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Show THE HELPER TIMES. HELPER. UTAH Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect COUNT FIFTY! PAINS AND NEURALGIA GONE It SEIZE GOVERNMENT Instant relief! Rub thie nerve torture s,nd mleery right out with St, Jacobs Liniment, Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reporta from druggists who are constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that haa been very successful in overcoming these conditions. The mild and healing influence cf Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Bois soon realized. It stands the highest for its remarks bid record of success. An examining physician for one of ths prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview of the subject, made the astonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance are rejected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and ths large majority of thorn whose applications are declined do not even .suspect that they have the disease. It is on sale at all drag stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this neat preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. ot t One on the News. This little story comes from Salem. Little Martha M , who Is in the first grade at school, but who strenu-oiulattempted to amuse herself at home duilng the flu" ban, came vp to her father and said: y long-continu- "Daddy, I do think the Indianapolis News Is the nicest paper. Why don't you get it two times a day? "I'm afraid things are not happening quite fast enongh for that, her father told her. But yon are a little girl. Don't yon think you are too little to read the newsimper!" she said, of Oh, my, daddy, course, I dont rend It. Itut the News does have the nicest paper dolls! Indiunapolis News. sih PAPES DIAPEPSIN FOR INDIGESTION OVERTHROW OF THE REPUBLIC THROUGH BLOODY REVOLUTION PLANNED BY REDS. Establishment of Bolshevist Government is Object of I. W. W Socialists and Radical Anarchists, Declares Solicitor Lamar. Mall matter seized Washington. since the signing of the urmlstice has disclosed that the 1. W. W., anarchists, radical socialists and others are perfecting an amalgamation, which has for its object the overthrow of the American government through a bloody revolution" and the establishment of a Bolshevik republic, according to a memorandum sent to the senate propaganda committee by Solicitor Lamar f (ho imsloffice department The memorandum was made public Monday by the committee, and Chairman (Kerman said it would bo read into the record. Declaring that in Bolshevism the radical elements of the country hud for the first time found a common cause upon wliich they can unite, Mr. Lamar said his information showed that propaganda against lie government was being compacted with great regularity und tliut the magnitude could be measured by the laild and outspoken statements found in the literature. Acconumnylng his memorandum were several hundred excerpts from mail mutter showing he irend of tlwe propaganda. These , will lie made public later. Particular reference was mude by the solicit! r to the activity of the dissatisfied foreign element of the country, hut he said iterhnps the I. W. W. was the most active in the dissemination of the proiHigumhi because it "has at its command u large field force known' as recruiting agents, agents, etc., who work unceasingly in the furtherance of the cause.' V Rub this soothing, penetrating liniment right into the sore, inflnnuN nerves, and like magic neuralgia disSt. Jacobs Liniment" conappears. quers pain. It is a harmless neuralgia relief which doesnt burn or discolor the skin. Dont suffer l Its so needless. Get a small trial bottle from any drug store and gently rub the aching nerves and in just a moment yon will be absolutely free from pain and suffering. No difference whether your pain or neuralgia is in the face, head or any part of the body, you get instant relief honest pain dewith this Adv. not can It injure. stroyer old-tim- The Precious Commodity. The rain was streaming happily down upon the figures of a little girl and n smaller boy who were struggling bravely along the slippery, swimming With one arm the girl pavement. lingged tightly a small blue papered purcel, while with the other she endeavored to hold an umbrella over her companion's head, and thus shield him from the deluge. Suddenly the head and shoulders of their mother were thrust from n bedroom window a few yards up the street. The woman Never waved her anus frantically. mind ubout Erbert, Liz, she yelled. Old the umbrellu over our ration o sugar ! Edinburgh Scotsman. OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLO OR CATARRH I suli-scriptl- e, How To Get Relief When Head , and Nose are Stuffed Up. i County fifty I Your cold In head or catarrh disappears. Your clogged nostrils will open, the air passages of yonr head will dear and yen can breathe freely. No more snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache ; no straggling for breath at night Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from yonr druggist and apply a GERMAN ARMY LIMIT FIXED. little of this fragrant antiseptic cream Undigested food I Lamps of pain; In yonr nostrils. It penetrates through Men as Allied Council Sets War 100,000 belching gas, adds and sourness. When every air passage of the head, soothing Maximum. your stomach is all upset, here la inand healing the swollen or Inflamed stant relief No waiting! Paris. Definite steis to put Ger- mucous membrane, giving yon Instant many forever beyond the hope of relief. Ilead colds and catarrh yield military domination over the like magic. Don't stay stuffed-u- p and world were taken Monday by the su- miserable. Belief Is sure. Adv. preme war council, with Clemenceau Or a Comic Artist Lloyd George present and presiding, two The moment yon eat a tablet or Mother Albert, Albert, conic here of Pape's Dlapepsln all the indigestion Secretary Lansing and Colonel. House representing the United States. quick. Algernon has swallowed half Tou can prevent this loathsome disease from running pain and dyspepsia distress stops. colta Buffering with to are be armies The kaisers a can of green paint. through your stable and cure all the great Your disordered stomach will feel it when you begin the treatment. No matter how young, reduced to a mere police force and Father Aw, thats nothing to worry fine at once; SPOHNS COMPOUND la safe to use on any colt It is ' wonderful how it prevents ell distempers, no matter how These pleasant, harmless tablets of other steps severer than have been con- about, lie's probably goin' to be an SPOHN'S the colta or horses at any age are exposed. The were for. decorator. interior coat provided templated ie sold by your druggist. Pape's Dlapepsln never fail and Hole SPOH9T CO.. MEDICAL Mflm, Geebm, Ind. German government must ucccpt them very little at drug stores. Adv. or take the consequences. Important to Mothero Immediate Benefit. Examine carefully every bottle of As a result of the discussion it was The Boy's Argument. You eat more simply. must famous old that CASTORIA, remedy I dont see the use of learning this agreed to fix the strength at 100,000, see and and for infants it. that it know It will save me a lot of I children, ' less than half the orlglnul figure stuff. about the luxury tnx. worry Bears the laid terms as under recommended the Your Yon don't, Willie? The idea. futher had to learn It when he was s down by the nllies. Germany must Signature of ( Keep clean fnilde os well u outside by taktns raise this force by voluntary enlist- In Use for Over 30 $earsT a gentle laxative at least ooca a week, rack as boy. AU BflapM Olntmratsen, TxbnS ment. Children Cry for Fletchers Castoria Doctor PUtea'o Pleasant Pellets. Adv. la dnuaiiiti:h fno(d7Oatkn, Maybe he did, bnt when I take m Bvpt. X. books home at night he can't answer A little learning is a dangerous The softer the road the harder it GET TASTE OF OWN MEDICINE any of the questions I ask him. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. amateur skater. to travel. the for is thing He learned it all right, but probRed Terror in Germany Takes Huge ably he has forgotten It Toll of Life. Well, whats the nse of learning if If you're going to forget it, and I warn London. Many were killed and you now that Im going to le just as wounded In serions fighting which good at forgetting us my pa is. at Halle, Germany, on Saturday, according to a Copenhagen dispatch to Freshen a Heavy Skin the Central News. Spurtacans are a With the antiseptic, fascinating said to have drowned many students Talcum Powder, an' exquisitely and officers .in the river there, and It scented convenient, economical face, is reported that there was a general Mrs. Etta Dorion, of Ogdensburg, Wis says: akin, baby and dusting powder and pillage in the parts of the city where suother Benders Government took the fighting perfumes perfume. I suffered from female troubles which caused piercing pains place. like a knife through my back and side. I finally lost all my perfluous. One of the Cuticura Toilet troops eventually gained the mastery, Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum). Adv. it is said. strength so I had to go to bed. The doctor advised an operation but I would not listen to it. I thought of what I had read about Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and tried it. The first About all yon can do for a boy, worth Gas Barred From Farms. bottle brought great relief and six bottles have entirely cured me. while, is to give him .something good All women who have female trouble of any kind should try Washington. Poisonous pis developto remember. ed iii war cannot he used to clear Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. American farms of insects nnd rodent How Mrs. Boyd Avoided an Operation. Secretary Lune bus decided Influenza can pests, after investigation. Experience showed I suffered from a female trouble which Canton, Ohio. while pests were killed, there was and two doctors decided that me that caused much easier suffering, prevented dean operation before I could to would and have the of go I gas through spreading danger be cured. get well. stroying livestock and itcrsons living s "Mr mother, who had been helped by Lydia E. near by, in case the wind should carry me to try it beadvised Vegetable Compound, the fumes. sign of fore submitting to an operation. It relieved me from my troubles so I can do my house work without any I shiver sneeze, Channel Tube to be Reality. difficulty. I advise any woman who is afflicted with dream of . female troubles to give Lydia E. Pinkhams Vege- I,nndon. The decades-ol- d table Compound a trial and it will do as much tunnel connecting a them. Mrs. MabXe Boyd, 1421 5th St for ? A0 to a become England nnd France is I ( N- - E--, Canton, Ohio. chancellor Bonar Inst. at Law, rapllty or the exchequer announced in the house of commons Monday that the government was considering immediate cold nam&T for SO raar in tasks Inception of the construction of tlie tunnel nnd proposed to employ demobback if it fails. Ths fCDunia bastes sited top ilized soldiers in the work. with Mr. HiUi pictm. At All PriX Btora. Spartacans Sentenced to Death. London. A grent number of Sparta-can-s win be relieved promptly by PWs Stops were taken prisoner In the fightthroat tickle; rdievesuntswMi. The remedy in the center of Berlin on March was is of ing tested by more than fifty years T, and will be sentenced to death, according to an Exchange Telegraph disUTDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. patch from Copenhagen. 'HI I "II EAT ONE TABLET! NO GASES, ACIDITY, DYSPEPSIA OR ANY STOMACH MI8ERY. A A COLT DISTEMPER . Heal Itching Skins! With Cuticura f. 11-1- - oc-cur- Cutl-enr- Spanish be it can At the first or Proof that Some Women do Avoid Operations . than Fink-barn'- a 1 J take cross-chann- AM'pUININE el f Every Sick Woman Shot? EHHA Old Folks Coughs FASOS Ti . PINKHAMS VEGETABLE . COMPOUND Before Submitting To An Operation tewUiMa 91. |