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Show ITEMS. LOCAL BKTUKStsa.-Presi- return to Young and dent t. George left . Salt yesterday, j, e on their '' Dkunkbnniss. and Vaobascy A Daily of June 13 Fro,n Tuesday For trivial otfenses as the above, a granger was "takn in" and fined by A. Brown this morning, Alderman F. Go and sia no fine and costs, n)"re -- r- In a drunken at Bingham, Saturday night, a at Bi.nuham. Shoo'tis" 8pree man named Sanders shot another man It is not name of McLaughlin. lj the that the wound will prove Uppo?ed mortal. Frank Mail Robbers CommutedSam. aBd Willis, charged with Harker cn or near the robbing the mail coach examined by Sener lately, have been - Commissioner for trial in the Sprague and committed First District Court. Soap ? That's Weber man South what folks ask of the vhose folks wanted some cheese, and When who called for some at the took "cheese" his he home Le reached out of the basket for the family supper, Who was to andtehold! it was soap the or clerk buyer? You'll blame, the never find out by asking either. How abe You OKI' for Ce-o- ! Highwaymen Two Bloodless Baulk. last evening there was a bloodless battle. The war was waged in a blacksmith shop, not a hundred miles from the old Tithing Office. The Dartiea hellicrerent ware a. imb of the law, and a eprig from a braneh of the broker business. The shop was held for rent of the land, and and the tools therein for a debt to a wagon yard man. The lawyer had the landowner and the wagon man both for clients. The broker had advanced cash at ruinous rates to the blacksmith. The latter tried to trade with the former, so as to get all the claims and grab the whole property. But neither the land owner nor the wagon man would consent to receive anything less than the full amount of their claims. So the broker, who is ricky, paid the Sheriff his fees and made him believe that the case was settled, and persuaded him to hand over he key of the shop. He then rushed for a job wagon to clear out the tools, but behold when he arrived with the vehicle the wagon man had scented a rodent, and hunted up the lawyer, and the latter was on the ground prepared to do and dare. He did and he dared. He dared the broker to touch the tools, and did order him of the premises. Where upon the broker waxed exceeding wrath and high words agitated the air and drew a crowd, and the limb of the law and broker sprig clenched, and there is no telling what would have been the consequences if the Sheriff had not parted the parties. Finally the broker hustled around and got some money and paid the claims, whereat the creditors rejoiced and the lawyer was exceeding glad. And the smart Aleck realized the fact that his little game was spoiled, his jig was up, and tne lawyer iiai "got And behold no nose3 away with him. were broken, though the broker's was figuratively put out of joint. Selah. arrnel men, who disguise, entered a store at E. T. City, lately, and ordered some whisky and oysters, which beiug furnished by Mr. Chap:uanv the proprietor, he was The same From Wednesdays' Daily of April 11. told to "hunt for his pay ." night, the Salt Lake Herald informs us, Taxes. Taxpayers, if you object to two horses were stolen from Too?le City, the assessment of your city property prebably by the same parties. don't forget that Friday, June 23d, is the day fixed by the City Council to hear Oodes The tke. People who are appeals. fond of music will have an opportunity 9 to witness the wonderful performances Caloric. Whew! Just see the nier of the musical prodigy, "Blind Tom," eury rise in the thermometer and the the negre pianist, at the Ogden Theatre perspiration rise upon the noble brow o For particu- the on Monday evening next. pedestrian! Who Bays this isn lars see advertisement elsewhere. summer weather. were in m at Salt Lake. Death We learn, regret, from Salt Lake City this morning, that Mr. papers, David Day, senior partner of the firm of Day & Co. of that city, died at his resiwith much of Sunday morning last. Mr. D. has been afflicted for some years with a lung disease, but Lis death was sudden and unexpected by bis- friends, the ill ness which produced his death being of dence, on - oaly a we&k's- duration. Mr. Day was 52 years old, Laving in life his half Utah, about during spent all which time he has been well knewn as an active business man, and a useful citizen, whoee loss will be severely felt by his numeroua friends throughout the Territory. at the The funeral took place 14th Wa-ischool house. y Fwtrtii Wasted Under the above 'aptiou a writer in the Salt Lake- - Herald of this morning, alters a wail beause the citizens of that place have not taken steps to celebrate the coming Fourth of July. He does not urge the thing on grounds of patriotism apparently, but merely because that, having no uelebra tion there, the people will be tempted to go away from Lome to celebrate, and f pend elsewhere a little of their "small change" which, ought to be spent at A home. We sympathize with "Citizen," and tender hiniisucb. consolation as may be found by attending the great Centennial Celebration, which comes off at Ogden on that day. We hoye a3 many of our Salt Late neighbors as can make it conveni ent to come up to. the railroad city on that occasion, will do eo, and enjoy themselves. It woot cost much, md the traders of Salt Lake can certainly "shut up shop" for one day and let their customers take a rest,. and purchase theiu "ice creams and candies" some where else. Come along, "Citizen," and enjoy a good old fashioned celebration at'Ogden, H will 4a jou gocuL Fifth street, near the corner of Main Municipal. The City Council met in the City Hall Xatnrnl Curiosity. ,t street. Citt, Cache II 3 e I'M s ; Co., The respective licenses of Messrs. V. June 9th, 1870, Mayor L. J. Herrick in June KXh E. Bocssel, Thos. Barlow, W. Barlow, Editor Juxction ; the chair. & Co , Alfred Clark, Wm. WigDear Sir: On Thorsdar last my nt- A petition signed by John Broom was Hanson A. C. entiou was clled, by Mrs. Elizabeth J. Clark, J. Harris. gins, Impey, read, representing that the City Council to an apple tree in her garden,. Benson, E. & Williams and Ilorrocks, Rollins granted to him, John Cordon and John ntl on at the tree, I found 187-C- Laman, on the 20th" of September, 1862, he right of taking water from Mill Creek around Broom's Bench, for irri gating and machinery purposes. A cer- ificate of the grant wag given to them Oct 27th, 1862, by William Critchlow, hen City Recorder, which certificate is now in tLeir possession. The petitioner further represented that on the 21st of June, 1873, there was presented to the City Council, by Wm. Butler, a petition, signed by himself, with ssven other names attach ad without the consent or knowledge of the parties, asking permission to take out water from the same place, in the same diree- ion, and for the same purposes as are embraced iu their charter The petitioner asked the Council to make null and void the grant of water to Wm. Butler and the others whose names he unlawfully attached to his pe tition. Referred to the Committee on Water Supply. A petition was read, signed by J. B Goodfelhw, C. F. Ludham, II. C. Butler and thirteen others, complaining of the unwholesome condition of and the un healthy stench arising from the slaughter house and its premises at the lower end of Second Street, and asking the Council to abolish said slaughter house as a nuisance. The Council considered that the owner of said slaughter house had treated with indifference all former remonstrances and actions of the Sanitary Committee, to which, on previous petitions, had been referred its filthy condition, there fore the Marshal was instructed to abate the nuisance and to see that the sanitary regulations of the city are enforced. Petition ef J. E. Dootey & Co., Messrs. Adams & Vandyde, Chas. WooJmansee and forty-siother property owrers and business men, was read, representing the imminent danger of fire occurring on the Fourth of Jjly, from the reckless and asking the use of Council to prohibit the firing of all such crackers within the the following de scribed limits : Main Street, between Fourth and Fifth; Fifth Street, between Main and Young; Young Street, between Fifth and Fourth; Fourth Street, between Young and Main; and in the vicinity of the Beardsley House, and main depot x s, looking growing what appeared to be t baU-ifdouble white rose, about the size of ilver dollar. There were no leaves re sembling the rose, but dimply a green tern about two inches long, with the rose at the end. I counted the leaves from the inside to the outside of theflower, and there were eight, and wbaJr a very singular, it was the only blom on the tree. The tree had a large Num ber of apples ou about the size cf marbles. There is a tree in Mr. James Uns worth's garden, which has also apples on, and one of the name kind of roses, only that on the stem there areapple leaves. As this is something very singular, I thought that perhaps some off the readers of your widely circulated ournal could explain the cause, or throw some light on what appears strange and curious. Salosian.. lours truly, Nicholas, were renewed. The committee on streets reported adversely to grunting the petition of M. C. Jensen and others, referred to them May 12th, 1876, asking the privilege ef closing a street runniug east on the bench from the state road, near Bingham's Fort. Report accepted; petition tabled. The committee ou Public works reported that the foot bridge across Weber river was completed. Accepted. The committee on public grounds recommended that the petition cf W. Farrell, asking the correction of a discrepancy in his deed, given him by the City, bo granted. Adopted. W. Thomson, assessor and collector, presented the assessment roll for the year i8b, wnioh was referred tor inves tigation, to a special committee, vii.: Alderman Moore and Brown, and Coun cilor Tarry. Bills for public labor were allowed. Council adjourned till June 23d, 1870, to meet in the City Hall, at 2 o'clock. - - Died. Jutu 12th, from the ef fects of eating poison segos, Leuie Ikiay Quibell, beloved daughter ef Aroinidab and Rebecca Bingham Quibell, aged two years, ono month and four days. The Lord giveth and the Lord mklh away; blessed be the name of the Lord. Deseret News and Millennial Star On Monday, please copy. Unaccountable Absence. When a Norristown woman aked her husband for two dollars to buy a calico djess he whippod a paper oat of his. coat-tapocket, and pointed to an edito rial which clearly showed that female extravgance was the ruination of some of our best men, and even the country itself was being demoralized, from the eamo- causo. Then he gave her ten cents to buy hair-pinlit a twenty cent cigar, and left the house and lost three dollars playing; billiard before he returned borne.. Some concern has been felt by tbe friends of Bishop Joseph Home, v.f Gun nison, and a couple of Scandinavian LI ders, who left this city for Europe, May :21st, purposing to saw on the same ves sel as Mr. Jennings and party, and Mr. Ihomas Vi llhams and others, word hav iog been received in this city that no ti lings had been received of tbem at the steamer within an hour and a half of sailing time. Mr. John B. Meredith, who accompanied Bishop Home and the two other Elders from this city, has written to the effect that the last he Baw of them was after crossing the ferry to New lork, when he observed a hack man inducing them to get into his ve il s, LIST OF IXTTEItK hicle. We understand also that Elder Staines, aided by detectives, bad been making search for them a day or two before tbe sailing of the vessel. It is possible they may have reached tbe steamer in time to sail with tt, although news ha not reached us to that effect Deseret News. ithin, LtaiCI V E: GENTS' LIST.. J II King WAX Ke.ly D Kelly JJ Frank Kubhler Jiutlu C Langhlin W K, Beoman D U Berti'luen Friue 1876. Editor Junction : Whose FtfRNiTVBE ? At Otto Station In your issue of tbe loth inst., under fourteen miles this side of Cheyenne, a head of "Municipal," there appear the box car of fine furniture was found to be statements made by John Broom, which on fire last Monday. The car was switch place me in an unenviable light before tha public. I wish to be heard and Tin ed, and was entirely consumed, with the buildings. dicate myself. Whose furniture iron. the of exception 1 know nothing of the grant of water Referred to the Mayor, to take such Boyle's, or Gale's ! action as ia his judgment would be ne- by the City Council in 1862 to John Broom, John Cordon and Joon iatnan cessary for the safety of property, and Before petitioning the City Council, in Fill of Vim. Walker Brothers ap to grant the prayer of the petitioners 1873, for a grant of water, as stated in Petition of Messrs. Adams &, Vandyke, your paper, I went to the parties inter peal to the public through the Junction for an inspection of their goods and asking the use of a portion of the side ested. Ihey all consented to have their names on the petition, and have al, prices. This firm is full of vim and en walk on Fourth street, opposite their reaped the benefits of the action taken Urprise; and their establishments at premises, oo which to deposit material, in relation thereto. I have borne tbe expense, and per Salt Lake aud Ogden are conducted on during the time of erecting a rock and business principles. Tlie name of this brick building, was granted, subject to formed, the labor of getting out the wa ter; they have esjoyed the benefits. house stands A 1 on the commercial Hat, direction of the committee on streets William uctler. and their goods are well selected and The application of Company A, Ogden See advertise Fire Battalion, through their Sec, W sold at bottom figures. Utmost ment. Wright, for au appropriation of thirty In connection with my other basinees dollars, with which to purchase materia Back to Irs First Lovk. The Salt for a banner, for said company, was 1 have accepted the agency for the fol Lake Times ceased last evening to be a granted lowing machinery:: subscription paper. The proprietor deA license to keep a beer saloon in the The Cayuga Chief and "Wheeler Cem sires a wider circulation for the benefit Y, was granted to Geo. Marth bined Reaper and Mowers, the best in of advertisers, than the Times ha9 atW. D. Sprunt was granted a license to the market. Having had ten years ex tained, and will therefore return to the keep a bar and sell liquors by retail, at perience in the- machine trade, and gratuitous policy of the eld Footlights, his premises on Main street. handled every kind of machine that has while retaining the present name of the been sold in this Territory, L, as well as Petition of D. W. Barnhart, for in public license to keep a beer saloon on Fifth every man who has bought them, propaper. The Times has grown nounce them the best in tbe U. S. A favor and influence from the start, and street, was granted full line of repairs always on hand. we wish proprietor the C. L. Peebles' petition for a license to I also sell the Mitchell Wagon, which success he so well deserves in devoting Bell is his equal to any in the market. Every drug store liquors by retail, at guaranteed for one year. wagon his paper to businees interests. on Fifth street, was granted. The Coates Lock Lever Sulky Rake; A license was granted to L J. Whitney the Invincible Threshing Machines, with Council have to keep a beer saloon, at the IL R. de the Carey Mounted and Down Horse The Focetii. Tie City Their past success has made Power. decided 10 get up no Fourth of July pot, for three months. will the them leading machine, because they celebration this year. Everyene L. J. Catlin was granted- a Hcem9 to do not waste and own his hook, on grain, thus saving enough celebrate have to deal in produce,, at his premises oh over other machines to more than pay can therefore guage to Buit himself. the cost of threshing. They run light, Fifth street. S. L. Herald. no endlese apron, no large numis The City Council is iigbt. Ogden H. T. Kiescl petitioned for a license having of ber belts, pnlleye, rollers, &o., and the place- lor the Centennial celebration to sell iiquots by retail, at a stand north they are bo simple and compact, that in Uf.lv. And we see that the Salt Lake of the U. C. depot, which was granted any one can understand and run them A Cockle Screen attached. an. invitation successfully. City fathers have accepted The petition of John Murdeck, for orders early. Sale in Send your and to come up on the Glorious Fourth license t.scll green groceries, on. Fifth yard 5tb. Street,. Ogden,. opposite Juao-tiowith the Ogdenites. All the celebra-tofhee. ted had street, At my stere on Main Strctt I offer a holiday makers of the metropolis Farrer and Wheeler were graoted a full supply of all kinds oC general merbetter do likewise. And as to "fuaging" k lioense to sell sewing machines,, at their chandise of tbe best quality at broad guageve Ogden, do no can better they car take the You, anywhere prices. store on FifiL street.. . A. fall lino of and the narrow guage to the gve, and Stove a specially A license was granted to J. M. Crier clothincr. then engage in the proceeding of the W. CHILD. Sor 1L to. sell ice exeunai his premises oixi day.. Coma along., Oftlie w Huubob 3 Uaiuet Hiinu Klixa DuvU KltiabeUi Blu rock K Citt, June Hth, called lor to the iilCi., Ilulrnyi Katclia. 1) A BartU-- from Wm. Butler. Ogdes of Utah, on the UilULJW Brown L M Brown A Card IN THE POST UNCLAIMED iu Oeilon, Torrltory 12t.li of June, ISTti, which, il nut month ont, will be seut Utter Otlku: V Oilice Church K Carmine L A Clinmhcn J 0 Dal ton II y Dtisanlet Charles Doe J L Dunne George Erwin K L Krwin KoUrt L Kltt'iiiou T J Fowler KkhnrJ OiUoh W Levy 8 M Lew is Thomas, lie KiTiuiOC Loeur Lotiifc Moore J Mlchele Bo.le NUrritUl McMajw Maslewon 1 MunWk N Oil & Maykin llarriiion II nri lfaiivun C Mn'Merl'Mi Huglit M N G . Miliiu. K Hjgtiro V None L K W M HfrrwX Hill Jame K T'taildeu-NiUott.ltf- Qninu l'ierre TwwullJ M Taylor J W J Itiiirnian Jaioej H.rrou .1 Jewett J O. WarjerO.L Jones D fl Junes J It WlfgiuiDA Wilkerson Jolia V j- To nhtalnany of these letters, the apjillranS must auk for "advortiwd lettar,"give dato of the. ami my one cent for ailvertikinc If not called tur wlthiu oxc MOMif, they, will be tent to the bead Letter Office.. pupr N. . J. Sharp Postmaster. Importance - - n a 50,000 POUNDS WOOLS TUB IF MILL, and rentted aud arrangud the most wiih Sew Machinery, LKASKD OGDEN WOOLEN- the same. approved arn prepared now to farnixU the people-othis and surrounding Territories, and t tales, with .leiintu, T.umejr, Cluvlniid I'otskiu, Fancy f!HHMirnarbi. W'iinl DoMkififi. KTwUknta. VlMnnpl. and Stocking Yarn, of the very bent inuke. In to all No.l stock, warranted to give satisf-clio- n, who may lavor me with their patronage.' The above described cloths will Ira kept constantly on baud for ot fiHtU-rns.- I Exchange fori Grain,, and Quit,. Wool,. Produce The Highest Market Price paid' for Wootj In exchange for; the various kinds of goods manufactured at the Mill. IlaWng had TWELVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE; In the manufactnre of the above In named articles, I expect to manufacture a good goods as can be made In the Territory, or imported from any country. Those who have w ol to exchange for goods,, will, du well TO ST. I" MIT BEFORE- - OTAKIXM) K.VUG OrTlXEIK WOOL. 'f All Order Promptly Attended fccv was-gra- bed-roo- d225-3.Bl7.-li- lloom-tnoug- h a UTAH WOOLEN MILLS, OCCEN. OR SALT LAKE CUT, TJTAU. J. IV. ClT313HXGS, |