Show a 1 4 I 1 I 1 WEDDED rl AT THE FORT 4 J 1 I 1 pretty afternoon ceremony in N N I 1 the post chapel 11 1 0 04 I 1 VIOLET GIRARD THE BRIDE I 1 61 limit kerwin of the twenty fourth infantry the groom they have gone cone to new york tork daughters of V reval Kt lution enjoy a washington agta IL tea at t mrs E I 1 thorns and luncheon tit at miss hiss youngs elaborate t i afternoon After loon events patriotic ra parties and a large ball J A acty pretty reddi tax took Z 1 faw 1 in the post chapel at rort fort dous doug IM 13 the bride we miss i to violet S girard ot of ila mal A j C girard surgeon Surf feon united states army I h I 1 3 r ak a R 1 I 1 4 i it 11 0 C 1 11 I 1 1 t r I 1 I 1 wl I 1 N s it I 1 iz I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 t 1 0 alk I 1 IC I 1 bif I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 F I 1 it jarv V jh 1 I 1 IV fa 1 1 1 I 1 11 1 I 1 1 9 F 1 aa I 1 1 1 i it N ir V k N 41 1 lipf F I 1 A 1 a 1 im I 1 the groom broom was iteal arthur H R kerwin ot ear the tn boty fourth united states A A infantry the ceremony was a a private I 1 ill tho rev Ke keeflin ellin of oc this rity city officiating but the brother sa of the lh gra groom still anil the th ladles of 0 tho gar 6 risen with several mends friends from the city present it was 5 cc lock aben jk the bridal par party t ar entered the chapel and 0 trott eded to the ch chancel aracel the stand bt be ali inc rell relieved eved with oil cut flowers and tho the lie ana r r well wall covered by the regimental id I 1 colon surmounted by ern smaller allear united jl states flags la the bride ia 18 1 attended ty by alliss ail may alay kent tta as bridesmaid arid and 11 the groonis gro onia best man waa inas jelin a A gurney the th fib young officers ap ilak P a Il if in E civilian ivil ian garb earb io th tha brilli rill locked unusually handsome in hi a stylish french kray gray goine imay I 1 evv 90 n made mad n ith violet color ed facings acl gs bill she altre a large gray eray list with arr drooping pop jj f lumes arid and carried a huge he bouquet of I 1 lo lets 9 may ilai kent wore a dainty gown 0 of I 1 blue silk ellk with malihe ChIff chiffon ork trim InI tags she note a large laico black hat I 1 and carried rink pink and life roses q U stat ut ond and sira kerwin have kune g ne to new york and other eastern cities to i he bo iway away probably a month and on A their return they lill m be at hoine hoina to friends at their home at fort douglas Dous laa thy they have ionic been A amoc its most moal popular re residents OR the th members ra or of tire the spirit of 0 alb A orty my chapter chart ert u of 0 the amerl ameri ron coll fittingly commemorated r birth after lit in honor boner or of that thai event they had ini to inert t v lilt lih them nil all the ladies laillia I 1 in 9 the city knon known al to bo be ellErt blo to be ame members or of the society thoo ahr re netlon fill tion ma h b id at the home or nt mrs admi L n e lea lii liapi hapl r rea ant the door oc r t UK ila pretty colne holne m as opened by naster matr cairlon a le len i it ill ased as a page lit at colonial birnes he presented euli eu li kuatt alth a tiny liny ansel button bearlie bearing th um ted tila keates tet liar ne interior 0 the lilune ak atas beautifully t aith alth augi and bi bunting inting ltd led and nalto mid final fatally rile nic lit in 00 lh hos liall hall vi as baveri I 1 velh fill a it barce flola nr under neath the Y alii id a babilt tab with MO ills the th by W nam A rs I 1 irtes 11 asi oMed by bv Med atnes C 0 I 1 allen alien tello alsher II Il lier sher the mine for the iha was waa opened oi bied with a Ila alno olo by akrit this 1 rol by violin and duct by 1 11 mm Andera Anders still mrs mr genabell Geni Gen inell amell an I 1 bay y on oil was read by allys monroe ire hamilton wis sang tire tin star siar spangled ila Itan iler nr the entile e company v nim it if hw her in th if cherim tho the guests biest in ore then invited into the din ill hiie room which va L lighted mth red lit if ito and blue blua candles can illos A large flag na covered ont of 0 the room old con sinking elf 0 durb nuts an and aldr rl hickory nut mil id arill butter ail and d tea ta anere ere served MM wallac farAl pr ded at tire the teel tea earn ui n bill ln has a flista A tn in ec c rv lne ing fly by misses 1 craford Cr amord alta A anderso An rader derHo moin and ira I 1 milli those thosa pre ant were II 11 mrs m eugene lewitt 1 mra E sells 1 MIB L I 1 1 dilall air J F r allon alar n ilni C 1 n allen alien mal frostier flat mra m me 11 mra JI tor M ifred waher arr 11 Chi 1 atz madair NJ aam G Y wai billal call filings INI adame jada alilis Alls cast alon 1 l hm and lowe who ato lateral of 0 tho the alao t 0 d ia 6 bilan in zaire J it zai annc ge ir JF n V it e r jan e n A fit 1119 g ila hamilton TJ horace al 1 I ill walkee donov wyant Davi aler r MO prock le D u cum mt chlow wt klancy r V dwyke A brown plain lon guyt sherman woodward WOOd ivard 01 bm J babe worth t orth mria I 1 1 ic bradley y alora morban at piper r S ya ent russell rul loa col woodruff eo eky pen os pollock 1 alls en S ad nil alea coee if cage ai rs st n rao it winnin AudeT anderaon An derbon bOn rv coltus wallaw wallace sher ch ji I 1 11 ar it alv s J ora ara I 1 I 1 a r nu thile iti a limit hobart art kimball I 1 M 3 tsa ticlay alluvial All vial la larnce va rn r n gilmer wood jbf 0 wm irden stoart t flog provo firden ii 39 p V alak ahw pat it alty 0 r 1 w l 9 alid ass mss ale lc W 0 v odal ill I 1 kail rat bew front 0 tf I 1 11 tisa C it L 1 IT 0 ward of tit hi 1 I nah 2 d I 1 ill off und as a K E 04 by install 1 old ilent frienda ito hw hai e 1 ain l fl lt I 1 daty tat ai the me T capol ekpo expo elora and now goes goc to omada to cepro sent the army at t the f it ex position exposition S 6 r e MI invitations ave ivero areces edd during ur t tho if e past it too to re a lieu party 9 eian I 1 ve by mrs airs 1 I M 1 I coates coalts last lasi evening at bole barracks N mra I 1 rs burk anti anil the mb ses burk loave leave for falls oil monday 1 v hero they m hlll III reside for tile tho future A most enjoyable luni hoon as given by ali ailsa jasmine young to i ait twenty 1 lluc of hr her young if fi lends l nd the d tell 0 kiino variety or of pink land and 1 hire roses tand carnations carnat loni the menu vas long an all elaborate one ah life bieh found their places by liard hard m acad hatchets tied mith ith blue arid and bitta r rib i b bons and aal th ill name of oc th ill guest ost u r 1 ten on rho clr handle the forming fori LL a pretty ot of the day mra E n I 1 thotis theiu and the thorn entertained their friends yesterday at a reception froth from 2 to tat 6 p ni for afie tin house nat 1 velh th cut still illma with fill tho the stora tand St sarles rles occupying occupy ny u prominent tit aacen the hostesses ere cre ed 01 in tile dining by bv elins mss MIT ain MIT 1114 c 11 II post alra 1 II 11 J glend fining alio blasses clai k khelman liei maji alss colton anti and alls all s burk golater J atar in tho the afternoon tile tho well men came in find and cal 10 joyed it a tva ta alth ilia tho the hostesses hosty sacs and rid their th tr other ucal uc bl I 1 at chris last it evening n washington ball was by 2 glissen blasses s ruby kuby Clax clason sain bannah Ifor morris ils ruby ai aa N OP I 1 1 r 11 I 1 t 11 a 11 11 i I 1 ai 1 I 1 I 1 4 1 I I 1 pike enid moffat julia hayes lau laura sanders rebeckah dh morris eatherl al culmer and claire clawson it was for tile the belie fit of the free public library find proved to those present to be one of at tho the most moat informally enjoyable dances of tho the lucason among those present were nvere seen n mr and mrs mr buan holz mrs mra W Y IV V attar mr and mrs S 1 I Cl cason amson A a D loffay lof fat the miss morria the rowe the misses clawson misses mck alar miss I 1 Cu larner clr mita s sand sandrs sanders rs miss ailara MI alsa is licar tut ilay haya miss illais holics 9 alaia 1 bewey e wy elbek al 14 scare ear miss follette ruota miss tompkins 1 miss I its pik pike illse liggan miss keoler keeler 21 miss ass f cratl ir pat jeremy Mc ri din n m io oily lambert I 1 hai T 1 st ly y miller short waterman riter n daynes mon la Is steward Pt eward pe 11 hoper loper ferris youir kimball Klin ball groo camion arear bok bok raw kit alcira mirihm cobb allen abon Kuo carraci ramp bell 0 lard Buch hui 0 ot ogden chamberlain and sidney I 1 morrill mr andales andAl and mrs rs W V rice left for cal ifor nii nir mr and mrs mra J U j calne alne left for new york yesterday mrs C 11 II Ilc mcmahon mahon entertained lal evening ul at ii a enjoyable enjo yaMo ash lri lZ ton card party 6 0 0 mra 11 II P Il linderson rave gave another pleas tit card caid party at her home last arat evening 0 a am of tile th moel latest successful events ants ot of ohp th washington yesterday aday was ann tile col colonial billal Tw reception eption given last t n ight under thu the auspices of the iho ladles I 1 if the th Y al V A the lec tuie rule hall full of tile alic in waa ans raquell t too call nall to those alho v ho to tit hear that it and aid lie allies latak a had all their ohp ir blands full in ili servi later int the martha washington tea lea after URNs tile the mero mere deed decd calate lih fill luid isaid of 0 ovelar ovic i far ens iia land ami autumn mrs mr 1 1 if l twomey presided dd und enid she VHS moto allitt Al by the fallk NN ing ladies in ecale colu ilia damM olesa olefa hudson Hudt tori Illig hes 11 II 0 Ti hleap Al Mui urphy Thy basca mid and juul trough tin the folio loi ing pro gramme was inin an li 11 enjoyed vicia ankud nd t carill duet brors fall ball and alsalm vant al mia itura john reel sentor the euord of ft aun kir ker ki r john 1 r 76 feakIn vocal solo nolo mrs mra ir dr Illar plummer ramer cr brecita tion john 1 I mc akini neno from frani T thu lie birdso christmas valna pupils if 1 camilton school chood under direction vt cit N alna 1 his i 1 the Carn carnial cahhal lal of oc pleasure k laened in the second ward hall sealer day afternoon th ahr carnival of 0 pleas alc plc is ur is t but another name nam tor for IL vc very ry chih the p aco ale tit of the th second viard davff martial cd and judging flom lt first altena it will mill result oin een dinoro loftly all ity I 1 litin its lt ut at llast dare dared d I 1 to a hape for in other words worda the iho caratat t all a tit of pl uuie Is I 1 a ill a a II cal and eura cuno holl hall hah h nn nix industrial abbani ll lauon uon t in 1 for tr kot knold me leaffe affe the hull hall ta c ellif rol U upstairs laid ind many curk urt ull u ure are ur d sir in clues umee for the Insi inspection lot of the toli luor tair all hake batten c I 1 uewl by arai dents of 0 ih the ai tito tho to lower w er rooms are ar devoted t to booths and 1 h calliea la the boo booths abs tbs attic arr by side om r by rk a number of pretty youner lydles find and any aha n can be p pur air chur chosid d fl a car cup 11 0 C coffee ollre to ca J important ra or to ant hou household sebold kooda goods th the 1 1 L rl cI are arc participated in by t the if v an peo lica plo file tit 0 the llie ward mard and are arc ext renat I 1 IY meritorious the queen of the carnival la Is af arn irs james ya miwon v m ho nils the role matli ij beco becoming ing all dignity lift said and r crace rue her all milda ids of honor belua being urs mrs J 1 1 and biais minnie hardy the paces are tr liddle and zel zetril two lit little tle ladies n hose be bibau ty ly adds an arditi lonal charm to lo I 1 the 0 scene yesterday afternoons entertainment con vt a number of 0 tableaux rell ti i ii ft ll 11 ou in ea den denti is if in the life hie 0 f sen a s bl g t 0 n and a ra d the evening olev aises m ere as ful lows sont song IM mr r ashi Ashor orth lh 1 digil and dance twelve younk ladies emotional drill drift wath ilia facing thos ash oath tin bev seven e young ladles ladiew solo by mrs mra ewe g ham hain the attendance atten dince at al last s eat elges was air alost to large for fair co corn ill ant art but noti I 1 the adin had a good timp tins the let aar livai mill until tomorrow 1 even evou ing luff is ft A most washington enter was 91 ale ell by the lits of 0 af all allowa ll collene college yeter liy after acter norin atonal lit jn the 1 ho a aselli bly hall the inuss nl 1 lint haij literary entertainment ai aich included a lover clever minstrel allow was ell el rendered to an air appreciative audience 1 the Uter sary delely of suit salt lake jake col lego gave un an Wasta ington arid and lincola entertainment in the collego hh hall to an attentive aud audience lenee lat evening the members chent selves very well in ID the pro gramme K rain me rev W S Ilav akes alio value of if iia adray V arthur antrell lio irell Kt tt that private alria ot of walh wal ah h theo an r afi tittle I 1 a allen alien kORS emo pell voll kil rt stoat aji tho youthful airo josal Iaia aia sketch y ketch of lincoln a LIW 13 maudlin g lovo love l ritma mahl zerba music no rort ml fifty jv jav tl tho 10 gelmuda Loit a nuda ii fj oia OI 1 11 p webb abb reading s i thinh m lulu itt beseta meseta loii lit aiss id idi lt 14 Buhrl nir laid and mr i J air I 1 bere ere installed past list pi cuing the ceremony ia li by bv the rev hev y F L 1 arnold at oclo cit at the hains of 0 the brides bride father mr henry Bula rinar of south fourth lon tU West et street the arts alsa may nicy partial and tile the ei bionia onia b best esk man mp air F M 1 I brown brom n tle ro dottl were tastefully decorated tit I rink ink an and d creen andl and a charming appearance peara pe n cc the bride bilde wore a dainty gom af a of 0 m veto hire mou morselino selino do de hoie and 7 I 1 11 it 1 i 41 I 1 k st I 1 I 1 I 1 f Z i aa I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 t e I 1 S I 1 Z i 1 I 1 it lp 11 1 1 J I 1 ai ia 71 0 X I 1 3 f iea r I 1 1 ui 11 P 1 V I 1 Q 4 t ft j i r I 1 I 1 I 1 A I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 i I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 40 G aa Z V t it i em P ili the bridesmaid ats as boned ira in gallite cagan 01 frandle dc the bride arld Is a prominent member of the illin church and also a member of oc the lodge and Is well known and pr popular pr pular aular amona a iaru circle of friends tile the groom la 18 a young businow busl bus liams now man or of this city they h be at hame after march idith at 61 north second west street filiere they have iaac fitted up a handsome home |