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Show infestations of black grass bugs and consider control measures before the nymphs become adults and start laying eggs. Ranchers who are not familiar with these insects may contact their county agents for help in finding and identifying the bugs. Roberts explained that black grass bugs can be controlled with an application of ultra-lovolume malathion, as little as eight ounces per acre. However, the pesticide application must be critically timed. Apply the spray when temperatures are 60 degrees Farenheit or higher and preferably before the nymphs become adults. Roberts points out that good control of black grass bugs and other injurious pests of grasses could enable Utah rangelands to feed thousands of additional cattle every year. Black bug control could save many acres of farm, ranch land forage Black grass bug populations are now building up and threatening thousands of acres of valuable rangeland grasses, according to reports from county extension agents in various parts of the state. Be safe, buckle up, council says percent ot all passenon the road today are cars ger equipped with safety belts. But, in Utah, only one out of eight motorists buckle those belts (about half the national average). In the United States, 22 percent of all motorists buckle up, saving about 3,000 lives and 222,000 injuries every year. If four out of five people would fasten their safety belts, we we could save about 13,500 lives and nearly one million injuries. One of those may be your life. Are you sitting on it? These are the conclusions of the Utah Safety Councils Linn C. Baker. Baker said that driving is the most dangerous thing that most people will ever do. Nearly 50,000 people are killed and another four million are injured every year in automobile accidents. Two million are injured seriously. Half of all the people now living in the United States will be involved in a traffic accident in their lifetime, Baker says. Over jT Happy birthday to Mindee ; Donna Arehart, who was one ;year old on April 15. She is the ; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Arehart of Provo. Grandparents are Dee Sparks of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Arehart of are Moab. L. S. Tanner of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bates of Moab, and Mr. and Mrs. Max Cameron of Challis, Idaho. T Great-grandparen- -- Chris Harmon receives Duty to Cod' award Christopher Harmon, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton T. Harmon, received his Duty to God" award at sacrament meeting in the first ward on May 2. Chris is an Eagle Scout and a priest in the Nephi First Ward. Mona news Visitors over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Molyneaux were Mr. and Mrs. Randy Molyneaux and Debra Molyneaux, all of Spnngville and Kirk Adams of Orem. 90 Reed S. Roberts, extension entomologist, Utah State University, said Research indicates that in some situations, heavy infestations of black grass bugs can consume as much or more grass than the usual allotment of cattle on the rangeland. With the multitude of problems facing most ranchers today, they cannot afford to lose these valuable forage grasses to insect pests." Roberts explained that insects overwinter in the egg stage. They hatch into nymphs in early to appearing first in the lower valleys of southern Utah. As daily temperature increases come, they become active on grasses further north and at the higher elevations. Though the black grass bugs can be very numerous at this time of year, ranchers often miss seeing them because they are so small, especially the nymphs. The damage, often great at this time of year, appears in the form of white spots on the blades of grass. These can be seen upon close inspection. The extension specialist encourages Utah ranchers to examine their grasslands now for mid-sprin- Social news Mr. and Mrs. Perry F. Hall Ingram and Mrs. Dean Bailey and daughof Fullerton, California are visit- ter Melissa went on a ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. vacation trip during the Easter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Norman Mackey. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Beck were in Monroe on the Saturday before Easter to attend a Golden Wedding celebration honoring Mr and Mrs. Jay Gillis. Enroute home, they stopped at Levan to attend the open house for Mr. and Mrs. Owen D. Taylor on their golden wedding anniversary. holidays. They spent three days in Phoenix, Arizona with Gary Hall and then went on to Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, and a wax museum. They returned home by way of Phoenix and Kanab. Clark S. Wood was honored at a surprise birthday party at his home on Thursday of last week. Members of his family who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Dean The Civicettes Club met at the Wood of Salt Lake City, Mr. and home of Irene Mangelson on Mrs. Lee Wood of Provo, LawWednesday, April 21 for an even- rence Bennett of Deseret, and ing of sewing and visiting. Those Clyde Wood and Hazel Harmon, attending were Melba Ballow, both of Holden. Louise Taylor, Pauline Mangel-son- , The Times-New- s Bonnie Bosh, Mary Aagard, Nephi, Utah Mary Jane Winter, Blanche Stephenson, Fern Wankier, and May 6,1976 Irene Mangelson. 6 N : k 7 h Igh PTA 3t meeting Day Dollar Ann Olsen was elected presBryan and Tina Hawkins of ident of the Juab High-JuniassociaAmerican Fork are visiting this High Parent-Teacheweek with Mr. and Mrs. tion (PTA) for the next two Myers. years at a recent meeting of the organization. Mrs. Larry Ellertson and son Other officers elected were Jeremy of Tempe, Arizona were Jean Fowkes, vice president; guests at the home of Mr. and Diane Jolley, secretary; and Mrs. Wells Ellertson on Sharon Christensen, treasurer. at 61 South Main Present this advertisment m at? CENTRAL UTAH INSURANCE AGENCY - - get 33 SOUTH MAIN ST. NEPHI, UTAH LARRY PETERSON Phone Agent STOKE WEST BEND Cookware See our WESTBEND ALSO Cookware Enclosure in todays pap-e- r for a Spring - Mothers Day Sale on new designs and old favorites 1 SUNBEAMS DIG MIXER WITH THE 225 "WATT GOVERNOR controlled motor. Its a bread-mixe- r, too and has the special beaters and recipe book for breads, too REGULAR $10195 Save $20 Buy it for (Limited supply at this price Friday and Saturday Only 84.95 ill!-- LIFE Nephi, Utah, from 1 AUTO FARMOWNERS HOMEOWNERS BONDS 'wumA rs INSURANCE FIRE Stretch Your Mother's Ann Olsen elected president of Jr., Senior GIFT COME IN and see our closeouts on some sets discontinued designs and some individual pieces. GREAT ill! VALUES! You must come in the ?1K store to find them. ii IS SUNDAY MOTHERS DAY on jour Visitors last week at the home of Bishop and Mrs. Clark Green-halg- h were Mrs. Elva Carol Christian and children Mane, Deanna, and Coleen of St. and Mrs. Sylvia Musig. George and Mrs. Mr. Ralph Murray, Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Brough, Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Gowers and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Taylor attended the golden wedding re- spent Friday in Salt Lake City. While in the area, they visited ception honoring Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gibson Merrill Pickett at Gunnison on and family at Granger. Sunday. Civicettes hold sewing, gab fest DAY DISCOUNT nine-da- y 623-025- 0 Broker i SEE THE GENERAL ELECTRIC MICROWAVE OVEN Its the greatest I It cooks not only with time settings, but ends all the i guess work with its temperature probe that turns the oven off when the cooking is done. We have them in stock, and the Mother at your home would love to have one in hed kitchen. ill! 10 OFF i ON ALL OORELLE from now un-- ; til Mothers Day, while stock lasts. ill! Sets or open stock. Now is the tune lfi to complete your sets. 10 PLUMDING BUILDERS' SUPPLYg 4--D 66 South Mam OFF YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE A great gift for Mother A great buy for you! One Advertisement per customer Offer void May 1 5 JUAB SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION ANNOUNCES AN PUD J$ f a Atri - f'Hi'wyiww ! f A- v4 j 4 9 A MINIMUM BID WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN THE MAY 13th ISSUE, COVERING THE COST OF MATER-- . IALS AND OVERHEAD. See information below for additional bid details. MAY 13 4:30 Ho 9 p.ra. SOUTH OF TENNIS COURTS This house was built by the Vocational Carpentry dass at the Juab High School with the exception of the cabinets, pfumbing and some insulating. Plan now for summertime fun. Put in a patio in your own back yard and enjoy season after season of family enjoyment. Use our low cost Econo Loan plan to get cash at low bank interest rates. We can arrange terms that meet your needs. Ask any officer at your nearby Valley Bank for details, today. Wed like to be your Working Partner. Let Valley Bank cover your HOME IMPROVEMENT needs, now. FREE UMBRELLA DESCRIPTION: FRAME CONSTRUCTION including siding on top, brick Main floor 1053 square feet, two veneer by ownuer. when you sign your loan bedrooms, one bath, living room, kitchen, radiant electric heat. Outside measurement 27 x 39'. WE APRECIATE THE COOPERATION OF THE FOLLOWING: Winter Lumber Company Bldg. Materials Byron Nielsen Construction Plumbing Burke Anderson - Cabinets Nephi Lumber Company Bldg. Materials Frank Garner - insulation Sealed bids at stated minimum or above will be received at Juab School District Office, 306 East First North, Nephi, Utah up until opening time on June 9, 1976 at 7:30 p.m. Bidders ere invited to attend. Cashiers will be returned. Finance must made be independent of Juab School arrangements Diistrict. Terms: Cash. Payment in full within ten days days of bid acceptance. Building to be moved by successful bidder by August 15, 1976. Those interested in bidding should start to arrange their finance so they can be in compliacnco with terms above. ' of offer must be included with check representing 1 bid. Highest offer which meets Cited provisions end financing requirements VALLEY BANK & TRUST COMPANY 185 North Main Street Nephi, Utah thedu of unsuccessful bidders Phone 623-065-1 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE I CORPORATION - lisphi, Utah H |