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Show 4I don't know how; that's themig. hief of it. Can't you find me a pro- nr. PerkiMs' Kahy. fessional ruesmerizer to come ana to AWFIL DILEMMA. AN ft?' Bulletin. From the Philadelphia Judgt. Searl, Plaintiff. V. "The only one tht 1 know," said Dr. Gills, "lives in New Orleans. II, dreadful time over at They h:id a Vorkins' with Mrs. Perkins' baby. If J?ms the chili was very restless and could troublesome at night, and they even by doling it DOt wake it sleep, LEGAL NOTICE. lu the Probata Court in and for Box KIdor county, Territory of Utah, Hon. Saniul Smith. can't be got in less than four days.' "By that time," shrieked Perkins 'the baby'll be dead and Mrs. Per kins'll be insane! What under heaveb lama E. ) Summons. ) The people of the United Statu in the Territory f Ctau Hnd greeting to James R. Searl, You are liio!y required to answer the Defendant. l, iff M 1 1 1 f IfcsW :tition V. Searl, in (aid con t of Over iiled Hgaiiut you, within tou day, exclusive of the lay of service, after i!ie serrice nn you of tliit iimmoiis, if servrd within thin county: or, it iierved out of this county hut within this ditstricl within twenty iIuvh; otlirrwise, withiu forty days. r judgment by default will be taken agaiint on are we going to do?" paregoric aud other narcotics. "Let's hunt up Brown; maybe be Perkins at last got desperate. He aceordiug to the prayer of said petition. 8tid remembered reading somewhere an knows." notion is brought to obtain a decree disso'viu)! So they started after Brewn, and the bonds of inatriiuotiy existing betwa-- sai.i amount of the power of mesmerizing plaintiff and aVfVuilaiit. upu the grounds go: in a little while to him that occurred they revealed the 6( tli in the petition ou file in this office. .ons, and it mesmerize the And you are hereby notified that if yon fail to jugybe he might baby, secret, and took him to see the baby. appearand answer the said pplilioti an above reDr. Brown iu that slapped his hands toother. quired, plaintiff will take dotanltagaiust you and aud keep it juiit at night to tbe court for the relief prayed for. and rubbed his forehead, and all of a upply manner. In testimony whereof. 1 J. 0 Wright, clerk of sai sudden the baby sat up and began to court, do herunto set my band and ultix ton He hadn't any great hopes of seal ot aaid court this 6th day O' J uue, 1S" but, ouo night, while Mrs. Per- civ. J. C. WRIGHT, I "What do yoH think was the mat kins hid gone down stairs to get irobats Clerk. t in the paregoric, ter with him, Doctor?" asked Mrs. K'ine sugar to put with euc-jgi- u, I'erkias rubbed the child's aud niado some passes with eyebrows Perkins, joyfully. vV his hauds, hy, your husband Fays he mes merized the child." said the Doctor, aud, to his gratification, the baby thoughtlessly letting the secret drop. suddenly went to sleep. Then Mrs Perkins looked at Per When thev awoke in the morning kins as if she wanted to assassinate t lie child was still slumbering, and Mrs. Perkins said she guessed it him, but she merely ejaculated: "Jlouster! and flew from the Bia?t have gotten a tooth throuh. Purkius room, one reluseu to sneak to i er- which made it feel easier. kins for a week and he has remarked said he thought maybe it had. his friends: to ho went up stairs After breakfast the baby wants to holler, now, "If to see if it was awake yet, but it I'm going to let him holler, if be hol wasn't, and so, after giving it two or ers the top of hia head off." throe rough shakvs without arousing it, be went down to get his hat to go A clergymau who had been stay Mrs. Perkins called to the office. ing far some time at the house of a after him. -Don't lam the front dour and friend, 01 going away, called to him little Tommy, the four-yea- r old eon wake the baby-his aud of asked him what . he host, And then Parkins did slam it should him for a give and he went away with gloom present. in his heart and a horrible apprehen- - Tommy, who had a great respect for i'm that the baby would never wake the "cloth," thought it wa3 his duty to suggest something of a religious up"U hat ia thunder'tl we do if it nature, so he answered, hesitatingly: I think I should like a Testa-rneoslioitid stay asleep and live to be fifty "I and I know I should like a or fiity years old and not get awake ouee !'' said Perkins to himself The thought was maddening. It On the road to Epsom, a mu8 haunted him for two or three hours, tached youth on top of a drag, eviaud the.ii he couid stand it do longer, ambitious of being mistaken ile determined to go back to the dently lor "an thus saluted a fit house to ascertain if the baby coachman,officer," who wa9 gravely driving lud come Dack to consciousness. hia master aud family: When he got there Mrs. Peikie.s "Holloa, you, sir! where's your fcuid: ? How dare you come to "Iiu't queer how long this baby tbe " without a Derby stays asleep'' He ii not awake yet. John forth without growled lifting Nervous exhaustion, I suppose, poor hw eyes from his hoises, "Ow the '' lit lo dear." dooee could I have a ehirt-colla- r Perkins felt awfully, and Le went when your mother has not sent home up uud jogged a piu in the buby's my washing. so that his wife leg fear-fuily- r J vs. Uavy McElvuno, Drfmdant. shirt-collar?- i , couldn't quietly, him. Still it lay there fas--t Any excuse better than none. A asleep, aud he went back to his office toper says he wouM be a temperance uueertaiu whether to fly or to go man in a minute if it wasu't for his home aad confess. In x couple oi wife. He kuows she'd be lonesome hours Mr. Perkins came down tu if si e hadn't something to jaw about ?.v him. She was scared aud breatli- - and rind fault with. see J.C. s47-- Irkin3. the babv is actuillv GOODS JUST FIRST CLASS GROCERIES, J&.lX.l?LTr JJ2T ASSORTMENT OF GEXTS9' 'CLOTIIIA'G ! Selected specially for this market, aud now selling at Bed Rock Trices. The beet variety to choo6e from in all this section of tbe TeAitory. OUIt WIIOLEKALK DEPARTMENT ia full in all ita brunches. Special inducements offered to the trade. WR!QHT, PiolxtU Clerk 4t Tbe merchnntB of Northern Utah will find tt this house all they need fnr One tery important advantage to storekeepers in buying at: tbe Logan Branch should not be overlooked. Small quantities can be obtained and o)d, and new purchases made ad1 disposed of and tbe process be neveral, times repeated in tbe same tune it would take to make one shipment from Otiden or Sa't Lake. Thus wiih small profits, qu ck retains and frequent sales, prosperity can bo assured. Wool, Hides, Grain, Butter, Eggs etc.,' taken exchange. s. .tip-plie- LEGAL NOTICE. In the Probte Court in and for ty. Territory WutU L. Box Rider coun. of Utah, Hon. Samuel Smith, Vinfaar,plarff. tJ. V Sumntoht. JIiirVitiA. Vinegar D(fd The people of tho United States ia the Terri-- , tory of Utah, send greeting , Ma!t,n- A. Vinejtar defendant. You are hersby required to answer the court filed petitl in of ft yet L. Vinegar, in against yon, within ten days, exclusive of the day of service after the service on you of this sum-moif served within this county; or, if served out of this county, but within this diHtrict, within twenty days; utherwiac, within forty dYS. or Judgment by de:uuit will bo taken acaiuat you, according to the prayer of fcaid petition, c'aid action is brought to obtain a decree dissolving the bonds of n atrimony existing betsv.ten said pla ntiff and defendant, upon tha grouads set forth in the petition ou file in this office. And you are hereby notified that if yon foil to appearand answer the said petitiouas above required, plaintiff will take defanlt against you aud ftpely to the court for the relief prayed tir. la testsm.iny whereof. I, J. C. Wrirht, clork ot fail court do herento sot my hand and affix tbe seal of said court, this 6:h day of June 1870. merc-anti- SEAL Isogan Branch LEGAL NOTICE. Probate Clerk. I, FiX. Will receive promjtt attention. a37-l- f ' . ' ' PEEBLES' DRUG STOEE ! AVIuSTES Patent MedichifJ t LESAL NOTICE. In the Probate Conrt in and f r Box Elder Oonr.-tTerri lory of Utah, Hon. Samuel Smith Judge. Surah A. Dunl tr, Plaintiff. 1 TOILETS y V. 1.. e. Summon. r F. Dumber, Dtftnd't j The People of the United Ftatns, in tbe Territory of Utah send greeting to James V. Dunbar, detendunt. Ycu are hereby required to answer A. Lnnbar, in said conrt the petition of filed against you, within ten days, exclusive of the day of service, after the service on you of this Summons, if served within this if mrred oat of this Ooanty but withiu this district i within twenty dye; otherwise within forty davs. or judgment by default will be taken against you forty t" the prayer of said petition, faid Hieh a by default will l taken against acvording matter. I believe the poor days or judgment action is brought to obtain a decree dissolving to the p. aver of sail cioipUint. yon arcoiding or muninony existing between said Donas child's going to This action is brought to obtain a decien dis tne die, and want'you solvin? ami defendant, opn the grounds set piuintm the tonds of between matrimony existing tj go straight for the doctor.'' petition ou file in this office. said plaintiff and defendant, on the grounds set i.irth in the are Aud you hereby notified trm if von fail to Perkins put on his hat aud starte- t' rth in the o.uuWiut on file in this ctace. Aud yon are hereby notified that if you fait to appearand answer the said petltien as above re d, aad in half an hour he reached apear and answer the said complaint as required, quired, pliuntjff will take default against yon aud to tne court for the reiiet praved for. plsintilf will taK dol'ault against yon and apply apply J? house in company with Dr. Ja testimony whereof. I, J. C. Wright, Clerk of to tho Court for the relief prayed for. said court, do berennto setmv hand o! mix the Doctor examined the child (in en under my band and ti.a seal of the Pro seal of saic Court, this Oth day of Jane, 1870. of taid county, this 1st da of Ma , hate Court, wrduilv, and said that iu his opin- -' me. J. C. WKIUHT, Probate Clerk. si m it must be under the influecce c. waioiiT. j, of 47 4t. Clerk. Jamtt C. C. WRIGHT, j- ! All Orders addressed to M. TII.l TCJIim, Manager . NUT UHb. yet, and I can't roue him! In the Probate Court in and for Box Klder CounIve bhaken him, aud called to him, ty, Territory of I'tau. lion. Saaiuti Smith, ' ami done cveiytking," and he don't Judj;e. ir. What can be the matter with John llcinimon. Plaintiff, SuTKmoni him? I'm afraid some thing awful has P.ra Hamnion, dtfcntTitf Tho people of tha United Stato in the Territory happened to him?" of Utah, send xreetinyr to Kra IUmmun, he's You are hereby required to appear in 'Maybe sleeping op a lot an uctioL brought against yoti by the above ahead, so's to 6tay awake at nights nvned plaintiff, in the Probata Court of Box Mme more," said Utah Territory, and to aaswer the Perkins, with a tltler Oonnty, complaint filed therein, within ten eUys, (exclufeeble smile at hh attempt at joking! sive of th day of serrice) uftcr the service en "Mr. Perkins, von flHrrht. tn ho yiu of this summoue, if served within thiscounty, out of tins county, out in this Vhamtd of yourself to trifle with or if served within twenty dayn; otherwise within AND Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Queensware, Glassware, Paints, QUs, Putty, Glass, Tinware, Hardware, Plows, etc., etc. Sum-mon- aJ7-4- 'Mr DRY 1 ) Market, STAPLE and FANCY The eople of the United States In tbe Territory of Utah, send greeting to Maty Mr.Ei ratio defendant. You are hereby required to answer the petition of John McKlvano, in said court filed against you, within ten days, exclusive of the day of service, afte- - tbe service on you of thi if aerved within tht county: or, if terved out of this county but within this district, within tweuty days; otherwise wi'hm forty days; or judgment by 4efauit will be taken against you according to the prayer of daid petition. Said action is brought to obtaiu a decree dienolvioj; the bnds of matrimony cxioting between faid plaintiff and defendant, upon the grounds set forth in the petition On file in thi oQlce. An 1 jou are iiereby notified that If yon faii t. appoaraud anwr the sod petition as'above re- A quired, lilaiutiffwitl take default auainst you and apply to the coHrt for the relief prayd tor. In testimony whereof, I, J. C. Wright, Clerk of said court, do hereunto set tny hand and nC5x the seal of said cmrt, thij 6th day of Jane, 1K78. SEAL Western .and And are therefore able to compete in price and quality with any house in Utah. Our stock coneitsts of Armmotu. t, shirt-collar- WE ARE NOW HECEIVINO OUR GOODS In the Probate Court in and for Bci Eldor County, Territory of l.'tah, Uou; Samuel Smith, Ju e. John UcElvano, Plaintiff. i.hti isi- Direct from 'Eastern LEGAL NOTICE. j - is I ' WEs!f Wm LIQUORS, ANBimW PKEBLES, Prescription DruggUt. FIFTH STREET - 43 3m OGIErS', UTAH. Cr.n-ity:o- clis-tii- I JOHH LEGAL NOTICE. Id the Probate Court, ic nnJ for tbe County the Probate Court, in and for the County of iiox aioer, in the Territory ot Utah. Box fclder, in the 'Jerritory of Ctah. Koii. Ssmool JU:!y, A' 1, replied Perkins. extraordinary," said Dr. 1 Will tro in and nail Dr and consult with him about r;a, f i,e,Mrs- Perkil began to sob-r'that he was almost aura-re- r. He followed the Doctor V a,rs' and wneQ they reached hall he said. "loeior, if I teii you 8001cthing, - erkius felt Ja vs. is (ill utgive nae away on it?"' I mesmerized that J'I did.' .s'.l.:-.- 4 iiiLU,BUh-B,eot- itup-agaia- u t.daa't '"bj Eivard Sin uii Judge. Suruh ir.C Dorlch Plaintiff, I'll take my solemn oath I 'N'o; LEGAL NOTICE. l - &imumt. J John D. Dortch, Dtfcnd't. The ptoplc of the United State, in the Territory of Utah, ceud greeting to Joh It. itortch, d'v fenilant. You are hereby required to appear ia an action brought airaiust you hy the above named Plaintiff, in the Probate court of Box fclder County. Utah Territory, aud to answer the complaint fl ed therein, within teu days, (exclusivnve of the day of service), after the service on you of this within this county, or if stitnmoDV if e out of this county but in this district within twentv days; otherwise, within forty days, or nit you judgment by defmlt wilt be taken to tho prayer of said complaint. decree disa obtain to is This action brought solving the bonds f matrimony existing between said plaintiff and dofrtiitent. on the grounds set forth in the complaint on fi e in this office. Aud you are hereby notifind that if you fail ti as reiiprwar and answer the aaid poiuplaint yon and quired, pbdntiff will fake lef luJt a liiwt the Court tor the relief prayed for. applr to mwl.-Hiv hand and the Seal of the Pro ii..n bata Court of said County, tins 3?rU day of Jlay, aa t 1 .1 f ar s48.4t. J'l , 6. (S7.AL) "Did you give it any while I was ;wt, last uight, Mr. Perkins?" Mrs. P., suspiciously aud fear- - In Co, Main Street. Ogden. Gill. tpiuru. tS BOITEjK 1 of Carxill, Plaintiff. tis. mittens. Euphfmia Carvill, Dttndav.t. The people ot the United fitntes in the Territory of Utah send greeting to Eupheniia Carvill, defendant You are hereby required to answer the petition of Edwarl Carvil!, in said court filled against you, within ten days, exclusive of the day of tervice, after the service on you of this Summons, if served within this Coanty; or, if served out of this County but within this District, within twenty days; otherwise, within forty days; or jttilgeuiost by do fault will be iken again! you Said according tu :lie prayer of sa d petition. action is brought to obtain a decree dieen vlng tbe bonds of mad iuiony existing between said plain tiff and defendant, upon tbe grouDtls set forth in the petiti on on file in this office. Aud yon are hereby notified that if you fail t appear anil answer said petition asalxive required plaintiff mil take default against you and apply to tbe eonrt for the relief prayed for. In testimony whereof, f, J.C. W right, clerk of said court. do hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said court, this Oth da of Jane, 187 . r J.C. j, p. waiariT, Clack. ' ' 47-- WRIGHT, Clerk. r . if Have just received their spring stock of all ' CAB I KT E T lindi of ' " ' '' W: AB E ; The largest and most variel assbrtment of : . r Parlor. Dining Room, Kitchen, Xibrary, and .,. Chamber j Furniture,, (a j , ( , ' Aleo Window fJcriices, Clpcfc'SbelfcsBrickctsV tnh a coBapI'eta stofk of Chrouios; Pcture euitaWe for StidJa School Preseatsj aby' J :t ;,! ' ' Carriages, and a Jaree Variety of Pictuie Fram-ei-. HA VE THE LARGEST STOCK j IXi OG7)EX. mtd sett at thiil&wejrt lri4:et.Viiniry Dealers will find it Jo their 34 if advantvyt to giue ks a caU, r , ; r ;f ;',,. ., ( 4 |