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Show - TUB fflCZPER TIMESt --1 PERSHING PINS HERO MEDAL ON Until March 22 only) . a The most pendous bargain offer in the history of tailoring. All prices slashed. stu- Sing Kee Sticks to His Post Under Heavy Fire. Here la a text book cn Americanism' written in Chinese character and translated for use on the day next month when a Liberty Loan salesman tackles you to do your duty. It is an official American communique: Pvt. Sing Kee, Infantry. Chung Kee, father, 6G4 North Fourth street, San Jose, Calif. For extraordinary heroism in action at Mont Notre Dame, west of Fismes. France, August 14, 15, 1918. Pvt. Kee, although seriously gassed during shelling by high explosive and gas shells, refused to be evacuated, and continued, practically by bis own initiative to operate the regimental message center relay tatlon at Mont Notre Dame. Throughout the critical period Pvt Kee Bhowed extraordinary heroism, high courage, and persistent devotion to duty' and totally disregarded all personal danger. By his determination he materially aided his regimental commander in communicating with the front line. Sing Kee wears the Distinguished Service Mddal of the United States of America. . Sing Kee is for America for her enough to lay, down his life. Are you for America? Are you as good a man as Sing Kee? Then buy of the Victory Liberty Loan to the limit. Besides an extra pair of pants absolutely free with suits, overcoats, and coats and pants. Elegant Suite $19.00 up h by made-to-ord- er ' H. M. MARKS & COMPANY The Oldest Tailors in Existence Established J872 single-hande- Economize beyond your fondest hopes. Save $5.00 to $10.00 on your Easter suit, and get an extra pair of bants FREE. We guarantee every garment to fit ana Wear satisfactorily. $00 fine fabrics to choose from . We also offer you 60 clever new styles, including Pinch Backs, Peg Tops, Norfolks, Patch Pockets, Waist Seams, Interchange Belts, Etc. Have your measure taken today and save money. BOLSHEVISM GEORGE GEGOUNAS THRljfTvMEANS h, .Wliatll Getting the riicmt for your money y and in the future. Being able to meet your obligations to your business associate, your family and your country. Getting the moat out of life, in short, tnaKing of it a real success. War Savings Stamps are a tangibls evidence of success. to-da- you do when the country goes eby? replied Uncle Bill "1 have felt for a long time Do your full- (Juty by bolding the that mj mind needed improvin'. Guess Ill go in for European War Savings' Stamps after you yluy them. The government receive no travel. Washington Star. benefit if you immediately demand reBuy all you can.1 Keep demption. SLIGHT MISUNDERSTANDING what you buy. . Bot-tleto- p, - He Miss Wilkins said that you wished I. was dead. She Quite a mistake, 1 assure you. 1 said tltat Id like to see you no more, and so 1 should. THE BIG FIVE Having subscribed for one, and two, And also three and four, You wont refuse to add, will you. The big five to your store? DURING THE BARRAGE.' The Yank Whalcha all excited about, Tommie? Tommie Atkins I wusli them blinkin guns would let up a minute. Im trying to heur if me bloomin' wrist watch is going. DRAWING A DISTINCTION. . Continue to lend Uncle Sam your money. The security is the safest in the world. The Investment is able. Take all the War Savings Stamps you can. Be ready to subscribe when the Victory Liberty Loan is offered. Dont forget that tbs war bills be War your paid. Stamps and buy more. Keep "Did you go away and take a cation this summer?' "No, replied .Mr, (Jrowcher; at id home and took a rest. va- You owe it ;to the Boys Over There jfiiuat Buy W. S. S. Today Savings THE HELPER GARAGE . F. L. WILLIAMS. Manager Auto Supplies, Repairing v and Best Auto Service. First-Clas- s, Agent for Paige and Chivrolet Cars. Phora.ec Barftuns in Used Can HELPER, UTAH 45, 44 and 26m: . I ing westward out of Russia. No intelligent person doubts the value of food as a first aid, but at bottom the security of our institutions rests upon the working interest the people take in those institutions. Cltisens having no interest in a government, po economic Interest in the success of that government, are apt to be the first victims of vicious propaganda or unbalanced political theorists. On the other hand men and women who have invested in their government either by way of conducting private enterprise under its protection or through direct purchase of government securities have something at stake and desire to maintain stable institutions. Such persons are not They may necessarily reactionists be quite progressive and anxious for reform where reform Is needed. Consequently the effective barrier to Bolshevism in America today is thrift and lnvestmeut. The philosophy must reach into the workshops of the nation. It is reaching into those workshops and into the schoolhouses of thS nation in the form of the Thrift Stamp and the War Savings Stamp, interest paying engagements of the United States government which can be bought for as low as 25 cents. When everybody in America is buying Thrift and War Savings Stamps as a habit, one wont hear much about the I. W. W. in America. It la the financial and patriotic duty Of every American who loves real liberty to get the Thrift Stamp habit NOW. Hens For Sale Thoroughbred Rhode Reds for setting. IN THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL District Court: In the matter of the estate of James Albi, Notice to Creditors: Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Helper, Utah, on or before the 20th day of Miy, 1919. JAMES MARTELLiO, Admisistrator. if irst pub. Feb, Dealsvs in Fkwrtf. S. nod Semofino. Colorado Turkey Red Job- - . EUgr, Grain, Etc. All kinds of Soft Drinks. Kmmbs ben in Tobacco, Cigar, Etc. Oastk Gate Coal. See m before onkstag elsewhere. Telephone 42 -- t- Helper, Utah M. P. BERGERA FOR A GOOD LINE OF FRESH MEATS Call at the Helper Meat & Grocery Co. Near Post Office Bertolina Building, Helper. Utah: UTAH FUEL COMPANY MINERS AND SHIPPERS OF CARBON COUNTY COALS MANUFACTURERS OF COKE CARBON COUNTY COALS ARE THE BEST In the market for Horses and Mules for Min Hay and Grain, Mine Prop Ties and Sprigs and various other local products. Home Industries Patronized General offices seventh floor Judge Building, wUt Lake City, Utah. Mines at Clear Creek, Winter Quarters, Castle Gate and Sunnyside, Carbon County, Utah. 21, 1919. Be Wise Advertise i Notice For Publication COAL ENTRY (Sec. Land Office HELPER MERCANTILE CO. Island Our Shoes Look Well, Fit Well and Wear Well We have a big stock and it wl" pay you to investigate. Mrs. T. B. Dyer. February 10, WMmk ITS CURE President Wilson has asked for food to stop the wave of Bolshevism roll- HELPER, UTAH Vaccum cleaner. $1.25 per day. L. L, Stephens. d, -- CHICAGO, ILL. For Rent CHINESE YOUTH at 2347, R. S.) Salt Lake City, Uti 1919. Notice is hereby given that Orn W. Ewing, of Salt Lake City, Corn of Salt Lake, State of Utah, on Oc her, 5, 1918, filed in this office 7Ap cation to Purchase, Serial No. 0235 under the provisions of section 2347, S. Revised Statutes, the SEJ, of S tion 18. Township 13 South, Rang! East, Salt Lake Meridian. Any and all persons claiming Tersely the lands described, or desir to object for any reason to the en thereof by applicant, should file th affidavits of protest in this office dur; the thirty-da- y period of publication mediately following the first prin issue of this notice, otherwise the plication may be allowed. i GOULD B. BLAKELY, First pub, Feb. 14, 1919, R,PBt Let the people at your front and back doors know what you have that they need. Place your Ad where it will be talked ajwut among the neighbors. Put the bargains in merchandise you have in your store under the very eyes of the population you expect to help you remove the stock. Dont wait for people to come to TO you-butG- O THEM-NO- W! The young man who speaks with the most friendly voice and who is a most frequent visitor at the homes of your dis-triis your ce LOCAL NEWSPAPER Trust him with what you have to say, every time'. |