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Show THE HELPER TIMES. HELPER, UTAH LIFT OFF CORNS! STATISTICS OF WAR Apply few drops then lift sore, touchy corns off with ISSUER BY MARCH fingers TROOPS ACTUALLY PARTICIPAT. ING IN FIGHTING NUMBERED 1,390,000 MEN. Officers and Men Discharged to Date Are 1,361,528. Battle Casualties of American Army in France Totaled 240,197. Doesnt hurt a bit! Drop a little Freezone on an aching corn. Instantly tint corn stops hurting, then you lift It right out Yes, magic A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a few cents at any drug store, but Is sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. Freezone is the sensational discovery of a Cincinnati genius. It Is wonderful. 1 Expressing His Thanks. Applause which greeted an address delivered by Marion Ifnriund, the authoress, recently, brought to her iniiul, site told her audience, a remark of an old New England kinsman. He was an elder lu the church, she wild, and when Ills youngest child died the congregation was most solicitous. After the funeral services he expressed his appreciation thus: " Folks, youve all been real kind In this time of tribulation. I want to thank you for nil you've done. Im ouly sorry t'want n bigger corpse.' " SAGE TEA BEAUTIFIES AND DARKENS HAIR It Darkens 80 Dont Stay Gray! Naturally that can TelL Nobody Washington. American troops actually participating lu engagements against the enemy numbered 1,390,000 men. General March announced the figures on Mureh 8, showing that comprised divisional roops and divisional replacements; 240,000 corps and army troops, and S0,000 service of supply troops. Demobilization reports made public by General March allowed - 1,361,-52- 8 officers and men discharged to date, while the number ordered had reached 1,(513,500. Buttle casualties of the American army In France, as shown by revised divisional records announced by General March, totaled 240,107. These include killed lu action, wounded, missThere ing In action and prisoners. probably will be some slight further revision us final rejxirts are received. Statistics compiled by the war department show that from the dute of tlie entry of the United States into the war to February 21, 1910, there were 339 suicides In the army. Of these, 193 occurred in the United States and 146 oversells. In making this totul public. General March pointed out that It was far below the average per thousand In civil life during tlie years of llospitul records from the expeditionary forces. General March said, showed 81,231 patients on February 20, a reduction from 112,217 since the armistice was signed. re-teas- - 1914-15-1- 0. . HOOVER TO QUIT IN JULY. Declares He Will Return to Private Life. Paris. That Herbert Clark Hoover, tlie American food administrator and lately appointed director general of the interallied relief organization, Is to cease his relief work In the summer was indicated In n statement Issued Sunday by Mr. Hoover concerning tlie wheat situation. He intimated also that a majority of his would return to private life. Speaking of vurious problems connected with the wheat situation, Mr. Hoover Raid that they would need to be sol veil by someone else because neither inyself nor most of the men lu the food administration will be able to continue In the service of the government after next July. We, also, must earn a living, Mr. Hoover said. Food Administrator You can turn gray, faded hair beautifully dark and lustrous almost over night if youll get a bottle of "Wyeths Sage and Sulphur Compound" at any drug store. Millions of Ixittles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, Improved by the addition of other Ingredients, are Bold annually, says a druggist here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell It has been applied. Those whose hair Is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair vanishes and your locks become luxuriantly dark and beautiful. ' This is the age of youth. unattractive folks arent wanted around, so get busy with Wyeths Sage and Sulphur Compound and youll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful appearance within a few well-know- n Gray-lmlre- d, f UTAH BUDGET WEAK KIDNEYS MEAN Directors of the Utah county farm bureau advocate a system of crop A WEAK BODY standardization for the slHte. N. Torrls, Mexican, 17 years of age, Whw youre fifty, your body begins to a little at the hinges. Motion is said to be the first juvenile to be tried treik more slow Not so young In Utah for bringing liquor into the u I used toandbe deliberate. ie a frequent and unwelcome thought. Certain bodily functions state, will be tried at Ogden. which good health and good spirit Fanners are elated over reports that upon o much depend, are impaired. The weak 100 inches of snow has recently been pot is generally the bladder Unpleasant deposited on the higher ground of tbs Symptoms show themselves. Painful and Provo and Strawberry reservoir water- annoying complications in other organs arise. This is particularly true with sheds. Mearl Tangren received a severe scalp wound when a high wind blew in the gable of bis house at Moab. He was in bed at the time, so that the coverings afforded him considerable protection. Jack rabbit hunts are popular at Fillmore since the recent falls of snow. Thousands of the destructive little animals are being killed, but there are plenty more running about to insure good bags for hunting parties. Reclamation of approximately 1U00 acres In Washington county is contemplated by Edward Vincent of the town of Leeds, who has made application to the state engineer for permission to use 550 acre-fee- t of water from Quail creek. Weber county, which is planning on going into partnership with Ogden city and eercting a joint administration bull.dlng, may call a bond election for $500,000, Is the announcement that has been made by the board of county com1 missioners. A snowslide from the canyon walls covered the railroad tracks of the Copper Belt line, running from Bingham to the Boston Consolidated and tlie United States Mining companys properties to a depth of twenty feet for a length of 300 feet. Tlie conference of the North Weber stake, which was called for March 9, has been postponed until the second or fourth Sunday In Jun X The action was taken on account of the large amount of influenza pit Tailing In certain wards of the stake. Members of the reconstruction committee of the Commercial .club and other representative citizens of Provo and Utah county have presented a petition to the county commissioners, asking them to call a special bond election for Improvement work. The petition of Jedlah Woodard, praying that a sentence Imposed for Involuntary manslaughter be terminated, was granted by the board of pardons last week. Woodard was convicted In May, 1917, at Salt Lake, for killing his son in a fit of anger. Peter GeocuTos, wto was arrested in Bingham upon the. charge of burglary, escaped from the city prison gang in Ogden, while employed in shoveling snow in the city hall park. He was arrested there upon the charge of having liquor In his possession. The county commissioners and the mayors of the various tovns in Davis county, after holding a conference on the subject, have decided to make protest to the state utilities commission against granting to the Bamberger Electric railroad permission to increase its passenger rates. Once a comparatively wealthy man, Joseph L. Orr, 74 years old,' died In poverty at his home in Ogden, where he had been living alone. Two neighbors who came to call found him. lying on. tlie floor in pain. They lifted him to his bed and ran to fetch warm water. When they returned he was dead. Confronted by his alleged first wife, Mrs. Cora Sims Harzke. who arrived from Omaha, Neb., Leonard Harzke, chef employed on a dining car on the Union Pacific Railroad company, waived his preliminary examination and was bound over to the district court at Ogden on p charge of bigamy. Before a prospective graduate of the University of Utah school of education can obtain a teachers certificate he or site must pass stringent physical and personal hygiene tests. This is In accord with the government legislation advocating more health work among college students who Intend entering the teaching profession. Compilation is being made in the secretary of states office of a list of all companies delinquent In payment of the 1918 tax. Tlie tax was due last November 15 und became delinquent on December 15. Upon p'Tbllcatlon as delinquents the companies may be reinstated after payment of a $10 penalty, in the discretion of the governor and secretary of state. Within eight hours after the robbery of the Boston pool hall at Highland Boy mine at Bingham, Peter Gonzales, 25 years of age, and Ricardo 23, both Mexicans, were under arrest, charged with the crime. A car of sick and wounded soldiers from overseas reached Salt Lake, soldiers from 28. Thirty-on- e the lntermountaln states occupied the car. Seven of the men were from Idaho, four from Utah, four from Montana, five from Nevada, six from Arizona, two from Wyoming and one each from California, Texas and ly people. If yon only know how, this trouble can be obviated. For over 200 yean GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil haa been relieving the inconvenience and pain due to advancing e home yean. It is a standard, remedy, and needs no introduction. It ia now put up in odorless, tasteless capsules. These an easier and more pleasant to than the oil in bottles. ' Each capsule contains about one dose of five drops. Take them just like you would any pill, with a small swallow of water. They soak into tho system and throw off tho poisons which an making yon old n your time. They will quickly relieve old-tim- be-fo- those stiffened joints, that backache, rheu matiam, lumbago, sciatica, gall atones, gravel, brick auat, etc. They an an effective remedy for all discs sea of tho bladder, kidney, liver, stomach and allied organs. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Chpsuks cleanse the kidneys and purify the Mood. They frequently ward off attacks of tho dangerous and fatal diseaaca of the kidneys. They have a beneficial effect, and often completely cure the disease of the bodily organa, allied with the bladder and kidneys. If yon an troubled with soreness across the loins or with simple aches and pains in the back take warning; it may be the preliminary indication! of some dreadful malady which ean be warded off or cured if taken in time. Go to your druggist today and get n bos of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsule. Money refunded if they do not help you. Three sizes. GOLD MEDAL an the pun, original imported Haarlem Oil Capa ales. Accept No Substitutes; Adv. Its Drawback. Unfortunate. ,you had better not wear Jim is unfortunate. He got an authat hat much In this dry town. Weve tomobile and it blew up. not the location here. What did he do? What has that to do with my hat?" He got an airslilp, and it blew I notice it Is full of cocktails. down." Madam "Out of Torment and Misery to Comfort Headache Neuralgia Toothache Earache Rheumatism Lumbago Colds Grippe Influenzal- - - Colds Stiff Neck Joint Pains "Proved safe by millions Adults water. Take one or two Bayer Tablets of Aspirin wKK If necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals. Holds the Faith of Medical Leaders! eent Bayer packages also larger Bayer packages. Buy Bayer packages only Get original package. SO Bauer Tablets -- Aspirin TheBayer Aspirin oss"on Genuine Tablets hike trade math of Bayer Manafacturo of Monoscctlcciletcr of SaflqrBcacM - to-nig- ht Seek Higher Wages. hundred Several Washington. thousand railroad employees shop days. Adv. have asked the railroad administration to Increase their wages about 25 Probably Wise. "What has become of your campaign per cent. The board of railroad wages and working conditions has agreed to for feminine votes?" 'The first girl I asked refused to hear tlieir case. vote for me. I hate to take no for an American School Near Paris. answer, so in order to line her up I New York. Tlie American Army unShe accepted." proiMwed matrimony. "Welir iversity, the largest university in the g "But after reflection I decided I'd world, has been better end my campaign right there. opened In Heuunie, southeast of Paris, Louisville Courier-JournaIt was announced here Sunday. Fifteen thousand soldiers have enrolled s course. Cstarriial Deafness Cannot Be Cured for a by local applications aa they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There la Colby's Resignation Accepted. only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness, and that Is by a constitutional remedy. Tlie resignation of Washington. HALL8 CATARRH MEDICINE acta a member of the as through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces Balnhridge (nlhy of the System. Catarrhal Deafness la shipping hoard, submitted to President caused by an Inflamed condition of tho Wilson several weeks ago, lias been mucous lining of the Euetachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you have a accepted. In accepting the resignarumbling, sound or imperfect hearing, and tion tlie president, in a personal letwhen it ie entirely closed. Deafness la the result. Unless the Inflammation can be re- ter, expressed to Mr. Colby regret and duced and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing may be destroyed praised his services. forever. Many cases of Deafness are caused by Catarrh, which is an Inflamed Americans Wed French Women. condition of the Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any Paris. Within tlie last year G000 case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot In France have married Americans be cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. French women, nccording to the Petit All Druggists 75c. Circulars free. Journal. The brides for the most part, F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio. says the newspaper, were country Insult Resented. girls or employes of town establish"Isnt your wife, sir, a little addicts ments. d to loquacity?" Of course not, doctor! My wife Plotted to Kill President never touches a drop of anything New York. Two years ago In South strong." Bethlehem, l'n a conspiracy to assassinate President Wilson and other RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. high officials of the United States To half pnt of water add 1 ox. Bay Rum government was hatched, according to a confession made Saturday by Mrs. a small box of Barbo Compound, and os. of glycerine. Any druggist can put thit Celia Fischer. up or you ean mix it at home at very little cost Full directions for making and. Council to Resume Negotiations. use come in each box of Barbo Compound. Tlie supreme war council Paris. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. Ii reached a decision Saturday night will not color the scalp, is not sticky a whereby tlie negotiations Interrupted greasy, and does not rub off. Adv. at Spa will be immediately resumed Political fences are usually of the at mother point, probably somewhere stake and rider pattern. In Belgium. Shopmen English-siieakin- l. three-month- Com-mnnch- o, Feb-Februa- ry - Your Nose Knows, All smoking tobaccos use some flavoring. The ' Encyclopaedia Britannica says about the manu- on the Continent facture of smoking tobacco, the and in America certain 'sauces are employed use of the 'sauces is to improve the flavour and burning qualities of the leaves." Tuxedo uses chocolate the purest, most whole- some and delicious of all flavorings! Everybody likes chocolate we all know that chocolate added to anything as a flavoring always makes that thing still more enjoyable. That is why a dash of chocolate, added to the most carefully selected and properly aged hurley tobacco, makesTuxedo more enjoyable Your Nose Knows9 Try This Test: Rub a little Tuxedo brisldjr-ithe palm of your hand to bring out its full aroma. Then smell it deep its delicious, peers fragrance will convince you. Try this test with any other tobacco and we will let Tuxedo stand or fall on your judgment Your Nose Knows 99 k ' - , r ' n . |