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Show How a Experience if a Iteief'table Man' Startling St. JLoui Druiuiuer. tJjaructcr tVnsTakeu Away. St. Louis Republican, May 81 (Wasbtngton Capitol. Theatrical people are yet laughing ever a joke practiced by John L. Smith, the agent for tho Yules while here. The Vckes' were ttoupc. J.rinj; their host to rather poor houses for they were ia Washington daring the opening of the Centennial, and Smith, one ti e most effluent ngerjts, if not the inost tlici'Mit, was in high state of disgust. He doe9 not succumb readily, and in the midst of bis distress Ward Beechcr appeared at the National capita' to lecture. John L. determined to utilize Henry Ward. To this end he sent unscrupulous emii.a'rie throughout the hotelj, and lobbies, lunch-roomelsewhere to spread the intelligence that on that night Henry Ward was to visit Yokes' eiitcrtaiumcnt at the theatre. Now it cost a dollar to hear Ilcury lecture, but for that sum no on a could enjoy the Yokes, and see the great Brooklyn Pope at 6 no and time. Tho result was a tho And tho people crowded houSe were disappointed? Not a bit of it. John h. invited John Chamberlain to th'e theatre. He gave the famous jfiorting character at box. N iy, this wicked man did worse; he inveigled Chamberlain to his room at the Arlington, and under sundry pretences pot bim on & white choker. S'ttingina conspicuous place in the bor, John Chamberlain would hare been cmbarrussed,had he known how, at the way the entire houso turned and stared at him, for L.'s wicked emissaries, busy roving about in an utter disregard of truth and grammar, were ayiucr, "th.lt'a him," "that's him " This was pleasant enough till Johh was wending his way out, when a follow stared at him for some feccondfc, then "said in an earnest way: "Cuss rue if I don't think him guilty; never Saw a wuss face in my the town wus 'deserte'd. H'-ur- tlub-house- lift s s, . "What's that feller making such about?" asked Chamber lain. "Because," replied John L coolly, "ho thinks you are Henry Ward lleecher. 1 don't kuow how it is but the impression is general that you are the reverend lrieud ot the family. John Chamberlain says that when hj gets near John L. again there will hi a vacancy in the tribe of fcmith. Vemarks to-nig- An IMItor oil JiU JIuscle. 'the Wirineroucca Register. .Yesterday afternoon as the editor of tins paper was quietly attending to his business, L. A. IJuckuer ceme in and excitedly aked: "Are you the c liter rf this paper?" We answered, ''les. He theu drew a whiitlcr and pointing it in our vicinity snap r t .1 t i it. ue instantly tnrew lum down, the stovo going rjver at the s ane time. WC stooped down and began to wipe the floor with his cow ardly carcass, not noticing the pistol, which he was still trying; to Use. A printer jumped in and took thepisto from Uuekuer, when we allowed him to get up and ordered him to .go out of doors, lie ricked up a bat of steel about twenty Inches long-- hM undertook to strike Us wit'i it but was prevented by our gentle grip' upon his windpipe. In shoving him lowari the door we ehoved bim throuf-'the class, a fragment of winch cut a email gash in the editorial scalp. Tho artie'e that we suppose tho SuperaDuated old fool took oltenoa at called no names, and was a matter of comtrion street tnlk, and was published as an item of news. We shall C'utinus to publish all news items we can come across', regardless of who it hits, and herea.'Ver be prepared to defend ourselves ftgaioi" whoever comes to assassinate us. We retract nothing:, nor are we eorry for the hieriM? shown, an "old mad." "Lay he who On, Macdufll and damned be ' first cries, Hold, enough!" The "old uian" left his howitfcef on tho field of battle and can have the same by calling, proving prorertj, paying Uamyres. and apologuiog for his fewardl attempt at assassinatioai i Frank . . , ir CIases a Hay Every Inhabitant. Two From the Utica Observer, June A THE NEW 3 Mr. Oscar Amann, a drummer for Burins the month of May there & Co., tobacco dealers Stern Eugene were made in this city about 16,000 at 406 North Second street, met with kegs of peolager. There are a very remarkable adventure during a half is This in tbis keg ple city. his last trip to the interior counties for every inhabitant. A keg con of Arkansas. He hired a livery horse tains about 120 glasses; 1G.00U kegs at Georgetown, a little town four would contain 1,020,000. I his gives mile3 from Newport, Ark., on the every pe.'son in the city GO glasses of 5th of this month, and started for of lager each during the month of Uatesville, some twenty miles distant. May, or two drinks a day. When he ha. completed about half his journey, he was suddenly conhas sud A female Josh Eillin-zfronted by three villainous-lookinhalt and and to him ordered who denly developed unconsciously men, herself in Cincinnati. She remcved dismount. robfrom were the men Pittsburg to that cfty and after Thinking that his after bers and that they were becoming domesticated, wrote to her money, he pulled out his pockctbook home friends as follows: anuf. "fiinsiunatv is a nise nlais containing about $G5, and offered it i j to them. One of them spoke up and but tha keep a good meny geese hir, told him to put his money back into 1 doant see them in the da time, but his poctct. It was not tee man s I here them at night time in aul Double-Thre- -- DIIBSTICfW ad Machine. s wanted, cut me man drekshuns." They were, they said, a The Hartford Coarant prints ela- vigilance committee, and were after borate directions for "Raising Chickjust such men as he. ens by Hand." Such information is With this they took young Amann not needed at the South. Ine whole off his horse, put a rope around his colored population know how to do neck, tied his legs and arms together, and an enterprisiug freedmau can and then strung him up to the limb it, raise more pullets in a single night, ftf a tree. This is the last Amann oa his way home from a prayer- remembers until nearly four days af the editor of the Cour- terward. He learned, however, that meeting, th;n ant could raise in a year with all his the Little liock stage passed along science. Galveston, Te?as, News. mosy they himself. that road shortly after he had been executed and the driver had stopped and cut him down. The noose of the rope had slipped above the "Adam's apple," saving his neck and preventing him from being entirely choked to death. He was placed, in au unconscious condition, in the stage and taken to Uatesville, wheib he lay three day& longer in an unconscious state, and then it was nine days more before ho could leave his bed. lie was attended during all this time by Dr. Good In the post office exhibit window ia New London are two postal cards, one of which reads: "Polly, why don't you answer my letter?" and the other, "Polly, am I forgotten?" These two conundrums are plainly answered by tummer the cards over and observing that they are without any directions of any description; and all thi3 while, says the Norwich Bulletin, Tolly is pining for these very conundrums. "Wasn't it roujrh on Ella? Just win, or l5atesville. Ou the 27th inst. he had recovered as she waa telling Frederick at lunch sufficiently to be able to travel, and how ethereal her appetite was, the immediately started tor St. Louis, arriving here day before yesterday. Mr. Amann still bears the marks of the rope on his neek as evidence of the truthfulness of the story he telis, and there is little doubt that every thing happened just as related by him. He is but 23 ycats old, and is the son of J. G. Amann, a music teacher living tin Twelfth St. and Chouteau. Avenue. He says that a reward of $250 hai been offered for the arrest of the desperadoes by the towu of Georgetown, and a smaller reward for the recovery 'of the horse by the proprietors of tho Georgetown livary stablG. The object of the men in stringing him up is a mystery to young Amann, and the strangest part of it all is that they did not take his well-know- n money. called out: "Say, will ye hive yer pork and greens now, or wait till yer feller's cook THE LIGHTEST-RUKNIH- MACHINE G IN THE WORLD. With our printed directions, no instruction or mechanical skill is required to operate it The construction of the machine is based upon a principle of unique and unequalled simplicity, comprising simple levers working upon centres. The bearings are lew, and they are hardened and polished. The machines are made at our new works in the city of Newark, N. J., with new special (patented) machinery and tools, constructed expressly to accomplish what w e now offer. Every machine fully wan-anted- . "DOMESTIC" SEWING MACHINE CO., New and Cliicagro. Yoi-l- c Bv using the " Domestic" PaFashion the most stylish and perfect-fittin- g per costumes can be produced, at a large saving in MONEY to those who choose to make, or superintend the makinsr of, their own garments. With the highest talent and the best facilities in all departments, and the best ideas of the most skillful modistes, both at home and abroad, we are enabled to attain results far above the reach of the Our styles are always the latest and best. Our elegantiy-iHustrataverage dress-maktatalogue mailed to any lady sending five cents with her address. Agents wanted everywhere. SAVIXGS. fashion: er. ed "DOMESTIC" SEWING MACHINE CO., s34-l- Now Yovlc and Cliica: y goner Superficial knowledge is like oil oh the water it shines deceitfully but can be easily skimmed off. WHY DO YOU GO "Who frew dat peanut at ine?" asked a darkey when struck on the cranium with a sandbag thrown out Or SeiUt to Stilt Lake J. S. LEWIS, WATCHMAKER 11-l- v DRUGS AND MILLINERY! JUST OPENED, WHEN Kill and ;ttomiol. School lfat. Mindowus, KiltlMtMM, f lowers - Sewing Machine. MEDICINES A beautiful assortment of fashionably trimmed A (rreat variety of Fanby Notions, also A man with a peculiarly mean and Run veile, Ladies Wrappers; of countenance, LinenTies andChildrens' repulsive expression cloaks and capes Suits, was brought into court in fan Anto.. etc., etc., at nio, Texas, to be sentenced for stealMrs. W n WII.KIXSOV Opposite 1'botograph Gallery. ins some clothes off a line. As he was known to be a slippery charac ter, one Df the handsomest and most vigilant deputy sheriffs took a seat o a o by his side. Alter a while the pris 3 to uisd leaned over oner whispered CO C : officer the I I 0) wv "Won't yon do mo a little kind O a. ness ?" 3 The officer promised, with a beam JEWELER, Jwiler hi Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Silver and laied Ware, MAIN'. TKKET. OttDEX. Repairing neatly one and all work warranted. FOR of a baloon. AT LOGAN CITY, UTAH AND THE Very best Articles la the Market can be obtained at the s39-l- CITY DRUG STORE OGDEX? o i ing smile, to do so. lhe prisoner whispered : "Then sit a leetle further off; I' rather pay a hundred dollars than to nave people take mc for a deputy sheriff." The kindly smile disappared very suddenly from the handsDme official's face. A hero among workingmen is M. A. Karis, a slater, of Anthione, Belgium. He had to ascend the summit of the church steeple at to fix tho lightning conductor. His comrade mounted on his shoulders to pour Some molteu lead into the socket, when a violent gust of wind caused part of the liquid mass to fall on Karis' shoulder and arm. Ho dared not budge, for the least mbvement would have precipitated his comrade from the dizzy height into the 6treet far below, so he remained firm, and allowed the molten lead to eat into his Seen ra- ther than sacrifice hid comrade; Ville-sur-Oart- he Eh CO l P3 J in 0u u ; PRESCRIPTIONS carefully H K a 6 OJ H O 3 03 H C L e conse-queutl- Wines, Liquors, u O bo com-- and day, O o 6 XT7'ITIT IT9 I, ATE IMl'ROTKMENTS tfgethVV er with the bent principles of older m to if nut superior to any chiueH. is nuw in the market. oilier It is the uuly machine having ft needle. It has the latest Improved Shuttle wh'ch P no nmall holes or Hpi ing to thread throngh ot under. It has the latest patent feed. y All wearing point are made of steel, itn durability is great. MaHaviuK the fewest parts of any Shuttle chine i the market it is couscqiwutij the easiest running. Kaoli machine sold makes wiles for others, as them they recommend themselves to all who tee in operation. Good lively scents wanted in every town in !!' Northern Vtah; to win m a good commission he paid. Write to war-hin- DC 5 'If VICTOR! pounded at all kours of the night Si c PQ MO 0 VVfot MARK Ale, Porter, &c. A. W. BROWN All of the finest quality. General agenU and dealers in . Oils, Taints, Tarnishes, Brushes, &c. .At the lowest prices. Win. DRITER BOOK & SHEET m us i c i Musical Merchandise, tVX13 STATIONERV. Ogilen Utah & SOX, l'roprietoi s & Cc. r,..-.-. Wheeler Reun.ir.gwm.es.ndre w!ai niiichines of all lun 'cleuru " 'd |