Show celebrated THE DAY W washington ashington exercises at the university enthusiasm OF STUDENTS juniors act its As hosts find and they havo have SL a lively crowd of guests first year students the cause ot of a wild I 1 cuss class rush pandemonium pio pie ducca deuced by class yells and other vocal exercises lost last for an 11 hour our judge powers Dell deloveis veis tile the oia tion of the occasion 1 a strong I 1 a and ad file in its ila e I 1 donces if loyalty loyally to lo cuti anil and reo rafn pro nce lice tor for lie ilie memory ot of anti ami II 11 successful in if the and dilall u of ito Us Is WET was he junior class clana cle ccle brillon val at the lie T Y yc esterday murnane the sit an gallery of oc tile main building wits was live place or oc meeting and an l this for the was at lately olo I 1 pointel poi atel ft alli tin fill relational national colors fo litra graceful Orace ful fes festoons of 0 the red real nizile and iata blue hasting froin the libian dellers and about ut it but bunt oc it ut at tile iho head or of the reprint was draped dialled a largo large at neriman aliff land and ile hc doceu the falda of abai iv ilag fl iff from the homal bilow bi low peeped tin tile outlines of two tuo kill tut dimin ff on the one side bide that of a rude rud lot log it tile other cather that of tile the university of jollity B bv ceeil the woo in it mono monog Kinni intal forni fonn uele tile neuron figures of lie ile c lass class under v home fau alres the ta flora hii given and lending a TI asing effect to all the plat ilat corol and the iho piano woe pretty groups of oc puffed polled plants and ballins OF till CLASSIC to tills gooon rouiti raly be decked H elds anti varsity lulia and most of them bubbling buhl urn over mith ith enghu labru camp cain ID fit ciquia at the th ip pAinted hour I 1 the barlous var lius lous clashes of the university first I arst the small in numbers hut bait large ire 1 dignity tho ir glove wan looks and ise suggesting bus bug gestine gesting that they hae hac acquit ed about all the science their atma alma trotter mater can bestow then the juniors jun lora not juita auit so sea noi luiis josef hut but u jib an ate air of superiority duo due probably to the ini importance PAr tance they felt fell in their new rolo rolof abnot anti and tile tho too of the polish they are get gettiner iv look comfortable too proud of that polish to join in the central gan ral clamor and the ell I 1 freshmen manufacturing aliha yells on tile the spot tind tend panr gloo ing them nith all thi the vigor of their lutty lusty lu tty lungs following I thi lh thise se the ni nirta and pr arf ory students normal PS aliat if ia to with m I 1 their taunting lass yell ritter ritter ritter ritter rate dont 3 oil wish ish 3 sou ou wet e a member of the class cla or of pa ls then 99 on the opposite side aide of at the th room trying ainaly to make as much noise n oise as their younger youner I 1 lun mat the 11 ni inhar of naughty naught hs ofru shouting falth bluth if nole it in a ri was ill leader of oc tile led malito hh tend and blue V we c are tile lenders leaders or tieu alir of 17 11 and till ui lat of all dhoot bashful buti ful foryt yar prel preparatory artory and normal student hold only from froen thial force of field and their t h air poy ton s liton cipar ihl be doi do i never it before r ore re bably h hn ilia th wt H gallery Kall ry mit lt ii vouch in an of coil ge th the nai 0 of I 1 lutia remnants p reu nants I 1 the waving of toll aa la kind and of arms ahe 11 le i surging through of excited students laadt a re teclo that was entin neing i ahe of dais claim the action acom PT lyIng din of friendly hibnes ahls ses I 1 the he nen gon elul eihl sit and lusty for alma anater madoe a noite noe that wits waa WILD CLASS RUSH in tile HIP midst of it all tile liest year students by the cacophony I 1 of round fainted their proxy upon tho the shoulders of luca lo 10 of their fellows ind and with tapir coli Irs green on the lh red and of the at vol ltv tv aing over the head stared star td with ahn tin through the 1 laff ng I 1 room no in to the front in a moment the spirit or of caught the ibe second year yar students send and a half doen tit of thim thi m rushing fo iward attempted to dethrone the th proxy of fit the broat year students hiudt nta and take their colori A n of thi old lass HAI on oil lit in a maim tit nt Class reora pushed fin avaral from rom both slach hill lite youngsters defek ding themselves to llila cortier A herft pandemonium reigned for really fully tire HI hour before mr pon ponca ter pr arvyl e a I 1 dealt rr or th ilia juniors called the stud 4 ell ii order to lo explain that through A alk an am to ahk time hine judco 3 I 1 so weta niels late hill halt that ile in would bo be pi besent 5 soon onn in fit tile the meantime lie in ili tr trod lit in turn lurn Sti slew omart art and who briefly of oc tile valo of keeping k ealine the lh memory of the th past and of tile th kind of needed at the prole vir nr ehni mis alis kate kale n R An andi demain i bon rendered mith ith feeling tile tho A 1 oin I mv nathn land hv kolepp sui valid and kavo gave foil an encore Alel ittis waltz sonk OP OF juan rodj ais aben judge 11 botters nr arrived arrive and was wan re rc elvod odith round after afler roond or ff it solve applause his him oi P tit caration oi un on the day and ila HH significance aias as broken into tillie lime mid allot time again aaen by judge took for of ills his text but tile ih look 1 ii I modi ulder lunge iange anti and many of if inocent to ill thu rising ki gi mere consid trell Comin voting nuni upon the occa slun still tile 1 of the day jud juck go 1 paid that each exan isas hii tand d l neld to bekin 1 I the tires fires of in ile bittas tn tit if tie th lie blaile mas ak KI owing bibri ater und beconi hig with velh tho ears eark and his fame fam vas ai like a grand arand toward louard which all bunian eyes vir olp lui nad Wits hington told been ailed ld the th typical i eal anni Anoil loan even but lie h ailed hini tin ilia laal american he then ili ahr ii hya to his him countey doI despite pitas lily ills cack laak of at faily ally polo elation tit loit still and in tile tho same fame connect connection inn paid I 1 a tribute to ills his mother judge louera ol at thin time cattle down clown to lo the mid kind discussed alth hah flop pherol has alth 10 0 deal van of new york hp maid has more mor to name than then wi wc se ic even in wel baah sh tn profile anny almy v mille lilar greater new york ivan hay i a larger that ihan lead had the thil teco nolon lc Refo retice vlas vas next made mad to the wonderful Too pi gresta that has half been beef idaile in the sets ait and in eil tive since it time me until now flow tl abe heart beart heartbeats beats of nf till ih al tie cantio wet e cati can a led on tile the wil williat lizt of I 1 tho lie litz to tho c catis it I 1 of tile I 1 c Amol abilean Am ilean leall character chur char acler judge powell bald that american 4 were ware a law geovil who to believed in the lot or oc ill thu majority maj orlly theli mot motto to wilm wa tile t he motto of if dael crockett be sure mire you are right and then RO go ahfeld till MAINK n with reference to I 1 tho the cuban nuell gllnn thin anti the lite Into iest malch cli Antell fant take tahe in ili their alln lr struggle the hie speaker delaind delai etc ed chest the of fit tills countley hould lend them a helair ig hand spain ila hart elit hated anything american wi luni d uner under 1 those conditions tile great bat lp maine lind head been beell be blown to raid of 0 lives hi us move I 1 I 1 klesel tho the occurrence had filed shocked tit lh vh hh lo world hut but Amerle tans were roll henap iva five and hall xi it spa in I 1 iho lie it of the ahil hill avol all a cal it at impat apall he H hiew low ever that ir if nn ilia in es 11 gatrall liloon allt od t hat ganv enand apar lo in too 1 the ha t tiuis u ae iff he horld would boon 1 labit a R that thal this country 0 o 1 haf I a f gal pel at as we well as aa tt domestic 1 dollci opi 1 1 applause Ap plaue 1 I walli fill I 1 ain it 11 to 1 I plau I 1 pollyl poll 1111 IIII ll judae flowers said all that thai a para tIman ian had binl loii ld ii unit that thai lie he did not hesitate to I 1 I 1 them in it in free 1 like 1 k c this if HM 91 tation of lit public 1 I tic aloni tift mol M ol a us troth ourele 1 lia to atle lion hoop rn banit IT 1 ule II 11 darkness still tiu he thought it a havva a all tir be As to illace lie thought that hint rn lill I 1 tn it ornta into wave wu am ah good HS a ica tation ln fit crops and that ihal of clel 11 a amlie raabe was ly a humborg lie de auld could nil t lian have a alt as 08 ike lotto s in an i ann judge powel POV deprat tile to in m jnnny other than llian boains atilt and the danat r chati that r c N u its from roin trusts and tc he a 10 ts ahe ali lie cadt unit west and me II 11 fall f 1 flat tile I 1 IH to lo a certain extent divided judge I timing tern ternaries ipina aries rk wern werft beautiful in fit the extreme haiti anil ihal flint they hy were appreciated vas abundantly P 1 I hy by tile applit appl Hump n hl hi li 11 err acted d him wheat lie in had finished after the ovation mr fr albert tres prelim M thi the awleen to will a sublime on ri the tello ot of so sf aberts the serenade mr fr press arcis was a rei ni recalled called again to charin barin lila its lavar cir giving allec WIMP art thou NO FRENCH IN SALISBURY SO ADVISED BY OFFICIALS I 1 information oil comes through gh tile the british Embi at telegram read bead in fit the house of lords I 1 london fell feb 22 the Mair marqula fuls of 0 1 oil in the of if loads today loday said my aly lords refer plains t the he adjournment Journ ment perhaps i it would be convenient veril rat that thai I 1 should read a telegram from sir if monson tile british at iaria aih ih reference to mutters matters anchich hoove excited some nt t tn antin tin tile th folloN follows jil A 1 1 placed in III tho the hands uc C yr mr hano title the fience I minister MI nistor r fair at afeei arian ave nn als soon as I 1 a 1 obtain an interview ter view a note to attention to ili alts report of a french advance into lokoto 1 I loaid that if lite report as ecrert thi the ant most hf br regarded as ag ur of it a very serious character eba racer A M hano hall I 1 ic that ill hp hall hal no kcomt knowledge edge of any uh tooth still and that if anything of the tb kind had occurred it must have bon been done not only without the orders ot of too me dienelt governments but against their jhc thc lr all anti aarl instruct gions at an they ila had no to Ino etre to approach lie ile said he be did tit not bf ba lieve the th n was liver and lie has ance tool to me ino the assur once that choie ale no alro pov in that region the reading of the 1 nas its bolth lih cheers samuel smith alberni member for Flint shop moved that in view of oc tile the condition of the indian pehrle theli ihy bihy dushl 0 lit not noi to share in fit this lh expenditure of operations beyond ater th frontier lie ile fauld u lit that in fear of a russian inva invasion bieh might never nc ver come the I 1 he andon indian an 1911 the rc sources or of the indian people and call buus re later hatred to british rule rul sor air hnry henry fowler Foi vrr Secie tary of salte to for r india lit the laba liberal cabinet and id other liberals and n I 1 4 ill pup P 11 tell the tie motion sir henry I 1 seymour u king conservative urged that a gold to lencY bould increase the hie pro of the indian lard hamilton secretary of stale for foi india denied that these theio I 1 had let of been operations beyond the indian a diverts lie he sald bald tho ret nt had 0 fredred a plant giant if tile the indian govern nien t boere ere in or should get into floun jal but the th latter replied that it was bould be at a duplus at ai iha oid mj of lahout any 1 additional adl nal taxation mt mr smiths mutton motion was AAA rejected reacted by abote a ota of ass to 96 H anarchists AT WORK bombs exploded in it 0 residence lu in montpelier france Mon treller lor france peb feb 22 A homb becs fis exploded today at the residence of A am M Menoil ne a former tit 0 oc f the chamber ot of commerce serious daill rl unac aize was as dolp but there vas no los loa lo a or 0 life the police have ilni liar honigs in the iff vicinity of oc lilt hnz 1 quarto eis of the stiff rt aff tin at the railway have haste been here tor for some days past gladstone goes to bournemouth Bourne mouth london fab 22 2 mr and mrs have crone cone to Bourne bournemouth mouth on their may to 0 o thi station thy they drove to marlborough Marl borouch house hou and in aci t cill their 1 r names nii mis in tin the visitor all tors honk bonk chub returning tho visit of 0 yes laday or 0 ilia prin and of 1 THE MARKETS I 1 live stock CHICA fel 22 ilia 1 ho greater pirt of C ill cuttle off eased all at ai 5 with the iho poto pool st si sit q I 1 ou fate mockers ao abil 1 eted n m 33 i I 1 0 llulia ait oit i ight sio took k I 1 dr uv ile tt ff 31 jo e cattle I 1 lie gllnn in H I 1 v I 1 tt 8 ki 17 7 I 1 i flogl the market mus 1 calls low ansi id at nn an mn ranc of 3 aft AM lite I 1 lie gi livator vator pait klaff coln for M iffa u lio and fig rah of larg liral l at al 1011 rii I 1 ale their bavis a go t d I 1 a fhiry ulo narl lar barnise nise aj 0 on the ile los ahloo all of er V 1 I 1 1 ith 1 ca roar fur 1 lu aile rhuble PA lil l il western rn site flipi sli Pi 1 1 la 4 10 loa xv liou toll kinor for vt w field it diw W i tau iu 1 a afi 11 uhl ill HIP ILI HI H 4 ff effi for coni it rl shot choin it let lots ah binl I 1 falin jamial S i A 1 1 will ado lal noted R elpas battle Ci illk ai 50 hugs hog aw sheep m nicy KANSAS CITY K mu to I 1 ell cl at fittl ri Hll n ot cults 1 thio I NN e aloo i oi 11 fad II Ire adoo P ta R I 1 ill lo 10 M J guiller h s1 effit ift o b boniv ia 0 t 1 t q vt tras I 1 ll 11 m I 1 allum lu kalli arx sa 1 H 4 f 0 4 a native still K ali 14 ork tk rrt need vo V o csc hulin holls 2401 hl il i v il abilo nh hiis ni feet is as st wd I 1 rk ats A I 1 iral VO bolk 1 no hal jos 11 viva rt 1 I lii anu iff S 17 1 lu pk pak tal 3 07 I 1 oil mixed ersan fl feht m yorkers vaz 1 W 1 ft S I 7 aln yu I 1 air el bletl ailie etl 3 1 ird 1 I 25 ur or med vinculum ton to flair all lorti ial to iod loed lun tun ganibi attl oT Tl nl SJ d i 10 OMAHA enotha fel in dattlo 1 V sindy bea at thiera rea 3 7 1 willem Vs lern atecia texas botters ynO IC cows and helf ii if awu i 41 4 1 I 1 lockers aoi fe derfl hla in y V WH TO 70 LO OmoTO bulls build anil and an at hunt decqui Rec quI colket nun ret ili irto lower SSi fl ej fl tv 1385 lilot ift 3 M bulk of sales W slimp alki je market weak rate t in choir cl emol li lost ivea ft watt YA TO 0 o We ilmi sa K 41 A 0 1 o valid 11 ltd ji all it ifa L M limb jtb S I 1 1 i 41 n wool market review II 11 bonlon a I 1 s alb ta I 1 woo voil I 1 ke ki ii isor aul t lilt lails aik oik 11 jib ith lelce pi ire a irdill Iri irell ill alfiler Austri diall wool im ilia lit in any eleves und anti IQ y not to irate to aft lu ni in ahr pi it aft i bijil taj iri rl t tory cory wools to ro bovio z MW olo 1 ly 1 hui bill fult fit it 1 I ore 01 ol aiu wili wil I fill pr arl Is K as 1 anh II cr r I 1 hiu doc no llou devid aid line Il lols ichird ico ird ti 1 I 1 wilc cattle onhA PIC ete llin line ita 1 and fill ano coned iro oc imd atol stapi y ij c A aioo as III fill icona d busho nu all II 11 ini llin totsc 1 iam colu blog merabe AM I 1 ail PO 00 TO I 1 and visa bregon ur ann hort I 1 it ln ani y ath ifal fruit at axi p no in lend special ing ine after the th |