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Show tii k cox. ;i xci n.Vati , vt;.vrio,v tee ? to report to the committee to,'. day. We notice that Governor Ailell, of New Mexico, aud As announced in '.last evening 8 31c-Kea- cx-Jud- n, sciitiN, jhe ItepabHcuii National of Utah, are members of the Conveutioti assemblod yetefday in committee on resolutions, and are ('iHoinnati. It i$ composed of" a large also Vice Presidents. number of delegated! from the States . wad Territories.'',' Ki-Go- v. ' ; i , (MJI)i:V IKO.V WOKIKS. , Morgan, who called the ( ouviotioa to oruer; uttered a few iw whick he j repamtdrj feniarVfl, hiada, tho extraordinary admission, that, biuee the first' inauguration of A.biabuin Lincoln, the Heptiblicun party had in effect changed the whole fundaiucoiaf theory and practice of the guvernment. In conclusion Gov, Muryati put in nomination Hon. Theo, M. l'omeroy, of New York, for temporary 'diairulan. The latter gentleman haying been chosen, cn taking tV.e chair proceeded to deliver a .short apuech, iu which he made some Mr-J'Kugfjedtious to the convention. proposes that ' the convention thull emphatically, demand the i;rouipt and efficient execution of solemn" of both thos promise Presiand tbo Houses of Oongresi , dent, to redeem in cuiu the legal tender obligations of the Govern-lacon the 1st of January, 1879, ut and 'signify its opposition to any or1 repeal of this law that docs not guarantee a still earlier or better1 method of returning to modification ipecie payment." Another suggestion made by Mr. l'juieroy, is that the convention in-a- ing rt iu its platform a plauk renderan incumbent of the office of President ineligible to and extending the term to six years. II j said that to the last three conven-liuu- s of tho party, public sentiment had indicated the only man to place iu nomination, (nicauicg, of course, Liucolu aud (J rant) but that now the public auutitnent does not indicate any oue, and the responsibility of this convention will be greater than that of its predecessors; Mr. 1. stales that "the hi?tory of the Republican party iurnLshea of its desire that the government shall be administered with houesty and economy." He thinks party tics ere now so lax that a good evi-deu- platform will not suffice to float an uuworthy candidate. Mr. IV said the Republican party had many missions unfulfilled, lie indulged in, a tirade against the lmocratic party. Admitted a waut of hartuouy iu the Republican ranks, lut expressed the belief that with' a platform of the right sort, aud candidates worthy of it the brethren .would bo "welded together as oi ton. Mel iicrson, ot letni., Wiw elowtad President, aud on taking the chair made a brief speech, not very important or remarkable, except that he said his Stac had determined to rell up a majority t'jr the utiudneet of the fonyention. I Speeches were made by Gen. Lr. jan, of Illinois, Geni Hawley, of (.Vnueeticut, Noyesof or Ohio, llou W. A. lloward.of Michigan, Pitichback, of Louisiana, and ' Fred. Pjuglas. The committee on resolutions met hit un;ht at 7 o'clock, and coiu- aiouced the arduous labcr of fixing l up u platform. It was in session which hud at time it Uiidcight, not made much headway. ' . Tait Dispone of Far ken. MiLWAUKiK, June 8th, 1876. Editor Jckctios: In your edition of tho 15th of April, lust, there appeared an article, purporting to LftTe been written by Josiah I'urkes, in which be criticized certain statements made by me in a private letter written to Mr. Barker, of Willard, part of which was previously published in jour paper. As the article is headed "l'arkea vs. Tait," and aeks which is to be believed, permit me to say in reply, that the statements in my letter were based upou information derived from one of the Directors of the Ogden Iron Manufacturing Company.reniding at Mil waukee, and that since writing my letter to Mr. Darker, which Mr. 1'arkes so unjustly criticizes, I have come to Milwaukee and have examined the records of the bankruptcy court. I find from the records that George Parkes, not Dr. Parkes, was one of the assignees, aud it was George Parkes instead of Josiah Parkes woo applied to the court for an order, "permiitinr the trivate sale of the Iron works in your city;" so if I had been misinformed as to the names of these' parties, and it happens to be George Parkes, not Dr. Parkes, who was the assignee, aud Geo. Parkes who applied for the order to sell th' works at private sale, instead of Joeiah Parkes, the difference is merely one of names, and not material. If I thought it was the intention of Joeiah Parkes, in writing his letter, merely to have these corrections made, I would cheerfully give him the beucfit of them, as I do, and stop here; but when I find that Josbh Parkes knew that his brother George was one of the assignees in this Iron Company, when ho wrote in his letter that it was untrue that Dr. Parkes and his brother George were or ever were the assignees of the company, and that Mr Josiah Parkes, when he wrote that it "was uu true that Josiah Parkes has ever to the commissioner in bankan order permitting the for ruptcy, 'private sale of the Iron Works in your city," kaew that it was true that his brother George had applied to the court for that vdry order, I am forced to believe that his intention was, not to eorrect the names of the parties, but rather to mislead your readers under cover of names.to believe thatuo Parkes was an assignee, and that no such uppli cation for a private Sile had been made Again, in bis ldtter.Mr Josiah Parkes says that no plea nor oath or otherwise bn ever been filed by me, nor so far as I know by any one else, which sets up that the brickwork is nearly all destroyed, and the machinery is so spoiled, that it Will soon be no better than old iron." In answer to this I state that Josiah Parkes has made oath he. ore the bankruptcy court to that effect, and to substantiate tbii statement I introduce the language of Mr Josiah Parkes himself, as given by him in court, as a witness to show that the works ouht to be He said: "The sold at private sale blastfurnace is lined with fire brick; Tho rain is beating in; tlie brick is crumbling away; it will not stand the we v her; It will all crumble to piece; they (the ftre brick) ttand fire but not water; that U the conrfitijn of it. I consider the n;aohinery depreciates in vlue trior than anything else; it rusts, corrodes and degrades ia v&'uc; it is corroding deeper all the time; the rollers are rusted so that they would have to be turned over, and considerable labor expended upon tbeni before they could be used; I tuiuk depreciating as it is lying idle and unproductive is suaicieut cause to sell it.'1 ' I find that Mr Parkes has also sworn that "if the majority of the machinery Could not be sold for rolling mill purposes, it would have to be told for old iron," and that it would be best to sell the works at private sale. Mr Howard also swore thai all the bricks were crumbling away, and that "the machinery is rusting aud corroding and tlepre dating in value, and it would be best to dispose of the works at private sale." As I was not present at court whin the proceedings were had, I ha?e no personal knowledge of what was said, and have no means of knowing except from the records of the court; and in regard Xo the "oath filed," we must choose between believing the statement in Mr. Parkes' letter as to what he did not say, and the record of the Oaurt as to what Be did say, which ? hall we believe? W. Tait. uu-ti- " Mcrder. The Evanston Age says that Lee Ah Ten was shot by another Chinaman in a gambling house at Chinatown, in that city, last Tuesday night.' There had beea no quarrel between the'parties. The, ball took fatal effect ia the., right breast. CJj in Ah Chuck, the narderer, cannot be"fj&d CiufcfcsSt The principal questions discussed at this meeting were those of Suance suj poljjtutoy; aud ine Mouthers and Chineue troubles. ' No conclusions and were reached tbey were remanded to eub commit at pieaaW -- - 'a either-subjes- f, LOCAL ITEMS. v tl i; 1 "' 1 v """ Cricket. From ThHrtday't Daily of June To all lovers of Cricket, notice is 15. here-b- y with a few grains of allowance ' I certain that it is an immense boon California, and the quickest hardwood known, hut the fort, foottr,! four years old, smacks of "Jack the Giant Killer." When it was first introduced it . thought that it would only grow jB marshy land.hm it;6ems to stBd drouth well in California, nd where the ther mometer does not get beluw 3l it w;r ninl given that a match game will be played between two picked elevens on Knowing. the Tabernacle Square, ia Ogden, on A Reaper and Mower is of little use Juue 19th, 1876. .Wickets unless you can get repairs for it. They Monday, Also at 10 o'clock, prompt. are alwaya ready for the Buckeye at pitched of the Ogden City that the members Geo. A. Lowe's, Main St., Ogden. Cricket Club meet on same square for do well. C R. Savage. practice every Monday, Thursday aud - " "' in tne afternoon. Comikq Home. Elder James Sharp, Saturday "Harry, nvo me a bite of your Cricketers, you are welcome. sou of Bishop 8barp, left Liverpool yessaid oue little fellow to anapple!" J. President, Fbort, Lake. Salt other. terday for his home at Worth d224-2t-47-2- K. T. Mvkrs, Secretary. "No," refused Harry, eating away rapidly. "You wouldn't like this; it . Institution Merchants and Arrived At C 30 Inst evening 127 ia a cooking apple and I never to visit and well do would purchasers a fellow a bite of a cooking apple." leara Walker Bra's Wholesale prices. immigrants arrived, in charge of Elder s29tf John Woodhouse, of Lehi, and Elder E. nnham, of Salt Lake. Elders John Hundred! Hopkins and Robert Hogg, of Morgan Three hundred Buckeye Reapers and Co , and Wm. Nelson, of Provo, returnNTOTICKIS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PAR. Mowers sold in Utah in 1875. The that on ?b 12th dat ,.f ing missionaries, were in the company. farmers know which is the best machine The company came through safely from .Tun, A. V., Ih76, it w.w iitluieU tjy Ilmltou. t D. Ricliarl, Probate Ju'ljco of Weber Cmnt, f iu the market. Sold by Geo. A. Lowe, Mouiluy. th 10th day of July, ttt Liverpool, not losing any by death nor T., that a.in.'of Nuid day, at the Uoum o,clock ift d224 Main St., Ogden. gaining any by birth, oe the journey. Ogdrn Oit.v, be. appointed tor tit limritis ut tU ii-- LEGAL NOTICE. Three . Good Clean Wool Wanted This wilting weather Wkather. makes the duster trade lively, and the At W. Foi.lger's Main St. Ogden. 649-- 1 petition of Joseph li. Jewell, praying that lie U appointed Special Adminietrnti.r of the &Uttof LawiH Iiuul.m Wilxou, ilc a mI. And all partir interested are notilied to uppmr atmid time mid plm-- iud xbow if any tltnru I why the prayer of sui I puiitiou slijiili ir.i ti rne sells lots of light coats, linen vests granted. F S. RICHARDS, and straw hats. Tne sun is a power iu And now MendelClerk Probate CVwrt One Mnuu Going. June lath. 1878. Ogden, the land in these days. is to sohn menns to move. Hs march Malad. Ife wants to sell all his goods A by the fii.--t of next month, and offers for Farmers, Contractors, The Buckeye is the most durable bargains to buyers. Mendelsohn has BR THZ KSXT TUIRTY DAYS Reaper and Mower, and has the lightest always conducted himself like a gentlethis in while business man s city, doing machine. It has draft of any 11. 11. no superior. You can get it at Geo. A. and we are sorry trade is so dull that he And to move away. finds it necessary To be lt by contract; to be delivered t ('ciin Lowe's, Main St., Ogden. how about business when the Iron Oormur,orat the C K Switch, oppaiite Brigbui which the bijrlimt pricoit will City, pa.d. Works start up or the railroad compan- For further particulars enquire at W. 0. CUiM'i Htore, Ogduu. P. CULLEN, Piiesidest's Paett. Preet. Young is ies commence to build! There will then Contractor. be a rush for places ia Ogden which Monto next at Kanab arrive expected 17th, 137C. Ogdon.Ju can't be obtained. N. B. Nyt Ujm tfiun 10U0 ties U day. President Wells and Elder B vlj one party. Young, Jr., are on their way back from Attkmptkd Burglary. Another atArizona, and the President's party will was made last night to enter the NOTICE. probably wait at Kanab until their tempt of Taylor Bros., on Fifth Street. premises arrival. The window through which the burglars THE TAXPAYERS OK THE ISth SCHOOL i.tin t, Weber Co;, are hereby uotihel that was nailed up. But the a meeting of the qualified voter will l held at before entered Wanted. the new tchoolhoufr, u Friday, the U ii.st., at One Hundred Thousand pounds of thieves managed to draw the nails, a id six o'rlof k p.m., to tnkn into rottaideration the rate per ceut to ba tor the purpixe of Wool, at the New York Cheap Dry would have repeated their former excompleting the choo)huuo. THOMAS J. WILSON,) Goods Store, two doors south of Driver's ploit, but Eome one was sleeping on the J01I.V MARTIN, ) Trust-.,a haven't relish for If Main premises. tbey Street, Ogden. Highest J drug store, jOSkPH 8EWKLL, buckshot they had better keep away in dS-l- t . OgdeD, Jane 12tb, li70. tiS it prices paid. shotfuture. A good gun awaits them. - Citizens, prepare for Elephantiasis. Mrs. Dumble, of the CONCERT There are several sus BLIND Seventh Ward, Salt Lake City, died re- night prowlers. picious characters in town. AT cently, tf elephantiasis, weighing over three hundred pounds. So says the Des-erOGDEN News. This is eaid to be the second Congressional. case known in the United States of death The attendance of. members at the from this disease. Monday Evening, June 19Uu was unusuopening of the House ally small, not one seat in ten being occupied. The Republican side of the POSITIVELY ONE NIGHT ONLY ! chamber was particularly vacant. No business being in order except other become to who desire citizens, Aliens, on the army appro first appiMranco in Three Yuan of general W. of S. can obtain tbeir first papers the House bill, priation immediately Jenks, Deputy Clerk of the Third Dis after reading the journal went into com. trict Court, any Saturday evening. Of- mittee of the rcbole on that bill, Mr. fice at Carroll & Dee's, Main Street, Blackburn in the chair. The Muntral Pbrnomnnnn of tbt ape, renowned After speeches by Mr. Smith, of Ga., throughout tha worM aa the s48-lOgden. and Mr. Bright,, in relation to'currcney, and by Mr. Felton, of Ga., in favor of GREATEST NATURAL PIANIST Ravenous Rodexts. Rabbits are de granting pensions tosurvivors of the InLIVING. vouring all the growing grain and veg- dian war, and by Mr. Lawrence of Ohio, in Pacifio to reference railroad the bonds etables in the neighborhood of Parowan, PERFORM- TOM WILL GIVE Iron county, except on farms that have the committee rose, aud the, House adrMND only, in winch ho ONE will exbihit the journed. imrTelnvit t'ft hi' h hajt ginsl him world wide been closely fnced. So we learn from celebrity, and which tia both aHtontbhed aud the Beaver Enterprise. the greatest masters of munic. The lUne Hum. ADMISSION: Orche.tra, el, 1'aru.uette, 7.'cfs., Co-o- Notice to Fact first-clas- TIES lOOfiOO d224-2t-s47-2- hi- - tcmt.-actf-r! TRUSTEES' . double-barrele- d TOM et THEATRE, to-da- y First Papers. BLIND TOM! Cool 'Em Off. One or two Salt Lakers have gone nearly crazy because the celebration of the Centennial Fourth is to be at Ogden. Send 'em a little ice to cool their addled brain?. Editor Junction: Children, 60 ci., tiallerv 5tts. Door open at 7 o'clock, commcure at 8 p.m. ma.f Ciinpon Ticket, securing Orchestra lie obtained, in atiin.co at the I' jet Ofhce. wifbj s4S-lout utra charge. Salt Lake Citt. rat, item appears in the Junction concerning the Blue Gum, or Euca'iptus tree I am sorry to inform you that it will not stand our winters in Northern Utah possibly it may in Dixie. Joseph E Johnson is experimenting in that direction. 1 brought five or six young rPHERR WILL BR A MEKTIXC Ot THR Distrees with me from California last year; J qualified voter, of the' Eiphth one I gave to Wm. Jennings. Esq , is trict, Vwber County, on. Thursday, June Krri-vill-t p. m , at the liriobie school hoase, now living, and doing finely in his hot oYlock,Weber county. Utah Tetritory, to take house. The others are drugging out a a;:tion on the method to RUftain our erhooln miserable existence trying to stand our the eiiauing yoar, n lor other ichool purpofitritfltea. last winter in my house. As a guide to lfo to fleet ToueOMA? H. BROWN, the culture of the Australian Blue Gum Trufteef. PKTi'R LATER, NUAU L 8HUKTLEFP, it will thrive wherever a fuschia will HarrisTillc, Vit.Wr County. Utah, .Fun grow like a tree, out doors 1 believe Kome trees have beon made to grow out doors in the channel islands between England and France, but not luxuriant- JOH THOMAS. R. .VtII.0. ly. 1 agree with ycu that it would be a valuable acquisition, but if we would THOMAS & raise Blue Gums we could not raise our fine potatoes that are priz-every highly in Eurupe and America at the haaie Vittc An NOTICE. Beak Lakf. Pishop Wo, Budge, of Bear Lake, is iu town looking r.ad fading well and bealihy. He reports crops very forward and looking splendid. Tbc health of the people is good. Judge Prickett, of the Third Judicial District of Idaho, has been holding cuuit at Paris. No business was tranacted except the naturalization of aliens. ; Last evening's traiu from Salt Lake brought Dr. Plant to this city. Dr. Plant is well known as the festive tape woriu'e worst enemy. A lady in this city was afflicted with enc of That is, these disgusting devourers. she was last evening. But at 1 o'clock Ilia morning the Doctor had it in a feet. bottle, and it measured twenty-fouThe lady was glad to get rid of it, and the Doctor rejoiced to receive it. He took it to Salt Lake with him this morning, and will donate it to the Desrret Musettm! Ifyflu'bava worms and for tbrstor Plant. Quick Work . , e, " . NEILSON, time. There are a great number o( Blue Gums, and tfce tree is a curiosity in its way; for the first three years the leaves are bread and double. colored, face very dark green, aud the back of the leaf a velveiy white; after the third year, the leaves change and become long aud narrow, with' sharp puiuis and iu. my Practical Tailors LOGAN, S(frth Siue of the firt. G;nt'e own matev'ialroade wp to order, in the best stjle. PRO VO CLOTH AT. WA IS IA CTORTHAND. . CLV Highest price paid for Wool. 3cMui. judgment not so pretty. It grows fooie-whlike willow, aud has a nice tropical look. SEN0 are Mold of its wonderful properties, many of which must be taker. - .Product liken. at Big-storie- s 25tO.P of 4 k CO.New pae- -, ODtaittJop ROW ELL HO Twk |