Show i DEATH OF A PIONEER LADY nis MISE catherine Cummi cummings jigs one of ills earliest of taliB TJ settlers mrs ine wife ire of f B F 1 Cumming tP sr re of the maid vi 1111 passed bausy a ay shortly afi c it Ca flock inet evening ov enins after an illness of several cc bronchial bronch tal balne the caume cans of 0 death Decetis cal IWAS waa aged float ly 93 years and raine chine to attah uhan ii ft i hii hlll I she lem caba es an all agel husband ani an irl I four children n thai latter inin r use jl I 1 jr if the des piet fact nees pint horrice cumming oc nor the itah university irs C I 1 angell A of f tills this illy city and gcorge cu 1 un mii ma r rold oil deveir defeated ed avas widely ION khoii n in n ahli cita pud end other oilier partia of utah and ell c J the hie I 1 eliest and esteem of if at ai large I 1 arel of if relatives ind and mottro of lite funeral vill all liu be aten hereafter |