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Show v J JAMES MAIR, buyer of trimmings, lace and women's neckwear for Walker's store, has returned from a purchasing trip to. New Tork. COL. I. A. BKNTOX of the Rio Grande railroad has returned from Honolulu, with Mrs. Uenton. They met several Salt Lakers during th:ir brief stay in the islands. isl-ands. D. E. ALLEN of Nebraska City, Neb.. Is visiting his daughter. Mrs. Andrew Maccuaig. He has been spending the winter In California. Mr. Allen, although 75 vears of age. t as active and enersetie as "most men of SO. and Is a living refutation refuta-tion of Dr. Ostler s theory that all men should be chloroformed when they reach the age of Go. ALF. CHRISTENS EX. formerly of Moroni, Mo-roni, but now of (Slav's Lake. Ida., Is In the city visiting his father. J. M. Chris-tenen, Chris-tenen, who will leave In a short time for Europe. Alf Christeiisen was nt one time a member of the Legislature, representing his county In the House. PAT.'L HAMMER of the Grand theater has a nine-pound daughter at his house. |