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Show Helper is the Railroad and Coal Center of Eastern Utah, and the Busiest Little City in the Statg DEVOTED TO THE 1NTERE8TN AND DEVELOPMENT Volume 9 s OP ONE OK THE GARDEN SPOTS OP THE WORLD Helper, Carbon County, Utah, Friday, March 14, CITY DADS IN SESSION Warning Issued to Hold-s ers of Thrift Stamps At a meeting held in the directors room of the Y. M. C. A. on Wednesday night, a dramatic club was organized, and the following officers elected. John G. Moore, president; John D. Clifford, secretary; W. W. Hill, treasurer; L. G. Remick, dramat. The membership is to twelve members. limited ic director. Donald MaeFarlane, of the American Lyceum aad Chautauqua System of Salt Lake, has made arrangements to open a school of dancing - at the Liberty Theater. Mr. MaeFarlane comes to Helper highly recommended. He is considered one of Americas foremost masters of dancing, teaching' waltz, fox trot, one and two step, all the latest modern dances including the seasons Aviation Waltz craze, the featured over the Orpheum circuit. Frank Jerome of. Spring Glen old has received three Holstein heifer calves from Elgin 111. They are thoroughbred, and so far as we could learn the first of the kind to be shipped to this part of the country. On the last page of this issue of the Times will be found an amendment to the electric light ordinance. This amendment is made in order to comply with the ruling of the Public Utilities Commission. 9 1 9. Number 5 NOTES The Sunday night service is a wonderful uplift to the people. Good influences are being let loose that is telling on the lives of folks, especially the young. Almost a hundred folks were present last Sunday. The Boy Scouts, the Misses Ruth Metz, and Dorthy Burgar. Mrs. - J. Charlesworth and John G. Moore furnished the special music. All honor to them for the service given. We are looking forward to a great meeting next Sunday at 8 p. m. The program will consist of Miss Mildred Noall, Mrs. M. Noall and class, the Misses Clara Adams and Richards, Miss Elsie Thele, J. G. Moore, Mrs.' H. D. Easterly and Miss Reta Grimes. J. Sheppard, Gen. Sec. one-thir- Dramatic Club Organized 1 Y.M.CA At the regular meeting of the city council last Monday night, the Recorder eras instructed to notify the State Road Commits-ione- r that it was the intention of the City of Helper to pave Main street this summer. By thus notifying the State Road Commissioner of our intention to pave, we will be in position to secure state aid, should the council decide to do the work. Here the matter will rest until the state starts active work of pave-in- g the road from Castle Gate to Price. All that will be necessary to do then will be to get d of the property owners to a sign petition favoring the work and the road will be built Advertisements are appearing in some papers offering, to buy W. S. S. for cash. Owners of these should know that they are not transferable! and can be cashed only by the original purchaser at the post office, or by the heirs of deceased persons. Those who buy W. S. S. at a discount are liable to find that they cannot sell ;them at any price, and the only way they can dispose of them is to return them to the original purchaser. The post office in any city will buy at the regular price all W. S. S. upon ten days notice, and that is the only way they can be disposed of. HELPER AND THE PRICE RIVER VMJJC1. i Letter From Geo. McElderry Geo. McElderry, Who has been in a hospital in France the greater paat of the time.since Septem- ber 30th. recovering from being gassed, is now in a base hospital at Long Island, recovering from influenza. In a letter to his mother Mrs. C. W. McElderry a few days ago, he says. After a stormy Voyage, I am once more in Gods country. We were eleven days on the deep seas. .We landed in Hoboken on March 3rd, disembarked the 4th and took the train here. To discribe anything in regards to this trip in France and Belgium in black and white would be impossible, so I wont attempt it now, except to say it was one continuous thrill. But the biggest thrill Ive ever had so far in my young life, was on seeing Miss liberty in the harbor. We were all forward watching for the shore line at six oclock in the morning. At noon, we saw the statute through a light fog. Nobody cheered and nobody wept, but everybodys eyes were a r little damp, and most of us missed our dinner to take in everything. The sky line of lower Manhattan, the boats, the docks and especially .the ferry boats loaded.with honest to goodness people instead ot frogs,, it was like an oasis to a thirsty When we docked the Arab. band played ' Hail, Hail, the Gangs all Here. This is one song I never like to hear, because it makes me think of four pals of mine, who were part of the gang and are not here now, and I think they ought to think a little on this and leave it out, in respect to those of the "gang that are absent. I But any way they also played Home Sweet Home and a few others. Then the Red Cross, Y.M.C.A., K. of C. and the Salvation Army came aboard and passed out gum, cigarettes and candy. A t n pie-ma- l The Helper Boy ScdiitS People of Helper will be given an opportunity to further the Boy Scout work by giving generously to the camp fund, which will be raised between March 15 and 22. This money will be used to buy tents, and camp supplies. The troop is planning on a ten day hike for this summer and several over night hikes. Chicago, 111., has set a goal for 100,-00- 0 dollars for the scout program for the summer. Salt Lake is raising $6000 to pay the expense of a scout executive. What is Helper going to do to help the boys? Helper has gone over the top in everything and the boys feel satisfied that it will support them this time. E. A. Green-halg- h and Julius Sheppard and the scoutmaster will be happy to accept you contributions. Both scouts and eubs Will share the benefits of this fund. T he court of honor will meet Friday night and consider the applications for merit badges which several Scouts have made. The troop thanks Mrs. Landrith for her latest contribution to the scout treasury. A pleasant evening was enjoyed by the members of the evening Bridge club when they met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blumberg Tuesday. The usual five tables were played, prizes going to Mrs. L. Thompson and Mr. Smyth. A dainty two course luncheon was served sold me an apple pic for two-bit- s Amongst Ourselves that would have cost 150 francs by the hostess. The next meetin Bordeaux, the. first piece of ing will be held at the home of We hike around the country and learn just what t db. J. pie in nine ' months. . I almost Mr. and Mrs." W.' S. Avery. Bottino is some interpeter. Ask hated to eat it The next morning The jolly Bridgers met with the G. D. and he will tell you all We ate our last meal on the good Green-ee-- s. ship Siboney. We had cornflakes Mrs. Lester Cook yesterday about the fight down at We all wonder What makes Mrs. E. A. Patand scrambled eggs, two things afternoon. Jimmie so good Idoking. Oh, we which I thought had disappeared rick carried off the point prize from earth, and we had coffee and Mrs. Avery the j honor. just think hes the grandest man with cream and sugar. This may After a dainty luncheon, the club and he is so good to us. Garcon, not sound like much to be en- adjourned to meet with Mrs. Gareon. thusiastic over, but I cant help Patrick next Thursday. Helper Cub Scouts it I also bought four big red apThe Cubs will drill with the enclub was The in worms em without Embroidery ples any Scouts Friday, and We are for 25 cents. In France little yel- tertained last week at the home sure they will enjoy it. Cub low wormy ones cost a ' franc a of Mrs. I. K. Good. Yesterday Alex Allison ordered Some supthrow. Well, Ill draw this to a afternoon the club met with plies this week. close. I can write often now Mrs. Earl Wilcox. J. G. Moore, S. M. that I am where they know how to pack mail on something beMrs. Dyer has received a letsides a bicycle. I have a fine ter from her son Lloyd Dyer, Helper Union Sunday School Services every Sunday at 10 a. bed in a steam heated room, stating that he has been made m. Come and bring a friend. with electric lights, green blinds, a Sergeant. He is with the 80th table and chairs and pictures on divisian now stationed at Anly Everybody welcome. the wall. Im enclosing a picture La France. J. G. Moore, Supt. of the Siboney, I consider it the best boat that sails because she brought me home. Va-eazz- a. ' . The City of Price voted almost unanimous last Saturday in favor of bonding the city for $170,000 to bring pure water The vote down 'from Colton. stood 221 for the bonds and only 11 opposed. It is expected to have the work completed by September. Rates- of postage and postal cards are to be reduced to the - prewar schedule beginning July 1st. The rate after July 1st will be 2 cents an ounce, or fraction s matter, thereof, for and postal cards will go to the former rate of 1 cent first-clas- The Junior Y. M. C. A. basket ball team defeated the Junion high school team of Price at the local Gym last Saturday night by a score of 25 to 14. t W. J. Gordon is on the sick list. There Is No Recorded Instance Of loss by fire of the contents of a modern safe deposit vault Even in case of a conflagration, you can rest assured that your records, bonds, contracts deeds, leases, insurance policy etc., in the vault of the Helper State Bank will be safe and intact We have installed some new and up-to-da- te Safety Deposit Boxes and you are invited to call and inspect what perfect protection you can have here at little cost Helper State Bank |