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Show BY TELEGRAPH. t with ha nominated for Blaine. The evening has been mainly devoted creased in the same proportion; hence the proposition that every inch added to the width of the track over what ia absolutely necessary, adds to the cost of construction, adds to the cofct of operating, increases the dead iuj,' tonnage, hence weight of non-pa- ) increases the tates to the people; but the builders of the narrow gauge road ihould uot forget, that inasmuch as their roads are cheaply built, owing to the change in the proportions of the machine, they should be built The engineer with greater care. should ntako himself perfectly familiar with the subject in all its details, nnd also must be in perfect sympathy w'th the modern system, otherwise he is liable to err. While curves of a very fiiort radius can be used, at slow rates of speed, iu towns where the light of way is expensive, they should be avoided as much as possible on the line, aud the curva ture reduced to a minimum as low as Defects in a narrow gauge pofsible. track aro much more easily detected than on the common gange; hence, build rnaJcarefull, . make tneu, jour as pcrtect as possible it you uo ms you vill find your operating expense much less, and your road a suocess. Vice-Presiden- AMERICAN. verbal and gunpowder fireworks, while the leaders have been consulting 13. Washington, places. A meeting of About 8 o'clock tLU etening illuine ia out of was held ia front of Blaine friends tue cil eJ lor papir and pen, and, without House. Burnet The reading of a of the be o tbe wrote nil, fo:linr. toe&Bage, General JewPostmaster from telegraphed to Cougrwi)ma Hule, at dispatch ell, announcing that Blaine was con(. iiu'iunati : cheers. elicited beMer, siderably WHsliingtoD, D. C , June 12. made by Governor Bev were Speeches 'J'j V.ugcne Hale, CiDCimiHfi : eridge, of Illinois, Judge Humphrey, of mi) entirely ewnviiltrsoent, suffering Wisconsin, and Prof. Lanzston. only 1'roui physical weakne 8. Impress FOREIGN. i:po:i Jiiy frieinia the great debt of grati-tules leel for ihe unparnlleleil London, 13. wiiu which tliey Lure ndhered A from Cadiz to the Times dispatch t id e in my hour of trial. sa;s, the estimate limiting the Spanish J (i. lil.AlNK. MlieiJ) army to 100,000 men, does not include 'i tie loregoinz dispatch, written ry soldiers tettt lo Cuba. !. ijue al i i.t own vutnion, and in bis A from Berlin reports that hold an litiiii handwriting, Princedispatch Milan, of Servia, has nent an rhowing uo ace cf weakness or Let,iu-- t letter to Constantinople acon. knowledging hie alliance to Murad. A di,atcti from Berlin says that notCongressman Wallace of l'ennv!Tauia i'. c ved the fjUowiog telegraiu ut p withstanding the announcement of the vi. from Hon. H. W. lilair ut Cincin armistice, lighting continue in Bosnia a i : and Hersegovina und Bulgaria. The l'ennjlvaciii olid for Blaine on the vame dispatch reports that Turkey, on tirt or second linUjt Ilia noiiiiuatiou (be 19th, demanded the immediate paylooks mmt prob tble " ment of Servia's overdue tribute. Keir 8t up ilia larger part of to day; The News ha a epecial from Brussels the dangeroui and oritical feature of bin dated HiiJnight. slating ihe riots at AntHe received troubles arc disappearing. It is taed that werp were increased. aud had hi a house was doli-hed- . caila congratulatory i.)my Regular imil read to him Hi appeiite has '.at iroops were called out, who fired over pivvel. After dtoaer he returned to fifty shota. him that Ins bed. Hi physician A telegram from Paris says, the week first of Turkish of or the Ian ihe tuu y of observation on the corps iw xi . he will be able toleatetbe city for Servian frontier has been ordered t v,o ition. withdraw. It is supposed this is done .Among the numerous te'groms of ) at the iuatigttioa of the British governitry and sympathy at Undue' resi ment. li.'aoe there was one by cable A special to the Times from Cadiz 1i miii Mr. Wanhbutiie at 1'aris, reading: there ha been a riot at Gibraltar; eaye, ' Your i lnen grievcM we. Are you heir but uo details hate been received ter?" Ahoul i o'clock tbiu afieruoon, Spanish telegvatns say the trouble was Die ripen which have been blockading begun by German sailors of the ironclad vi'uicli'it Iruiu puitiage near the tioue fleet insulting lauie on the wtiart Ail H ere removed by ordir of Blaiue'a pay- the German sailors were confined to HJCIUfcS. tliotr ebips until the fleet sailed. New York, 18. The UeraM'a Washington apecial aaya our Slaier, jusi pardoned from imprm-Xarrorf Gauge IJnJl wajs. iiineiii, will be au important wiioc'rfH lu Lie iufe burglary case, ud will leatify. Prou the Hydraxilio Kngineer.l Chicago, The iiidictnier.tH against e Collector As the narrow gauge question is I'.nllip Wadworih aud ex Uuiiccl rotates still new, it ha., like nil improve lUiinct Attorney J. D K ard, tor advocates und opponent.-- ; aud complicity with the whiskey ting, ments, even 1 i U disuiiiiaeil in the engineers seem to differ widely were 8. tnot Court of thw city. The only teli' on the value of the new gauge, or 15ut we inoiiy of iiuporiHtice against them was width betweeu the rails. that f Jacob Uehaj, whom all the ju Irs must constantly keep in mind the in the wUUkey trials here have discred-ued- , often stated, that when cotisid becaaiMi he i a cuufsoJ revenue fact, '.ered tts a machine, the comtnou gauge di't'rauder and perjurer. t roads are not proportioned iu- St. Lou in, 13. It is announced that Col. Wm. Heaib, the pureconomical manner A ma lor if tU a county, is in arrears to fur used. which are they t aiuuuut of fioui fi.ty to one hundred pose this were not If , true, then the itdixaui dollars, i nd that suit will be G foot track the and 7 truck foot I iiuht againt hi in io rmover ihii de would liavo.bcen just as economical tivit. Colonel Meyer, fujerior of internal to construct uud to operate as the revenue, t'eiuiiied lroia h:s laid ou ilbut such has not proved to be licit dui.lkriea iu Cape Girardeau and hence the reduction o1 He ha broken up the,.cae; linger counties is the order of the day. My nb. Hit twenty still", destroyed a large gsugo ii'uouul of property and' arretted aud object now, however, is to give sume uudor bond nixteen persons statistics of the actual performance I laced L t hnrged wiih making crooked whiokey. . oi ftomu oi uiu uioueiu juuu maboiuu titty Mill Lave been, ru'.uiag iu chinery, taken from the reports of t.io.-- cuuuiiei. the mou in charge. Uangor, Me., 13. A llixlll inch cylinder locomotive The second and fourth iiisiriet ct,uTotions elecivd delegates to on the Colorado Outral hauls from toe it. Louut convention bib are 50 to 70 tens of loads up grades from jiiedged io Tilde i). iiOU to 270 feet per mile, and parsing Tort Jerfis, N. J., It. la the town of Bethel, ullivaa Coun- curves of 14'd feet radius The Ding-haOauyou and Camp Floyd rail ty, an rung disease, of a very lualig l.aul lypu, has uppeared among the chil- road has a 12x10 inch cylinder en dren, teveral have died recently after a gi.no that hauls 75 to 80 tous up ISC tew huuis illues. l'hysieiaus are The 1'aikcrV bulbed in their efforts to deter-lu.i.- e feet grade per mile. aud Karns e City railway ha Landing the uutut of the iso. 'i inch 12x10 IS. cylioder engin that Cheyenne, Gen. Sheridan arrived at noon foo'. gnidt-pe- r hauls ISO tons up & and started north iainieJiate y, and a makes of 100 run tnileawd in at Chug Spring. 120 this miles tons equals per day Mr. UjHcubauui, shoedealer of Ibis while of the. load, from average paying returned DeadwooJ, city, today having sold a ttock. of god. lie brought load moved ou the common roads tour pound of dual, lie saw a number with low grades is 1G0 tons. of Indians on the return trip. He is reThe American Fork railway, of liable authoiity for (he statement that has a 12x1 cylinder eu lueee mines are exceedingly rich and Utah, hauls 27 load up a tons of that gives iuiitances thnl cauie under Lis ob giuc, nf as high as three pounds of grade of 290 feet per mile, grade two nust fur tire men's work iu oue day. miles long, MunUuians are buying claims at high Th3 Teach Bottom railway cum to, price, pronouncing them superior has a lOslG-inecylinder enanything iu that territory. There is at puny that hauls 04 tons up 105 feet preeeut IVuui 4.0(10 to 6,000 uicu. ou thi gine, creek aud its tributaries. grade? per mile; curves of oOO feet CinciMDAti, IS. radius, aud makes 110 miles run The Ucpublican Convention has assemble! Hie largest and most excited daily. The Cairo aud St. Louis railroad crowd ever congregated here. Every have a 10x16 nch cylinder tjiug is at fever heat, with but little company that The of hauls, 40 to CO tons up t)G fett temper general is acrimony. After careful review a of nature. good grades; curves of 410 feet radius, on tue giouitd we are satisfied that Blaine schedule time of 20 miles per hour, will be nominated not later ihaii the miles third ha lot, aul almost certainly ou the includiug stops. It runs 280 bushels burns thirty-fivis He day,and seuoud. constuuily gaining per of the assauls of fclack coal iu the nine hours. s ieuiu iu II is sickness is the result of This list might be coutinued to upoM brim menial strain under the attack, and exgreater length, but this seems all that cites mucn sympathy, turning lukewarm is necessary to show thai the capaci intrv ar lent eapporterl. Blaise's fricuds is suffitoxtay rouni ever three hundred votes ty of the lighter machiuery counbusiness the of do the ou m uri Fallot sure, regardless of cient to is which it now under tuiti, TenD'ylv try, and ut greatly reduced rates to stoed gives him a united vote on the the Now, a moment's re people. second. New York will east her twenty will satisfy an engineer, that flection votes againai Conkling on tbe eecoad or if tL grade ia reduced the power i bird balUt, giving him all but Uta irsi. 11 wars is nearl4 eertain to aind capacity of the machinery is in to the-wa- y I l nteJ-KHtne- .i l I 'il h 1 'A l re NEVER BEHIND THE TIIVIES! . WILLIAM JENNINGS, SONS & SADLER Entile Emporium. Importers. Jobbers and Retail Dealers in General Merchandise. Have just receive a New Stock of Dress Goods of the Choicest Seleotiong from the Latest from the European Markets; alsi ImportationsStock of Notions, Staple and Fancy an immense Boots and Shoes, Men's flats- - etc. Goods, Dry In their Gr c ry Department, in the Basement, you will find a Large Stock of the Choicest Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Crockery. All of which they are selling as Cheap if not Cheaper than any other house in Utah. Therefore persons wishing to purchase Koods will find it to their interest to call and examine prces and quality of goods before purchasing clss- - I where. j DON'T FORGET THE J TOfflK SffiFOElIlffl ; Salt Lake City, Utah. r in ConnectiA country H. F. Mr. cut Williams, who usually sets ten acres of tobacco plauts. will this year put out cab ! 20 Jv uew.-pape- in-(- to-da- instead." oages Cousumers of THE OBIjElBK.a:HiID MCC0RMICK Con- HARVESTING MACHINES ! necticut tobacco will expert tos noke Mr. Williams' crop just the same. ESTRAY NOTICE. THK FOLLOW. dencribed huiihi.Ih wb.x.h if cot clmmed rt t from 1hi, will iljiic ton TihWhjt .1nn Hth 1S70, ri 2 o'clock li.m., ai Uio Fjstiay l'ottnd, Ofidoii City. One black iiuim 4 or 10 ypun old, whits spot in forelieail, white between nwrtriU. li ft firin of ii:tit hind foot wlut, truiiih-r- l with a nn a1! d!au.ond, etc on left hip. One tw.y hr-c- , 8 yojim 4!H, white mt iu ii.rfetiund mall uwllttii.- - ..i riiit util. ' t.foti.lu.l Ml' i.i. ijft Hlimil.Ur Ouu t initia 4&rn old, iUugibU oraud on lift thigh. OfiP yellow horw,15 yvirt old, illygible bmndj on left .hooMt-- and riyht. One cow heivwri 4 aud ft jeart old, whiffvr.nner t'i'ilv. whitaiti frwitea.il. viliit on rumu. wlntu mi liiulilT, n(ip bfl'itudMit 'ii lftt nr, tuh ut Ui .(l,li on young rail; illegible AVE IN MY IUI Ml ( M an-al- d lo-da- P2 ) r 2 S o --i ! c- li-- w. n. nrr., tin-mos- Og Ion fr 1 e 1876. '2 023l-U4- it F. FISH El!, . NOTARY PUBLIC, I(iluiioiiit, Citflio Co,, . .'J nty.Jun lttli, y'inrf ami nflirr tlfdt draun up und ac l tewiwledtiert, oJjuJaviU rwiresl, nifa riul bu.;iiirst jirmtfitly aiUwled tr.. ' Aiti nt l'T7- Viftii.it 'jgrnm, (lii,U'n OtuJ", Kir-b- y ami Whit'rr mushiM, Slilky Kakfi, . c . o o--I u DAVID JAMES, I I .... i ' 1 P 1 (5 inner. CiH,Wir d Htcani Fitter. , . (ftic:f amy to M.tceU tit-da- coin-j.leiei- y di-- l.JN.I(P 'iKtiii Iron Pipe mid "KrttinRx relnhrated Jameii.) a a. 5' (one m Htt;mci kei't 9 frme. unit L'tl inititk. ilie Acreiit for i unity's Puiupii. Ptuup H MttH't Irmi Comic mml to order. l.nll!iin;, S)llred Top Fi nit nnd Hiincv Calm u Jj.ecialty iu thMr aiii. Oilers fr jin the cimutry prmnplly filled an.t , hip;oil. Waiwiiouee And Yirkhiip. Trjile St., (JMlvaniiixt P.O. rio.v. 3Cti ITY, Mct Market. frii-l- EVERY fir i be beat; needa only to be tried. MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. OGDEN Planing and h wn MO 1VER cannot Samples to be seen at Joshua WilliauiS, Ogden; Goodwin Bros., Lv ran; liichardon A Douslass, Smithflo'.d; who are also Agents for the well s37-3known FISH BUGS. 'WAGONS. Illustrated Circular' Sent Free. t I'JIIZE All the McCormick M:eliine3 raanufacturerl for the last thirty years hav been noted lor simplicity of construction, superiority of work manship and durability. Wt CpxMiM'CttT S 3 THE IJimOVKS S'Mf SALT J.AIal'. f THE DltOPPEll has no Superior for Light Draft and Convenience. lutings ou hurii. KNACK W'OUK A?D ROOFING, to-da- ht tll.ACK ANDOA LYAM7.ED Kiid 1'iiuiji 3 r. c 3 5 2 9 Ueuio-rrati- FULL 9 ) Re-Sawi- Mills, ng AND LUMBER YAH I), :o:- - La lh. t1 Windows, mint!. CAUDLNG MACHINE. I JAVIMJ jSKCUPEHTIIE nwnu uiiV.M.M , i 1x Vmf, L 1 uas pin our iruin SERVICK3 OP ED nir i ...long xptr- ..-..' jjmi uiuh ' GIVE US A CALL AND EXAMINE OUR PRICES. IN EXCELLENT RUNNING ORDER, lie i now prepard to WOOL CAUDof iheTIIK inrroaixJ aud GKTBSOisE. ECCLES Franklin &c Co., St , Ogden. Corner of Fourth and We will receive orders for AMES' ENGINES and EMPIRB SAW SHINGLE and LATH MACHINES, CORN ad CANK HIil.Mi o VOI U WOOL MILLS.MILLS, Ac, Ac." Alw the St. Loots TNVINCIHLE VIBHATOlt Aud Get Good; Rolls. Scud for THRESHING MACHINE with CAREY POWER. Of I ogjn, auJ ins 'ttlcmrots Nouluni Cuuulic. Wiu.lL Preston lm & Co. p.S circulars, 52tf. ' i ' .; : ' (ilbson, Ectlcs A to. . |