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Show THE HELPER TIMES. HELPER. UTAH Something New Each day you will find something different in onr cases. New gift swell cost high suggestions aloes. Como in, often. BOYD PARK LOBBYISTS CAUSE TWO PER CENT LEW IDE Oil INCOMES UPROAR III HOUSE CHARGE MADE THAT LOBBYING IS GOING ON IN SPTE OF STRINGENT RULES. SCHOOL Effort to Pass the Dem Inheritance Tax Bill Over the Governor's Veto Proves Unavailing in the Senate. Under Proposed Law Less Populous Sections of State Would Not be Taxed in Greater Amounte Than Mora Populous Sections. Who Benefits By High Prices? REVENUE ACT 18 NOW EXPECTED TO SOLVE LONG DI8CUSSED PROBLEM. MAKEJUOT JEWELRY ISA MAN SniECT LAKE CITY SALT rtoza, leaky, tat n toot RADIATORS Suit I .itke City. The liouiut passed nine bills before noon on March 10, the day of the legislative session, and when it reconvened H.& L Radiator & Welding Co. at 2 oclock quickly passed the conasa Edfeon Street. Sett Lake City, Utah current resolution by Senator Elizabeth J. Hayward, authorizing the governor to appoint a committee of five USE OF PHONETIC SPELLING to study and formulate a plan to cointneinorate American Irrigation. Hassons Advanced Why It Would Bo From then until adjournment at 4 Wall if Its Study Should Bo o'clock there was continual "scrapMads More Qsneral. ping" and a number of oratorical brickbats were thrown at state offiPhonetics In its broadest sense In a cials, members of the legislature and study of ths whole range of sounds, others who happened to come within articulate, musical and otherwise. In of the1 house "barrage.". runge Us restricted sense It is confined to Lobbyists and lobbybig came in for articulate sounds of human speech. stiff rounds In the house during tyo In Even this restricted sense It is still the ufternoon. Speaker Richards broad enough to Include the subject oKiied the round first by unnouncing of the acoustic or mechanical side and too bold, were that lobbyists becoming the anthropological or philological the sacred bad Invaded that they side. It may discuss simply the were and of floor the house sanctuary speech vibrations that cause any par " at their members on titular sensations the human ears, A house rule prohibits lobbydesks. or It may Include .an Investigation of the manner and causes of the changes ing at all times on the floor of the the articulate sounds of a language chamber, and it was ordered that this rule be rigidly enforced. undergo as It develops. The study An effort to pass the Dern Inherof phooetlcs is widely advocated by itance inx bill over the governor's and philologists by many of the most in the senate on March 10, thoughtful teachers for three reasons: opposition fulled. roll call on the question The (1) That persons may speak their mother tongue correctly through thus showed not only a lack of the constia majority learning to know the proper valuation tutional majority, but vote the the passage, being against f Its sounds ; (2) that they may learn ten and for passage eight against oththe of successfully pronunciation The now motor velilcle license law er languages, to which a knowledge of was signed by the governor on March own la their the best Introduction; re(3) that those who wish to study 10. Motorcycles are taxed $3; the Verates car are: philology may have a key to that maining pleasure science. And the sounds of onr lan- hicles hot exceeding and guage cannot be successfully studied $5; between steam all cars, $10; $15; or explained without some use of phoJ netlc spelling. Hundreds of phonetic all electric cars, $10, commercial alphabets have been proposed, but the trucks from $10 to $75. The Dern bill, relating to banking only one that has made progress and business, and the amendment measure bids fair to become general (naturally with some modifications) Is that ol was passed on final reading by the the Association Internationale Phonei senate, after It had been deuatur-Ized- . As presented the bill made it tique. This alphabet took form be-tween 1885 and 1889 In proposals made a felony for any officer or. director by Paul Edouard ' Passy, a noted of a bunk to borrow from the bank more than 15 per cent of the amount French phonetician. ,, of its capital stock and surplus. This BIRD 5 WORTH PRESERVING portion was stricken out. Senator Clydes bill imposing a grazWriter Deplores the Threatened Ex ing license upon transient stock from outside states was considered on secUnction of the Beautiful and ond reading and then under suspenUseful Upland Plover. sion of tlie rules was passed on final The upland plover, one of the most, reading. The tax is designed to probeneficial birds of all the winged host tect the summer range of Utah from that onoe abounded in North America, transient stock. An effort to Introduce In the senate has been hunted and shot to the verge of extermination, says Dumb Animals. a substitute bill designed to meet the With the passing of the passenger objections of the governor by providso now even which many ing a separate scale of taxes for colpigeons, lateral heirs was defeated, but finally friends of all birds find It hard to believe and of which a great many are. Senator Dern was permitted to Intronot convinced, the plovers were marked duce the bill as originally presented for wholesale destruction. They were to the seaute without any scale of candidates for oblivion along with taxes. more than a score of other useful and LEGISLATIVE NOTES. beautiful species that could be 111 spared from our vast and valuable native fauaa. In the senate on March 7, Senator There Is a ray of hope that these Chezs bill, providing that elective birds may not be pursued to complete county officers, except county comannihilation. The federal law for the missioners. shall be elected for four-- ' protection of migratory birds makea It year terms Instead of two, was amendpossible for the plover species to reed and passed on second reading. The habilitate Itself, provided the closed bill was amended to provide for a two-yeseason he fixed to continue throughout term election In 1920 and a four-yea- r the year. The upland plover Is a miterra election In 1922 and every gratory bird and an Insectivorous bird. four years thereafter. Its food consists of 9T per cent of aniMarch 7 was the last day upon which mal forms which are chiefly the worst hills sent to the governor for action enemies to agriculture. The federal to be acted upon and returned to the law fixes a closed season on migralegislature before its adjournment. All tory Insectivorous birds to continue bills sent to him later, under the law, throughout the year with the exception he may hold In his possession and act of the bobolink or rlceblrd, but under upon at his leisure after the legislathe law the plover la classed as a mi- ture adjourns. gratory game bird and so Its fate la The senate amended the house road not be should These birds precarious. bond bill to Increase the bond Issue shot. for state roads from $3, 000, O' )0 to Into SpaeA Shooting $4,000,000 and to reduce the amount The question of whether It would that must he expended In each county ever be possible to shoot a projectlls from $75,000 to $25,000. It also adInto qmce, that Is to sty entirely off ded a clause requiring that all work the earth, has long been the subject costing more than $25,000 and not of discussion. In a detailed scientific done by convict labor must be done gun under contract let to the lowest bidder. paper on the German whklh bombarded Paris last spring. In prepu ration for the grand cleanwriting in up" at the finish of the legislature, Major J. Msltlsnd-Addisothe Journal of tho Royal Artillery, the senate on March 7 named a sifting says the requisite velocity of such a t committee to go through senate bills gun Is not so very much higher and weed out the unimportant has already been achieved; via, pending that must be sacrificed in nieusures a muzzle velocity of a mile per second. the hours of tbe legislature to closing When we are able to increase this to road for more important the deur five miles per second, the projectile, If fired at a suitable angle, will travel legislation. Legislative Investigation of the dearound the earth as a grazing satellite,; funct Merchants bank at Salt Lake is completing Its orbit between 17 and 18; under way. This fact was brought out times dally. With a velocity of about committee on corporations In when the seven mles a second, it will move off submitted a report bouse the never to return. OJUUCES w We trsnaportstton one wit. Returned like new. AOKTTLIMk WELDING Is sil lis brenefaee. Ws you time sad money. un fifty-seven- th . button-holing- ar . long-range- d n, than-wha- tats space, You feel that retail meat prices are too high. Your retailer says he has to pay higher prices to the packers. Swift & Company prove that out of every dollar the retailer pays to the packers for meat, 2 cents is for packers profit, 13 cents is for operating expenses, and 85 cents goes to the stock raiser; and that the prices of live stock and meat move up and down together. Salt I like City. The income tax bill fur educational punsna's was passed by the house at the session of March -- This bill was prepared by a special school revenue committee which the house appointed to solve tbe school tax question so thut the less populous sections of tbe state would not be taxed in greater amounts than the more populous sections. The committee was Instructed to draft a bill which would provide a fund to be equitably distributed among the school districts of the state for use in defraying the expenses of administration of primary schools. The raising of funds for building purposes remains tbe problem of the individual districts. There Is no radical departure in the measure from the Naiional Taxing association recommendations. It follows the plan of the federal tax. It udopts a flat 2 ier cent levy in the place of the graduated levy of the federal tax. The same exemptions as ullowed by the federal tax are provided In this measure. The special committee to which was referred bouse bill 127, by Mrs. lllake-ly- , und house bill 135, hy It. E. Currie, recommended the tubling of the Blakely measure and favorable action for the other. The house followed the recommendation. Both bills relate to the organization and government of cities und provide that city commissioners shall be elected from the various wards. The proposal to redistrict the legislative districts of the state was killed by the house on March 8. Unanimous consent was given the appropriations commit lee on March 8 to Introduce two appropriation bills. They provide an approrlutlon for the state to buy some. Ilntclitown claims and to reimburse Zlie school fund, which will suffer a loss, through the sale of Irrigation bonds, the constitution providing that the school fund cannot be made to suffer a loss. The senate on Starch 8 rejected Senator Olson's bill for a constitutional amendment penuittlng the consolidation of city and county governments In cities of the state upon vote of the people of the districts uffected. The senute on March 8 called upon the bouse for return of the workmen's compensation bill to correct a minor error in words, but the house, apparently suspecting a joker" in the move, refused to return. the bill, but offered to refer It to a conference committee. This was done. The conference committee on the senate amendments to the I'iercey eight-hou- r law for women, reported back recommending that both houses concur In an amendment removing exemption of application of the law from employees engaged in interstate commerce, from those employed under contract and those upon piece work. 8. AT THE CAPITOL. Under a suspension of the rules Senator Strlngham Introduced a bill amending the present budget law so as to provide that the legislature may not consider bills carrying appropriation during the first thirty days of the session unless the budget has been acted upon by both houses before that time. Efforts on the part of the house of representatives of the Utah legislature on March 8 to pry ont of the senate the senate mine tax measure and the conference committee report recommending that the house amendment on the basis of taxation of metalliferous mines be adopted, failed. The governor on March 8 returned to the senate without Ills approval the Dern inheritance tax bill. Tbe governor disapproved the Mil on the grounds that the scale of inheritance taxes is unusually high and that the bill makes no distinction between direct and collateral heirs. In a special message to the legislature relating to the road building pro gram of the state during the two years ending December 31, 1921, Governor Bamberger recommends a resolution providing that a constitutional amendment raising the bonding limit of the state from 1 to 2 per cent be submitted the people at the next general election. Senator McKlnnpy succeeded In having his municipal elections bill, providing for representation on the city commission from each city ward in Salt Lake, taken from the table und then the senate killed it . raiser points to rising costs of raising live stock. Labor reminds us that higher wages must go hand in hand with the new cost of living. The live-sto-ck No one. apparently, is responsible. No one, apparently, is benefited by higher prices and higher income. We are all living on a high-pricscale. One trouble is, that the number of dollars has multiplied faster than the quantity of goods; so that each dollar buys less than formerly. ed Swift & Company, U. S. A. Evidence, aviator, aad his VtfcutAt 0f U people were asking him what It felt reduce will Inflamed, swollen like to fly upside down. Joints, Sprains, Braises, Soft You cant tell you are upside down Bunches; Heals Boils, Foil at all, said he.. Evil, Quittor, Fistula and We cant believe that! chorused infected sores quickly his hearers. as it is a positive autiieptie and germicide. Pleasant to I couldn't believe it myself," he raw awi doe. aot blister when rose but my explained; pipe tfc kalr, ad ymeu mtib, 1ms ILSOpw book. MbMi right out of my mouth and went sailBook 7 R fm. in up past my head, then I realized JRwifee aadicyne ttaiacat lor Bukted, ABSORBINE, 1 must be upside down. ihUcm Natal. Swoltea Vciu. Woul tab Mm Mow sb IiImmiIm. Mm (US pm boot, m data! of Mmd. Will ttH yo. Mora II yw vriu. Trial Book hf 10c is now Ubcnl BOSCHEES SYRUP lie was a cadet W. F. YOUNB. P. D. Why use ordinary cough remedies when Boschees Syrup has been used so successfully for fifty-on- e years In all parts of the United States for coughs, bronchitis, colds settled In the throat, especially lung troubles? It gives the patient a good nights rest, free from coughing, with easy expectoration In the morning, gives nature a chance to soothe the inflamed parts, throw off the disease, helping the patient to regain his health. Made In America and sold for more than half S century. Adv. The Opposite Aim. Our doctor Is ranking a specialty of reducing peoples flesh. Then I bet he's got a fat job.'" Granulated Eyelids, Vaiim Uiir FwtTasl(R.Setle8flald,BaM. DONT FEAR THE It cant get FLU S you, if you use DR. ESSENTIAL OIL TABLETS. They quickly relieve coughs, colds, all throat and lung troubles, reduce fever, HIL-LER- prevent attack if taken in time and are free from drugs or opiates. A real which should be used in every home. Trial package of 2 tubes, $1.00. Full package, 10 tubes $5.00. Complete directions. Postpaid on receipt of price. life-sav- er FREDERICK HOLLER, M. D. Suite 423 Consolidated Realty Bldg. Los Angeles, Californio Bofh Deef and Milk one breed that raTHI My 1 excels la both beef sad milk la tbe Short born. Shorthorn steers by repeatedly broke the expoj reoorda at the markets la IBIS, making the highest reootd oa the open EyeBeaedy. No Smiting market of $30.50 perewt. Jut Eye Comfort. At And Shorthorn eowa Your Draggiti or by mail COc per Bottle. have nlk reoorda ol For Bask el lbs Eys free write over 17,000 lbs. per year, hkihtfmrmmil Marine Eye Remedy Co Chicago, haying feetth aad eeM site M 7 u nk |