. and Mrs. Hill and children of Wyoming, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Black and children of Texas, and Mr. and Mrs. Read Smith and children of Nephi. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eagar of Payson, Arizona were guests at the home of Mrs. James II. Eagar during the past week. Mrs. Eugene Pay and Mrs. Raymond Pay returned home recently after spending ten days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan S. McCune in Downey, California. While there, they toured San Francisco, San Diego, the Queen Mary, Disneyland, Wild World of Animals, Knotts Berry Farm, the San Diego Zoo, and many other points of interest. Enroute to California they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bush of Battle Mountain, Nevada and with Mr. and Mrs. Don McCune of Sacramento. They also visited with Dr. and Mrs. Harold Bowles, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gates, and Mrs. Edith Gerking. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pace spent Sunday in Sandy where they attended sacrament meeting and witnessed the blessing and naming of Amanda Lynn Pace by her father, Wayne Pace. Following Mr. and Mrs. Vern Davis and the meeting, they were guests daughters Ilene, Madalene, and at a family dinner at the Wayne Jane spent Sunday in Bountiful Pace home. Other guests were with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Davis Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Newberand family. ry of Mona and Lynn Pace of Salt Lake City. Mrs. Bert Van Ausdal of was a visitor at the home Dinner guests on Sunday at of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Han- the home of Mrs. Tacy Bracken sen on Thursday of last week. were Mr. and Mrs. Newell Bracken of Pleasant Grove, Mr. Visitors over the weekend at and Mrs. Jack Daniels and son the home of Delta Hedberg were of Orem, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Von Jarrett and sons John and Steele and family of Salt Lake Mathew of Logan, and Mrs. Kay City, and Mr. and Mrs. Dwain R. Bracken and family of Nephi. Campbell of Provo. The occasion was Mrs. Tacy Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haynes Bracken's birthday anniversary. visited over the weekend in Kan-a- b Mrs. J. H. Cotton and Mr. and with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bob Russell and daughters, Mrs. Haynes and family. all of Midvale, visited over the Mr. and Mrs. Marion Jepson weekend with Mrs. J. E. Robertwere hosts at a family dinner at son. Mr. and Mrs. Russell also their home on Sunday. The oc- visited with Mr. and Mrs. Paul casion was the blessing and Russell. naming of the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jepson at the Second ward sacrament meeting. He was named Cody Michael Jepson. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Jepson of Smithfield; Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Kent and children of Orem; and available Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jepson, and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Jepson, all from the truck -of Nephi. San-taqu- LeAnna Bowman of Las Vegas, Nevada was a visitor over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams. She was enroute to her home after attending Brigham Young University during the past winter. The Nephi, Utah May 6, 1976 on Friday. in Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stephenson on Sunday were Stephen Garrett and Cindy Hunt, both of Cedar City. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sherwood and Mr. and Mrs. Reese Sherwood were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Sherwood at Kaysville on Sunday. m ! CMtl l unthI IwwMI VA ofta 11 711 Wk were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Garrett and family of Cedar City. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Garrett and family of Bountiful were guests at the Floyd Garrett home. Mrs. Ruth Hansen entertained at her home on Wednesday of last week for members of the birthday club. Those attending were Gladys Winter, Mabel Olsen, Mabel Allred, Minnie and Rosetta Egan, all of Fountain Green; Lois Nelson of Nephi; and Kathleen Scribner of Salt Lake City. i SV V.V. ...A r :: .. , ; AMOCO SERVICE 1st HorHi Main - A DELIGHFUL WAY TO HONOR MOTHER - SAFARI CONVENIENCE MARKET -l- - Mother's Day Special Buffet extra-speciFavor for each menu items mother and special entertainment during the day. special truck bay! 645 South Main lephl - Eggs - Bread - Canned Goods ce cream - film - soft drinks Phone -i- . .. Bring Mom and the entire family to Ras Supper Club for our spec's) open 24 hours a da- y- wash and -mi-- MOO lake mother SAFARI CAR WASH Milk C West Second North Nephi, Utah 84648 55 fw a.m. until dark! IKE'S Mrs. Florence Worthington of Logan was an overnight guest on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Worwood. Saturday visitors at the home Garrett D Nephi Lumber Co. Located near Lillian Ostler and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ealey and family. of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd (efcck V CHEESE Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. Ostler and family of West Jordan visited in Nephi on Sunday with Mrs. rfj s ,,. VALLEY TODAY - at tlie same time Turf Builder Plus now on SALE i tMt Mr. and Mrs. Dick Potter and children of Chester, Idaho spent several days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Clair Collard. dandelions and feed your lawn It takes about 30 minutes to spread Turf Builder Plus 2 on the average size lawn. Then you're done. Your dandelions (and most other common broad-lea- f weeds) start their fadeaway, while the fertilized grass comes on strong. If you buy now, you'll save money! Mr. and Mrs. Jay Winter of Bountiful visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stephenson STAR wax fact rid of s Times-New- 623-132- reservato to make your 2 - - Mover's Day hours -- 11 al a.m. to 7 p.m. drugs prescription Old-roy- a Nice, Comfortable SWIVEL ROCKER SAVINGS UP TO iiOr maybe she wants a new KITCHEN AID DISH WASHER save aa Maybe she wants a now 4.; new ONE PAIR OF PARTY HOSE FREE WITH LIVING ROOM SET SAVINGS UP 27 Sevtii Meta NeeM Ph. 623-047- j EACH PURCHASE! jp, I N BRING IN THIS COUPON TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR , , SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS No purchase h j jj necessary. Your Name . i Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hours: Monday j J I I 1 J City, SL, Zip .... Gifts to be awarded Saturday, May 8, notnecessary to wild 3 pjn. Pretence j |