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Show THE HELPER TIMES. HELPER, UTAH I LOCAL NEWS BEAUTIFUJ. THE STORE JUST ARRIVED AT THE Kodak finishing at Photo Shop LOWENSTEIN 1 GOLDEN RULE STORE Dont forget the boilermakers dance tomorrow night. MERCANTILE COMPANY A Smart Line of iftra, Loftug was a Salt Lake visitor during the week. HELPER. UTAH Mrs. McComb has gone to Kenilworth to nurse Mrs. M. Davis. Ladies Coats, Suits and Spring Skirts. Mrs. Patten entertained a few friends at bridge lone night last week. In these articles are included everything in Style and MatariaL We are quite proud of being successful Jas, Galanis was a Salt Lake buslness'visitor during the week. YOU PICK A 7 Winner when you choose our immence ' stock of Mr. and Mrs. Groetibeck went to Salt Lake Tuesday for a few days visit LOST. Past president pin G. I. A. to B. of L. E. Reward. FURNITURE to Shop from to have such a splendid line of these merchandise. Your investigation will convince you that the Gold-e- n Rule Store this spring is representing part of the Fifth Ave. Store, New York. Quantitiei Very Limit Mrs. H. E. Chambers. J. Tom Fitch has been quite sick for the past two weeks, suffering with a bad cold. We have a Big Stock of Dressers, Chairs, Beds, and Mattresses. OUR PRICES ALWAYS LESS THE GOLDEN RULE STORE Take your tires and tubes to be repaired and vulcanized to C. H. Stephens. 5t4 See our Beautiful Line of Lenoleums and Draperies, REGENERATION Before I went to war I lived my life la luxury and softness, seeing Utah will receive $4,000,000 federal aid for road word for the next three years. Our prices are below the present market prices The Utah Railway THE STORE BEAUTIFUL naught Of the 'despair and sad, unceasing Of company I have spent $100,000 in improvements at Provo. v strife thousands with whose lives my ease was bought. Before I went to war I took no thought . to RISE IN MARKET PRICE OF LIBERTY BONDSJffllNENT Some Liquidation Inevitable, Says Annalist but It Is Healthy Condition The fact that the market price of Liberty bonds is still below per has forth endless discussion brought among persons who either seek or try to giro the reasons tor the prices. The present price! of Liberty Bonds have also been a factor in contributing to pessimistic stories as to the difficulty which the nation will have la floating a Fifth Loan. The situation is well set forth la The Annalist, New Tork financial weekly, ss follows: Every loan floated, whether It be corporate or governmental, requires a certain amount of time to become seasoned. This will be particularly true of our national loans, which have all been sold during periods of tifcmendous pressure where every appeal was made to the buyer to take the maximum, whether or no the security was suited to his needs or within his ability to pay. Healthy Gravitation. Gradual liquidation from small holders Is as inevitable, therefore, es the law of survival. He shall take who hath the power, and he mall keep who can, and It le In keeping that more strength of character is required than In the resolution necessary to bring one to the point of signing the application. The gravitation that is going on, therefore. Is a healthy function, except, of course, where selling le Induced by unscrupulous swindlers. The liquidation from this source represents so many footprints of the bonds In passage from the hands of the weak to the strong, and every sale that takes place on the board emanating from this source Is one step nearer to a solid market for Liberty Loans, n charactersince It is a istic of those who buy in a declining market to hold eKher for permanent Investment or for so . well-know- - substantial a rise that they are amply compensated for their carry. Will Steady Market Much of the money realized from bonds sold to produce Writeoffs In the income tax will either lie In banks or go Into Short-tim- e securities for invest-Meand the. switching by sav-llhanks may be safely counted muck to ia at fl i ktu aunr u Mi the market pried of the Liberty Loans as It can harm to' rails and municipals. As a matter of fact the taking of tax exempts from an institution unaffected by taxes and the resale of the same to private individuals Is only the natr ural result of gravitation of securities into the final niche In which they are most efficient M. P. Bergera returned home yesterday from a few days visit at Moab. THRIFT MEANS Spending- wisely to satisfy ImportMrs. Welch and daughter Miss ant needs of the present and saving ones income to meet imFrances went to Salt Lake Mon- the isi ofneeds of the future, lest portant day for a few days visit spending for trifles today deplete one's resources so that he cannot meet - It la confidently believed, therefore, that a turn in the tangent of important needs and opportunities tomorrow. Thrift, like success, requires two things, planning and will power to carry out the plans. In short, thrift means success. Thrift Stamps will help you to plan and will back up your will ppwer. . - . Phil Floyd returned home from Utah Mine last Monday where he visited a couple of days with his sister. Miss Zella. bond prices Is at hand with an especially cheerful prospect for our national loans. - BETTER THAN LEATHER SOLES u7- - Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Thele left Disraeli said, The greatest sdetet W Wood Keeps the Feet Dry ahd Warm Wednesday morning for a three success In life U to be ready whefl and Should Be in Mere weeks visit at Seattle, San Fran- your opportunity comes. Prepare with General Use. cisco, and other points of inter- War Saving Stamps, The scarcity of leather in Switzer- est on the coast Proposed Amendment To land and its almost prohibitive price Ordinance. shoes hare brought wooden-sole-d Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hanselman Be It Ordained by the City Council into use quite generally as a substiHelpert Utah, that Section 86-- 2 and and Mrs. Lester Cook returned of S be amended to read as follows: That tute. Even before the war some home the fore part of the week the regular rate for consumers of ele wooden-sole- d shoes were worn, alshall be: after a few days visit at Salt tricity For the first 100 K. W, H, monthly though the sabot such as was comconsumption, 10c per K. W. H. mon in France and Belgium was not Lake City. For the nextJJJ 100 K. W. H, monthly at all popular. consumption, 9c per K. W, H. Mrs. J. Charlesworth enterFor the next 200 K, W. H. monthly The progress of the war has led to 8c per K. W. H. consumption, Mr. Rasmussen and Mrs. tained facextensive the establishment of For all in excess of 400K.W.H. monthtories engaged in the production of and Julius Sheppard at dinner ly consumption, 7c per K. W. H. Passed by the Mayor and City Counwooden-sole- d shoes by a series of last Sunday. The table decorcil of the City of Helper, Carbon Counmachines constructed especially for ations were American beauty tv, Utah, this 10th day of March, A. 9a Ul the purpose. roses. This amendment is made in order to The wooden soles are better nonwith the ruling of the Public comply conductors than leather, and conseUtilities Commission of Utah, j quently keep the feet dry and warm. kMupaiiB Is of Glass Thinking Attest; fashion and If we But heedless, careless, dallied on with sifi; Saw not the price at which a. soul is bought. Nor knew the souls men buy as mine own kin. to war tore out my dying roots From the stagnant soli and flesh I Went w&s bedded in. I'd thought to find my conthdes Uncouth brutes instead, found men, and learned that sin IS sin! - Ahd Liberty!! learned to khow thy call la God's own call to help the world in pain. So, God, ! pray thee hot to pardon all. But do not let the close my eyes again! Lieutenant John H. Minns. WHY THEY LASTED. MI am surprised to see you have such a quantity of preserves left over from last year. Nobody could get the lids off,! explained the housewife briefly. Louisville Courier-Journa- L . A 21 A prejudice, ignore there are a number of reasons which recommend their use. In many factories in Switzerland they are gratuitously supplied by employers. It is held that the efficiency of the factory worker is thus increased and that the outlay is more than returned after a short time through increased output of the employee; who is less liable to such diseases as arise through cold or damp feet How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Boa ward for any cue of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cura. Halla Catarrh Cure has been taken sufferers for the past by catarrh thirty-fiv- e years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poison from the Blood and healing the diseased portions After you have taken Halls Cstarrh Cure for a short time you will see a great improvement In you" general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Cure at once and get rid of catarrh. Bend for testimonials, free. V. J. CHENKT it CO.. Tolodfl, Ohio, - Bold by ail pruggisu ttt. Fifth Loan 1 say Are You? D. Carlos Woodward, Recorder. that It takes a higher Mayo CONDEN8ED POTENCY. Why does the bootlegger charge so much for his liquor? ... I dont know, replied Unde Bill Bottletop, unless, its because it contains so xnbch more headache per ounce than the ordinary kind. type of patriotism to serve this nation today that it required .in the delirium of war, and that It is the duty of the American people, and I believe they will regard It ae.' their privilege, to approach that question with some degree of patriotism and not altogether upon a commercial basis.' Secretary of the Treasury Carter Glass. . ! : "There never was a time In the history of the United States when the utmost possible stimulation of the saving habit meant so much to individual and national prosperity as it does now." Elmer H. Toungmsn, editor of The Bankers Magazine. We haVe won the war; we must keep our army equipped to help enforce peace. War bills must he your monejr to met Land the gotetamenk War Bsrlngi Stamps. fib , Subscribe Today |