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Show Happy birthday! Levan social notes Mr. and Mrs. H. Kay Francom were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Madsen on Thursday at Orem. On Friday morning, they attended a session at the Provo LDS temple and witnessed the marriage of Mary Louise Madsen and William Dalt Dunlady. They also attended the dinner honoring the couple and their reception. They were overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Norton on Friday. Homer Bendixen and children Mike, Kent, Don. and Cindy of Salt Lake City were guests at the home of Mrs. Erhardl Bendixen on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Niels C. Anderson visited in Salt Lake City on Sunday with Karl Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Anderson of Reno, Nevada is visiting this week in Nephi with Mrs. Verda Cloward, Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Gowers, Mrs. Ceeile Goates, and Lewis Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Orvin Shepherd and family of Pleasant Grove Mr. and Mrs. Clarence were visitors at the home of Mr. visited in Tooele over the and Mrs. Heber G. Shepherd on weekend with Mr. and Mrs. RichmondIPaystrup. Saturday. Pay-stru- U eekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Krm Poulsen were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Poulsen of Spanish Foi k. On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Poulsen of Salt Lake City were visitors at the Erin Poulsen home. Mrs Edna Peterson and Ar-vWankier were in Enoch on Sunday where they attended sacrament meeting and witnessed the blessing and naming of the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Wankier. He was named Michael David Wankier. They also attended the family dinner following the meeting. ii The p 5 Bishop and Mrs. Heber Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Shep- herd were in Gunnison on Sun- - ; I would appreciate the privilege providing your insurance needs AUTOMOBILE COMMERCIAL BOATS GLASS MOBILE HOMES FIRE BUSINESS MOTORCYCLES SNOW MOBILES BONDS OVER 25 YEARS INSURANCE SERVICE IN THIS AREA The K-- J INSURANCE AGENCY Times-New- s Nephi. Utah May 6, 1976 day afternoon to attend the gold- en wedding celebration honoring Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Pickett. K. 51 North Main J. Agent SPERRY, Phone 623-038- 7 srj fi Wo, the Juab Board of Educatoo and District staff, have studied In depth te Issues of the building bond lection to be held on Mev 1. We strongly end unanimously recommend that said bonding be approved end VOTE urge each voter to study ell the Issues end then 1 YES next Tuesday. JUAB BOARD OF EDUCATION AND DISTRICT STAFF K. Thao Westring W. Boyd Howeth Lawrence D. Brough E. Alton Ellertson J. Sperry Supt. M. Clark Newell Paid advertisement by Citizens Advisory Commttee, W. Leon Pexton, Chairman ervnee Wor-woo- Great-grandparen- ts I Nephi news 56 East Center, Nephi Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ludlow and Mr. and Mrs. Vard White and children visited at the Utah Valley Hospital on Sunday with John Ludlow. John was released from the Hospital on Monday of this week and has now returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Nebeker and family of Daniels and Mr. and Mrs. Val Oveson of Orem spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Thad M. Nebeker. Mr. and Mrs. Thayne Jarrett and family visited in Orem on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Glade Jarrett and family and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jarrett and family. The occasion was Valerie Jarretts birthday anni- versary. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jackson and son Mark were in Orem on Sunday where they attended sacrament meeting and witnessed the blessing and naming of the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Koon. He was named Ryan Keith Koon. Following the meeting, a family dinner was held at the Koon home. Others of the family present at the meeting and dinner were Mr. and Mrs. John Cummings and family of Taylorsville, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Egbert of Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Lamb and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tidwell, all of Moroni; and Mrs. Stella Hall of Provo. Visitors over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howard were Mrs. Boyd Coombs and daughters Rae Ann and Stephanie of Granger, and Mrs. Clifford Park and daughter Kae Lyn of Layton. Other guests on Sunday at the Howard home were Mr. and Mrs. Newell Bracken of Lindon and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Daniels and son of Provo. Recent visitors at the home of 0. Osborne were Mrs. Gene Stevens of Xenia, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newbold of Provo; and Mrs. Marsha Dansie of San Jose, Cal- -' ifornia. Mrs. Osborne and children, Mrs. Newbold, Mrs. Dansie, and Mrs. Stevens spent several days in Rock Springs, Wyoming with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hafen and family and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hafen. Mr. and Mrs. Leo . "BOOMIIT $0 says the VA . . . by THE VA PROVIDES cassonbrown ONE -- TIME dental care to ail elidible VETERANS APPLYNfr ONE YEAR AFTER . FROM WITHIN SEPARATION SERVICE Show Times Starting May I 8.00 pm ' . Thursday - Friday - Saturday May 6 - 7 - 8 Olivia Hussey - Leonard Mika OShea Whiting ROMEO I JULIET Sunday Monday Tuesday May 9 - 10 - II BLAZING STEWARDESSES Its our anniversary and were giving plenty of prizes and LOW PRICES! COME IN & SAVE! YES! 'Z2 A $ 4 1 Clerk Sheri D. Ferre Nephi, Utah Kelly Wayne Jarrett was one year old on April 21. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jarrett of Llano, Texas. Grandparents d are Mr. and Mrs. G. M. of Levan and Mr. and Mrs. Dee 0. Jarrett of Nephi. are Mrs. Katie Memmott of Scipio and R. R. Jarrett of Nephi. ' i |