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Show 4, OQ- fEK YEAR- .iua i zsf ww W" wr -- ARRIVAL Post Oflloe: ARRIVALS. 0IE. UTAH. i Washiugton, 12. In the Senate, yesterday, mont of the ,i morning hour was occupied in discussing DF.PAKTIIRB. a motion to adjourn over until after Thursday on account cf the large number of Senators being absent from the 7.00 .m. attending the Cincinnati convention, city East the Salt Lake mil it. was finally rejected aud Vet the ?S Suit' yeas ltl, &"? eanJ ; a.d n.d CmntT Ink 23. Bev h Comity, nays W yommir, hh;1 via mails Bills of an imporfant nature were 8 Monday iiivtlie latt-- r place called for it wae found that no quorum at Friilavs i an ' ' was prespnt. After a delay of half an ' CVlte County, daily Wth Opleu and Uarrisville, Wednesdays2.00 p.m. hour a quorum responded and the SenSaturday., ate adjourned over until Thursday next. Satur- anuhville, Wednuyi and The House passed the joint, resolution LjnSrUIn'city and Ratewville. to modify the treaty with China so as to 2.00 .in. p Moneys and Thursday. restrict immigration. fioopcr and Alma, Wednogdayi .'Wa.ni. The approprintion committee reported kud Saturdays CfFICK HOURS, the truiy appropriation bill, which ap 6.15 p.m. a.m. .15 general Delivery, propriates some ten million less than the Suudav, 5 p.m. t b..lo p.m. BKtilS'fKY DEl'AKT.MKXT estimate, and with sections reduciu.2 the 3 p.m. Open from 9 force of the army and pay of officers. DEPARTMEMT. OFFICB MONEY The Clymer committee made a unanifl a.m. to 3 p.m. from Open Outsido Dur open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. mous report on the charge against N.J SHARP, Postuiiwur. Speaker Kerr, fully exonerating him from all the charges. The army appropriation bill was made 8.40 a.m. c. p. train arrives - the 5.40 special order for ii p.m. a. p The following telegram was sent to 6.20 p.m. leaves c. p. . 8.50 a.m. Congressmau Hale at 11.30 o. P a.m. "Mr. Blaine has arisen from his bed, sat 9.00 o. c. train arrives 5.40 p.m. on his chair several minutes aud conand 9.40 a.m. versed with his physician. He is gain" leaves 6.20 p.m. ing strength steadily " and 4.00 p.m. Surgeon General Barnes stated this D. N train arrives to Mrs. Blaine and others that afternoon a.m. 9.20 leave he entirely coinciJes witk Dr. Verdin, regarding every symptom of Blaine's Religion Services Everv' Sunday, in thoTaWnaole, at 11 a.m.,and comiition as very favorable. !n th First. Second and Third Ward The sub judiciary committee today at 7 p i. 7 p.m. a letter to Blaine's physician addressed 11 and a.m. at Church Episcopal & MetViodirt Church atll a.m. and 7 p.m. to the probable time that inquiring 7.S0 p.m. Spiritualist Lectures, Liberal Hull, at he will be able to appear before the comand have dianrssed the witnesses City News Depot. Open mittee, Ogden for two weeks. W. Turners' At 'Geo. excepted. The President returned lo Washingto'n Tory day. Sunday this afternoon front Annapolis where he passed the day yesterday, having left F. S. RICHARDS, this city on Saturday afternoon for that COUNSELOR- - AT-LApurpose. Soon after his arrival at the executive mansion the President sent a NOTARY "PUBLIC. messenzer to Blaine's residevce tc as certain the condition of that gentlemau. Office, at Court House, Oydm, llafu At this hour, 1.30 n.m:, Blaine is Sviul attvution given to cas' before the an District Court. CouveyancinK and quietly sleeping, hii breathing being Nt trial liustues. done with aecuracy andIS disperfectly natural. There is no change patch. from the very encouraging signs manifested during the afternoon and night. N. Jr., The House to day unanimously adopted the report on Kerr. Two hundred AND and one members, all there were, rising NOTARY PUBLIC. on the affirmative vote. 'After the of the report many Republican OJJice nppntite Driver's Drugstore, Main tt.,Ogdcn members favorably of Kerr. ppoke Special jriven to collections. A member of the House just from promptly inado- Conveyancing uud b38 liusiue carefully attended to. Blaine's residence, reports his symtoms as again decidedly unfavorable. Blaine has been for some time in a semi unconTHE WEEKLY SUN. scious state, but is now talking wildly, He imagines of his mud. 1S7G. entirely out I77G. SEW YOHK. he is still at church and calls upon those is the Cen F,iuhtoen hundred and seventv-6iaround him to take him home. tennial year. It in also lie year in which au introduced a bill au, first tho House Fage, of Kept?eiitatiN-es0ppiuiiu bauks to issue circu note since thu war. will he in power in Wafhintttou; gold thorizing election of a lation to and the year of the tw of 90 ptr cent, on extent the President of the United States, all f tliene of amount imthe government bonds deposevents aio sure to be of jrreat intercut and portance; especially the two latter; ami all of ited as security, and reducing the perthem and everything connected with them will of circulation obligatory to be t'uMv and iroshly reported auU expouuded in centage 'f on T1IK SI N deposit with the tnitea states kept The UiiiKisition tlfniao of Rcnresentativrs, tak- - assistant treasurer at San Francisco to 5 Irin up tlte of inquiry ipned years afeo by TI1K SI X. w ill sternly and diligently investigate per centum. Paddock, as one of the members of (lie cormptiout! and iniMtiifls of URANT'S and will, it is to be hoped lay the the Senate committee on public land, foundation fur a uew and better period in our submitted a minority report of Booth's national history Of all this I'll K SUN will heretofore bill favorably repotted oy me and accurate accounts, complete iti readers with e.rlynud ttastworthy iufornw-tiei- i rest of the committee, authorizing setupon these Hbsorbiug topics. on Southern Pacific, lands between The l PreMdential election, with tlers and Hollister, to purchasa at OoRhen the preparariuus f ir it, will Ue meuiorabl M upon Grant's aspirations for a third term S2S0per acre. This minority report f power and plunder, and still more as deciding asserts that tbe larger portion or me ho imll ie the cainliilate of the party of Reform, settlers are squatters who, ac in is eltK tiiitf that candidate. Oonconiinjr all tiiese euhjeets, thoi-who read THK SUN will cording to their own statements, have luvp the coustaut niean of lhig thoroughly been on tbe lands for only one or two Well itifoi ined. the benThe WhEKLY SUN, which ha attained a ciryears and are seeking to obtain culation of ovi r eighty thuiisand copies, already efits of the improvements made by others has its ruadt rs in every Slate and to the Territory, and wetrti t that the year 1ST6 will see tdeir in the value of lands belonging hunilers doubled. It will continue to be a railroad company, and of which these taken posses-sioof thorough newtpaper. All the pneral squatters have wrongfully that the the i!ay will be found in it, ronrtieu.ed when asserted also is It at full length when of moment; aud setmade by these ulv,a. we trust, treated in a clfar, interesting 'l iBstrtictive manner. value. of are very trilling It is our aim to make the WEEKLY SUN the tlers made a unanK'st tiiMity Clymer's committee has newsp.pet in the world, and wo shall continue u i;iv in itsccduninsa larpe amount imous report on the charges against of tn ellaneons readiup, such as stories, tales, Speaker Kerr, fully exonerating him P'nn scieutific intellij;enoe aud agricultural for which we are Hot abU to make from such charges. 12. -i- 7.50 a.m. City, double daily, t Take Mall daily Throu 5.45 p.m 7.40 a.m. ; Eva-i-tou- B , Wod'io-ida- '" tt-- ,J a.m-t- o Trains -'- School-aous- es Wbrary W I . taxxek ATTORNEY AT LAW. a Reaiit-tauc- atu-iitio- es al - to-da- y, euty-thi- rd cou-la- iti liirnl-liin- tweiity-thirt- inj; I e n. lit-w- New York, The agricultural says Speaker especially, is one of Its prominent A dispatch Washington features. Tim fashions are also regularly re-- Kerr is worse. He slept very little last rted in it cdutnaf; and so are the of markets of neural-gi- a vry kind. night, and although the pain The WKKKLY SUN, eicht he was which with nfty-cifrom paos in the bowels, t roaj culnmtis is only $1,20 year, pontage preare pymp-tom- s there diminished, is paid. A. prie,. bar1y repays the ccst of tho Buffering, his is voice pata-r- , and no of great, danger, d;:ount can be made from this rate to ciubs. acents; postmasters or bis conthat feareJ anyone. is It visibly liAILY SUN, a he large four page newspaper failing is such that althon m, tenty-e,i,b- t (rives all the news for dition columns, never, he two cents a i on for Pome time, copy Subscription, postage paid, ooc. a B.ontb or fi ,bis a year. Sunday edition tbeles likely to die any tra, p.r w have no traveling over his a cast "t ". jijn has glcem Addre.., TU SUN New York Citjd report room in uur daily edition. P gle p. !. ."J SEMI-WI- E Y and ATSJ BltistBeEi; SA TUliDA Y.) .ItJK Y It is penertlly said hat Kerr will never agaiu be in the c atic colleagues AMERICAN. OF MAILS. ANB CLOSING ( BY TELEGRAPH. OCDEN DIRECTORY. n!en PUBLISHED EDXESDA nfA House. The Erie Central, New York Cen'ral. Baltimore and Oliio and Grand Trunk railroads to day reduced the rules lor vest bound freight iroru 75 to 2") cei.ts per 100 pound to Chicago, Pittsburg. Cincinnati and Buffalo, and proportion ate reduction to all western points Tbe ra'es, both etis' and west bound, for freight and passengers, are now cut terribly, and the companies are all losing heavily. The Grand Trunk and Baltimore and Ohio lines claim differential rates, and will tiht to the end. The prospect is that the war will be long and W announces that Mnrad has notified Ihe Khedive of Egypt that he will soon sanction the privileges whioli were '.'ranted the kliedive by the late Sultan bdul Aziz A telegram from Paris says the Turkish corps cf observation on the ob servaticn on the Servian frontier, has been ordered to withdraw. It is Blip posed this i done at the instigation of the British Government. Cozifr.ssioii identification of him as the purchaser ot the poison, convinced tho coroner's jury that he wis the murderer, and they gave a verdict accordingly. Allen denied all knowledge of the hw-f- ul crime. Chicago, 12. The Eastern Trunk lines announce the following passenger rates, to go into effect to morrow : Chicago to Boston, to New York, 5?14; to Philadelphia, S12; to Baltimore, $12, and to Washing-ton- , $12. Cincinnati, 12. The New York Herald will issue an edition in this city to morrow containing all the leading editorials and news of its regular city edition, which will be transmitted by telegraph t. of a Poisoner. stiutiiic tragedy. Martin Liros, the murdered niau, resided just, beiow Sandito Eddy; about four utiles from this place. The family consisted of himself, his wife, six children, and Moses Schuj;, who boarded with him. Allen, the eldest son, and the alleged murderer, taught school at a small place called bchoeruutowu, about half way be tween his home and Easton. On of last week he did not Wednesday i i mi come uonie until eveningine family sat down to supper together, and were all in good health and spirits. While the meal was in pro- is two or more ol the victims spoke of the peculiar taste of the conee, but Allen ridiculed the idea and took, or pretended to take, a Almost as swallow of it himself. all who meal was over soon as the vio taken had partaken of it were lently faick. As soon as possible a neighboring physician was ealled in, who at once told them they were suf fering from the effects of some kind tif noison. In sonic cases the efforts of the physicians proved successful. but in others death eusued. Mrs. Laros died about 7 a.m. on Thursday and her husband at about 1 o'clock of the s.tme day. Next came Moses Schug, who died on Friday afternoon. At this writing all of tbe rest are living, but it is more than likely that two of them cannot last very mu ;h longer. On Thursday a jury was impan-neleby the coroner, and a large number of witnesses were examined. Until Saturday little or DOthing wag elicited thit would thrw ar.y light whatever on the causes of the tragedy or its perpetrator. An examination of tho cofll-- pot which had been usd at the fatal meal revealed the presence of a large quantity ofwhitf sediment. This w- - carefully ana lyzed, and ascertained to be arsenic After a very lo.ough search it was found that on Monday, Tuesiay and Wednesday of last week someone had purchased four and oue half ounces of that article at a drug store in this - Cheyenue, 12. Twenty head of horses wers run off Kelly's range on tbe by Inlians-frorChug, fifty miles north of this place, on the 10th int. Cap'jin Egan started in pursuit. They crossed the Platte, nine miles above Fort Laramie. Six companies of the fifth cavalry, commanded by General Carr, and Buffalo Bill as guide, left. Fort Russell on Sunday morning and camp to night at Five companies move north in Chug. the morning, leaving one company for the p ottction of that valley. One company of this regiuient is here yet, and another to arrive. Two thousand h ad of cattle for ihe agencies arrived at Og ol dla to day Springfield. Tenn., 12. A party composed of four white men and one colored, were struck by lightand instantly killed. They ning kad been engaged in cutting wheat six miles east of this city, and were taking shelter under a tree from the storm. Houtzdale, Pa., 12. About. 12 o'clock at no&n yesterday, the congregation of the Catholic Church here, assembled in their new, but unfinished building. Just as Father Meagher began the service the gallery and floor unaerneath, fell in with a terrific crush. D C. Neilson, the contractor of the building, was killed, and thirteen others wounde, some of them seriously. Kingston, 12. About nine o'clock this evening a fire broke out in an outbuilding in the rear of Ilorsey'i hardware stare, on Princess street. It spread with fearful rapidy, destroying several ef the finest business blocks in the city, and at 11:30 p.m. the place. fire is Li 11 burning furiously, but it is The druggist, feeling certaia of his coutrol. be under thought to ability to identify the person to whom he had sold the poison, was taken to the house in which tbe murder was FOREIGN. committed, and the result was that, Berne, 12. confronted with Allen C occurred in upon being inundations Serious as the man Western Switzerland, caused by heavy Laros, he recognized him rains aud the melting of snow in the who had purchased thepoisoa. His mountains. The railways are much testimony left no deubt as to the damaged. The whole Caunon ofThew-ge- n identity of the party, since a bottle i3 submerged; many bridges and of tooth powder purchased at the houses carried away and several persons in the room ocdrowned. At Franfeldt, the capital of same time was found the of houses were cupied by suspected man. tbe Canton, four iumates killed by falliug :wsl'3. The Federal The additional important testimoCouncil delegates one of ita members to ny elicited during the examination proceed to Thewgcn and offer assistance on Saturday was, that the desk beto the inhabitants. longing to Martin Laros was broken London, 13. conA dispatch from Cadiz to the Times, open, and the money which it says the estimate limiting the Spanish tained was gone, and that tbe trunk army to 100.000 men does not include used by Mosjs Scbug v3 riSed at thp scliiers sent to Cuba. same time, and his money taken The cereal crops in the provinces of the it. from Badajoa and Cindadreal have been entheft of the money left no 6U0 The tirely destroyed by locusts. Over tons of locusts have been burned with doubt as to the motive of the murder. in trenches, and 15.000 The testimony of the physicians to petroleum soldiers have been occupied in destroy-inethetheir belief that Alien Laros' sick , to-da- y, warrant for his arrest, was served upon him by an officer who, accompanied by another, proceeded to search his room. They had been there but a short time, when Allen sat up in bed and said, "I did it." fiie room was then cleared of all ex cept the two officers and a neighbor, and in the presence of these the mur derer madii his confession. lie said that he had procured the poison and placed it iu the coffee pot; that he had taken the money on the same day that the limrder was com mitted, and that the reason for committing the deed was that 'he wanted them all dead, so that ho might have the use of whatever rhere was;" that he knew he had done wioug, and that he wished flod's pe ple to pray for him. He told the oificers where they would find the money, and an examination of the spot which he pointed out disclosed a place where the eirtb. showed that it had been After digging lately disturbed. about eighteen inches the officers came upon two pocket books, which were found to contain about $350, the sum for which Allen Laros hid planned to send father, mother, brother and sister into eternity. When he was taken to the carriage, and iu pass'iDg locked upon tho bodies of his victims, nothing likj sorrow was visible in his countenanc. During his ride to Enstun he made no allusion to his act other than :j say that "he did not knov bow he came to do it." He is tweutv-onyears of age, five feet eight or nine inches in height, and his general make-uis that of a gentleman. Ho was registered as a student at law some time during January or February by a prominent attorney of this place. He was committed to the county jail Saturday evening, there N. Y. Sun. to await his trial A a Providence, R. I., 12. The trustee of A. & N. Sprague's wan ufacturing company, has given orders to shut down all heir manufacturing mills and print works as ?om as stock can be run out. The cause is the pres ent depressed condition of the market for cotton goods. Production will rot be resumed til), prices are materially im proied. e p A Deadly d c A A Vienna dispatch to the Dai! $1.00 i'l.ll t It. 17, IS75. Kjaton, June 5. of bitter. the Laros family, The poisoning A dispatch from London slates that a which has been the subject of conlarge failure is reported of a cotton linn versation in this community for the with factories in the neighborhood of last three or four days, proves to be W aterford, Ireland; liabilities are said to be X'600,000. (steer cicjt IT News mss wai feigned, aud the druggist' , (From the N. Y. Drink. Commercial Bulletin.) A good story is told, which we do not think has yet found its way into print, of the evils' of temperance irorn a bibulous point of view. Tw'i old oakers, steadying themselvt-- against the bar, were taking their usual beverage. 'Herwaryer, Jici; whadge goiu' to take this morning?" ''Guess 1 heve er brandy cocktail; wha' yergoin' icr take yerself?" "Little ole rye in mine." 11 "Euy news 'smoruingT' "No, nothiu onny the papers scz Vice PresVt Wilson's dead." "Yes, I heard o' that; an they say he never took nothin' but water." "No, yer don't say so (driukr-)- , ah-h-h- ." "Never drank nothin' here's to Yes, he you (drir.ks), ah h h." never took nothin' but water." that's what fetches "Well, well, ' 'em after a while, isn't it, oie feller?" The man who lives right aud is right has more power in h'u fcilence than another has by , his words. Character is like bells which ring ' oat gweet music, and which when touched accidcutly, even, resound with sweet music. . "May they always lire in peaco and harmony," was the way a marp; riage notice should have wound bur the compositor, who couldn't' read manuscript very well, , made it read: ' "May they always live on peas and hominy." - " " |